Transcript Document

Personal Project Review
(10th Grade Year)
Mrs. Bonk
IB MYP Coordinator (Office 1208)
Ms. Menke
Ms. Rise
Mr. Shaw
Most students started in 9th grade BUT
if you didn’t OR you are new to HPSH….
Don’t Worry, you still have time to
complete the project…
ALL 10th grade students do the
Personal Project
What IS the Personal Project ?
 The MYP Personal Project is considered the
culmination of the students MYP journey.
Students choose an Area of Interaction to use
as a driving force for the project.
 It is completed almost entirely out of class and
students have approximately six to twelve
months to create their projects.
 It provides an excellent opportunity for you, the
student to produce a truly personal and/or
creative piece of work of your choice.
 The personal nature of the project is important;
the project should be based around a topic that
motivates and interests you!
What are the Components /
Requirements of the PP?
 Process Journal (ongoing)
 Project Itself-- Outcome or Product (ongoing)
 Report (Winter)
 Showcase (Spring)
 Celebration/Ceremony (Spring)
How do I start? OR
What do I do next?
Most students began brainstorming, choosing
an Area of Interaction, and researching last
Some students even started projects over the
If you have not done these, now is the time…
The next step is to begin the journaling
process and work on the actual project -outcome or product!
What are the AoI that I
choose from?
(Area of Interaction)
 Health and Social Education
 Community and Service
 Human Ingenuity
 Environment
 Approaches to Learning *
* Approaches to Learning is a part of all the projects
Health and Social Education
(Project Ideas)
 Develop a recipe
 Develop a marketing campaign to address a teen
issue (like driving while texting)
 Form a school club
 Produce and direct a short movie about bullying
 Produce and direct a music video about organic food
 Teach a new sport to a group
 Create a short video about how young people learn
(Project Ideas)
 Do a research/lab report based on an original
scientific idea (like how to make a hockey puck go
faster on ice)
 Create a map of green space in your neighborhood
 Create a piece of environmental art
 Have a re-use party
 Make a model about coral reefs
 Create a display about sea turtles
 Make a dress out of “trash”
Community Service
(Project Ideas)
 Remodel something using eco-friendly materials
 Launch a recycling program
 Raise money for charity
 Build a bike rack
 Create a mural in your neighborhood
 Join a local civic group and work on solving a local
 Do a demonstration for teachers about how
technology can be used to help learning in the
classroom in a new way
Human Ingenuity
(Project Ideas)
 Develop your own video game
 Create a website
 Create a software program
 Develop a business
 Design clothes
 Invent something
 Write a short book, poem, song, play
 Design and make jewelry
 Build Furniture
What is the Journal all about?
The purpose of the journal is to reflect
continuously through the project-- a place for
you to think, explore, reflect, plan
Prompts will be provided, but your are not
limited to only use these
Journals can be done in a variety of formats
Journals will be collected and assessed at
different stages of the process
Journaling will help you with the final report
Process Journal
(evaluated by Criterion A)
 Is. . .
 Started at the beginning and
used throughout the process
 A place for planning
 A place for recording
interactions with sources
 A place for storing useful
 A means of exploring ideas
 A place for reflection at various
 Devised by the student to fit
his/her needs
 Useful for receiving formative
 Used by the student to produce
the project report
 Is not. . . .
 used on a daily basis (unless
this is useful for the student)
 written up after the process has
been completed
 additional work on top of the
project; it is part of and
supports the project
 a diary with detailed writing
about what was done
 a static document with only one
Even though this project is
mainly done outside of class,
do I get any class credit?
Semester 1 : The Journals will comprise 5%
of your Human Geography formative grade
(= 1.5% of overall grade)
Semester 2 : The Report will comprise 5% of
your English summative grade (= 3.5% of
overall grade)
Who will help me?
Although this is an independent project based
on a passion or interest and mainly
completed outside of the classroom, you will
find support and guidance from:
Social Studies 10 teachers will guide you through
the journaling in the fall
English 10 teachers will guide you on the paper
starting in the winter
IB MYP Coordinator- Mrs. Bonk
Mentors, family members, friends that you ask to
Are there any handouts?
PP Packet
Contains the PP Overview, PP Proposal,
and PP Research and Sources (return
packets to students or provide new packets
to students new to HPSH or those that
have not yet started)
Journal Expectations and Prompts
Good Luck!
We can’t wait to see what amazing
things you will do!
Check out this MYP Personal
Project Fair at the Global Jaya
International School (an IB
school in Jakarta, Indonesia).