Cross Border Exchange

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Cross Border Exchange
Inspiration and ideas for development
Project Inclusive Europe
Meeting people
• Relations are built
with and between
June 2011- Jan 2014
8 million SEK (appr 800.000 Euro)
32 participating actors
500 participants
TN Cooperation – focus Baltic Sea Region
Cross Border meetings & cooperation
• Wider dimension
• Broaden professional ability
• Perspectve of opportunities
• Least but not last – gives inspiration and
knowledge for innovations and new
work methods.
Aim with project
• Broaden the knowledge of many
• ”Learning by doing” – for
specialists –creating
Twin project - Networking
Same participants
Similar aim
Bigger (900 participants/11 million)
Method - networking
Learning by doing - principle
Results–in numbers
• 400(400) people in short training
• 172 (100) people in exchange trips –
– 19 (20) Transnational Cooperation
Experts (incl 3 foreign)
– 81 (34+9 certified) Stockholm Baltic
Exchange Program
– 72(47+25) Tailor made Exchange
= trained Transnational ”ambassadors”
Results in added value
• 7 ESF Exploratory studies
• Several known project initiatives
• 14 organisations has now got TN
strategies in place
• Ongoing relations and explorations
• A network has emerged
• A need for ongoing training and
services for TN and EU information
Two certified training programs
• Stockholm Baltic Exchange Program
• Transnational Cooperation Experts
Some examples of exchange visits
Social economy ”MOS”, Kroatia
Project ”Fifty Fifty”, Poland
Jobcenter Berlin
Guildford Job Club, England
Minority issues, Finland
Microfinance, Italy
Importance of Transnational Cooperation
Evaluation - Views on the Programme
Programme structure & aims
• The structure was good and the support sufficient.
• 9 out of 12 took part in at least 7 of the face to face meetings.
• Most useful assignments: those related to the strategic plan and
promoting TNC within the own organisation.
Evalutation – continued
Dissemination and outcomes:
• 8 feel that they have built long-term contacts
• 9 have already implemented or planned TNC activities
• 7 have so far been able to share the benefits with colleagues
• 9 would recommend the programme to others, 3 do not know
• Average level of overall satisfaction (on a scale of 1 to 10): 7
Exemples of TN strategies
Huddinge Municipality
Södertälje Municipality
Lidingö Municipality
Nacka Municipality
Järfälla Municipality
City of Solna
City of Stockholm
Stockholms County
Examples to follow:
• The Board of Youth
• Basta
The Board of Youth
We are a knowledge based
authority making change by
influence and welfare for our
target groups
A better life is possible
The Board of Youth Affaires
International objectives: (contribute to the overal objective through)
• increase knowledge and exchange of experience within
matter of facts
• Increase the opportunities to international project
cooperation and/or participation in international
activities and networks
• give opportunities to internal development through
financing of EU programs
The Board of Youth Affairs - continued
All parts of the operations shall strive to include the
international perspective. The following areas within
the core business shall be prioritised in the
international work 2013-15:
• The effects of funding
• Knowledgebased youth
The aim:
To use our transnational work in order to enhance and
improve the work we do.
Through our transnational activities we will be able to
develop our organisation, offer better opportunities for the
people at Basta, and to create strong networks and
dissemination opportunities across Europe.
Basta – continued
Expected outcomes:
• New business ideas/activities have been developed.
• Transnational added values are documented and
• We have developed our organisation.
• We have a more professional and empowered staff.
• Basta has been able to disseminate its model across
• A strong European network is supporting us in our
Results – added value
Two participants have developed their
relations in their ”Transfer of Innovation”
• Basta
• Lidingö Municipality/ Stockholm Gerontology
Research Center (project Arbetssam)
Testimonials from participants
”This was the best thing I did this year”
”As a result of this training my organisation has got
its first international strategy ever!”
”I learned about an e-guidance tool that we can transfer
to our operations.”
“My visit to Sweden has already given several
transnational cooperation benefits”
“We will implement the youth exchange from Esbo into
the network of Edge Cities”
More from our participants
”We realise that our values about disabled
are really not so good here in Sweden”
”I will do an exchange of folk music between Prague and
”We will now establish a training at school for social
”We must be better in using EU funds to combat youth
unemployment as they have in Germany”
”As a result of my training we have created a
European network between airport-regions”
”Through transnational
cooperation you will find
points to work on. This is
exactly what can be
expected of an exchange.
Not to just "look"
it’s all about "doing things"
• Film
Concrete plans evolving within the project
”Innovation Hub” for
youth in Södertälje
Training program for
airport staff Arlanda –
Berlin exchange
I-pad as tool for
better inclusion
Making TN happen with our twin project
Already at 2010 – polish partner search forums
NSI – one of first TN partners
Developed a twin project/same name
Sharing of experiences & co-arranging events
Training together
Sustainable deep relation
NSI experiences
Inspiration & quick guide
to TN Cooperation
• A selection of best practice
• Guidelines to how to proceed
• References to sources of information
10 tips for successful TN exchange
1. Planning and preparations
2. Cultural differences &country specific conditions
3. Systems knowledge
4. Financing opportunities and the support of funds
5. EU and the Baltic Sea Strategy - link to needs
6. Explore networks
7. Support from experts
8. Combine exchange methods
9. Humbleness & generousity
10. Relations need continued nuitrition
10 tips - facts and knowledge
1. Planning and preparations
2. Cultural differences & country specific conditions
3. Systems knowledge
10 tips – experts & connections
Financing opportunities and the support of funds
EU and the Baltic Sea Strategy - link to needs
Explore networks
Support from experts
10 tips – ways & relations
8. Combine exchange methods
9. Humbleness & generousity
10. Relations need continued nuitrition
Inclusive Europe Plattform
A web platform specificly for municipalities &
Latest news about relevant EU funds
Network meetings & events
Projects looking for partners
Support and training
Good luck in
the next