Freyburg Jahn-, Wine- and ChampagneTown Freyburg • Freyburg is a nice little town on the River Unstrut.

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Transcript Freyburg Jahn-, Wine- and ChampagneTown Freyburg • Freyburg is a nice little town on the River Unstrut.

Jahn-, Wine- and ChampagneTown Freyburg
• Freyburg is a nice little town on the River
Unstrut. It is about 20 kilometres away
from Weißenfels.
• Freyburg has about 5,000 inhabitants.
Around Freyburg there are many hills and
you can find lovely landscape along the
• The “Neuenburg-Castle” is one of the most famous
sights. It was built in the end of the 11th century by the
Thuringian landgrave “Ludwig der Springer”. The
“Neuenburg-Castle” was an important and temporary the
biggest castle of the Thuringian landgraves. Emperor
Friedrich Barbarossa belonged to their guests and the
minne-singer Heinrich von Veldeke spent some time
• Today the castle is a museum with changing exhibitions,
children can dress up in clothes of the Middle Ages and
a music festival takes place every summer.
church “St
St Marien
• Another sight is the church “St Marien”
near the nice market-place with the town
hall. Landgrave Ludwig IV and his wife landgravine Elisabeth of Thuringia –
ordered the building of the church. The
western towers and the cross-nave of the
church were built in the second half of the
13th century and the Gothic chancel was
built about 1400.
church “St
market-place with
the town hall
vineyards around Freyburg
• Freyburg is famous for wine-growing and
belongs to the wine-growing district
“Saale-Unstrut”. So you can see lots of
vineyards around Freyburg. There is a big
wine-press house called
“Winzervereinigung”in Freyburg, where
several wine-growers deliver their grapes.
Some wine-growers produce their own
wine for themselves.
Wine-growers` festival
• Every year in September the wine-growers`
festival takes place in town. In a wine-village on
the market-place you can taste the delicious
kinds of wine of the Saale-Unstrut-area, there
are concerts of several bands and singers all
around the town and also a fair.
• During the wine-growers` festival the winequeen of the wine-growing district “SaaleUnstrut” is crowned. She represents the wine of
the district all about Germany, Europe and the
historical main building
• An important factory in Freyburg is the
“Rotkäppchen-Sektkellerei” which was
founded in 1856. In this factory delicious
champagne is produced. The champagne
is very popular with customers and the
factory is very successful.
a big model of the
typical “Rotkäppchen”champagne bottle
Father of Gymnastics
• A famous man who lived in Freyburg from 1825
to his death in 1852 is Friedrich Ludwig Jahn –
the “Father of Gymnastics”. Today the house
where he lived is a museum. Two gyms with
Jahn-memorials are connected with him. Every
year in August the traditionell gymnastic festival
takes place in honour to Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.
Gymnasts from all over Germany and Austria
meet to this festival in Freyburg.
• Text by Kerstin Fischer
• Layout by Martin Schäfer