Purpose of Title I

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Transcript Purpose of Title I

Title I
No Child Left Behind
The Parent Piece
Purpose of Title I
Improve teaching and learning
Fair, equal, and significant chance to get
a high quality education
 All
children will reach at least proficiency
on State academic achievement standards
and State academic assessments
Parent –
Legal guardian or other person standing in
place of parents, such as a grandparent
or stepparent, with whom a child lives; or
a person who is legally responsible for
the child’s welfare
Parent Involvement –
The participation of parents in regular twoway and meaningful communication that
involves student learning and other
school activities
The Four Pillars
Accountability for Results
Local Control and Flexibility
Expanded Parental Choice
Effective and Successful Programs
Individual Student Reports
School Report Cards
State Report on Dropouts
State Committee on Practitioners
Parents’ “Right to Know”
Adequate Yearly Progress and Parent
Expanded Parental Choice
School Improvement –
When any elementary or secondary school
fails to make adequate yearly progress
on the same indicator for two
consecutive years, the school is in
Expanded Parental Choice
Choice –
Parents must be notified, not later than the
first day of the school year following
being identified for improvement, that
their child has the option to transfer to
another public school served by the
Expanded Parental Choice
Choice –
Supplemental educational services are
available to students who remain in
failing schools when public school choice
is not exercised or is unavailable.
Expanded Parental Choice
Supplemental Educational Services –
Tutoring and other academic enrichment
services that are in addition to instruction
provided during the school day and are
offered outside the normal school day.
These services must be provided by Stateapproved SES providers—not simply
homework help.
Section 1118
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement activities must be
planned and implemented with
meaningful consultation with parents of
participating children.
Section 1118
District Responsibilities
Must develop written parent involvement
plans at the district and local school
levels, with parents of participating
 Must involve parents in decisions on how
to spend the parent involvement funds
Section 1118
District Responsibilities
Must involve parents in the development
of local education agency school review
and improvement plans
 Must provide coordination, TA, and
support to help schools plan and
implement effective parent involvement
activities to improve student
Section 1118
District Responsibilities
Must build the schools’ and the parents’
capacities for strong parental
 Must coordinate and integrate parental
involvement strategies under other
programs, such as Head Start
Section 1118
School Responsibilities
Schools must develop and use the
school-parent compacts that outline how
parents, the entire school staff, and
students share the responsibility for
improved student academic achievement
and how each school and its parents will
build and develop a partnership to help
children achieve the State’s high
standards. (1118 (d))
Section 1118
School Responsibilities
Each school will develop or amend school
parental involvement policies with parents
whose children are eligible and distribute the
policy in a language parents understand.
 Parents must agree on the policy.
 The policy will include policy involvement,
shared responsibilities for high student
academic achievement, and how to build
capacity for parent involvement.