Lewis Carroll

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Lewis Carroll
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Personal Life
From childhood, interested in puppetry and magic tricks.
 Taught children how to make paper boats and “poppers”
 Specialized in photographs of children and famous people.
 Invented math problems and word puzzles.
 Mathematician at Oxford University
 Played chess, backgammon, croquet, and billiards.
 Patron of opera and theater.
 Stuttered when he spoke
How did he meet Alice?
Henry Liddell (Alice’s father) and his family moved to Christ Church in 1856;
Liddell was Dean for Oxford College
Dodgeson, who taught at the college, became a close family friend, would take
the Liddell girls—Ina, Alice, and Edith—for picnics on the river.
In 1862, on one of these picnics, Dodgson began telling an imaginative story
based in and around the girls’ lives.
After a time, Alice wanted to have her story written down. He did and thought
it might sell well, so he took his manuscript to MacMillan, who liked it
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865.
Friendship with the Liddell Family
Henry Liddell (Alice’s father) and his family moved to Christ
Church in 1856; Liddell was Dean for Oxford College
Dodgeson, who taught at the college, became a close family
friend, would take the Liddell girls—Ina, Alice, and Edith—for
picnics on the river.
Soon after they met him, Dodgson became a frequent visitor to
the Liddell home. He entertained the girls by taking them on
frequent boat trips and picnics in the scenic areas around
Oxford, telling them fantastic stories to pass the time. He also
used them as frequent subjects for his hobby, photography.
Alice was clearly the favorite throughout these years, and she
became the heroine of his tales while her sisters played
supporting roles.
Alice Liddell