Transcript Document

18 July 2015
ICAS offers
• A complete solution for managers in education
• Linking of the administration core to the campus
• Up-to-date, accurate and reliable information and
• Integration of major campus functions and processes
into one system
Complete management
ICAS, the Integrated Campus Administration System has been
developed by Strive Software International for effective
management in education.
The power of ICAS, coupled with its ease-of-use and flexibility,
is a decisive factor in linking the administration core to the
campus community.
ICAS incorporates user-friendly graphical interfaces and data
integration, employing the very latest technology.
ICAS incorporates
•Automated timetabling technology
•Staff and student performance evaluation
•Account and budget controls
•Customisable reporting options
•Industry standard security
ICAS is an exceptional Management Information System designed specifically
for education establishments to optimise workflow and cooperation between all
ICAS is fully web-enabled, providing the opportunity to harness the potential of
the internet by establishing a vital link between the campus administration and
the student community.
Students use this communication gateway to enjoy the advantages of online
registration, timetables, account enquiries, reports and results, multiple answer
tests and assignment submission.
Striving for perfection
ICAS has been deployed at leading institutions and offers users
a complete solution for all their administration needs. ICAS is
continuously being improved to meet stringent industry
and standards.
ICAS is developed in consultation with a network of education
administrators. All versions of ICAS have been thoroughly
tested and successfully implemented across a wide spectrum of
As part of the package, Strive Software International offers
extensive training at all levels, from beginners to experts.
Offering the freedom of the Internet with the
confidence of professional administration
Anytime, anywhere e-learning
LearnersOnline is a tightly-integrated Learner Management System facilitating
web and intranet based education, delivering the right content to the right learner
at the right time.
LearnersOnline incorporates admission, registration, career counselling and access to
content catalogues. It is an interactive synchronous and asynchronous learning
environment providing course material, interactive testing, and intelligent grading
programmes with immediate feedback to the learner.
This sophisticated Learner Management System is the hub for online assessments,
skills-gap analysis, performance management and much more. The LMS can be
integrated with existing systems and will exchange data with the human resource
information system (HRIS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
Information is only accessible by authorised learners, lecturers and administration
Learner Management System
Online registration
Monitor pre-requisites and course qualifications
Manage course availability, control access and schedule courses
Enables course enrolment and cancellation
Assignment submission
Exam booking and registration
Monitor communication between learner and tutors
Consolidated feedback for reporting
Prepare and controls departmental budgets
Electronic submission of assignments
Automated voting polls
Report to screen, e-mail, or printed outputs
Allocation of Courses to learners
Discussion forums
Building a learning foundation
A complete e-Learning strategy is necessary to conquer corporate challenges and achieve
competitive advantage.
LearnersOnline automates the administration of training activities, cataloguing of courses,
registration of users and tracking of learner progress, as well as providing reports to
management and the learner.
Develop human capital and extend the reach of the organisation by offering opportunities
for staff to learn new skills. Use newsletters, memos and the corporate intranet to reinforce
the benefits of e-learning.
LearnersOnline has established procedures for monitoring continuous professional
development/education points programmes with direct online access to knowledge and
information bases. Lifelong professional competence is maintained through planning,
learning and recording frameworks.
LearnersOnline is compatible with the Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model
(SCORM) standard. It can communicate with courses created with built-in tracking
capabilities which comply with the AICC specification.
LearnersOnline has the added benefit of complete integration into ICAS
Content Management System
Course management and tracking
Course scheduling and result tracking
Course evaluation
Log-in and session management
Reduction of internal training costs
Reduced workplace time-out
Improved retention of acquired knowledge
No travel costs
Unlimited access to infinite knowledge
Supports third party e-Learning content
Continuing Professional Development point tracking
Corporate Training
Linking people, training and performance
Linking employee training to
organisational goals
The ICAS Corporate Training System controls the process of managing
training and knowledge resources within the organisation. It links employee
training and development efforts to business needs, to meet the strategic goal
of raising both individual and organisational levels of competency.
Organisations can strategically coordinate training efforts and capitalise on
economies of scale. The employee is linked directly to training resources both
internally or externally from his workstation or from home. Management
approval of training is responsive and on-line, and relevant departments are
kept informed.
The ICAS Corporate Training System is an integrated management and
learning environment with a consolidated feedback mechanism. Organisations
are able to train, test and track staff results across LAN, WAN and web-based
ICAS Corporate System
Learner registration and course approval
Course scheduling
Online access to instructor-led and self-directed courses
Monitor education-outcomes activity
Analyse employment profile for each financial year
Detailed analysis of all training received during a financial year
Analysis of training requirements to achieve priorities
Annual and periodic training reports
Monitor and control departmental budgets
Integrate with HR Systems (SAP, PeopleSoft and others)
Broadening the Skills Base
The ICAS Corporate Training System establishes the basis for the staff member’s learning
according to detailed skills assessment. The curriculum path is determined using a
of management inputs, pre-assessments and “skill gap” identification.
Data on staff training, skills, and knowledge areas are collected and maintained in a
database. The skills and knowledge of employees are compared with job profiles based on
organisational needs. Employees and management collaborate to develop targeted training
plans, which include short and long-term actions and measures of progress.
Learners are able to enrol in required courses independently by scheduling courses from
their learning plan or by personal choice. Pre and post skills assessments will improve
performance by measuring progress and readjusting training goals and curriculum.
Career planning is carried out by comparing current skill sets to the skill sets required for
desired positions. Skills assessment across the organisational spectrum is accomplished
through testing and evaluation of staff.
ICAS Corporate Training System’s advanced functions, customisation options and
integration capabilities, transform learning and training institutions into completely
integrated learning organisations
Skills Development
Monitor and track employee skill levels and competencies
Full management reports on student progress.
Online assessments
Personalise learning plans to fill individual skill gaps
Development of curriculum paths
Produce reports pertaining to skills development training
Match employees to job requirements using skills-mapping capabilities
Integrates fully with major content providers
Employment equity planning
Profile workforce as per the NQF levels
Employment profile for each financial period
Department of Labour returns and documentation
Provide a foundation for learning based on a detailed skills assessment
Analyse employment policies, practices and procedures
Consolidate skills development reports
Strive Software International
Strive Software International laid its foundation in the education
industry in 1997 and continues to be the leading designer and
of world-class integrated education management software
The Industrial Development Corporation through its SPII
programme awarded Strive Software International a grant for
Industrial Innovation.
In addition, Praxis Capital, a leading venture capital company,
invested in Strive Software International, providing the company
with resources for further growth.
Strive Software International
is committed to:
• Total Project Responsibility
• Product support
• Continuous product improvement and enhancement
• Exceptional customer service
• Professional testing on all products
Contact Us
Postal Address:
P O Box 1541 Highlands North 2037
South Africa
Physical Address:
4th Floor, Cedar Grove, Grove City
196 Louis Botha Avenue, Houghton Estate
Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa
+27 (11) 728 0039
+27 (11) 483 0084
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