Transcript Slide 1

By : Nolan
My mother was so scared on September 11, 2001.
My mom was in our home taking care of me and my
baby brother Cullan. My mom learned about the
attacks from the TV. She felt extremely sad, vulnerable,
very concerned for my family, and our country.
My mother remembers walking into the gym
with my brother and seeing the attack on TV. She saw
the 1st tower in flames and the 2nd tower get hit. My mom
thought that the united states had to improve the
security for our country.
It changed my mom by being much more
cautious when she travels. I can learn not to take my life
or my families life for granted.
On September 11, 2001 two airplanes struck the Twin Towers. My
Dad says he was driving to work like a regular day when it happened.
He was listening to the radio when his broadcast was interrupted by
a newscast. It said that a plane hit the North Tower accidentally. When my Dad
got to work, he turned on the T.V. His colleague, Andy was watching with my
Dad when the second plane hit. An hour later the South Tower collapsed. A few
hours later the North Tower did the same. At the end of that tragic day my Dad
said he felt shocked like he couldn’t believe what happened. After 9/11,
Americans bonded air port security was enforced, and it changed the way
people think about terrorists. I can learn that if something bad happens we
can’t live our lives in fear that something might happen because if we do that
the terrorists win.
This has been my Dad’s experience of September 11, 2001.
My Uncle Anthony remembers 9/11 like it was yesterday. He said it was a beautiful, crystal clear Sept .day, with
perfect weather. He was at work early that morning getting ready for the trading session on the exchange, when CNBC
reported a plane crash into the world trade center. At first they didn’t know if it was a small or large commercial plane. Then
shortly after, a second plane hit the tower. At that point he knew this wasn’t an accident. Especially when he saw video of the
plane size. The skies were too clear for this to be an accident. Once we heard all US planes were grounded and another
plane hit the Pentagon and another heading towards Camp David, we all evacuated the trading floor. It was then the first
tower fell shortly after the second tower. Smoke and debris filled the entire city, all the way up to midtown Manhattan. People
were crying, running, and screaming.
Some were covered in blood, dirt and building debris. There are many horror stories about the life changing
day. My Uncle lost several co-workers, colleagues and college friends. Uncle Anthony knew he could have easily been in one
of those towers. Uncle Anthony thanks god everyday for his life, family and friends in his life. Uncle Anthony knows many
others that lost spouses, sons and daughters in these horrific attacks. My Uncle guesses He’s one of the fortunate ones.
My Uncle thinks we should all remember how fortunate we are to be alive and healthy. We should all, always
appreciate our parents, siblings, family and friends that we have in our lives because in a moment it could have it can all be
taken from us. We should all choose to live a happy, graceful life each and everyday.
by Dean
My mom remembers September 11 2001 she was at a
masteries diner. She was really sad and worried about her uncle
that works there.
She learned about the attacks because of the waitress at the
diner. She felt like the day never ended has changed the way she
lives today. She also told me that her uncle because it was such
long sad day. After the attacks she felt that we were very
unprepared have been in one of the towers that day but he was on a
business trip to Boston but at the end everyone pulled together.
She said that that day should ironically staying I the same hotel that
two of the terrorist stayed at before crashing into his building.
That’s my moms story about September 11, 2001
My Dad says he remembers that day vividly. He said that it was my brother Tommy and my first
day of pre-school and they were out front of the school watching us take our first steps to become a student
when my mom’s friend said a small single engine plane had accidentally crashed into WTC tower. At this point
my parents had no clue what had happened. So they rushed home to turn on the news and once they saw the
pictures of the North Tower. Both of their jaws dropped and only one thing was running through their minds at
this time. It was a terrorist attack that was planned.
At the end of the day, my parents were in disbelief. It was almost unreal because it was so
unexpected. Then my dad started to wonder about how this will affect the security of our country. Once people
all over the nation heard about this, they wanted revenge on the middle east.
After the attacks on September 11, 2001, my dad thought about how vulnerable we were as a
country to other nations, but he was also impressed by how we responded to the attacks and how strong we
are, as a nation. This changed the way we all live because we are all aware of our surroundings at the airport.
He has noticed in these ten years that the has been a vast improvement in the protection of our aircrafts at
every airport.
“September 11, 2001 will be a day we all will remember. As we greave for those brave people who
lost there lives on that day we are thankful for your courage and you are honored as heroes as you saved
many lives and families.” My dad says. That is what he has to say for those courageous cops, fire fighters, and
armed service men and women who sacrificed themselves for our New York City. You shouldn’t take life for
granite because you never know it could come right out from under you. Even though there are bad people
who want to harm others they are the few, when our brave and courageous nation, is the many.
My mom said she remembers 9/11 very vividly. She was with my dad
in his office. My mom learned about the attacks by watching it on
television. She knew immediately when the second plane hit that it
wasn’t an accident. She felt at the end of the day that life would never
be the same.
