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- 초급 Contents -
National News
Mt. Baekdu to Erupt?
World News
World’s Tallest Building
Chang Bogo: King of the Seas
Figure Skating
Becoming a Good Leader
Fun Stories
The Sun and The Wind
Santa Claus Village
My Diary
My Soldier Brother
Let’s Enjoy Patbingsu in Summer
National News
Remember Korean War
World News
Barack Obama- First Black American President
Himalayan Queen Oh Eun-sun
Learn From Your Mistakes
Siberian Tigers
Fun Stories
Foolish Crow
Madurodam, Miniature City
My Diary
Table Manners
- 초급 Contents -
National News
Children’s Day
World News
Bumblebee in Sydney
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Zakumi: The 2010 World Cup Mascot
Good Habits are Important
Fun Stories
A Tale of Monsters
Wax Museum
My Diary
My Sister’s Wedding
Would You Like Some Salad?
National News
Schools to Become Safer
World News
Paper Made from Stones
I Married My Dog!
Enjoy Swimming in the Cold Weather!
Wear Sunscreen for Your Skin!
Soon We will Talk with Pets!
Fun Stories
Get on a Shoe!
The Maldives
My Diary
My Diary
Remembering Ahn Jung-geun
National News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 산 [mountain]
2. border [국경(경계)]
3. 호수 [lake]
4. eruption [폭발]
5. actually [실제로]
6. 화산 [volcano]
7. 과학자 [scientist]
8. erupt [폭발하다]
9. government [정부]
10. prepare [준비하다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. It is famous for Cheonji.
→ 그것은 천지로 유명해요.
12. It is on the border between North Korea and China.
→ 그것은 북한과 중국 사이의 국경에 있답니다.
13. Scientists say Mt. Baekdu may erupt soon.
→ 과학자들은 백두산이 곧 폭발할 것이라고 해요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. Mt. Baekdu is ____________________________ mountain in Korea.
the highest / highest
15. The government _____________________________ for the eruption.
will prepare / will prepared
National News
Mt. Baekdu to Erupt?
Mt. Baekdu is the highest mountain in Korea.
It is on the border between North Korea and China.
It is famous for Cheonji, the lake on top of the mountain.
Mt. Baekdu is actually a volcano.
Scientists say Mt. Baekdu may erupt soon.
The government will prepare for the eruption.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Where is Mt. Baekdu? [2]
①. It's in the North Korea.
②. It is on the border between North Korea and China.
③. It's between North Korea and South Korea.
④. It is in China.
17. What is Mt. Baekdo famous for? [4]
①. The special trees in the mountain
②. The beach near the mountain
③. An old man living in the mountain
④. The lake on top of the mountain
18. What is the opposite word of 'high'? [3]
①. wide
②. narrow
③. low
④. large
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Mt. Baekdu is higher than Mt. Halla. [T]
20. Scientists can know when Mt. Baekdu will erupt. [T]
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. building [빌딩, 건물]
2. 세계 [world]
3. open [열다, 개장하다]
4. 지난 [last]
5. January [1월]
6. floor [층, 마루]
7. (건물을) 짓다 [build]
8. call [부르다]
9. tall [키가 큰, 높은]
10. look [보다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Look at this building.
→ 이 빌딩 좀 보세요.
12. It was built by Korea, Samsung.
→ 그것은 한국의 삼성에 의해서 지어졌어요.
13. It opened last January.
→ 그것은 지난 1월에 열렸어요.
☞ 그림을 보고, 질문에 답하시오.
14. Which is the tallest?
15. Which is the largest?
World News
National News
World’s Tallest Building
Look at this building.
Do you know this building?
It is called Burj Khalifa.
It is in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
It opened last January.
It is the tallest building in the world.
It is 828 meters tall. It has 160 floors.
It was built by Korea, Samsung.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. How tall is Burj Khalifa? [2]
①. It is 160 meters tall.
②. It is 828 meters tall.
③. It is lower than The 63 building.
④. It is the second tallest building in the world.
17. When did the building open? [2]
①. It hasn't opened yet.
②. It opened last January.
③. It opened last summer.
④. It opened yesterday.
18. What is the opposite word of 'open'? [1]
①. close
②. tear
③. cover
④. press
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Burj Khalifa is the second tallest building in the world. [F]
20. It was not built by Japan, Sony. [T]
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. safe [안전한]
2. island [섬]
3. admiral [해군 제독]
4. famous [유명한]
5. trade [무역]
6. soldier [군인, 병사]
7. destroy [파괴하다]
8. pirate [해적]
9. learn [배우다]
10. summer [여름]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. How about visiting Wando this summer?
→ 올 여름 완도를 방문해보는 것은 어떨까요?
12. He trained many soldiers there.
→ 그는 많은 군사들을 거기서 훈련시켰어요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Expression |
13. Wando is a beautiful
in South Jeolla Province.
14. From this base, Chang Bogo destroyed pirates.
15. You
learn many things about him.
Chang Bogo: King of the Seas
Wando is a beautiful island in South Jeolla Province.
The island is well known for Chang Bogo.
Chang Bogo was a great admiral during the Shilla Kingdom
(B.C. 57 ~ A.D. 935). Chang Bogo built Cheonghaejin. It was a
famous naval base in Wando. He trained many soldiers there.
From this base, Chang Bogo destroyed pirates. He made the
sea safe for trade. How about visiting Wando this summer?
There, you can learn many things about him.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which
①. Chang
②. Chang
③. Chang
④. Chang
of the following sentence is NOT true? [2]
Bogo was a great admiral during the Shilla Kingdom.
Bogo was born in Wando.
Bogo trained many soldiers in Wando.
Bogo made the sea safe for trade.
17. From the naval base in Wando, Chang Bogo destroyed __________. [4]
①. soldiers
②. buildings
③. Aliens
④. enemies
18. The word 'train' most nearly means __________. [1]
①. teach
②. subway
③. learn
④. describe
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Wando is a island in North Jeolla Province. [F]
20. He made the sea safe for trade. [T]
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. special [특별한]
2. clothing [옷]
3. artistic [예술적인]
4. 중요한 [important]
5. popular [인기 있는]
6. try [시도하다]
7. 이기다, 획득하다 [win]
8. wear [입다]
9. another [또 다른]
10. ~이 되다 [become]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Why don’t you try it, too?
→ 여러분도 해보지 그래요?
12. You may become another Kim Yu-na!
→ 여러분도 또 다른 김연아 선수가 될지도 몰라요!
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Expression |
13. Figure skating is
14. Players
15. Figure
special skates and beautiful clothing.
is now very popular in Korea.
Figure Skating
Do you know figure skating?
Did you see figure skating in the Olympics?
Korea Kim Yu-na won the gold medal. She did so well.
Players wear special skates and beautiful clothing.
Figure skating is artistic.
It is an important sports event in the Winter Olympics.
Figure skating is now very popular in Korea.
Many children like to try figure skating.
Why don’t you try it, too? You may become another Kim Yu-na!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Choose the correct sentence only. [3]
①. Figure skating is not artistic at all.
②. Figure skating is not important in the Winter Olympics.
③. Figure skating is very popular in Korea.
④. Many children do not like figure skating.
17. What do players wear? [2]
①. Ugg boots and beautiful clothing
②. Special skates and beautiful clothing
③. Special skates and raincoats
④. Ugg boots and swimsuit
18. What is the opposite word of 'win'? [4]
①. draw
②. dream
③. live
④. lose
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Kim Yu-na won the gold medal. [T]
20. Figure skating is now very popular in Korea. [T]
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. set an example [모범을 보이다]
2. 역사 [history]
3. important [중요한]
4. 이끌다 [lead]
5. follower [따르는 사람, 추종자]
6. act [행동하다]
7. ~해야 한다 [must]
8. first [먼저, 우선]
9. become [~이 되다]
10. 생각하다 [think]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Keep them in your mind.
→ 그것들을 여러분 마음 속에 잘 간직하세요.
12. They are responsible for what they say.
→ 그들은 그들이 말하는 것들에 대해 책임을 진답니다.
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
13. There
was / were
many great leaders in history.
14. Good leaders must
lead / leading
Have / Having
a good leader is important.
Becoming a Good Leader
There were many great leaders in history.
Having a good leader is important.
Do you also want to become a good leader?
Good leaders must lead.
Good leaders think of their followers first. Good leaders act first.
They are responsible for what they say.
They do things that they want others to do first.
They set an example. Think about these.
Keep them in your mind. Then, you can become a good leader.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which is NOT true about good leaders? [4]
①. Good leaders think of their followers first.
