(MEP) Safety Forum in Riga

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(MEP) Safety Forum in Riga
Essential Elements:
Thorough flight preparation, including:
• Training lesson / examination session planning (Flight
Plan, sequence of exercises, training zones and routs ,
safety measures and precautions: safe altitudes and
speeds for normal and emergency exercises, SOP)
• Careful pre-flight preparation ( weather, NOTAMS,
airplane documentation and performance data, CRM,
SOP, ATC procedures and particular Threat and Error
management (TEM)
• Pre-flight inspection (aeroplane, fuel and oil amounts
and qualities)
30 November 2012
Essential Elements (cont)
Instructors, as well as applicants maintain
awareness during Pre-flight preparation and flight:
look- out, safe altitudes and speeds - depending of
complicity of exercise
During emergency exercises (touch drills) as well as
SOP in real emergency has to be applied similar like in
commercial multi crew aircraft, including positive
identification of actions being taken by pilot flying
(student) and confirmation by pilot monitoring
(instructor) – see example below.
• Special attention has to be paid to use of carburettor
30 November 2012
Essential Elements (cont)
Examiner to avoid distraction by making test notes during skill
tests/prof. checks – note making is required during simulator
sessions but during actual flight, especially MEP flight, must be
reduced to a minimum to avoid examiner distraction.
Holding blue line speed is the ONLY acceptable speed to be
taught for climb during engine out and should be considered as
minimum for all other engine out flight regimes. Performance of
light MEP aircraft may be degraded to non-existent levels at other
speeds. These aircraft do not have the performance capabilities of
JAR/FAR 25 certified aircraft and as such instructors and examiners
should be continually vigilant of the very small margin between this
speed and Vmca. Failure to accurately maintain speed may result
in a rapid loss of control.
30 November 2012
Essential Elements (cont)
Cost savings may result in non-optimal
aircraft and procedure use. All personnel
must be vigilant and regulators should bear
this in mind!
• Attention! The issue of TEM must be taken
into consideration during flight planning, preflight preparation and during actual
training/examination flights
30 November 2012
General points for our three Baltic
Regarding fuel:
• The lack of ready availability of controlled fuels for General
Aviation is a serious problem in all 3 Baltic States.
AVGAS is the only fuel that should be used in Lycoming and
Continental engines.
• Where practicable fuel tanks should be filled prior to night
stop in order to reduce instance of water condensation / ice
in tanks.
• APPROVED fuel additives may be beneficial during winter
operations (e.g. Compound 06)
• Before EACH flight, and after ANY refueling, a full “cup” of
fuel must be drained from EACH fuel drain point.
30 November 2012
General points for our three Baltic
States (cont)
• Example student - instructor CRM:
• Student: ,,confirm left engine fuel valve off,
touch drill only (if simulated)!”
• Instructor ,, left engine fuel valve confirmed,
touch drill only (if simulated))!”
• Only after this student can produce imitation
of fuel valve shutting (touch drill)
or shut down in real emergency
30 November 2012
Latvia Specific Considerations:
Preparation/revision of training zones
Giving consideration to area where forced
landing may be executed
Safety conferences conducted 2 times per
30 November 2012