Be safe at Halloween!

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Be safe at Halloween!

Roseland Elementary School October 2003

Carry a flashlight!

• Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going and light up the sidewalk in front of you!

• Wear light colored or reflective clothing • Remind children to walk on the sidewalk.

• Go only to homes that you know.

Take an Adult

• Ask Mom or Dad or another adult to come trick or treating with you.

• Don’t allow children to carry sharp objects.

• If Mom or Dad can’t take you, ask a older brother or sister.

• Set a curfew for children and stick to a time.

Trick or Treating….

• Only go trick or treating in neighborhoods you know.

• Stay on brightly lit streets • Walk on the sidewalk and not the street • Don’t cross the street without looking both ways • Don’t go to dark porches or houses by yourself.

Check candy before you eat

• Ask Mom or Dad or another adult to check all your candy before you eat any!

• Don’t eat any candy before you get home and have it checked!

Don’t go into houses


any stranger’s house! go into

Wear bright Costumes

• Wear bright costumes or face paint!

• Be safe!!

Have lots of fun!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!