②. Good leaders act first.
③. They set an example.
④. Good leaders think of themselves first.
17. Good leaders are responsible for what they __________. [3]
①. see
②. hear
③. say
④. touch
18. Find the opposite word of 'leader' in the article. [4]
①. history
②. act
③. example
④. follower
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Good leaders do things that they want others to do first. [T]
20. There were no great leaders in history. [F]
- 10 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. various [다양한]
2. vegetable [채소]
3. 구멍 [hole]
4. rodent [설치류]
5. short [짧은]
6. 동물의 털 [fur]
7. nut [견과류]
8. weigh [몸무게가 ~나가다]
9. 부드러운 [soft]
10. pet [애완동물]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Have you seen the animation ‘Bolt?’
→ 당신은 애니메이션 Bolt는 본 적이 있나요?
12. They weigh nearly 130 grams.
→ 그들은 거의 130 g 무게가 나갑니다.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
13. Hamsters stay in a hole
during the daylight.
14. Hamsters eat dried food
and vegetables.
15. Hamsters have soft but short fur.
dried food
- 11 -
Have you seen the animation ‘Bolt?’
The hamster in it was a close friend of the dog Bolt.
You might have seen a hamster in various movies or
animations. Why don’t we learn more about the cute hamster?
Hamsters are rodents. They stay in a hole in the ground during
the daylight. Hamsters eat dried food, berries, nuts, fresh fruits
and vegetables. Hamsters have soft but short fur. They weigh
nearly 130 grams. But some hamsters weigh only 40 grams.
Many people grow hamsters as a pet. They are very cute!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Hamsters don't eat _______________. [4]
①. fresh fruits
②. vegetables
③. nuts
④. wet food
17. Where do Hamsters stay during the daylight? [3]
①. in a cage
②. in the tree hole
③. underground
④. underwater
18. The word 'nearly' most nearly means __________. [2]
①. closely
②. almost
③. absolutely
④. definitely
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Hamsters have soft and long fur. [F]
20. Hamsters are reptiles. [F]
- 12 -
Fun Stories
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 힘 [power]
2. beat [~을 이기다]
3. (바람이) 불다 [blow]
4. windy [바람이 부는]
5. wonder [궁금해하다]
6. turn [차례]
7. warm [따뜻한, 더운]
8. finally [결국]
9. sweat [땀을 흘리다, 땀]
10. 소리치다 [shout ]
☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오.
→ button
→ weather
→ road
▶ Expression Check
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
14. A man is a coat was
walk / walking
on a country road.
15. The man sweated and finally took
on / off
his coat.
- 13 -
Fun Stories
The Sun and The Wind
One cool day, a man in a coat was walking on a country road.
The sun and the wind fought over their power. The sun asked the wind,
“Can you beat me?” The wind answered, “Of course! I can beat you. It’s
a piece of cake!” The wind started to blow slowly. The man said, “It’s
windy,” and buttoned up his coat. The wind blew stronger. The man said,
“Oops, it’s getting cold!” He tried to hold on to his coat. The wind
wondered, “Why can’t I blow off his coat?” ”Now, it’s my turn,” the sun
said. The sun got close. The weather is getting warm,” the man said.
The sun got closer. The man started to feel hot. Now, the sun got very
close to him. The man sweated and finally took off his coat. ”See that?
I won! I won!” the sun shouted. The sun said, “The man took off his
coat himself.”
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. How did the sun make the man take off his coat? [2]
①. The sun made him cold.
②. The sun made him feel hot.
③. The sun took off his coat by force.
④. The sun blew off his coat.
17. What was the man doing when the sun got close to him? [3]
①. The man was crying out.
②. The man was walking on a country road.
③. He was sweating a lot.
④. The man was buttoning up his coat.
18. The word 'fight' most nearly means __________. [1]
①. battle
②. bump
③. apologize
④. hit
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. The wind couldn't blow off the man's coat. [T]
20. The man took off his coat because of the sun. [T]
- 14 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 믿다 [believe]
2. place [장소]
3. country [나라]
4. come [오다]
5. 기다리다 [wait]
6. talk [이야기하다]
7. take a picture [사진을 찍다]
8. Finland [핀란드(북유럽에 있는 나라)]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Many people believe that Santa Claus comes from
Finland. Santa Claus 9) Village is in Finland.
It is the most 10) popular place in Finland.
Many people come and 11) visit this place.
You can see Santa Claus Post 12) Office there.
Word Box |
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
13. Many children wait for Santa Claus on Christmas.
→ 많은 아이들이 크리스마스에는 산타클로스를 기다리지요.
14. How about going to Santa Claus Village this Christmas?
→ 이번 크리스마스에는 산타클로스 마을에 가보는 게 어떨까요?
15. There is Santa Claus Post Office.
→ 이 마을에는 산타클로스 우체국이 있어요.
- 15 -
Santa Claus Village
You know Santa Claus well.
Many children wait for Santa Claus on Christmas.
Many people believe that Santa Claus comes from Finland.
Santa Claus Village is in Finland. It is the home of Santa Claus.
It is the most popular place in Finland.
People from many countries come and visit Santa Claus Village
every year. In the village, there is Santa Claus Post Office.
There is also Santa Claus’s office. Visitors can take pictures and
talk with the Santa Claus there.
How about going to Santa Claus Village this Christmas?
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which country does Santa Claus come from? [3]
①. Santa Claus comes from Canada.
②. There are Santa Clauses in every country.
③. Many people believe that Santa Claus comes from Finland.
④. Children believe that Santa Claus comes from Poland.
17. Which is NOT true that visitors can do in Santa Claus Village? [4]
①. Visitors can take pictures.
②. They can visit the village.
③. Visitors can talk with the Santa Claus there.
④. Visitors can get a present from Santa Claus.
18. What is the opposite word of 'believe'? [1]
①. doubt
②. visit
③. hesitate
④. drag
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. In the village, there is Santa Claus Police Station. [F]
20. People from many countries cannot come Santa Claus Village. [F]
- 16 -
My Diary
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 오늘 [today]
2. 가족 [family]
3. visit [방문하다]
4. proud [자랑스러운]
5. 군인 [soldier]
6. military [군사의, 군대의]
7. bring [가지고 가다]
8. become [~이 되다]
9. strong [강한]
10. look [보이다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. I am proud of my brother.
→ 나는 저의 오빠가 자랑스러워요.
12. I hope to see him again soon.
→ 나는 또 오빠를 곧 보았으면 좋겠어요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Expression |
13. My brother looked
14. We went there to
15. We brought some fried
in his uniform.
my big brother.
- 17 -
and pizzas for him.
My Diary
My Soldier Brother
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Today, my family went to Gangwon Province.
We went there to visit my big brother.
My brother is a soldier now. He is doing his military job.
We brought some fried chicken and pizzas for him.
He liked the food very much.
My brother looked nice in his uniform. He said that he became
stronger. I am proud of my brother. I hope to see him again soon.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Why did my family go to Gangwon Province? [2]
①. For summer vacation
②. To visit my big brother
③. To visit my grandparents
④. To go on a picnic
17. How did he look in his uniform? [4]
①. He looked tired.
②. He looked awful.
③. He looked excited.
④. He looked nice.
18. What is the opposite word of 'strong'? [3]
①. hard
②. soft
③. weak
④. pure
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. My brother didn't like the food that we brought for him. [F]
20. I feel proud of my brother. [T]
- 18 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 날씨 [weather]
2. summer [여름]
3. popular [인기 있는]
4. snack [스낵, 간식]
5. dessert [디저트]
6. 달콤한 [sweet]
7. 맛있는 [delicious]
8. instruction [설명, 지시 사항]
9. easy [쉬운]
10. cool [시원한]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. It is made of crushed ice and red beans.
→ 그것은 으깨진 얼음과 팥으로 만들어졌어요.
12. Put fruits such as strawberries and bananas.
→ 딸기와 바나나 같은 과일들을 넣으세요.
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
In / At
summer, many people eat patbingsu.
14. Here
is / are
the instructions.
15. The weather is getting
hot / delicious
- 19 -
Let’s Enjoy Patbingsu in Summer
The weather is getting hot. In summer, many people eat patbingsu.
Patbingsu is a very popular snack or dessert in Korea.
It is made of crushed ice and red beans. It is sweet. It is also delicious.
You can enjoy patbingsu in many fast food restaurants.
You can also make your own patbingsu at home.
Here are the instructions:
- Get some crushed ice. Of course, you also need some red beans.
- You can put ice cream.
- You can also put fruits such as strawberries and bananas.
