Transcript Document

CILIP Professional Registration
& Portfolio Building
Mandy Powell- Head of CILIP Cymru Wales
[email protected]
An investment in your professional future
What is Professional Registration?
• Professional Registration are CILIP's
internationally recognised qualifications.
• The perfect way to demonstrate your
commitment to your personal development
and the profession.
An investment in your professional future
Recent Changes
Future Skills Project
• Removed barriers and unnecessary bureaucracy
• Broadened the appeal and relevancy of CILIP
• Clearer assessment criteria
• Online submission
An investment in your professional future
Recent Changes to Professional
You decide what level you want to follow
No timescales – submit whenever you are ready
New clearer assessment criteria implemented
PKSB self assessment introduced
Online submission using new CILIP Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE)
An investment in your professional future
The Three Levels
An investment in your professional future
What level to choose?
• Certification
– Beginning of career
– Developing core skills
• Chartership
– Members with 2+ years experience*
– Greater focus on reflection and evaluation
• Fellowship
– Highest level
– ‘Significant contribution to the profession’
*Not definitive
An investment in your professional future
Certification, Chartership and Fellowship
Identified areas for
improvement in their
personal performance
and undertaken activities
to develop skills and
enhance knowledge
Identified areas for
improvement in their
personal performance,
undertaken activities to
develop skills, applied these
in practice, and reflected on
the process and outcomes
Identified areas for improvement
in their personal performance,
undertaken activities to develop
skills, applied these in practice,
and reflected on the process and
Considered the
organisational context of
their service and
examined their role
within the organisation
Examined the organisational
context of their service,
evaluated service
performance, shown the
ability to implement or
recommend improvement,
and reflected on actual or
desired outcomes
Examined the organisational
context of their work and
evidenced substantial
achievement in professional
Enhanced their
knowledge of information
services in order to
understand the wider
professional context
within which they work
Enhanced their knowledge of
the wider professional
context and reflected on
areas of current interest
Established their commitment
to, and enhanced their
knowledge of, the information
professions in order to have
made a significant contribution
to all or part of the profession(s)
An investment in your professional future
Enrol &
Find a
Complete CPD
using VLE
PKSB Final
An investment in your professional future
Mentor’s Role
• Primary source of support
• Offer guidance on how to complete the portfolio
• Key source for criteria 3 – look outside of sector
• Flexible relationship
• No line managers!
• Can be outside of your region
An investment in your professional future
Finding a mentor
• Spreadsheet on website
An investment in your professional future
Virtual Learning Environment
An investment in your professional future
Virtual Learning Environment
An investment in your professional future
Virtual Learning Environment
An investment in your professional future
Professional Knowledge and Skills Base
• Completed & included twice
• Vast range – not every section will be relevant to
every user
• Don’t ‘over-worry’ about your PKSB self assessment
• Available in two formats
An investment in your professional future
An investment in your professional future
PKSB Gap Analysis
An investment in your professional future
Example PKSB Submission
An investment in your professional future
Professional Knowledge and Skills Base
Have a go yourself
An investment in your professional future
What is reflective writing?
• The process of recording your thoughts about your
experiences and what you’ve learned from them in
order to inform what you do in the future
• How do you know if you are reflecting?
– You are not just describing
– You demonstrate how you have put into practice what you
– You are asking questions
An investment in your professional future
“I went on a useful marketing training course”
“I identified a need to increase my marketing skills.
The training course on marketing gave me lots of
tips about presentation and enhanced my
knowledge. I then took ideas to the publicity
group and developed three for use in new
publicity materials. I intend to monitor the impact
of these over the coming months”
An investment in your professional future
Ask yourself
• Why did I do that (activity, course, learning,
• What did I learn from it?
• Did anything change as a result?
• What would I do differently?
• What will I do in the future?
An investment in your professional future
Reflection exercise
Think about one specific learning activity you have taken part in. Write a sentence
describing this activity.
1. Look back on the activity reflect upon:
- Your expectations before embarking on the learning activity?
- How you approached the learning activity?
- Which parts of the activity you found easy/ hard?
2. Think about what you learned as a result of participating in the activity:
- How did your knowledge and understanding change?
- What would you do differently if faced with a similar situation in future?
- What knowledge and understanding might be applied in future?
3. Consider how the learning activity might be tested in future:
- How might you go about putting into practice what you learned?
- What challenges might you encounter?
- How would you go about dealing with such challenges?
An investment in your professional future
Reflection exercise
An investment in your professional future
What evidence can be used for my
An investment in your professional future
An investment in your professional future
CPD audit sheet
An investment in your professional future
Collecting evidence
• Think broadly
• Reflection and evaluation is key – including an attendance certification
says very little
• Be selective – must support the statement
• Examples - notes from sessions, meeting minutes, descriptions of
conversations, reports
• No definitive number of pieces – but quality, not quantity
An investment in your professional future
Key documents
Evaluative Statement (1,000 words)
Evidence to support Evaluative Statement
Current job description
Initial PKSB assessment
Current PKSB assessment
Mentor/Mentee completion form
An investment in your professional future
Portfolio layout
• Flexible approach
• There is no ‘right way’ to display portfolio
• Clarity most important factor
• Make life easy for assessors!
An investment in your professional future
Portfolio Example 1
An investment in your professional future
Portfolio Example 2
An investment in your professional future
Top tips from the Professional
Registration Assessment Board
• Read and follow the
• Address all the criteria
• Answer the question!
• Evaluate & reflect
rather than describe
• Show you understand
the whole professional
• Utilise each piece of
your evidence
• Present professionally
• Learn from the process
to benefit your future
An investment in your professional future
An investment in your professional future
Members are able to revalidate annually
20 hours CPD and 250 word reflective statement
No assessment criteria
Range of CPD activities encouraged – not just formal
• Not necessary to be in work – unemployed can also
• Evidence not required
• Free of charge!
An investment in your professional future
Changes to Professional Registration
An investment in your professional future
Support and advice
• Candidate Support Officer (CSO) Wales
[email protected]
• CILIP Member Services Team
[email protected]
An investment in your professional future
• 2015 CILIP Cymru Wales Library and
Information Conference 14th -15th May,
• Ready for business / Yn barod am fusnes
• Limited FREE places for Professional
Registration candidates
• Lower cost for CILIP Members
An investment in your professional future
CILIP Cymru Wales
• [email protected]
• @CILIPinWales
• @Minimorticia
An investment in your professional future
An investment in your professional future