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Transcript 파워업독해(통합형수능대비)11-20회PPT.

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파워업 독해 11회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 16회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 12회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 17회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 13회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 18회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 14회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 19회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 15회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해 20회 실전 모의고사
파워업 독해
11회 실전 모의고사
다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Environmentalists are wrong to emphasize preservation of
the wilderness for the sake of the wolves and the moose
alone. We should preserve wilderness for our own sake. I
mean we not only have to preserve wilderness, but we also
must get more people into it. At a time when America is
struggling with obesity and fewer Americans have daily
contact with the outdoors, we should not be sealing off the
wilderness but rather increasing access to it for those on
Canada is building the world’s longest hiking trail — 11,000
miles of path called the Trans Canada Trail. Europe is also
building distance trails, including the 6,500-mile E4
European Long Distance Path, from Portugal to Cyprus.
Meanwhile, the USA has been left dozing on the couch.
① 등산로 개발을 촉구하려고
② 비만의 위험성을 설명하려고
③ 유럽의 유명 관광지를 홍보하려고
④ 야생동물로 인한 피해를 알리려고
⑤ 자연 보호 구역의 확대를 요구하려고
19-20 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
When I was a child, my parents enrolled me in middle
school earlier than my friends because I was considered
“gifted.” I managed to catch up with the more complicated
study but I often felt stressed and lonely, especially when I
couldn’t find a friend to play games with me like other
children would do at my age. I had to grow up faster than it
is natural for children to do. Now I think it would have been
better for my life to do more after-school and weekend
activities, such as music, art, sport, and volunteer work,
than to graduate from school fastest.
Even the smartest of kids needs a full plate of diverse
activities in order to mature into a happy and well-adjusted
① 조기 진학이 아동의 자부심 형성에 영향을 미친다.
② 방과 후 활동 다양화와 활성화에 힘써야 한다.
③ 신체의 조기 성숙이 아동의 정신건강에 해로울 수 있다.
④ 우수한 학생이라도 조기 진급은 바람직하지 않다.
⑤ 성장 발달이 느린 학생은 학교에서 특별 관리를 해야 한다.
Openness means being receptive. Life will present you
with innumerable lessons, none of which will be useful to
you unless you recognize them and are open to their
inherent value. These lessons will show up every day of your
life, and as difficult as some of them may be, you need to
change your perception and come to see them as gifts, or
guides along your path toward living as your authentic self. I
have watched hundreds of people experience the profound
transformation that comes when they understand that every
event in their lives occurs to teach them something about
When you accept the lessons that life brings you, no matter
how unpleasant or challenging they may be, you take the
crucial step toward finding your true self and your purpose.
You begin to cultivate the essential attitude of openness.
① 타인의 견해에 개방적인 태도를 보이는 것이 필요하다.
② 삶이 제공하는 다양한 교훈들은 모두 중요한 의미가 있다.
③ 인생의 모든 일을 교훈으로 받아들여야 한다.
④ 필요한 핵심 정보만을 포착하는 능력을 키워야 한다.
⑤ 삶의 위기를 기회로 인식하는 사고의 전환이 중요하다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
It seems that the fancier a house is, the less like a real
home it feels. You’re afraid to sit anywhere, in case it’s the
wrong chair; afraid to touch anything, in case you break it;
and even if told to make yourself at home, you can’t really
relax! My family’s home, on the other hand, is not a big
house nor a beautiful one, but there’s no mistaking that it’s
a real home, as it’s comfortable and inviting and filled with
our family’s things. John Edwards has just released Home:
The Blueprints of Our Lives. Edwards writes, “This is a
book about homes, the values they rest on, the dreams they
are filled with, and the people they have shaped. The
houses are all different, but much of what you find inside
will be familiar.”
① New Concept of Home
② Home Means Everything
③ How We Think of Our Home
④ What Makes a House a Home
⑤ Why People Want a Big House
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many events, facts, observations, and changes can be
mathematically correlated with others, but such correlations
do not prove any cause-effect relationship, whatsoever. Just
to “prove” this fallacy, try on this silly correlation: Carbon
dioxide levels have increased in the air above every nation
on earth over the last 100 years. Similarly, the number of
reported crimes committed has increased in the world over
the last 100 years. Therefore, one concludes that there is a
causative relationship between carbon dioxide in the
air and the number of crimes committed.
Of course, that is pure nonsense. But politicians, media
reporters, and the public at large all fall for that kind of
reasoning. Then, “solutions” to problems that are thought
to be understood are generated, and they often require
raising taxes and borrowing money from future generations.
In the end, time and money have been lost, but no problem
has been solved.