- Add some small pieces of tteok(rice cake), jelly bits and cereal flakes.
Now, you have your patbingsu. It is easy.
Enjoy your patbingsu and have a cool summer!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which is NOT true about patbingsu? [1]
①. It is too difficult to make at home.
②. It is a very popular snack or dessert in Korea.
③. It is sweet and delicious.
④. It is made of crushed ice and red beans.
17. Which is NOT an ingredient for patbingsu? [4]
①. ice cream
②. fruits such as strawberries and bananas
③. red beans
④. hamburger
18. The word 'instructions' most nearly means __________. [3]
①. production
②. appointment
③. methods
④. scene
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. You can only enjoy patbingsu in a special restaurant. [F]
20. In the hot season, many people eat patbingsu. [T]
- 20 -
National News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. start [시작하다]
2. North Korea [북한]
3. soldier [군인]
4. during [~동안]
5. 죽다 [die]
6. country [나라]
7. anniversary [기념일]
8. 기억하다 [remember]
9. war [전쟁]
10. happen [일어나다, 발생하다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
11. The ‘ Korean War ‘ started
13. Remember the people
on June 25, 1950.
who fought for
our country.
12. North Korea attacked
South Korea and the war
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
14. Remember the man
who / which
is a doctor.
Many / Much
people and soldiers died during the war.
- 21 -
National News
Remember Korean War
June 25, 1950.
What happened on this day?
The ‘Korean War’ started on this day.
North Korea attacked South Korea and the war began.
Many people and soldiers died during the war.
This year is the 60th anniversary of the Korean War.
Remember the people who fought for our country.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which is NOT true based on the article? [4]
①. The Korean War started on June 25, 1950.
②. North Korea attacked South Korea.
③. Many people and soldiers died during the war.
④. This year is the 59th anniversary of the Korean War.
17. Remember the people who __________ our country. [2]
①. fought against
②. fought for
③. destroyed
④. attacked
18. What is the opposite word of 'remember'? [2]
①. think
②. forget
③. recall
④. approach
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. South Korea attacked North Korea first. [F]
20. Many people were damaged by the war. [T]
- 22 -
World News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. scientist [과학자]
2. 개발하다 [develop]
3. fuel [연료]
4. carrot [당근]
5. recently [최근]
6. 특별한 [special]
7. potato [감자]
8. amazing [놀라운]
☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아 선을 그으세요.
9. racing car
10. steering wheel
11. scientist
12. carrot
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
13. How amazing!
→ 놀랍지 않으세요! (매우 놀랍죠!)
14. It is called a “World First Formula 3 racing car.”
→ 그것은 "세계 최초 포뮬러 3 경주용 차"로 불려요.
15. It is made of root vegetables.
→ 그것은 뿌리 채소로 만들어져 있어요.
- 23 -
World News
Scientists developed a special car recently.
It is called a “World First Formula 3 racing car.”
The racing car goes on chocolate fuel and vegetable oil.
The steering wheel is made of carrots and root vegetables.
The body is made of potatoes.
But still, the car can go over 145 mph!
It will be shown at car races in Europe soon.
How amazing!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is the fuel of the car? [1]
①. chocolate and vegetable oil
②. potato
③. carrot
④. gas
17. What is the body made of? [3]
①. It is made of carrots.
②. It is made of root vegetables.
③. It is made of potatoes.
④. It is made of chocolate.
18. The word 'amazing' most nearly means __________. [4]
①. terrible
②. horrible
③. scary
④. incredible
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. A special car was developed recently. [T]
20. Potatoes are not used to make the special car go. [F]
- 24 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. spend [(시간을) 보내다]
2. different [남다른]
3. childhood [어린 시절]
4. 결혼하다 [marry]
5. several [여럿의, 몇 개의]
6. grandparent [조부모]
7. politician [정치가]
8. graduation [졸업]
9. 역사 [history]
10. return to [~로 돌아가다]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Obama graduated 11) from Columbia University
in America. Then he 12) went to Harvard Law
School. He became a politician after graduation.
He helped 13) poor people. He became the first
black 14) president in American history in 2008.
Word Box |
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
15. His father went back to Kenya when he was only two.
→ 그의 아버지는 그가 2살 밖에 되지 않았을 때 케냐로 돌아갔어요.
- 25 -
Barack Obama- First Black American President
Obama spent different childhood. Obama was born in Hawaii.
His father went back to Kenya when he was only two.
His mother married an Indonesian again.
His family moved to Indonesia.
Obama lived there for several years.
And then he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents.
Obama graduated from Columbia University in America.
Then he went to Harvard Law School.
He became a politician after graduation. He helped poor people.
He became the first black president in American history in 2008.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which sentence is NOT true about Obama? [3]
①. Obama spent different childhood.
②. Obama's family moved to Indonesia.
③. Obama graduated from Princeton University.
④. Obama studied law at Harvard.
17. He became a __________ after graduation. [4]
①. president
②. doctor
③. homeless
④. politician
18. The word 'childhood' most nearly means __________. [1]
①. youth
②. childish
③. children
④. mature
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Obama's father went back to Kenya. [T]
20. Obama was born in Kenya. [F]
- 26 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. climber [등산가]
2. iron [철]
3. nickname [별명]
4. Himalayas [히말라야 산맥]
5. peak [봉우리]
6. tall [키가 큰]
7. high [높은]
8. top [정상, 꼭대기]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
On April. 27, 2010, Oh 9) reached the top of Annapruna.
Annapruna is a very high 10) mountain in the Himalayas.
It is 8,091 meters high. Oh climbed 14 world’s highest
peaks. She really did a great 11) job! Oh is not tall.
She is not big, 12) either. But she climbs mountains
well. We are all proud 13) of her.
Word Box |
▶ Expression Check
☞ 주어진 단어를 알맞은 순서대로 나열하시오.
14. (climbs / very / mountains / high / she).
→ She climbs very high mountains.
15. (nickname / woman / iron / an / is / her).
→ Her nickname is an iron woman.
- 27 -
Himalayan Queen Oh Eun-sun
Do you know Oh Eun-sun? She is a Korean climber.
She climbs very high mountains. Her nickname is an iron woman.
On April. 27, 2010, Oh reached the top of Annapruna.
Annapruna is a very high mountain in the Himalayas.
It is 8,091 meters high. Oh climbed 14 world’s highest peaks.
She really did a great job! Oh is not tall. She is not big, either.
But she climbs mountains well. We are all proud of her.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is
①. She is a
②. She is a
③. She is a
④. She is a
Oh Eun-sun's job? [3]
17. What is her nickname? [2]
①. a cabbage woman
②. an iron woman
③. a crazy woman
④. a mountain woman
18. What is the opposite word of 'high'? [1]
①. low
②. large
③. tall
④. wide
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Oh Eun-sun is a Japanese climber. [F]
20. Oh Eun-sun is tall and big. [F]
- 28 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. often [가끔]
2. failure [실패]
3. later [나중에]
4. business [사업, 일]
5. precious [소중한]
6. lesson [교훈]
7. mistake [실수]
8. experience [경험(하다)]
☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아 선을 그으세요.
▶ Expression Check
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
13. People often
make / do
14. Abraham failed
in / on
many businesses.
15. Thomas Edison
invented / popped
over 1,000 items.
- 29 -
Learn From Your Mistakes
People often make mistakes. But don’t make the same mistake.
Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest presidents in America.
He failed in many businesses. But he became president later.
Thomas Edison invented over 1,000 items in his life.
But he experienced over 2,000 failures. He learned good lessons
from his failures. You can learn something from your mistakes.
Your mistakes can be very precious lessons.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which sentence is NOT true? [2]
①. Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest presidents in America.
②. Thomas Edison invented over 2,000 items in his life.
③. Thomas Edison experienced over 2,000 failures.
④. Your mistakes can be very precious lessons.
17. Thomas Edison learned good lessons from his __________. [3]
①. father
②. success
③. failures
④. teacher
18. What is the opposite word of 'learn'? [2]
①. draw
②. teach
③. write
④. post
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. We can't learn anything from our mistakes. [F]
20. Abraham Lincoln never failed in businesses. [F]
- 30 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 찾다 [find]
2. painting [그림]
3. mascot [마스코트]
4. 큰 [large]
5. Russia [러시아]
6. meat [고기]
7. China [중국]
8. protect [지키다, 보호하다]
9. land [영토, 땅]
10. 움직이다, 다니다 [travel]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Many of them live in eastern Russia.
→ 그들 중 많은 수는 러시아 동쪽에 살고 있어요.
