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Market Development
for Personalisation
Vicky Smith - Work Stream
Lead for Choice, Market
Development & Engagement
Personalisation Workshop
• Self Directed Support
– Where are we now?
– Next steps: work in 2011/12
• Commissioning for Personalisation
– Story so far
– Next steps: work in 2011/12
• Working together – over to you!
– What would be helpful?
– How do you want to use these meetings in the future?
Implementing Self Directed
Support (SDS)
• Roll out of SDS from April 2010
• Between April 2010 and March 2011 a
total of 5,741 service users and 1,674
carers went through the SDS pathway
• 41.6% of service users
What does it mean for service
users and carers?
• More choice and control over how support is
• Different ways of meeting needs and outcomes
• Flexibility over how support can be received
• Working in partnership with services users, their
families and other organisations
• Working with other organisations to develop
support plans
• Working with the market to identify different
Implementing SDS - choices
• 4,273 people (74%) – services arranged
and paid for by ASC
• 1,017 people (18%) – Direct Payments
and ASC arranging
• 451 people (8%) - Direct Payment only
• NB Direct Payments aren’t all about
employing Personal Assistants!
Reasons and challenges
• Changing Culture and Practice
• Shifting away from services to outcomes
• Getting buy in from existing service users who
may not want change
• Working within current and increasingly tight
financial climate
• Demographic challenges with more people
coming through the door and less available
• Whole Systems change – ‘Lean’ Project
SDS - work in 2011/12
• Development and training of staff to support
culture change and shift to outcomes –
embedding this in practice
• Collating examples of ‘best practice’
• Update Self Directed Support documents
• Increase in numbers of Direct Payment users
• Involvement of service users in working with us
over the pathway and tools
• Streamlining the whole pathway and User/Carer
experience - Lean Project
Commissioning for
• Engagement and collaboration with providers
– Making sure the supply is right
– What do people want - how do services need to
• Levers for change
– Outcomes-based commissioning
– Market diversification
• Micro provision
• Personal Assistant Market
• New service models
Commissioning for
Personalisation - engagement
• Provider Survey Autumn 2009
• New Provider Forums and clear structure
in place
• Personalisation Bulletin
• Personalisation Conference
• Market Intelligence tool ‘Caretrak’
Outcomes-based commissioning
• More choice in the range of provision available
– Block contracts to frameworks
– Mixed market of provision
• Specifications and approaches that support
flexible models of service delivery
Older People’s Nursing and Residential Care
Home care
Day opportunities
Third sector services – prevention and early
Work in 2011/12
• Learning and Development opportunities
for providers
• Sharing information and intelligence
– ASC Support plans and Reviews
– Service user questionnaire about care and
support services
– Market Position Statements and overall
strategy for market development and
Market Position Statements
• A brief and analytical document that brings
material together from various data sources
– Living Well, Living Longer
– Surveys etc.
• Signals intentions to the market
• Covers state funded and privately funded market
• Basis for dialogue between the council and
Overall Strategy
• Market Development Strategy for
• Covers priorities for personalisation over
the next three years
• Consultation and engagement
– Provider Survey – June 2011
– Discussion and comment via provider forum
meetings – August
– Publish consultation draft in September
Collaborating for change
• How can we use the Older People’s Provider
Forum to practically collaborate on
• Options?
– Using information from support plans and reviews to
improve service delivery
– Self assessment action plans
– E.g. Isle of Wight: by collating service user review
information identified a group of people who lived
geographically close together who all received home
care from the same agency but had also said that
they were isolated
Example: using review
• Isle of Wight – commissioners collated, analysed and
shared service user review information with providers
• Identified a group of people who lived geographically
close together
• They all received home care from the same agency but
had also said that they were isolated
• The homecare agency then facilitated discussions with
the service users concerned
• They agreed to use part of their Personal Budgets to
meet with the other service users once a week
supported by the agency
Progress for Providers tool
• Simple self assessment diagnostic tool
– Leadership and strategy
– Creating a person centred culture
– Community focus
– Support planning and review
– Finance
– Human resources
– Marketing
– Reviewing and improving our service (quality)
Action planning for progress
• Each organisation has own action plan based on
• Anonymised and collated to identify overarching
• Identifies where the Council can provide help
• Suggestion: devote some time at future forum
meetings to problem-solving and developing
• Chart ongoing progress
Round Table Discussion
How can we use the Older People’s Provider
Forum to practically collaborate on
1. Have a look at the two tools that have been
mentioned together – what are the opportunities,
problems and barriers?
2. Suggestions for future meetings; August,
November, February 2012?