Transcript Slide 1

 1.
Equal Access and Treatment
 2. Appropriate AIVR
 3.
Impact of AIVR Services
 4.
Collaboration to Maximize Services
 All American
Indians with disabilities residing
on or near the reservation have equal chance to
apply for VR services
 Eligibility criteria is the same for all applicants
Member of a state or federally recognized tribe
Live on or near the reservation or designated project service
Has a mental or physical disability that impedes their
Applicant require and will benefit from VR services
resulting in successful employment outcome
 Demonstrate
that persons with disabilities will
be able to access services as required by the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
 Availability of program applications and
materials in alternate format
 Accessible facilities
 Provide interpreters and TDD/TYY services
 Availability
of traditional healing services used
by the tribe
 Ensure privacy and confidentiality of all
applicants and consumers
 Provide information on Client Assistance
Program services
 Provide transportation and conduct home visits
 Satellite field offices in designated service area
 Provide translators
 Other
 Identify
appropriate services based on the
needs of the target population described in the
Need for Project criteria.
 Provide
consumer VR services described in
Section 103 of the Act to achieve their
vocational goal 34 CFR 371.21(a)
 Traditional
healing services by Native healers
and services reflecting cultural background of
consumers Section 371.41(a)(2)
 What
services are appropriate to the needs of
the intended recipients to achieve employment
 Ask individuals with disabilities and consumers
 Family members
 Employers
 Collaborators
 Staff
 Related
to purpose of project and tribal needs
 Successful
and integrated consumer
 Higher
quality of life to live independently
 Successful
and integrated consumer
 Employee
 Higher
benefits and career mobility
quality of life to live independently
 Describe
the benefits of collaboration to serve
all eligible tribal consumers who reside on or
near project service area.
Who are the collaborators?
What are their roles and responsibilities?
 Explain
how the cooperative working agreement
with the State VR will improve and expand
services for tribal consumers 34 CFR 371.21(g)
 Discuss how the project will use comparable
benefits and services of key stakeholders to
maximize effectiveness of consumer services
34 CFR 371.21(h)
 Explain
how the tribe and project will ensure the
use of qualified providers to prepare consumers
for employment 34 CFR 371.21(j)