12. About 300 to 400 Siberian tigers live today.
→ 현재 300에서 400 마리의 시베리아 호랑이가 살고 있지요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
13. You can see tigers in old Korean
stories_ and _paintings_.
14. Tigers __protect__ their
land and keep other
_animals_ away.
15. Siberian tigers are the largest cats in the world.
- 31 -
Siberian Tigers
Koreans like tigers. You can find tigers in old Korean stories.
You can see tigers in many Korean paintings.
A tiger was the mascot of the Seoul Olympics.
Siberian tigers are the largest cats in the world.
Many of them live in eastern Russia. Some live in China and North
Korea. About 300 to 400 Siberian tigers live today. Tigers are very
strong. They protect their land. They keep other animals away.
But baby tigers are cute. Tigers travel many miles. Tigers are big
eaters. They can eat 30 kilograms of meat in one day.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Many of Siberian tigers live in __________. [4]
①. China
②. North Korea
③. South Korea
④. eastern Russia
17. Tigers __________ their land and keep other __________ away. [2]
①. leave - paintings
②. protect - animals
③. love - tigers
④. protect - people
18. What is opposite word of 'strong'? [3]
①. powerful
②. pale
③. weak
④. scary
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Siberian tigers are the largest cats in the world. [T]
20. Siberian tigers can eat 30 kilograms of meat in one day. [T]
- 32 -
Fun Stories
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 까마귀 [crow]
2. meat [고기]
3. sly [교활한]
4. clever [영리한]
5. forest [숲]
6. 훔치다 [steal]
7. branch [나뭇가지]
8. enjoy [즐기다]
9. 목소리 [voice]
10. notice [~을 알아차리다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Your voice is as beautiful as your looks.
→ 당신 목소리는 외모만큼 아름다워요
☞ 동사(Verb)의 과거형(Past Tense)을 쓰시오.
Past Tense
- 33 -
Fun Stories
Foolish Crow
One day, a crow stole a bit of meat. She sat on a branch. The crow was
enjoying eating the meat. "Oh, this meat tastes so nice," the crow said.
Soon, however, a fox noticed the crow eating the meat. The fox, as you
know, is very sly and clever. "How beautiful you are! Miss Crow," the fox
said. "Oh, if only your voice was as beautiful as your looks, you would
be the Queen of the birds." Hearing this, the crow was anxious to show
her voice was also beautiful. She began to sing loudly.
She opened her mouth wide to let her wonderful voice ring through the
forest. With that, the meat fell from her mouth and onto the ground.
The fox took the meat and ran away. As he ran, he said, "Oh, Miss Crow,
your voice is beautiful, but you aren't very smart."
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is the lesson of the story? [3]
①. Better late than never.
②. Patience is the key to paradise.
③. The story tells us not to be misguided by flattery.
④. The pen is mightier than the sword.
17. What did the crow steal? [2]
①. a baby fox
②. a bit of meat
③. a small branch
④. a beautiful bird
18. What is the opposite word of 'loudly'? [2]
①. bravely
②. quietly
③. timidly
④. positively
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. The meat fell from the crow's mouth. [T]
20. The fox thought that the crow's voice was very beautiful. [T]
- 34 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. special [특별한]
2. place [장소]
3. miniature [미니어처, 축소 모형물]
4. city [도시]
5. airport [공항]
6. real [진짜의]
7. visitor [방문객]
8. teenager [십대]
9. princess [공주]
10. run [관리하다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. They are all smaller than you!
→ 그것들은 모두 여러분보다 작습니다!
12. Many people visit the place.
→ 많은 사람들이 이곳을 방문합니다.
☞ 각 문장에 적합한 단어나 구를 써 넣으시오.
Expression Tip!
Have you ever been to the Netherlands?
= 네덜란드에 가본 적 있나요?
13. 중국에 가본 적 있나요?
Have you ever been to China ?
14. 서울에 가본 적 있나요?
Have you ever been to Seoul?
15. 미국에 가본 적 있나요?
Have you ever been to America?
- 35 -
Madurodam, Miniature City
Have you ever been to the Netherlands? If you go to The Hague, you
can see a very special place. It is called Madurodam. Madurodam is a
miniature city. You can see many buildings, trees, cars and even an
airport. They look exactly real. But they are all smaller than you!
They are just amazing. The miniature city was built in 1952.
It is a famous place in the Netherlands. Many people visit the place.
Princess Beatrix became the mayor of Madurodam on July 2, 1952.
She was a teenager then. Later, she became the queen of the
Netherlands. Today, 25 young students run Madurodam.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. Which sentence is NOT true about Madurodam? [3]
①. It is a famous place in the Netherlands.
②. The miniature city was built in 1952.
③. Many buildings, trees and cars in the city are real.
④. Today, 25 young students run Madurodam.
17. Princess Beatrix became a mayor when she was a __________. [2]
①. grown-up
②. teenager
③. queen
④. baby
18. What is the opposite word of 'special'? [4]
①. serious
②. dangerous
③. unique
④. ordinary
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Princess Beatrix runs Madurodam, today. [F]
20. Madurodam is a famous place in Switzland. [F]
- 36 -
My Diary
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 트림하다 [burp]
2. enjoy [즐기다]
3. while [~동안]
4. however [그러나]
5. noise [시끄러운 소리, 소음]
6. 예의 바른 [polite]
7. seem [~인 것 같다]
8. change [바꾸다]
9. 습관 [habit]
10. decide [결심하다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. I told him two things to keep in mind.
→ 나는 그에게 마음에 새겨야 할 두 가지를 말해주었지요.
12. He decided to change the habit.
→ 그는 그 습관을 바꾸기로 결심했습니다.
13. He made noises at the table.
→ 그는 식탁에서 시끄러운 소리를 냈어요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. I told him about ________________ manners.
table / chair
15. I told him not to make noises __________________ eating or drinking.
whale / while
- 37 -
My Diary
Table Manners
Clear, Friday, September 18, 2009
My family enjoy our meal time. We talk to each other while we have
dinner. However, my brother always smacks his lips at the table.
Sometimes he even burps. I don't like the noise.
So I told him about table manners. I told him two things to keep in
mind. First, I told him not to make noises while eating or drinking.
Second, I told him not to burp. Burping at the table is not polite
manners. My brother didn't seem to know that he made noises at the
table. He had a very bad habit. He decided to change the habit.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What did the brother decide to do finally? [4]
①. He decided to burp at the table.
②. He decided to smack his lips at the table.
③. He decided to make noises while eating or drinking.
④. He decided to change the bad habit.
17. Burping at the table is not a __________ manner. [2]
①. bad
②. polite
③. rude
④. gloomy
18. What is the opposite word of 'noise'? [1]
①. silence
②. happiness
③. pleasure
④. regret
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. My brother doesn't have dinner with me. [F]
20. My brother has a very bad habit. [T]
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▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 귀신 [ghost]
2. October [10월]
3. magical [신비한, 매혹적인, 마술의]
4. scary [무서운]
5. neighborhood [이웃]
6. (옷을) 입다 [wear]
7. outfit [의상, 옷]
8. tradition [전통]
9. favorite [가장 좋아하는]
10. 휴일 [holiday]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Halloween is the most magical night of the year.
→ 할로윈은 한 해의 가장 신비한 밤이랍니다.
12. Kids have fun because they wear strange and scary outfits.
→ 아이들은 이상하고 무시무시한 옷을 입었기 때문에 즐거워한답니다.
13. Enjoy Halloween with your friends.
→ 친구들과 할로윈을 즐기세요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. On Halloween, kids get lots of ____________________ that night.
toys / candy
15. Kids dress up with ____________________ outfits on Halloween night.
scary / carry
- 39 -
After Christmas, Halloween is every kid's favorite holiday.
It is so much fun to dress up and scare people. People enjoy Halloween on
the night of every October 31. Halloween is the most magical night of the
year. Ghosts and other scary things come out to play after dark. Kids hope
to scare ghosts away. Kids dress up on Halloween night to scare ghosts.
Kids have fun because they wear strange and scary outfits. Kids get lots of
candy that night. Kids go around their neighborhood. Trick-or-treating is a
tradition for children on Halloween. They say, "Trick or Treat!“ Most people
give kids candy. Now dress up with a scary outfit on Halloween night.
Enjoy Halloween with your friends.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. When do people enjoy Halloween? [4]
①. Before Christmas
②. Christmas Eve
③. On the night of every December 31.
④. On the night of every October 31.
