Transcript Document

SCQF Partnership
Credit rating and levelling project
UK Disability Inclusion
Training Course
The Sector Skills Council
Sport and recreation
Health and fitness
Caravan industry
• 60,000 employees in Scotland across the sector
• 150,000 volunteers without whom we couldn’t
SCQFP and Alliance
• Funding made available from SCQFP and Alliance
• SkillsActive made a successful application
• Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) UK Disability Inclusion
Training Course
• Our 2nd credit rating and levelling project ( Mountain
Leader Training Scotland Winter Award Level 9 and
31 credit points)
SkillsActive’s choice of this course
• Met the 4 basic criteria for credit rating and levelling
• Will have an impact across each individual sport and
physical education
• Will raise awareness of the SCQF across the sports
organisations, Scottish Governing Bodies and local
authorities (professionals and volunteers)
• Widest reach of all the courses that we know of
• The Equality Act 1st October 2010
UK Disability Inclusion Training
• Delivered to
• Volunteers and coaches
• Teachers and learning support staff
• Leisure Service providers
• National bodies
• Currently a stand-alone course but many
organisations making it essential CPD
• Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) staff and consultant
attended an induction
• Consultant employed as SDS is a voluntary
organisation and had no capacity at SDS expense
• Agreed a timeline and kept to it - SDS felt supported
• Completed the relevant forms and mapped learning
outcomes to the level descriptors and received
• Submitted to SQA
• Result due February 2011
• Credibility – particularly talking to Scottish Governing
Bodies of Sport and Education and training partners
• Allowed SDS to improve its course through tightening
up processes
• A better understanding and comparison of where the
course “fits” with other courses and clarifies level of
• Volunteers feel more recognised and valued doing a
course that is better acknowledged
• Helps towards progression in other training
• Cost – “if it hadn’t been paid for it wouldn’t have happened”
• Passing on an increased cost to the individual candidates
because some procedures had to be adjusted
• Lack of awareness – not all see the benefit
• Complexity/confusion of the quality assurance/ accreditation
landscape – what to do to get your course “acknowledged”
• SCQF credit rating and levelling of all courses
• Mapping to NOS demonstrates competence for employability
• SQA Awarding Body Centre
• SQA Accreditation Approved Awarding Body and Accredited
• Pay SQA for it to become a Professional Development
• Not very accessible for the Voluntary Sector.
Potential within our sector
• Potential for many more courses from our sector
• Our sector has a plethora of non-approved courses
• Already had discussions about:
• Scottish Yoga Leadership Courses
• Paths for All Walk Leaders Courses
• Sports Leaders UK Awards
• NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Physical Activity
Promotion Courses
• Cycling Scotland proficiency, leadership and other courses
• Mountain Bike Leaders Award
• Been very worthwhile but still to see real benefits for
this course although we are aware of benefits of the
MLTS course
• Difficult for voluntary organisation to include this in its
plans because of cost and capacity issues
• Hopefully continue to raise awareness within our
• Thank you to Alliance and SCQFP for allowing this to