Transcript Document

According to §1118(b)(1), each school shall develop a written parental
involvement policy that describes how the school will do the following as
listed in §1118(c)(1-5):
Convene an annual meeting to inform parents of their school's
participation in the Title I program.
Offer a flexible number of parent meetings.
Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the
planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program, including the
school parental involvement policy and the joint development of the
schoolwide program plan.
Provide parents of participating children –
(a) timely information about Title I programs;
(b) school performance profiles;
(c) their child's individual student assessment results, including an
interpretation of such results;
(d) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the
school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress,
and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet;
(e) opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions,
share experiences with other parents, and participate as appropriate
in decisions relating to the education of their children; and those
described in (e) above.
Huff Consolidated Elementary and Middle School
Parent Involvement Policy
Huff Consolidated School recognizes that a partnership between
home and school is a major influence for children to succeed. The
following opportunities for parent participation are developed to
encourage parents to become actively involved in their child's
•A back to school orientation will be held in September to explain the
program and activities, discuss parent involvement, and inform parents
of their right to be involved. The school/parent compact will be
discussed and signed by students, parents, and school staff. All
parents will be invited and encouraged. to attend.
* Opportunities will be provided for parents that include flexible number
of meetings, parent/teacher conferences, and opportunities to observe
and volunteer in the classroom.
* Parents will be involved in an organized, on-going, and timely way to
plan, review, and improve the program. A parent meeting will be held in
the spring to obtain parent recommendations and input.
•A meeting will be held to provide parents with a description and
explanation of the curriculum, forms of assessment used, expected
proficiency levels, school performance profiles, individual student
assessment, results of assessment, and how to monitor a child's
•A school/parent compact will be jointly developed with parents that
outlines how parents, the staff, and students will share responsibility
for improved student achievement and the means by which the school
and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children
achieve the state's high standards.
•Parents will receive a progress report at mid-term of each grading
* A daily conference and planning time will be scheduled to allow
parents reasonable access to staff to coordinate opportunities to
volunteer, participate, and observe in their child's class.
•Huff school will provide assistance to parents in understanding
National Education Goals; the State's Content Standards; State Student
performance standards; state, local, and school assessments; how to
monitor a child's progress; and how to help with their child's education.
•School safety parent monitor program will be explained and parents
will be asked to volunteer throughout the year.
•Parents will be informed about the Adult Basic Education and literacy
classes available in the area.
•Effective parental involvement strategies will be discussed and
planned during staff/faculty senate meetings. Emphasis will be placed
on building home and community ties and to build an equal partnership.
•To the extent feasible and appropriate, Huff Consolidated School will
coordinate parental involvement activities with the local Head Start and
* In order to strive to achieve a high level of parent/community
involvement, Huff Consolidated School will continue to work with our
partners in education: Army Corps of Engineers, Pizza Mingo, Attorney
Pam Lambert, and Precious Memories.