17. Kids dress up on Halloween night to __________ ghosts. [2]
①. kill
②. scare
③. bury
④. meet
18. The word 'scary' most nearly means __________. [2]
①. joyful
②. spooky
③. funny
④. exciting
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Kids have fun because they wear nothing. [F]
20. Trick-or-treating is a tradition on Halloween. [T]
- 40 -
National News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. May [5월]
2. happy [행복한]
3. receive [받다]
4. 선물 [gift]
5. delicious [맛있는]
6. food [음식]
7. 장소 [place]
8. have fun [재미있게 놀다]
9. 외출하다 [go out]
10. have a nice time [좋은 시간을 갖다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. May 5 is Children’s Day.
→ 5월 5일은 어린이 날이에요..
12. Children eat delicious food.
→ 아이들은 맛있는 음식을 먹어요..
13. Let’s all have a nice time together!
→ 다함께 멋진 시간을 보내요!.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. It is a happy day ______________________________ children.
for / until
15. Let’s all ____________________________ a nice time together!
did / have
- 41 -
National News
Children’s Day
May 5 is Children’s Day.
It is a happy day for children.
Children receive gifts.
Children eat delicious food.
Children also enjoy their time in many places.
Let’s go out and have fun!
Let’s all have a nice time together!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about "Children's Day?" [3]
①. It's a day for missing children.
②. It's the day to celebrate the birth of a baby.
③. Children are happy on this day.
④. Children go out and sell the gifts on Children's Day.
17. When is Children's day? [2]
①. The first five days of May
②. The fifth of May
③. The last five days of May
④. The fifteenth of May
18. What is the opposite phrasal verb of 'go out'? [4]
①. out of the house
②. out of town
③. during one's absence
④. be home
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Children can have as much as they want for free on Children’s Day. [F]
20. Children have a lot of work to do on May 5. [F]
- 42 -
World News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. A를 B라고 부르다 [call A B]
2. bumblebee [(곤충) 뒝벌]
3. 좋은, 멋진 [nice]
4. appeared [appear(나타나다)과거형]
5. Sydney [시드니]
6. Australia [호주]
7. recently [최근에]
8. feet [foot복수형,단위 1피트=약30cm]
9. 무게가 ~나가다 [weigh]
10. great [멋진]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Do you know this robot?
→ 여러분은 이 로봇을 아나요?
12. It looks great!
→ 그것은 정말 멋져 보여요!
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Expression |
13. They
14. Bumblebee
15. It is five-feet
this Bumblebee.
in Sydney, Australia recently.
- 43 -
World News
Bumblebee in Sydney
Do you know this robot?
They call this Bumblebee.
It is a nice robot from the movie ‘Transformers.’
Bumblebee appeared in Sydney, Australia recently.
It is five-feet tall.
It weighs five tons.
It looks great!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is NOT true about 'Bumblebee'? [3]
①. Bumblebee showed up in Sydney.
②. Bumblebee visited the capital of Australia two years ago.
③. The robot in the movie 'Transformers' is Bumblebee.
④. Bumblebee is 5 feet in height.
17. How heavy is the robot? [2]
①. three tons
②. four tons
③. five tons
④. six tons
18. What is the opposite word of 'appear'? [4]
①. show off
②. disappear
③. destroy
④. break
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. A special car was developed recently. [T]
20. Potatoes are not used to make the special car go. [F]
- 44 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 음악가 [musician]
2. even though [비록~하지만]
3. 독일 [Germany]
4. raise [기르다]
5. write(쓰다)의 과거형 [wrote]
6. 귀가 먹다 [go deaf]
7. 어린 [young]
8. ill [아픈]
9. 모든 곳(에) [everywhere]
10. 곧 [soon]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. His mother became ill when he was in Vienna.
→ 그의 어머니는 그가 비엔나에 있을 때 앓아 누웠다.
12. He had to help raise his brothers.
→ 그는 그의 형제들을 기르는 데 도와야만 했다.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
13. Beethoven was an
piano player.
14. His father was his
15. You can
piano teacher.
his music in the movies, on the radio, and on te
- 45 -
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a great musician.
His life was very difficult as a child. Beethoven was born in Germany
in 1770. His father was his first piano teacher. Beethoven was an
excellent piano player. So he traveled to Vienna to study with famous
musicians. He was then very young. His mother became ill when he
was in Vienna. He returned home when he was 16 years old. His
mother soon died. He had to help raise his brothers. When he was
28, he started to go deaf. When he died in 1827, he could not hear
anything at all. But he still wrote very beautiful music even though
he was deaf. Beethoven´s music is everywhere today. You can hear his
music in the movies, on the radio, and on television.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about Beethoven? [1]
①. He had a strong mind.
②. He was born in Vienna in 1770.
③. His mother passed away before he was born.
④. He took a lesson for three years when he was young.
17. When did he come back home from Vienna? [2]
①. in 1770
②. in 1786
③. in 1798
④. in 1827
18. The word 'raise' most nearly means ___. [3]
①. rise
②. slow down
③. bring up
④. pick up
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Beethoven was deaf of one ear when he was young. [F]
20. He was able to hear well so he could wrote great music. [F]
- 46 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 입다 [wear]
2. 왜 [why]
3. common [흔한]
4. 노란색 [yellow]
5. 흰색 [white]
6. leopard [표범]
7. 틀린 [wrong]
8. 초록색 [green]
☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아 선을 그으세요.
9. tiger
10. soccer
11. lion
12. shirt
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
13. It’s because I am the mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
→ 그것은 제가 2010 피파 월드컵의 마스코트 이기 때문이에요.
14. Am I a lion?
→ 나는 사자일까요?
15. I am a common animal found in South Africa.
→ 저는 남아공에서 찾아볼 수 있는 평범한 동물이랍니다.
- 47 -
Zakumi: The 2010 World Cup Mascot
Hello, everyone! My name is Zakumi.
I am very famous. Do you know why?
It’s because I am the mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup
held in South Africa.
Am I a lion? No. Then, am I a tiger? Wrong. I am a leopard.
I am a common animal found in South Africa. My hair is green.
My body is yellow. I wear a white shirt with South Africa 2010 on it.
I really like soccer. Of course, I like the World Cup very much.
Let’s enjoy the World Cup together!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE ? [3]
①. Zakumi's body is yellow-green.
②. The lion is the king of the jungle.
③. The color of Zakumi's hair is green.
④. The first World Cup will be held in South Africa.
17. What is the color of Zakumi's shirt? [4]
①. yellow
②. green
③. light green
④. white
18. What is the opposite word of 'wrong'? [3]
①. wright
②. write
③. right
④. rite
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. A leopard is a common animal found in South America. [F]
20. Zakumi is the symbol of South Africa's victory. [F]
- 48 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. habit [습관]
2. important [중요한]
3. as well [~도]
4. keep [유지하다]
5. think [생각하다]
6. future [미래]
7. imagine [상상하다]
8. the kind of [같은]
9. may [~일지도 모른다]
10. person [사람, 인물]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Let’s start keeping good habits from today!
→ 오늘부터 좋은 습관을 갖도록 시작해봐요!
12. Imagine the kind of person you want to be.
→ 여러분이 되고 싶은 사람을 상상해보세요.
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 해석하시오.
13. Everybody
have / has
모두 습관을 가지고 있어요.
14. You need to
have / having
good habits.
여러분은 좋은 습관을 가져야 해요.
Keep / Keeping
your good habits is important as well.
여러분이 좋은 습관을 가지는 것은 중요하답니다.
- 49 -
Good Habits are Important
Everybody has habits. What habits do you have?
There are good habits. There are also bad habits.
You need to have good habits.
Keeping your good habits is important as well.
Think about your future.
Imagine the kind of person you want to be.
This may help you keep your good habits.
Your friends, parents or teachers can also help you with it.
Let’s start keeping good habits from today!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [4]
①. Imagining your future is not important.
②. Our friends can only help us to keep our good habits.
③. We will keep good habits starting from next year.
④. Most people have some bad habits or good habits.
17. What is NOT the good way to have good habits? [3]
①. Imagining the person I want to become
②. Asking for a friend's help
③. Thinking of my friend's dream
④. Asking teachers and family members for help
18. The word 'keep' most nearly means ___. [2]
①. change
②. maintain
③. stop
④. move
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. We should have both good habits and bad habits. [F]
20. Imaging the kind of person we want to be can be helpful to have good
habits. [T]
- 50 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. cute [귀여운]
2. fur [털]
3. 털이 없는 [hairless]
4. shoulder [어깨]
5. 앞을 못 보는 [blind]
6. bamboo [대나무]
7. 중국 [China]
8. 줄기 [stem]
9. leaf(잎)의 복수형 [leave]
10. 어른 [adult]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. The rest of the panda´s body is white.
