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JUNE 2010
Key stage 4…
Key stage 5…
and beyond…
And should be aiming to be increasingly more…
In the classroom…
At home…
 Pupils
should be expected to take greater
responsibility for their own learning.
 Pupils should become aware of their
responsibility to contribute to the
classroom learning environment.
 Pupils should further develop the ability
to talk about how the learn.
 Pupils should seek to organise themselves
and strategically plan for future
 Students’
attainment at the end of Year 9
informs the setting of target grades across
the curriculum for GCSE.
 This
attainment also informs setting in some
subject areas in Year 10.
 Students
will be working towards achieving
their target grade by the end of Year 11.
 November
Mentoring Day:
At this point in the course you can expect
your child to be one or more grades below
their target.
 April
Mentoring Day:
The internal exams will be taking place at
the end of this month. At this stage your
child may be working a grade below their
 Summer
Term Reports:
The grade on this report will give an
indication of how well your child has
achieved in a number of subjects. This will
give you an accurate assessment of how well
your child has performed under exam
 What
is a controlled assessment?
 What
has happened to coursework?
 How
can you now best support your child…?
 Familiarise
yourself with your child’s
 Help
your child research and plan
for the assessment.
 Encourage
further background
reading on the identified topics.
 Encourage
visits to places of
Target Groups.
Revision/Exam Techniques.
Outside Speakers.
Mentoring Days.
Further Parent Information
The School Website/Learning
The 4 year plan!
 In
May 2011 pupils will be sitting external
modular exams in the following subjects:
(50% of total GCSE Grade)
Science – 1 module exam per
subject each worth 33% of total
grade for that subject
Science dual award – 1 full GCSE exam. Pupils will be
awarded a grade in August 2011.
GCSE Applied Health and Social Care: One unit exam
worth 20% of GCSE.
GCSE Applied Business Studies – Unit 1 exam worth
20% of GCSE.
Geography - 2 exams worth 50% of total GCSE Grade.
History - Unit 1 worth 45% of the GCSE (World War
One and Cold War units of work).
 Work
experience will take place 10 – 21
January 2011.
 Letters
will be posted home with an ‘own
placement’ form w/c 21 June 2010.
 Deadline
for ‘own placement’ forms to be
returned by 10 September.
 Assemblies
by Countec will take place
between September – December.
 Extra-curricular
 Sport.
 Enrichment
opportunities provided by school
and parents.
 Out of School interests.
 Developing a greater awareness and
understanding of the world around them.
 Discussing their learning with their parents.
with the transition?
too little; too much?
and Organisation Issues?
pressures effecting
 If
you are concerned about the progress of
your son/daughter between mentoring days,
please make direct contact with one of the
 The
Subject teacher/Head of Department.
 The
Tutor / Mentor.
 The
Learning Mentor/Chaplaincy Assistant –
Mrs Christie.
 The
Head of Year – Nikki Pope.
 The
attached Senior Teacher – Mr Roach.
 Mrs
Grant and Mrs Hammond, the Connexions
 Mr Robinson, the school Counsellor.
 Sarah Kriskinans and Vicky Parry, the school
 Sue Rickson, careers advice.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Get into a good study habit in the early days of
your courses.
 Get organised and deal with work as it is set.
 Familiarise yourself with what you are exactly be
asked to do and develop the appropriate
communication skills so that you are able to
effectively convey what you know.
 Be prepared to further your own learning by
doing your own independent research
 Look at and understand how you learn best.
 ‘Do the best that is possible.’ Realise the
importance of the opportunities you now have.