Transcript Document

One of the weirdest festivals of
all time - El Colacho in Spain. On
this occasion grown men are
jumping over the new born
babies. Yes, very carefully.
mothers do not seem to protest…
They do it to get rid of any
unknown evil spirits that might
hide in these babies:
• If you happen to be in India during Holi,
the festival of color, you also might want
to avoid wearing your best suit . As part
of the celebration, a brightly dyed
powder called ‘’abir’’ is merrily thrown
everywhere …
and especially at each other.
Holi is celebrated at the end of the
winter season on the last full moon
day (March).
• What's fun about La Tomatina at Buñol
isn't just the hurled tomatoes but that
the town, which normally has a
population around 10,000, swells to
closer to 60,000
as folks from all around the world
over come to throw …
and get thrown… at this.
Air Balloons Festival in Chambley,