→ 판다 신체의 나머지 부분은 희지요.
12. An adult panda eats between 10 and 20 kilograms of bamboos.
→ 그리고 어른 판다는 매일 10~20kg의 대나무를 먹지요..
13. It is one of the most endangered animals in the world.
→ 판다는 전세계에서 가장 심각하게 멸종위기에 빠진 동물 중 하나입니다.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. The fur on their ears, around their eyes,
and on their
, legs
and shoulders is black.
15. A baby panda is called a
- 51 -
A panda looks cute.
The fur on their ears, around their eyes,
and on their muzzles, legs and shoulders is black.
The rest of the panda´s body is white.
Pandas live in bamboo forests in China. Pandas eat bamboos; stems,
leaves and all. An adult panda eats between 10 and 20 kilograms of
bamboos each day. When a panda is born, it is tiny, pink, blind, and
hairless. It is about the size of a stick of butter (between 110 and 170
grams). A baby panda is called a cub.
Today, only about 1,000 pandas are left in the wild.
It is one of the most endangered animals in the world.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about pandas? [4]
①. Pandas live in tropical Africa.
②. A cub is shorter than a bamboo stick.
③. There are a lot of pandas all over the world.
④. Only a very small number of pandas exist.
17. Which part of the panda's body is black? [4]
①. The whole of its face
②. Some part of its feet
③. The panda's forehead
④. The panda's shoulders
18. What is the opposite word of 'hairless'? [2]
①. dry
②. hairy
③. humid
④. hairpiece
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. A cub eats between 10 and 20 kilograms of bamboos each day. [F]
20. A panda is a common animal found everywhere in America. [F]
- 52 -
Fun Stories
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. village [마을]
2. brave [용감한]
3. image [모습]
4. forest [숲]
5. 힘 [power]
6. 무서운 [horrible]
7. 호기심이 강한 [curious]
8. begin to [~하기 시작하다]
9. 항아리 [pot]
10. scary [무서운]
☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오.
→ wizard
→ creep
→ stir
▶ Expression Check
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
14. Justin began
creep / to creep
into the scary, dark forest.
15. The little boy ran as
faster / fast
as he could.
- 53 -
Fun Stories
A Tale of Monsters
Justin lived in a village. Justin was very brave.
A wizard came out of the forest.
The wizard had great power.
He said there was a horrible monster in the forest.
This made Justin curious. So Justin began to creep into the scary,
dark forest. A little old man was stirring a pot.
“Would you like some of my soup?," asked the old man.
“Of course! would love some soup,” said the brave boy.
When he drank the soup, he could see the image of a horrible
monster and it jumped toward him. The little boy ran as fast as
he could. The little boy said to people, “Don’t ever go into that dark
place. Bad things live there.”
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [4]
①. A timid boy lived in the forest.
②. A powerful wizard was stirring a pot.
③. Justin fought against the horrible monster.
④. Justin was curious about a horrible monster.
17. What is Justin like? [2]
①. He's very gentle.
②. He's bold and curious.
③. He's very careful in deciding what to do.
④. He's a rude boy.
18. The word 'brave' most nearly means ___. [1]
①. courageous
②. safe
③. shy
④. upset
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. The wind couldn't blow off the man's coat. [T]
20. The man took off his coat because of the sun. [T]
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▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 특별한 [special]
2. museum [박물관]
3. 세우다 [set up]
4. wax [밀랍, 왁스]
5. 조각가 [sculptor]
6. wax figure [밀랍 인형]
7. 인기 있는 [popular]
8. famous [유명한]
9. movie [영화]
10. look real [진짜처럼 보이다]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
1835, Marie opened a museum
in London.
You can see wax figures 12)
famous people in the museums.
You 13)
see Shrek and Spiderman
from the movies there.
Word Box |
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
14. They all look so real!
→ 그것들은 모두 진짜처럼 보여요!
15. Some of them are David Beckham and Barack Obama.
→ 그것들 중에는 데이비드 베컴과 버락 오바마가 있어요.
- 55 -
Wax Museum
Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum is a special museum in London.
Marie Tussaud (1761-1850) set up Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.
Tussaud was a wax sculptor.
In 1835, Marie opened a museum in London.
The museum is popular.
You can see wax figures of many famous people
in the museums. Some of them are David Beckham
and Barack Obama. You can see Shrek and Spiderman
from the movies there. They all look so real!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is NOT true? [3]
①. Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum is in England.
②. Marie Tussaud was born in 1761 and passed away in 1850.
③. There aren't wax figures of celebrities in the Wax Museum.
④. " You can see the wax figure of Spiderman in the Wax Museum.
17. We can't see ____ in the Wax Museum. [4]
①. David Beckham
②. Spiderman
③. Shrek
④. Sydney
18. The word 'set up' most nearly means ___. [3]
①. find
②. give up
③. found
④. take off
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. A wax sculptor set up and opened Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. [T]
20. The wax figures of many famous people look so real. [T]
- 56 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. sister [언니]
2. 결혼, 결혼식 [wedding]
3. 가족 [family]
4. get married [결혼하다]
5. ceremony [식, 의식]
6. 멋진 [great]
7. take pictures [사진 찍다]
8. miss [그리워하다]
9. 자주 [often]
10. happily [행복하게]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. My sister got married.
→ 우리 언니가 결혼을 했어요.
12. I took pictures with her.
→ 나는 언니와 사진을 찍었답니다..
13. I really hope she lives happily.
→ 나는 정말 언니가 행복하게 살기를 바래요.
☞ 주어진 단어를 알맞은 순서대로 나열하시오.
14. (a / her / think / I / going / am / to / miss / lot.).
→ I think I am going to miss her a lot.
15. (was / sister / a / she / nice / me / such / to).
→ She was such a nice sister to me.
- 57 -
My Diary
My Diary
Would You Like Some Salad?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Today was a special day for my family.
My sister got married.
Many people came to see the wedding.
She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress.
The wedding ceremony was great.
I took pictures with her. I think I am going to miss her a lot.
She was such a nice sister to me.
My sister said she will come to see me often.
I really hope she lives happily.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [1]
①. My sister is married woman now.
②. I may never see my sister alive.
③. My sister wasn't kind to me at all.
④. I didn't take a photo with my sister.
17. Which one is NOT related to wedding? [3]
①. A bouquet
②. A wedding veil
③. A broom
④. A wedding dress
18. The word 'often' most nearly means ___. [3]
①. sometimes
②. always
③. frequently
④. all the time
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Many people came and celebrated the wedding of my sister and
brother-in-law. [T]
20. I was bored with the wedding ceremony. [F]
- 58 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. noodle [면, 국수]
2. seafood [해산물]
3. serve [제공하다]
4. meal [식사]
5. difficult [어려운]
6. instruction [설명, 지시]
7. green vegetables [녹색 채소류]
8. 과일 [fruit]
9. 감자 [potato]
10. meat [고기]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Salads are often served during a meal.
→ 샐러드는 종종 식사 때 제공 되요.
12. Put mayonnaise, cream or other dressings that you like.
→ 마요네즈, 크림 혹은 여러분이 좋아하는 다른 드레싱을 넣어요.
☞ 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 찾아 쓰시오.
맛있는 샐러드를 그려보세요.
• You can add eggs to make an egg 13)
• You can add meat, 14)
or seafood.
• Pasta or noodles also make your salad
• Enjoy your meal with your delicious salad!
- 59 -
My Sister’s Wedding
Do you like salad? Salad is a popular dish. Salads are often served
during a meal. There are different kinds of salads.
Making a salad is not difficult.
Here are the instructions:
Get some green vegetables and fruits. You can add eggs to make an
egg salad. If you like potatoes, put some potatoes to make a potato
salad. You can add meat, ham or seafood. Pasta or noodles also
make your salad taste good. Put mayonnaise, cream or
other dressings that you like. Now, your salad is ready.
Enjoy your meal with your delicious salad!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about salad? [4]
①. Salad is not popular for a meal.
②. To make a salad isn't easy for everyone.
③. We can add all kinds of vegetables except for onion.
④. A lot of people like eating salad.
17. What ingredients are in salad? [3]
①. Hot water, rice cake, red pepper paste
②. Beef soup, fish cake, milk
③. Potatoes, meat, lettuce, apple, pineapple, cabbage
④. Pizza, Soda pop, pickle, spaghetti
18. What is the opposite word of 'popular'? [4]
①. favorable
②. depopularize
③. famous
④. unpopular
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. There is only one kind of salad in every restaurant. [F]
20. You can put some meat on the salad if you like. [T]
- 60 -
National News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. become [~해지다]
2. safer [(safe의 비교급) 더 안전한]
3. elementary school [초등학교]
4. protector [보호자]
5. 지역, 구역 [area]
6. ~주변의 [around]
7. a.m. [오전]
8. p.m. [오후]
9. A를 B로부터 보호하다 [protect A from B] 10. 폭력 [violence]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. From March, 547 elementary schools in Seoul will become safer.
