Pierce: Aiming for visibility

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Aiming for visibility

: promoting a University cataloguing department Karen F. Pierce Cardiff University CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Conference 2012

Defining high visibility cataloguing Trying NOT to be… http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_JGOshAniqr0/TAWx IKDw8I/AAAAAAAAAAc/AuBdKS09l3s/s1600/under+the+radar+logo.png


Background • Invisible Cataloguers • Located in an admin building rather than a library • No day to day contact with other library staff

Being seen (a physical presence) • ULS Briefings • Working groups • Staff development activities

Staff development opportunities From Pink Slip to Black Box Alison Palmer & Karen Pierce

Being seen (externally) Conferences • 1. Attend a cataloguing conference • 2. Present at a cataloguing conference • 3. Attend &/or present at a NON-cataloguing conference • 4. Organise a conference

Being seen (virtually) http://cdn.activedesktopwallpapers.com/wallpapers/74/Cat Under-Book-512X384-74.jpg

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bonitoclub/3867093636/size s/o/in/photostream/ http://www.desicolours.com/some-unique-cake-designs/26/02/2009

Blogs & Blogging • CILIP CIG: http://communities.cilip.org.uk/blogs/catalogueandindex/default.aspx

• http://planetcataloging.org/ • http://highvisibilitycataloguing.wordpress.com/ • Work & Expression (BSS City of London): http://citybibs.wordpress.com/ • http://scolarcardiff.wordpress.com/ • http://darksideofthecatalogue.wordpress.com/

Publishing • Catalogue & Index • Book reviews • Peer reviewed journals • Impact factors • Collaboration

Unexpected opportunities © Jonas Tana http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonastana/6947168707/sizes/m/in/photostream/

Conclusion • Be seen in person at meetings & briefings • Join working groups • Run internal sessions about your dept • Attend conferences • Organise conferences • Write up events attended • Publish articles • Have a blog (dept or personal) • Have a twitter account (dept or personal) • Grab unexpected opportunities • Forge links with academics

http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/keep-calm-use-cataloguer-judgement-3/ [email protected]
