City of Santa Rosa Housing Element Update

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Transcript City of Santa Rosa Housing Element Update

City of Santa Rosa
Housing Element Update
October 2, 2008
Santa Rosa 2035 General Plan Revision
► Focused
► Will
on Housing Element update
incorporate key policies from other plans
► Will
include policies related to climate
► To
be completed by June 2009
Housing Element Update
► Introductory
Housing Meeting
► Background data collection/sites inventory
► Presentation of background data – meeting 2
► Policy development
► Release
of draft Housing Element/General Plan
► Presentation
of draft Housing Element
► Other opportunities for public involvement
Tonight’s Agenda
► Housing
Element update program
Background Report information
► Comments
on Draft HE background
► Current
HE policies and programs
Housing Allocation Plan Report
► Station
Area Specific Plan policy
 Acreage based to unit based program
 Mixed use exemption
 Affordability at 20% very low/low,
20% moderate and 60% above moderate
Housing Allocation Plan
► Requires
projects of 15 or more acres
provide 15% of units for low incomes
► Most projects pay fee in lieu
► 20+ acre projects may provide units off site
► Land dedication is an option
► Exemptions
Report analyzes:
Effects of an on-site requirement
 15 percent affordable to low income
 20 percent affordable to low income
 10 percent affordable to very low, 10 percent to low, 20
percent moderate
Change from acreage based to unit based requirement
Elimination of exemption for mixed use developments
On site versus fees for off site production
On site affordable requirement may:
► Reduce
prices developers will pay for land
► Integrate
► Scatter
affordable units
► Decrease
► Not
affordable units in new development
funds available for affordable housing
reach lower level of affordability
Unit based requirement
► More
projects required to provide affordable
units on site
► Reduce
prices developers will pay for land
► Decrease
funds available for affordable
Elimination of mixed use exemption
► Reduce
prices developers will pay for land
► Fees
or units would be generated in mixed
use projects
► On
site requirement reduces land budget
but less than for residential projects due to
value of retail component
On site versus off site production
On site:
► Disperses
units throughout the city, in each
► Ensures
concurrent construction of
affordable units
► Level
of affordability could be less
On site versus off site production
In lieu fees (off site):
► Fees
can be leveraged to obtain other funds
► Deeper
► Units
level of subsidy may be achieved
developed are typically rentals, whose
long term affordability is more certain
Next Steps – HAP Report
► Posted
on website for public review
► Integration
with Housing Element
Full report available:
(Departments>City Admin>Advance Planning)
Draft Housing Element Background
► Existing
conditions – housing
costs and supply, special
needs, constraints, programs
► Comments
/ questions
Housing Element Policies & Programs
► Existing
► Existing
housing programs
General Plan Update Timeframe
► Draft
General Plan December 2008
► Submittal of Housing Element to State
► Boards/Commission review in early 2009
► City Council April 2009