Transcript Slide 1

Heavy Lift Cargo Plane
Matthew Chin, Aaron Dickerson,
Brett J. Ulrich, Tzvee Wood
October 5th, 2004
Group #1 – Project #3
Project Introduction
The apex of design courses, work will focus on
applying course knowledge to an industrial
 Project will encompass planning, design,
construction and testing of a complete
engineering endeavor
 Teamwork and leadership skills will be an
important factor in the synthesis of a complete
 Learn / Experience design process first hand
from design to construction to testing
Need for heavy lift cargo
planes to serve
energy/mining/military sectors
Short takeoff and landing
Fuel efficiency for long range
Current market limited Ukrainian-built Antonov only
real contender - Antonov An225 capable of transporting
over 250 tons – only one built
An-124 – 150 ton payload
Project Impact
Change air transport options
 Enhance ability to distribute natural
 Reduce shipping costs, time, and energy
 Broader military transport options
Project Objectives
Compete in SAE Aero East Competition to
design a heavy lift cargo plane
 Apply areas of Mechanical Engineering
education to a real life problem:
– Dynamics
– Fluid Mechanics
– Modeling & Simulation
– Analysis of Stresses
Competition Selection
Regular Class:
– Maximum wing span
– One type of engine, no modifications allowed
Open Class:
– No wing span restriction
– Any reciprocating internal combustion engine allowed
– Maximum empty weight
Micro Class:
– No wing span restriction or weight limit
– Internal combustion or electrical engines allowed
– Winner determined by highest lift/weight ratio
Competition Selection
Open and Micro Class require more in-depth
– Selection of engine & fuel
– Gearbox ratios different from 1:1
– Gyroscopic assist allowed
Regular Class requires less design decisions
– Concentrate on Airfoil & Body Design
– Able to compete better with schools that focus on
aerospace engineering
– Stevens has previously entered Regular Class
2005 Regular Class
No lighter-than-air or rotary wing aircraft
Maximum wing span of 60 inches
Take off zone of 200 feet
Landing zone of 400 feet
Single, unmodified O.S. .61FX Engine with
E-4010 Muffler
Payload bay must enclose a block measuring
5 in. x 6 in. x 8 in.
Plane that lifts the most wins
2005 Regular Class
Cannot simply refine the 2004 entry
 Requirements vastly different in 2004:
– 10 ft. wing span minimum
– 6 in. x 5 in. x 4 in. payload bay
Some components can be re-used to
reduce cost:
– Engine requirement is the same from 2004
– Functioning servos can be reused
Anticipated Hurdles
No group members have any previous
aerospace engineering experience
 Rule changes have forced the team to
conceive a totally different design from
previous teams
 Construction irregularities must be
minimized to produce results expected
from theoretical design
Overcoming the Hurdles
Consultation with project advisor and past
competition participants will give insight into
aerospace design process
– Existing research links
– Techniques for design and building
WINFOIL software will be employed in aircraft
– Enables trial and error approach to augment
theoretical calculations
– Design can be exported to CAD
– CAD drawings can be used with CNC machinery
Preliminary Concepts
Flying wing
– Fuselage is built into wing, cuts down on air
– Reduces material required for fuselage
– May be difficult to support/brace payload bay properly
– Larger wing surface area
– Increase in lift
– Not enough engine power supplied
Preliminary Concepts
– Clear and distinct parts
– Easy to build
– High lift when right wing is chosen
– Large quantity of known data
– Rather “simple” calculations
Team selected Monoplane for design
Preliminary Concepts
Conceptual Designs
Limited conceptual designs available at
this time:
– No group member has previous aeronautical
engineering or RC plane design experience
– Competition requirements have only been
available since the end of September
WINFOIL Software will be used in
developing wing and fuselage design
Project Needs/Metrics
Project Needs/Metrics
Project Needs/Metrics
Heavy Lift Considerations
High lift versus Wing weight/Stability
Number of Ribbing
Thickness of Wing
Lesson Learned from last year
Max lift for area
Angle of wing
Aspect Ratio
Actual Type of Wing (ex. NACA 6409)
Type of Plane (ex. Monoplane)
Preliminary WINFOIL Trial
3D Airfoil
Future Planes:
The Technology
Entire planes tested and designed on the
 Wings
 Tail Fins
 Fuselage
No tedious calculations
No human errors
Easy inputs
Pretty graphs and easily interpretable results
All plane data incorporated into program
Sample Calculations
Gantt Chart
Work Breakdown Schedule
Phase I: Design
Design budget does not include construction or
competition costs
 Employee Cost:
– Wage: $30/hr (10 hrs per week, 14.5 weeks)
– Benefits estimated at 50% wages: $15/hr
– Total Phase I Employee Cost: $26,100
Additional funds required to cover overhead
estimated at approximately 50% of total labor
cost: $13,050
 Total estimated Phase I Budget: $39,150
Future Deliverables
Conceptual design sketches
 Final calculations
 Metrics used in airfoil selection
 Final plane design selection
 Model of final design
 Phase II: Construction Budget
Design requirements dictate the
concentration on airfoil and fuselage
 Utilization of WINFOIL will enable the
design team to overcome any theoretical
inadequacies among team members
 Large scope of project dictates strict
adherence to the proposed GANTT Chart
Feedback is
Thank You