Transcript Slide 1

Faste ansatte
Professor Benedicte Ingstad
Professor Christoph Gradmann
Førsteamanuensis Anne-Lise Middelthon
Professor Øivind Larsen
Forsker prosjekter
Gry Sagli
Poverty, disability and access to social welfare in the People's Republic of China.
Heidi Fjeld
Practice in Tibet.
Anne Kveim Lie NFR
The Quest for Balance: Particularity, Authority and Change in Contemporary Medical
Antibiotikaresistensens historie I Norge.
Camilla Hansen NFR Stigma and self-representations. An ant. study on poverty and disability in South Africa.
Torun Arntsen
NFR Genetic disorders, consanguineous marriages and genetic counseling
Kåre Moen
NFR HIV vulnerability and HIV prevention needs among men who have sex with men in
Nina Olsvold
LSH Ansvar og Yrkesrolle: Den sosiale organiseringen av ansvar i sykehus. (levert,
avhandling er under vurdering)
Anne Langaas HiO Kropp, bevegelse og fysisk aktivitet. Om profesjonssosialisering hos fysioterapistudenter.
Kjetil Wathne
H&R Fedme: Kultur, familie, individ.
Meselu Kebede Kvote Young women and induced abortion in Ethiopia: Sexuality, stigma and silence.
Kristine Nymoen Høgskolen i Kautokeino Negotiating Pathways to Adulthood: Social Change, Mental Health
and Indigenous Culture in five Circumpolar Communities.