→ 3월부터, 서울의 547곳 초등학교가 안전해질 것입니다.
12. School protectors will keep children safe.
→ 학교 보호자들이 어린이들을 안전하게 지켜줄 것입니다.
13. Aren’t you happy about this news?
→ 여러분은 이 뉴스를 듣고 기쁘지 않나요?
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. They _________________________ work from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m..
are / will
15. They will protect children _________________________ bad people.
from / keep
- 61 -
National News
Schools to Become Safer
From March, 547 elementary schools in Seoul will become safer.
School protectors will keep children safe.
They will work from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the areas
around schools.
They will protect children from bad people
and school violence.
Aren’t you happy about this news?
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [3]
① Schools in Seoul will become safer from next year.
② School protectors will arrest a thief in the areas around schools.
③ School protectors will work in the neighboring areas of schools.
④ The environment surrounding schools will be far more dangerous.
17. How long will school protectors work a day? [3]
① for six hours
② for ten hours
③ for sixteen hours
④ for sixty hours
18. What is the opposite word of 'violence'? [2]
① piece
② peace
③ pierce
④ pace
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. School protectors will make the environments around schools safer. [T]
20. Teachers decided to organize school guardians in elementary schools. [F]
- 62 -
World News
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. be made from [~로 만들어지다]
2. ~해야 한다 [have to]
3. cut [자르다]
4. a lot of [많은]
5. factory [공장]
6. China [중국]
7. ~않고, 없이 [without]
8. February [2월]
9. stone [돌]
10. save [~을 구하다, 아끼다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Paper is made from trees.
→ 종이는 나무로 만들어집니다.
12. We have to cut many trees to make paper.
→ 우리는 종이를 만들기 위해 많은 나무를 잘라야 합니다.
13. Now we can save a lot of trees!
→ 이제 우리는 많은 나무를 구할 수 있습니다!
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
Expression |
14. A paper factory
China is making paper.
February 23, the factory started making paper from stone.
- 63 -
World News
Paper Made from Stones
Paper is made from trees.
We have to cut many trees to make paper.
But a paper factory in China is making paper
without using trees!
On February 23, the factory started making paper from stone.
It is the world’s first stone paper factory.
Now we can save a lot of trees!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [1]
① Probably, we will cut down fewer trees.
② The factory in China will make paper from stone next year.
③ The special machines are used to make paper without using trees.
④ Usually, stone is made from papers in China.
17. Usually, paper is made from ___. [3]
① fruits such as apples, pears, and grapes
② a bunch of roses
③ trees such as spruce, pine and oak
④ artificial flowers
18. The word 'have to' most nearly means ___. [2]
① don't have to
② should
③ need to
④ must not
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. When factories make paper from stone, they can pollute the environment. [F]
20. The stone paper factory is the last remaining factory in China. [F]
- 64 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 최근에 [recently]
2. Australian [호주의, 호주인]
3. 단지, 그저 [just]
4. take good care of [~을 잘 돌보다]
5. marry(~와 결혼하다)의 과거형 [married] 6. ~라는 이름의 [named]
7. invite(초대하다)의 과거형 [invited]
8. special [특별한]
9. be held [열리다]
10. 하지만 [however]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
→ wedding ceremony
→ December
March / wedding ceremony / February / picnic / December
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
13. Joe Guiso did something very special.
→ 조 귀소는 매우 특별한 일을 했습니다.
14. It was held at a park in Queensland.
→ 그것은 퀸즈랜드 공원에서 열렸습니다.
15. Joe, please take good care of Honey!
→ 조, 허니를 잘 돌보세요!
- 65 -
I Married My Dog!
Recently, a 20-year-old Australian man
named Joe Guiso did something very special; he married
his 5-year-old dog, Honey!
On December 3, Joe invited his friends to his wedding ceremony.
It was held at a park in Queensland.
“Honey is my best friend and I love her very much,” Joe said.
“However, the wedding ceremony was just a fun event
for my friends and me.”
Joe, please take good care of Honey!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about Joe Guiso? [3]
① Joe Guiso married a beautiful woman named Honey.
② His friends gathered together at a park in Australia to atten the wedding.
③ His pet dog is close to his heart.
④ Joe Guiso can't see at all so he need a seeing-eye dog.
17. Where was Joe and Honey's wedding held? [3]
① An amusement park in Australia
② A theme park in Austria
③ A state in Australia
④ Australia's national park
18. The idiom 'take care of' most nearly means ___. [4]
① care about
② be careful of
③ look up
④ look after
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. An Australian man named Honey married his pet. [F]
20. The wedding ceremony will be held on December 20. [F]
- 66 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. enjoy [즐기다]
2. stronger [(strong의 비교급) 더 강한]
3. 날씨 [weather]
4. 겨울 [winter]
5. some [몇몇의, 일부의]
6. 수영하다 [swim]
7. river [강]
8. believe [생각하다, 믿다]
☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오.
→ skiing
→ ice skating
→ swimming
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
12. However, some people enjoy ice swimming, too!
→ 하지만, 일부 사람들은 얼음 수영도 즐깁니다!
13. Many people enjoyed swimming in a cold river in China.
→ 많은 사람들이 중국의 어느 차가운 강가에서 수영하는 것을 즐겼습니다.
14. They believe that swimming will make their bodies stronger.
→ 그들은 수영을 하는 것은 몸을 더 튼튼히 할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
15. Swimming will make their bodies stronger.
→ 수영을 하는 것은 몸을 더 튼튼히 할 것이다.
- 67 -
Enjoy Swimming in the Cold Weather
Many children enjoy ice skating or skiing in winter.
However, some people enjoy ice swimming, too!
On January 4, many people enjoyed swimming
in a cold river in China.
They believe that swimming in the cold weather will make
their bodies stronger.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [4]
① Many kids like swimming in a cold river better than skiing.
② A lot of children caught a cold because they swam in cold water.
③ China is a famous place for winter sports.
④ People from all over the nation went to the river to swim in cold water.
17. Why did many people swim in a cold river? [3]
① Swimming in a cold river did harm to their health.
② Many people like to bathe in the hot springs.
③ Swimming in the cold weather can make them healthier.
④ It's a proud tradition for Chinese.
18. Choose the word which is the noun of “believe.” [2]
① believable
② belief
③ believingly
④ believed
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Swimming in the cold weather is bad for health. [F]
20. Many people go to China to enjoy winter sports like ice skating or skiing. [F]
- 68 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. winter vacation [겨울 방학]
2. make sure to [반드시 ~ 하다]
3. have a lot of fun [재미있게 놀다]
4. snow [눈]
5. ~도, 조차 [even]
6. be good for [~에 좋다]
7. health [건강]
8. should [~해야 한다]
9. 피부 [skin]
10. 태우다 [burn]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. Are you enjoying your winter vacation?
→ 여러분은 겨울 방학을 즐기고 있나요?
12. Make sure to have a lot of fun in the snow, too!
→ 눈 밭에서도 반드시 재미 있게 놀아야 합니다!
13. Enjoying winter sports is good for your health.
→ 겨울 스포츠를 즐기는 것은 여러분의 건강에 좋습니다.
☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오.
14. Studying
is / doing
15. You should
until / wear
- 69 -
Wear Sunscreen for Your Skin!
Are you enjoying your winter vacation?
Studying is important,
but make sure to have a lot of fun in the snow, too!
Many children enjoy skiing and ice skating in winter.
Enjoying winter sports is good for your health.
But you should wear sunscreen
before enjoying these sports.
This is because the Sun can burn your skin,
even in the winter!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [2]
① To enjoy winter sports is dangerous to many children.
② When we go out to enjoy sports, we have to put on sunscreen.
③ Before going to bed, you should apply sunblock.
④ In summer, the Sun can protect and smoothen your skin.
17. What is NOT the way to avoid the Sun? [4]
① Carrying a parasol
② Applying sunblock
③ Putting on a cap
④ Taking off the hat
18. Choose the word which is the adjective of “burn.” [3]
① burnish
② burner
③ burnt
④ bonfire
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. It is necessary to wear sunscreen before enjoying winter sports. [T]
20. To wear sunscreen isn't the best way to block out harmful rays. [F]
- 70 -
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 다행히 [luckily]
2. wait [기다리다]
3. be released [출시 되다]
4. understand [이해하다]
5. 일본 [Japan]
6. (강아지가) 짖다 [bark]
7. machine [기계]
8. show [보여주다]
9. say [말하다]
10. guess [추측하다]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. When a dog is barking, the machine will show what the dog wants to say.
