AP Computer Science

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AP Computer Science - A
Ms. Knudtzon
September 7, 2005
Some of my Background
BS in Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College
Software Engineer, The Aerospace Corporation
MS in Computer Science, University of Maryland
Taught a Data Structures class at Cal-State Los
Last year, student average of 4.5 on APCS-A
• Syllabus for the course (Handout)
 Note: Final Project and Exam
• Survey - please fill out
• Course Web Site (Will be ready sometime this weekend)
• Books:
 Java Software Solutions (Lewis & Crofton)
 Other books (I will be using)
• Learning to Program with Alice (Dann, Cooper & Pausch)
• Head First Java
• Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ
What I expect of you
• Keep your notes organized (take notes in class)
• Do any assigned reading
• Do all the assignments
 Including journals and abstracts
• Have fun; do hard work
• Let me know if the assignments are taking more
than one hour a night
Come to me with questions, concerns, and ideas
Follow the lab rules
No cheating
 But what’s cheating in CS?
What you can expect of me
• I will do my best to make class interesting
• I will create interesting projects for the course
 Please provide me feedback throughout the course
• I will be a master learner
 Teachers should be a model for learning in the
classroom environment and facilitate the learning of
• I will be available for help
 After school or by appointment
 I will answer questions via email (Allow at least 8
hours for a response)
Working on St. Albans computers
• Storing your files (in your student folders on the
Organizing assignments and labs
 Keep a folder for each homework or project
• Software you will be using
 Alice
 BlueJ
 Eclipse (mostly 2nd quarter)
• Policies for homework submission
 Submit assignments via email
HW: Journal Assignment
• Please write 1/2 -- 1 page journal about your
goals for this semester in this class. Please
Your background
Your interests
Your worries
What you are most excited about
• This will be due Friday before class (by email)
 You will meet with me to discuss these goals early
next week
Introduction to Programming
Say you want to instruct someone to mark the
corners of a rectangle (5x10 foot) fence or field
 How would you explain exactly what to do?
 How else can we explain how to do that?
• What if we wanted to:
 Make pb&j sandwiches for the entire school?
 Average all the grades in a class?
Why is this important
• For a person to accomplish any task, they have to carry
out a set of explicit steps
 Computers are no different. You have to tell them step-by-step
how to do what you want them to do
• Computer Science, particularly programming, builds off of
this simple model of providing short programs (series of
steps) to complete tasks
 As the complexity of the task increases, so does the complexity
of the program required to complete it
 However, even the most complex programs can be broken into a
series of simpler programs
Programming as Science
• Programming is not easy and requires creativity
 Can be hard for people to grasp at first exposure
 Takes repetition and perseverance
• Requires a unique way of thinking
 Requires strong capability to think abstractly
 You must be able to think both about how to
• Break problems into small pieces, AND
• Build a large program from smaller pieces
• But… being able to think like this will serve you well in
almost any future career field
Learning Programming
• 1st quarter we will start with Alice, a 3d
programming environment for novices. Then I
will introduce the Java programming language
and some basic (and not so basic) programming
2nd quarter we will revisit some topics and build
on them to make more substantial programs
• So, don’t worry if things aren’t completely clear
at first – it will all make sense more as we go
along. By second semester, you won’t remember
why you thought this first stuff was difficult!
APCS-A: Intro
Lecture 02
September 8, 2005
Definition of Computer
• CS involves the synthesis and analysis of:
Information representations
Information communication processes
Automated resource allocation methods
Languages for all of the above
Robert Keller
Harvey Mudd College
Computer Science in general
• What is computer science?
Is it programming?
Is that it?
What’s the role of hardware? Software?
What’s computer science research?
• What are the social implications of computing?
 What about ethics?
Interdisciplinary Nature of CS
“Ought computer science be a branch of
mathematics? Of engineering? Of
architecture? Of art? Of biology? Of
sociology? Of philosophy? Alternatively,
does it borrow techniques and approaches
from all of these disciplines? I think so”
Bjarne Stroustrup, The Design and Evolution of C++, 1994
Interdisciplinary Nature of CS
Mathematics – discrete analysis, logic
Engineering – system design
Art – program construction
Psychology – interface construction
Philosophy – language design
Biology – genetic programming paradigms, bioinformatics
Architecture – large (and expensive) systems
Sociology – information sharing and security
Alice: Concepts
• Virtual World - Objects are the 3 dimensional things in the
 They have height, width & depth
• Six Directions in the world (relative to the object’s internal
 Up & down
 Left & right
 Forward & backward
• Center of an object
 It is NOT calculated - the artist decides when he/she creates the
object - for some objects it is the center of mass
 For people, the center is between their feet
Alice: Concepts
• Distance is measured from the center of
the object
• Position in the world is based on center of
 This affects placement of some objects
Alice: Tutorials
• You will do Tutorials 1 & 4 to get
acquainted with the Alice environment
• Tutorial 1 involves a simple ice-skating
routine and introduces you to the Alice
• Tutorial 4 shows you how to create your
own 3d scenes to work with
Alice Exploration
• When you finish the tutorials, you will create your own
animation to show the class
 You will have the rest of today (after you finish the tutorials and
half of the class tomorrow)
 You are welcome to come to the lab after school today to add
even more.
• Don’t forget the journal assignment due tomorrow.