Today’s presentation! - Australian National University

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Today’s presentation!
Collaborative Research – impacts of the TEC research project
Context - three core agencies:
• Environmental Regulatory
Agencies (ERAs)
• Customs/Port Authorities
• Police Agencies (PAs)
Key Points - the 3 core agencies:
• Operate within and across very different areas of a ‘regulatory and enforcement spectrum’
• Have developed enforcement culture/practices which reflect their sphere of operations
• Have key (lead and support) roles in combating Transnational Environmental Crime
Choices - three main responses:
• Administrative
• Civil
• Criminal
Key Points - the 3 main types of responses:
• Have clear utility singularly and in combination
• No one solution (or combination) suits all circumstances
• The application of LER is highly nuanced
Challenges – definitions and roles
Key Points – in terms of challenges:
• Definitional issues influencing involvement in and priority afforded Transnational
Environmental Crime (including identification and acceptance of role and responsibilities)
• Interoperability between lead, partner and supporting agencies (and others NGOs/CSOs)
• Acceptance and accommodation of cultural differences in combating Transnational
Environmental Crime
• Who & What
• Where & When
• Why & How
Culture – operational and policy
Key Points – Cultural aspects are heavily informed by those issues raised in Context:
• Do agencies have the capacity to respond with the full suite of law enforcement responses
• Do agencies have the requisite capability (skills, knowledge, experience, resources and
mandate) to respond effectively
• Is there cultural alignment between policy (intent) and operational (activity)
• Capacity
• Capability
• Culture
Collaborative Research
Key observations and experiences – Collaborative Research:
• Genuinely creates a level of interest and support
• Surprised at the level of sharing of research (at various stages) by academics
• For an issue like Transnational Environmental Crime it has significant advantages
• You learn that academics and public servants don't live on different planets and they
don’t speak different languages (well maybe just different dialects).
• Along the way it has informed and shaped various departmental activities and Australian
Government inputs at regional and international events
• It broadens the perspective – and its all about perspective!
Thank you for your attention