The day started out very peaceful. My mom was watching the
morning news CNBC. She saw the news coverage live. She watched
the second plane hit. The stock market crashed that day. My mom
thought America would have to rise to the occasion and not back
down. She felt vulnerable like never before. She prays more for our
safety, the safety of our military and for our President. Terrorism is a
horrible thing and we have to be aware of our surroundings at all
There are many things that we will never know.
On September 11,2001 my mother remembers being at a mommy and me
gymnastics class with me. My dad was at work like it was any other day, and my sister Jala was
in school. At the time my family and I lived in Atlanta, Georgia. My mom usually listened to tapes
when she was in the car with my sister and I, so she didn’t learn about the attacks until she got
home. She had thousands of missed calls and voice mails, and when she happened to turn on
the news… it was apparent what had happened.
My mom says she was in complete shock and could not believe her eyes. At the
end of that day my mom was very sad and says that her heart went out to all those people who
couldn’t find their families or loved ones, and for those who had died. She says she also felt
helpless and like there was nothing they could do. That day my mom also remembers worrying
about family members that worked in various places at the time, but having no way to
communicate with them.
After the attacks my mom states that she was fearful to fly. Although, she was
extremely proud to be an American and to be apart of this great country. Not only that, but she
felt united as one and began to hang a flag outside of our house. My mom also says that she felt
closer to other Americans and was confident that we would be able to make it through this
tragedy. That day has changed the way she lives by making her more cautious and more
thankful and grateful for what she has.
For additional comments, my mom wanted to say that ten years ago, she had so
many questions that could not be answered. Such as how could someone do this and why
would someone even do this. My mother thinks that from this tragic event I can learn how
precious life truly is and that you should be thankful for your family and friends. Also that, these
people woke up on September 11,2001 like it was any other day. They didn’t know that they may
not make it home to their families that night or possibly never see them again. So treasure the
moments that you have in life and never take your family for granted.
By: Jariah
My mom says she still is in shock of what happened on September
11, 2001. My mom wasn’t working that day so she was stuck at home taking
good care of me and my older brother. My mom was watching ABC News
around 7:00 not even knowing about the tragic event that was about to occur in
the next two hours. Around 8:30 she dropped off my older brother and when
she got back, on the news was the breaking news that had stunned her. The
first plane had hit. All of the sudden the news showed the second plane hit
which had frightened everyone. After the moments had passed, my mom felt
sad because of the life's that were lost and scared because know one knew
what to do.
My mom had remembered that day going so well. It was a beautiful
day, with the sky blue and the sun shinning. She had got to the house and then
the planes hit. That was all she remembered until the planes hit. She thought
after this that America had gained a lot patriotism as also the entire country.
This event in the short term, had only effected the way she lived by
being more cautious about travel and the people around her. My mom also told
me to learn to always remember this historic event.
My dad doesn’t remember a lot of things from a couple years ago, but
he remembers 911. He was in the kitchen getting ready for work. My
grandparents came by and dropped me and my brother of at preschool. My dad
works in Philadelphia.
At work my dad was working on his computer when everyone in his
office said to come see what happened. They were all gathered around a TV
they were watching the news. The reporter said that a plane crashed into world
trade center 1. My dad thought maybe a plane was flying to low and crashed. He
went back to his desk when he heard from his desk world trade center 2 has
been hit which was when he knew something was wrong.
He called my mom and asked if she heard about the two planes.
She said she just got off the phone with my grandparents and they were both
watching the news. My dad said he didn’t think it was an accident he knew that it
was an attack and he got in his car and headed straight home.
On his way he listened to the news and they said that the 2 world
trade tower fell to the ground. My dad was shocked. He felt angry. All of a sudden
world trade center 1 crashed to the ground. He was devastated. He picked me
and my bother up at pre school.
He knew many people lost their lives. My mom was crying when we
got home and my dad even had tears in his eyes. My dad felt very patriotic but
sad that many innocent people lost their lives. Every September 11 my family
and I will remember all who lost their lives.
By: Eric
My mom remembers 9/11 September 11th 2001. That day she was at
the Medford gym. On that day she remembers being shocked about the whole
thing. She was worried because my dad was flying to California that day. She
learned about the attacks when she was running on the treadmill and it came
on the news.
At the end of the day she felt very sad for the 3000 or more people who died
that day. She was very proud of America because everybody helped each
other after the incident. That day changed the way my mom lived by us
Americans having to deal with security at the airports.
My mom finished the interview saying that it still makes her sad to think about
all the people who died that very day. From this tragic event I can learn not to
be dumb and smash a plane into a building.
