Transcript Document

Statutory Public Meeting
Application for a Zoning By-law
Branthaven Fairview Inc.
2072 - 2102 Ghent Avenue
(8 properties – 1.19 hectares)
Purpose of Rezoning Application:
 To permit 58 townhouses on 8 properties
that have been assembled on the south side
of Ghent Avenue
30 standard townhouses around the
perimeter of the site (2 storeys)
28 back to back townhouses in the
centre of the site (3 storeys)
Properties Under Application
Official Plan – Schedule B
Official Plan Designation:
Residential – Medium Density
 Permits ground or non-ground oriented
dwelling units with a density between 26–50
units per net hectare
 Building forms permitted include detached,
semi-detached, townhouses, street townhouses,
stacked townhouses, back to back townhouses,
attached housing and walk-up apartments
Zoning By-law 2020
Existing Zoning – RM1, H-RM1 & RM4
 RM1 permits detached, semi-detached,
duplex and triplex dwellings up to 2 ½
 RM1 also permits retirement homes up to
4 storeys
 RM4 permits detached and semidetached dwellings up to 2 ½ storeys
 Application proposes rezoning to a
medium density zone that will permit
townhouses (RM2 or RM3) and
amendments to some townhouse
Applicant’s concept plan
Dec 3, 2012 - Statutory Public Meeting
Information Report PB-73-12
 Recommendation: To receive the public
comments attached as Appendix I
A future report with a recommendation on
the rezoning application is anticipated in
Winter 2013.