Transcript Document

The Fight for the West
The Main Idea
Native Americans fought the movement of settlers westward,
but the U.S. military and the persistence of American
settlers proved too strong to resist.
Reading Focus
• How was the stage set for conflict between white settlers and
Native Americans in the West?
• What were the Indian Wars and their consequences?
• How did Native American resistance to white settlement end?
• What was life like on the Indian Reservation?
Stage Set for Conflict
• Culture of the Plains Indians
– Buffalo provided food, clothing, and shelter for the
nomadic lifestyle of the Indians. They did not believe
land should be bought and sold, and white farmers felt it
should be divided.
• Government policy
– Instead of continuing to move the Indians westward, the
government changed its policy. Indian land was seized,
and they were forced onto reservations.
• Destruction of the buffalo
– The buffalo-centered way of life was threatened, with
vast herds driven to extinction by reduced grazing lands
and hunting for sport and profit.
The Indian Wars
Sand Creek
Army troops attacked and massacred surrendering
Cheyenne. Congressional investigators condemned
the Army actions, but no one was punished in the
Sand Creek Massacre.
After the massacre, Cheyenne and Sioux stepped
up their raids. In return for closing a sacred trail,
the Sioux agreed to live on a reservation. Other
nations signed the Medicine Lodge Treaty and were
moved to reservation lands in western Oklahoma.
The Battle
of the Little
George Armstrong Custer led his troops in
headlong battle against Sitting Bull and lost. The
Battle of the Little Bighorn was a temporary
victory for the Sioux. The U.S. government was
determined to put down the threat to settlers.
The Indian Wars
Palo Duro
The Ghost
The Battle of Palo Duro Canyon ended the
Indian Wars on the southern Plains. With their
ponies killed and food stores destroyed, surviving
Comanches moved onto the reservation.
The Ghost Dance was a religious movement that
inspired hope among suffering Native Americans.
Newspapers began suggesting that this signaled a
planned uprising. The military killed Sitting Bull
while attempting to arrest him in a skirmish.
The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred the day
after the surrender. Shooting began after a gun
went off, and the fleeing Sioux were massacred.
This action marked the end of the bloody conflict
between the army and the Plains Indians.
Resistance Ends in the West
Resistance in the
• The government took back
nine-tenths of the Nez Percé
land when gold miners and
settlers came into the area.
• Fourteen years later they
were ordered to abandon the
last bit of that land to move
into Idaho.
• Chief Joseph tried to take
his people into Canada, but
the army forced their
surrender less than forty
miles from the Canadian
• Chief Joseph and many
others were eventually sent
to northern Washington.
Resistance in the
• The Apache people were
moved onto a reservation
near the Gila River in Arizona.
• Soldiers forcefully stopped a
religious gathering there, and
Geronimo and others fled
the reservation.
• They raided settlements
along the Arizona-Mexico
border for years before finally
being captured in 1886.
• Geronimo and his followers
were sent to Florida as
prisoners of war. His
surrender marked the end of
armed resistance in the area.
Life on the Reservation
The government wanted control over all the western
territories and wanted Indians to live like white Americans.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs began to erase the Indian
culture through a program of Americanization. Indian
students could speak only English and could not wear their
traditional clothing. They learned to live like Americans.
The Dawes Act of 1887 broke up many reservations and
turned Native Americans into individual property owners.
Ownership was designed to transform their relationship to
the land. The Indians received less productive land, and few
had the money to start farms. Most of the land given to the
Indians was unsuitable for farming.
• Click Here
The package the Indian is
holding is labeled
“starvation rations.” Each
bag hanging from the agent
is labeled “profits.”