Transcript Chapter One

Chapter One

Definition and Significance of Leadership

Definition of Leadership

A leader is any person who influences individuals and groups within an organization, helps them in the establishment of goals, and guides them toward achievement of those goals, thereby allowing them to be effective

Key Elements of the Definition of Leadership

 Leadership is a group phenomenon  Leadership is goal-oriented; leaders guide and influence others  Leadership involves some form of hierarchy in groups

Key Elements of Effectiveness

 The group achieves its goals  The group functions well together; there are smooth internal processes  The group can adapt well to external changes

Why Do We Need Leaders?

 To keep groups orderly  To keep focus on group goals  To accomplish complex tasks and make sense of the world  As a romantic ideal

Obstacles to Effective Leadership

 Environmental uncertainty  Organizational rigidity  Fall back on old ideas and simplistic solutions  Established organizational culture

Leadership and Management

Managers  Focus on the present  Maintain status quo  Implement policy  Maintain structure  Remain aloof and objective  Use position power Leaders  Focus on the future  Create change  Initiate policy  Create culture and structure  Establish emotional link with followers  Use personal power

Impact of Leadership: Leadership Is Insignificant

  Outside environmental factors affect organizations more than leadership  Internal structure and strategy determine the course organizations take   Leadership accounts for only between 7% to 15% of performance Leaders have little discretion to really make an impact Leadership is a romantic myth rather than a real organizational factor

Impact of Leadership: Leadership Is Significant

 Leadership is one of many important factors  Leadership is key to providing vision and direction  Leadership is critical in orchestrating change  Leadership can account for up to 44% of a firm’s profitability