Transcript Bild 1

Books in Safety Promotion
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Safety Promotion – an Introduction
La ”Introducción a la Promoción de la
Seguridad” es un libro que describe las bases
científicas y teóricas, los modelos y conceptos
esenciales, así como experiencias prácticas
concretas de promoción de la seuridad.
”Safety Promotion- An Introduction” is a
textbook that describes scientific and theoretical
grounds, models, central concepts and basic
theories as well as practical experiences of
safety promotion.
2a Edición Revisada.
También disponible en Internet
ISBN 978-91-7357-460-0
Precio: 325 Coronas Suecas + costos de envío.
Para ordenar su pedido Ulf Ala-Mutka
[email protected]
2nd revised Edition
Available at the on line:
Price: 325:- + cost for postage
Order from Ulf Ala-Mutka: [email protected]
Safety Promotion Research......
is a textbook on the theoretical grounds, central concepts
and methods in injury and safety promotion research.
The experiences of about twenty Swedish researchers
are put into contribution. They lay the ground for more
specialized work on the control, prevention and cost
analysis of unintentional and intentional injuries.
They address the possibilities and limitations, for injury
prevention and safety promotion, of public health
surveillance, of various forms of interventions and of
alternative methods for evaluation of their impact. Modern
epidemiological study designs for analysis of mechanisms
prevailing in the social distribution of injury risks are
described. Ethical issues in the conduct of safety
promotion research are presented.
Karolinska Institutet
Leif Svanström, Professor
Moa Sundström, Co-ordinator
Dept. of Public Health Sciences,
Division of Social Medicine, Norrbacka
SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
ISBN 91-630-7856-2
Price: 325:- + cost for
Order from
Ulf Ala-Mutka: [email protected]
[email protected]