My mom said she was in work and this was just another
normal day so far for her except when all the TVs flicked on. "breaking
news the world trade centers are down a plane flew right into the world
trade centers”. My mom said she was just devastated when she heard
that. She said that she was thinking why would anyone do that.
My mom was happy when she saw all the people uniting
together people’s support and the mass amount of people joining the
military and firefighters and police officers.
My mom said that you can learn a lot from this tragic event,
like how all of the Americans will stand together to protect their country
and freedom.
My dad says he remembers the tragic day of September 11, 2001.
On the day of 9/11 he was at his office in Eatontown, New jersey which is in
north jersey. Then at the oddest moment someone that he works with walks in
the room with a face looking like the worlds is going to end. He says “Tom
come look at the TV’’. So my dad followed him to the TV with a huge amount of
concern. It was on CNN News. The two planes hit the world trade center. He
stood there shocked.
At the end of the day he felt so sorry for the people who were killed
and there families. The day of 9/11 did not change the way he lived. My dad
was disappointed that this couldn’t have been prevented.
This Is one of the most tragic days of American history, but if we
continue to show nationalism, the United States will always be free and
By: Max
On September 11th my mom was asleep in San Francisco. She had
just gotten off the flight from Newark. She said she felt shocked. Desperate to
get home to our family. Angry, like she was ready to put on her army uniform
and go to war. The other two flights that hit the twin towers had left Newark and
were flying to San Francisco. My mom learned about the attacks from the pilot
she was flying with. He called her in the middle of the night to tell her. It was
only 3 in the morning because San Fran is 3 hours behind us.
My mom was numb after hours of watching the news, scared to
leave her hotel room. By noon my dad was activated for Noble Eagle( homeland
defense) and me and my sister were at the neighbors. My mom new that we, as
America, could stand up and defend ourselves. She knew that there would be a
surge in patriotism.
Now, every day my mom gets on a united airplane she thinks how to
protect America by making sure her airplane stays her airplane. On the 10 year
anniversary she said that she is experiencing raw emotion and sympathy for the
family members of the people who died. She feels a special sadness for the
family members of the crew members that died. My mom says that the youth of
America needs to pay attention and be aware. It is a sad day when people have
to explain to kids why people would kill innocents for no reason.
By: Robby
September 11, 2001 was a big tragedy for our country.
My Dad just barely remembers that day. Remembers that he was at one of his
clients offices on September 11, 2001. My Dad learned about the attacks from
my mom. My Mom found out when she was at work on her lunch break in the
cafeteria. There were TV's all over the room. She then called my Dad and told
him that the World Trade Centers had been attacked. At the end of that day,
my Dad felt sadness, shock, and disgust that anybody would do something
like that.
My Dad remembers disbelief, complete shock, and horrified when
the buildings went down. He thought that America had a false sense of
security and that we were just as vulnerable as any other country. That day
only changed the way he lived in the sense that he might be less apt to fly,
and it opened his eyes to how destructive extremism can be.
My dad thinks I can learn to never take life for granted, be grateful
for each day, appreciate life's gifts and how fortunate we are to live in a
country that has the resilience, resources and fortitude to overcome such a
My mom still remembers 9/11/2001 very clearly. She was at home getting my brother ready
for kindergarten when she got a call from my grandmother, she told my mom to turn on the
TV. My mom was in total shock because she had family in the twin towers. At the end of the
day my mom was sad because people had no regard for life and thousands had died.
some things stood out to my mom like it was a extremely sunny day, no clouds in
the sky. After that day my mom said even though we are a strong nation no one or nothing
can escape evil. That day changed my moms life, it made my mom more aware to keep he
eyes and ears open.
my moms family member did not go to work the night before because he hurt his
arm and was in the hospital at the time of the attacks. Everyone is open to terrorism, the
unites states is a strong nation because of its people my moms 9/11/2001 story__ Andrew
My dad remembers September 11, 2001 very well. He remembers it just like it was
yesterday. On September 11, 2001 he was taking Travis to his first day of pre-school. Once he
dropped Travis off to pre-school then he went to work. On his way to work he was listening to
the radio and the guy on the radio said that the first twin tower has fallen down to the ground.
On September 11, 2001 on that day there was a lot of fear and uncertainty. Nobody knew what
was happening that day. The twin towers were all over the news and radio because the fell.
At the end of September 11, 2001 my dad was very sad that day because of all the
people got killed. From all the people in the twin towers and on the plane. Now United States of
America is more united and stronger after the attacks. Now since September 11, 2001 has
happened now he is more aware of his surrondings.
Now people in the United States of America is more aware of there surrondings in
the United States of America. Since the twin towers have fallen down all the people in the
United States of America is now more powerful, stronger, and more united. It is very sad that
the twin towers has fallen and all the people who got killed. Also all the people who got killed on
the two planes. Nobody will ever forget the day the twin towers have fallen down on September