Transcript Document

The State of
Ranch View
Presented by Mrs. Salness, Ranch View Principal
What we will cover…
Global Data
Who We Are
Rising Star Goals, Action Tasks,
Testing and Curriculum updates
Building Updates
Cause for Celebration!
Recent Performance Series Testing in Math/Reading
National Percentile Ranking 2014
District NPR
Grade 3
82 %ile
70 %ile
Grade 4
75 %ile
68 %ile
Grade 5
71 %ile
Grade 3
National Percentile Ranking 2015
District NPR
Grade 3
82nd %ile
70 %ile
Grade 4
79th %ile
74 %ile
69 %ile
Grade 5
78th %ile
72 %ile
82 %ile
67 %ile
Grade 3
80 %ile
68 %ile
Grade 4
68 %ile
Grade 4
77th %ile
72 %ile
Grade 5
71 %ile
72 %ile
Grade 5
69 %ile
What did we learn from our data analysis?
Main take away… scores are strong!
We continue to rank amongst top performing schools in the
area of literacy when measured by ISAT.
ALL grade levels showed increases in NPR for math and
reading on the PSA assessment. RV scores are considerably
higher than district NPR averages.
ELL and IEP students made considerable gains on ISAT as a
result of our push in model and emphasis on core curriculum
for all students.
School growth goals related to ELL and Kindergarden
literacy achievement were met.
Who We Are
Student sub group
Foundation for our work
related to culturally
responsive mindset and
2 Administrators including: Principal, .5 Assistant Principal
40 Certified Staff including:
Grade level teachers, 3 LBS teachers, 2 ELL teachers, Social worker, School Psychologist, Speech
Pathologist, LRC Teacher, Technology Integration Specialist, Learning Support Coach, 2 Reading
Specialists/Coaches, Art teacher, Music teacher, PE teacher, Band teacher, Orchestra teacher,
Occupational Therapist, Adapted PE Teacher, HM/PI Teacher
27 Non Certified Staff including:
5 Instructional Assistants, 8 Special Education Assistants, 10 Enrollment Assistants, 1 Ell Assistant, 2
Computer Support Assistants, 1 LRC Assistant
2015-2016 enrollment projections indicate our population will remain
Stable or increase slightly- may result in some shifts in the number of
sections at each grade level.
Indicator of
Indicator of
Principal Goals
Goal 1 : To continue to build two-way communication and engagement opportunities to maintain
informed and contributing stakeholders.
1. Create Twitter/Facebook/Canvas sites to use as tools towards two way parent communication/interaction.
2. Support the building expectation that all classrooms utilize Canvas as a parent communication tool
3. Collaborate with new SFCP parent committee to develop informational events ( parent evenings, expert speakers,
principal coffees) tied to Ranch View’s Rising Star Indicators. ( GRIT Presentation/What’s Appening Tech Night,
Assessment Presentation)
4. Provide Parent information via principal presentations at monthly Home and School meetings related to Rising
Star indicators (State of Ranch View)
5. Create a New Family Mentoring Program through work with SFCP, matching new families to mentor families for
the purpose of recruitment into the school community and increased communication regarding school
6. Recruit parents to present to students on the relationships they see between District Mission Strands, Habits of
Mind traits, and our theme of “Building Grit” and their success in their respective careers.
Principal Goals
Goal 2: To implement a new model of job embedded professional learning to improve teacher efficacy
and student learning.
1. Participate in district PLC training and implement new learning from this professional development.
2. Create schedules and structures for each team to meet weekly to support a team approach model.
3. Utilize teacher PLC leaders and instructional coaches to provide professional development.
4. Provide job embedded PD related to best practice instruction and implementation of new ELA curriculum.
5. Align building based institutes to support all Rising Star Indicators.
6. Provide professional development within a PLC structure every 3 weeks related to best practice instructional
7. Implement building based “walk-throughs” to allow staff to observed peers, looking for specific indicators and
examples of best practice instructional strategies
8. Utilize our newly created “Staff Collaboration Center for Student Achievement” in providing embedded PD for all
Building Theme
Testing in 2014-15
Parent Presentation on PARCC sponsored by SFCP on March 10th Please plan to attend!
Changes to Gifted Testing Procedures
All 4th graders will be given the CogAT.
Both CogATs and IOWAs will be administered in the spring for selected third and fifth graders.
The winter Performance Series scores will identify the students to test on the CogAT.
Students must score an NPR of 93% on the reading or math portion to be eligible for the CogAT test.
In addition, students currently enrolled in 3rd grade Honors Math will be eligible for the CogAT test.
• If the student scores 125 or above on the respective subtests of the CogAT, that student will be
eligible for the IOWA assessment and placement tests.
• All matrices remain the same this year.
Please direct any questions to Tim Wierenga or Debbie Cota.
Testing Schedules
Testing Schedules
Testing Schedules
Testing Schedules
Curriculum/Resource Updates
2015-2016 – District will implement curriculum aligned to SEL and Science CCSS
2015-2016- Kingsley and Beebe schools to pilot a standards based report card- all schools will use in 2016-17
Instructional Delivery changes
ELA/Math Workshop Model Components
Connection to previous learning
Teaching Point- Learning Target
Try It /Active Engagement—Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Conferring/ Small Group Instruction
This model supports differentiation in response to student data,
small group instruction, student ownership, co-teaching,
individual attention, and ongoing formative assessment
Building/Structural Updates
• Climbing Wall Completed – Climbing unit in February
• Third K room constructed with adjoining bathroom
• Lobby remodel- new interactive movement /circuit
training area coming in the fall
• Completion of Literacy Closet used to supplement
instruction for both fiction and on-fiction text
• Two new “green screens” for support student created
• Redesign of LRC to allow for small group work spaces
• In planning stages for an outdoor classroom in honor
of RV’s 30th year.
We need your support to succeed !
• Stay informed! Take advantage of communication provided
via Talk 203, The Ranch View Review, Home and School
Meetings, Classroom Newsletters/Canvas Sites
• Complete the 5 Essentials State Mandated Parent Survey
• Volunteer as you are able in response to our new email requests
• Attend Ranch View Functions/ H and S meetings, SFCP
• Share your talents – Become a new family mentor or
present your professional talents that align to mission
The State of
Ranch View
is Strong!