→ 개가 짖을 때, 그 기계는 개가 무엇을 말하는지를 보여줄 것입니다.
12. I guess people will understand their pets more than before.
→ 나는 사람들이 전보다 훨씬 그들의 애완동물을 이해할 수 있을 것이라고
추측 합니다.
13. I cannot wait to see this machine.
→ 이 기계가 정말 기다려지는군요.
☞ 주어진 단어를 알맞은 순서대로 나열하시오.
14. (want / to / I / talk / my / with / pet).
→ I want to talk with my pet.
15. (be / will / the / released / next / Dog Translator / month).
→ The ‘Dog Translator’ will be released next month.
- 71 -
Soon We will Talk with Pets!
really want to talk with my pet.
Luckily, the ‘Dog Translator’ will be released next month
in Japan.
When a dog is barking, the machine will show
what the dog wants to say.
I guess people will understand their pets more than before.
I cannot wait to see this machine.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [3]
① The dog will be able to speak in the future.
② We can gain a better understanding of pets.
③ A Japanese company will launch the 'Dog Translator' next month.
④ The machine named 'Dog Translator' are sold like hot cakes worldwide.
17. What is the 'Dog Translator'? [1]
① It can help dogs communicate well with people.
② It can greatly improve your language skills.
③ It will make dogs play better with other animals.
④ It can translate Japanese into English.
18. What is the opposite word of 'show'? [4]
① appear
② slide
③ remove
④ hide
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. The dog can learn how to speak from the 'Dog Translator.' [F]
20. I look forward to using the 'Dog Translator.' [T]
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Fun Stories
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 3월 [March]
2. shoe [신발]
3. be opened [공개되다]
4. public [대중]
5. 거인 [giant]
6. 사실은 [in fact]
7. electronic car [전기 자동차]
8. ~의 속도로 달리다 [run at]
9. interesting [재미 있는]
10. ~을 타다 [get on]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. A very special shoe was opened to the public in China.
→ 한 매우 특별한 신발이 중국의 대중에게 공개되었습니다.
12. What an interesting car!
→ 정말 재미 있는 자동차군요!
13. It is not a shoe but an electronic car!
→ 그것은 신발이 아니라 전기 자동차입니다!
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. It can run
15. Don’t you want to
30 km/h.
get on
the shoe?
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Fun Stories
Get on a Shoe!
On March 4, a very special shoe was opened to the public
in China.
The shoe is very big!
Is this for a giant?
No, in fact, it is not a shoe but an electronic car!
It is 3 meters long and it can run at 30 km/h.
What an interesting car!
Don’t you want to get on the shoe?
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE? [4]
① A very big shoe was designed for a giant.
② There is a huge giant called 'Shoe' in China.
③ The length of the shoe is different depending on its speed.
④ The shape of an electronic car is like a shoe.
17. What is the speed of the car? [2]
① 30 kilometers per second
② 30 kilometers per hour
③ 30 miles per hour
④ 30 meters per second
18. What is the opposite word of 'get on'? [3]
① get up
② get in
③ get off
④ get over
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. The car is 3 meters long and weighs about 30 kg. [F]
20. The special shoe was released to the public on March 4. [T]
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▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 산호 [coral]
2. island [섬]
3. Indian Ocean [인도양]
4. Asia [아시아]
5. Muslim [이슬람교도, 회교도]
6. 평평한 [flat]
7. 낮은 [low]
8. found [(find의 과거, 과거분사)발견하다]
9. type [유형, 종류]
10. shark [상어]
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
The Maldives is a beautiful island country
in 11)
Word Box |
Indian Ocean.
The 12)
of the Maldives is Male.
The 13)
of the Maldives is Divehi.
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
14. The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia.
→ 몰디브는 아시아에서 가장 작은 나라입니다.
15. There are many types of sharks found in the Maldives.
→ 몰디브에서 많은 종류의 상어들이 발견되었습니다.
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The Maldives
-The Maldives is a beautiful island country in the Indian Ocean.
-The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia.
-The Maldives is the smallest Muslim country in the world.
-The Maldives is the flattest country in the world.
-The Maldives is the lowest country in the world.
-The capital of the Maldives is Male.
-The language of the Maldives is Divehi.
-The Maldives has 1,199 coral islands.
-There are many types of sharks found in the Maldives.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is NOT true about the Maldives? [2]
① People in the Maldives speak Divehi.
② It is the smallest island among European countries.
③ The Maldives is an Islamic country.
④ The Maldives is a small island country in the Indian Ocean.
17. What do Muslims believe? [3]
① Buddha
② Angel
③ Allah
④ President
18. What is the opposite word of 'flat'? [2]
① even
② bumpy
③ smooth
④ level
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. There are a lot of coral islands in the Maldives. [T]
20. Many different kinds of sharks are in the Maldives. [T]
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My Diary
▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 4월 [April]
2. 같은 [same]
3. 반 [class]
4. 둘 다 [both]
5. 흥미진진한 [exciting]
6. favorite [가장 좋아하는]
7. 서로 [each other]
8. taught [teach (가르치다)의 과거형]
☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아 선을 그으세요.
9. sign language
10. write
11. letter
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
12. I have a very good friend named Ji-su.
→ 나에게는 지수라는 매우 좋은 친구가 있어.
13. Ji-su taught me sign language.
→ 지수는 수화를 나에게 가르쳐 주었어.
14. I said “Thank you” with my hands!
→ 나는 손으로 “고마워” 라고 말했어!
15. We had so much fun together!
→ 우린 함께 즐거운 시간을 보냈단다!
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My Diary
Friday, April 7, 2011 Sunny
I have a very good friend named Ji-su.
He’s in the same class as me at school.
We both read exciting books about animals.
His favorite food is pizza, too!
We write letters to each other every week.
Today, Ji-su taught me sign language.
I said “Thank you” with my hands!
We had so much fun together!
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is NOT true? [1]
① We both like animals so we raise animals on farms.
② Jisu is my close classmate.
③ I often write letters to Ji-su.
④ I learned sign language from Ji-su.
17. What I learned from Ji-su is ___. [3]
① a new method of learning a foreign language
② his way of speaking
③ a means of communication by using hand movements
④ how to sign up for the mailing
18. What is the opposite word of 'both'? [3]
① or
② either
③ neither
④ only
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. Ji-su like pizza very much but I don't like it. [F]
20. Ji-su and I have only talked on the phone. [F]
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▶ Word Check
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오.
1. 10월 [October]
2. Memorial Hall [기념관]
3. document [문서]
4. photo [사진(photograph)]
5. inside [~안에]
6. ~에 대해 배우다 [learn about]
7. 애국자 [patriot]
8. die for [~을 위해 목숨을 바치다]
9. country [나라]
10. weather [날씨]
▶ Expression Check
☞ 밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오.
11. The Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Hall was opened at Namsan.
→ 안중근 기념관이 남산에서 열렸습니다.
12. There are many documents and photos about him.
→ 그에 대한 많은 문서들과 사진들이 있습니다.
13. Let’s all visit Namsan to enjoy the nice weather.
→ 남산에 가서 멋진 날씨를 즐겨보아요.
☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오.
14. Mr. Ahn
15. He even
died for
Korea very much.
his country.
looked after
died for
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Remembering Ahn Jung-geun
On October 26, the Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Hall was opened at
There are many documents and photos about him
inside the hall.
You can learn about the patriot there.
Mr. Ahn loved Korea very much.
He even died for his country.
Let’s all visit Namsan to enjoy the nice weather
and learn more about Ahn Jung-geun.
▶ Reading Comprehension
☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오.
16. What is TRUE about Ahn Jung-geun? [4]
① He was dying slowly of a terrible disease.
② He fought in the war with China.
③ He was also known as the most excellent doctor in Korea.
④ He is one of the greatest men in history.
17. What can you do at the Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Hall? [2]
① We can have more knowledge about Korean culture.
② We can get more information about the patriot.
③ We can also be a true patriot of this country.
④ We can experience what he did in the past.
18. The word 'document' most nearly means ___. [3]
① bookshelf
② writer
③ papers
④ chart
☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오.
19. He saved many people's lives, and proved himself a war hero. [F]
20. As a great politician, he did a fine job in his time. [F]
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