Transcript Slide 1

Joint Needs Assessment
(JNA) Database
Learning from Evaluative
Reports Database
An initiative the Emergency Capacity
Building Project (ECB2) funded by the
Microsoft Foundation
Why yet another shared evaluative
reports database?
• Many evaluation report/project document
repositories, but cumbersome to read full reports
to extract relevant lessons-learnt
• Summarizes and synthesizes lessons learnt in a
searchable format.
• Allows agency-specific tracking of whether lessons
are being learned and a user-friendly monitoring
• Support IWG joint activities.
Lessons Learned: Example…
25. Beneficiary Participation: “Oxfam developed
proposals in Guatemala City. The team that conducted
the damage assessment was also involved in proposal
development. Oxfam’s proposals used information
provided by their counterparts and the needs
assessment by their team. Consultations were also
made with affected people to learn about their
preferences and customs. The designation of specific
personnel to develop proposals was important and led to
good results. This form of proposal development should
continue, as should consulting beneficiaries regarding
their preferences and needs.” (CARE/CRS/Oxfam 2005
Guatemala Joint Evaluation of Response to Tropical
Storm Stan)
Lesson Focus Categories
1. Rapid assessment of needs
2. Joint assessment
3. Early deployment and surge capacity
4. HR management in rapid deployment
5. Coordination with other agencies
6. Building management capacity in rapid
scale up situations
7. Strategic management and leadership
of complex response
8. Staff security management
9. Emergency response in high intensity
10. Logistics management; procurement
and supply chain management
11. Civil Military coordination
12. Shelter
13. Public health in emergencies
14. Watsan in emergencies
15. Camp Management
16. Food security
17. Livelihoods 18. Early recovery assessment
and planning
19. Protection
20. Crisis-prevention and recovery
21. Disaster risk reduction
22. Disaster Preparedness
23. Accountability to beneficiaries
24. Complaints mechanism
25. Beneficiary participation
26. Community consultation
27. Gender awareness in emergency response
28. Local Capacity Building
29. Advocacy on complex humanitarian issues.
30. Adherence to international standards
(Sphere, HAP2007, ISO, etc)
31. Humanitarian Reform Issues
32. Impact Assessment of emergency
33. Funding and donor relationship
34. Communication and management
information system in emergencies
How does a “Lesson” Qualify for
• Suggest concrete solutions to a problem in
different contexts
• Should have an “Aha-factor”
• Must be action-oriented
Advanced Search Page
Advanced Search> Criteria: Natural Disaster – Floods
Public View: “CARE 2005 Pakistan Evaluation of Earthquake Response”
Manager View :“CARE 2005 Pakistan Evaluation of Earthquake Response”
Joint Needs Assessment Data entry Application (Works on and off-line)
Common data
elements agreed by
ECB member agencies
Joint Needs Assessment Report View
Bengkulu Earthquake (Indonesia) Initial Assessment Report
How to get there?