Transcript Document

Lisa Haddow
Chair of University’s Research Data
Management Task Force
Manager of team of subject librarians
Darren Green, Aquaculture
Paul Lambert, Applied Social Sciences
Margaret Maxwell, NMAHP
Colin Nicolson, History
Sara McDermid, REO
Rachel Winzer, REO
Kathy McCabe, BSDS, IS
Alan Richardson, SANS, IS
Colin Sinclair, LCM, IS
What is Research Data and why manage it?
◦ Martin Donnelly
Martin Donnelly, DCC
Interactive exercise
Lisa Haddow
What we’re doing to meet these challenges
and how you fit in
Paul Lambert: Social Sciences
Darren Green: Sciences
Colin Nicolson: Arts and Humanities
Nadine Dougall: Nursing
Rachel Winzer and Lisa Haddow
Bringing all the discussion together