Transcript IRCEA


03/17/2015 Please sign in and take an agenda.


Debit Card

• • • • Cards expire at the end of the month.

All unused $$ is given to the SAC at the school where the teacher who didn’t exhaust the card works.

There are 30+ teachers who have not used any of the $ There are 182 teachers who have at least $30 left.

NEA RA (July 1-6 Orlando)

 The RA is open to all members of the NEA to attend all or part of the assembly.  We still need volunteers to assist at the RA. Anyone who volunteers for the entire week will be reimbursed for their food, travel expenses, and hotel room.

  See more information in this month’s Topics. E-mail [email protected]

if you are interested in volunteering

Legislative Update--State What HB7069 DOES do

 Removes the state requirement for district progress monitoring tests in middle and high school grades.

 Prohibits districts from giving final exams to students that have taken a state required test (FSA, FCAT science or state EOC).

 Removes the requirement that every course and subject in every grade have an end-of-course test.

 Allows districts to determine student performance measures for non state assessed courses.

 Reduces the required student performance component from 50 percent to 33 percent of a teacher’s evaluation. The principal observation component is also reduced to 33 percent and a new category, “other indicators of performance” is set at no more than 33 percent.

Legislative Update--State What HB7069 DOES do

 Sets a process for a psychometric validity study to be completed by September 1.  Until completed, FSA data will be used by linking last year’s data to this year’s data, so about the same number of students will fall in each category as last year.

 Maintains School Grades and School Recognition Program.

 Suspends negative consequences to schools for low school grades for this year (no new turnaround schools this year).

 Allows school year to begin on August 10 th

Legislative Update--State What HB7069 DOES NOT do

 Remove any current state tests (except college readiness assessment in high school).

 Change performance pay requirements.

 Change any accountability processes or consequences for students or teachers: Retention, graduation and teacher evaluation will still occur with current just cause promotion and concordant score options.

Call Governor Scott at (850)488-7146 and tell him to issue an executive order to suspend FSA testing and all high-stakes consequences associated with testing!

2014-2015 Evaluations

Category I Teacher (any teacher who has been in the district for three or fewer years regardless of years of experience in other districts) Category II Teacher (any teacher who is not a Category I teacher) Type of Observation Number of Observations Timeline Type of Observation Formal Informal Number of Observations 1 Timeline By Dec. 9 2 One per semester Formal Informal 2 4 1 One by Dec. 9; One by May 15 At least 2 per semester By May 25 Final IPS Conference 1 By May 25 Final IPS Conference

School Board Update

• • • • • Suggested topics to e-mail board members about: Sick Leave Policy Charter School $$ Evaluation Concerns

Take the Practice FSA tests (Please include this request no matter what issue you write about)!!

2015-2016 Contract Negotiations

 Will likely start in May  IRCEA Priorities    Protect and strengthen planning time language Minimize health insurance rate hikes Ensure adequate time between observations   General Membership—Head to student cafeteria for dinner Building Representatives please stay for a brief meeting.

Upcoming Events

 Next Social is Friday, May 15


at Squid Lips in Sebastian.

 IRCEA Retirement Banquet is Tuesday, May 19


Cannon’s. Cost is $15. at CJ  RSVP to [email protected]