① the problem with indiscreetly raising taxes
② the necessity of finding causes for phenomena
③ misconceptions about mathematically correlated events
④ the danger of following the majority’s opinion
⑤ the effects of air pollution on crime rates
졸업식 초대에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것
You are invited to PATTISON COLLEGE
Graduation Ceremony
Date: Friday September 19, 2014
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Students should arrive
between 12:30 p.m. — 1:00 p.m. to receive gown &
ceremony instructions)
Place: Pattison Auditorium
Guests: Up to 4 guests per Graduate (additional guests will
be seated in a separate location)
Please let me know if you will attend and the
number of guests. We will also need your
height for your graduation gown.
ALL GRADUATES — RSVP to reception at 604-580-1770 or
email [email protected].
Complimentary childcare will be available for
children ages 3-11 (space is limited).
Please contact Mahsa at 604-580-2772 or
[email protected] for more details.
① 졸업식은 1시간 30분 동안 예정되어 있다.
② 학생들은 늦어도 오후 1시까지는 도착해야 한다.
③ 졸업식 초대 손님은 졸업생 1명당 4명을 초과할 수 없다.
④ 참석 여부와 손님의 숫자, 자신의 신장을 회신해야 한다.
⑤ 3세부터 11세까지의 아이들을 돌보는 시설이 운영된다.
현장 학습에 관한 다음 편지의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Jason Elementary School
Mrs. White’s Class
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to tell you about a field trip our 2nd grade
class will be attending on Friday, March 30th. We have been
doing a study of animals of the rainforest and would like to
expand their learning by taking a trip to the Tulsa
International Zoo.
The students will need to pack a sack lunch to eat. No
money will be needed unless your child prefers to buy
something personal in the gift shop.
Arrangements to have your child picked up upon return
should be made prior to this field trip. If you would like to
attend this field trip, please feel free! I need at least 4
volunteers if possible.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me as
Cell: 918-424-5987 Email: [email protected]
Friday, March 30th
8:00 a.m.
Leave Jason Elementary
10:00 a.m.
Arrive at Tulsa International
12:00 p.m.
Lunch in the Park
2:00 p.m.
Leave Tulsa International Zoo
4:00 p.m.
Arrive at Jason Elementary
① 멸종 위기의 동물들에 대한 학습을 할 예정이다.
② 학생들에게는 점심 식사가 현장에서 제공된다.
③ 귀가 시 자녀를 데려가려면 동물원으로 부모가 가면 된다.
④ 현장 학습에 최소한 4명의 자원봉사자가 필요하다.
⑤ 동물원에서의 일정은 오전에 모두 끝이 난다.
25 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This graph shows changes in life expectancies from
1900 to 2008. Notably, the biggest change in mortality
has been at birth.
① Life expectancy from birth increased by 29 years over the
108-year period. ② On the other hand, people aged 20
increased their life expectancy by 15.6 years over the period.
③ This indicates that older people gained more years in
their life expectancy. ④ Another interesting point is that if
we compare 2008 with 1960 for those aged 20, the gain in
that 48-year time frame was only 6.3 years. ⑤ This means
that although there was steady improvement in life
expectancy over those 48 years, the total amount of years
gained was not large.
Puerto Rico에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
The island of Puerto Rico is rather small. It is only about
111 miles from east to west and just 40 miles from north to
south. On the north side of the island, it rains a lot. The
average yearly rainfall is around 180 inches. With all that
rain, it’s not surprising that northern Puerto Rico is home to
a tropical rainforest. In the southern portion of the island,
there is less rain ─ a yearly average of only around 60
inches. As a result, the southern half of Puerto Rico has few
trees and many thorny shrubs.
Puerto Rico is home to several species of rare orchids and
some very rare birds, including the Puerto Rican Amazon,
which is also known as the Puerto Rican Green Parrot.
① 남북의 길이가 동서보다 긴 섬이다.
② 섬 전체가 열대 우림으로 덮여 있다.
③ 남쪽의 강우량이 북쪽보다 3배 정도 많다.
④ 희귀 난초와 조류의 서식지이다.
⑤ 멸종된 녹색 앵무새가 살았던 곳이다.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Do you buckle up while driving? Of course you do ─ most of
the time. But what is the reason ① if you don’t? In a survey
of 3,000 people in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Manila,
two-thirds of respondents admitted to ② not wearing a seat
belt sometimes, usually on short trips. Research has proven
that the proper use of seat belts ③ has saved hundreds of
thousands of lives. It’s obvious: non seat belt wearers are at
far greater risk of serious injury than ④ those wearing seat
Some people buckle up for the freeway, but not for a
neighborhood trip. It’s a bad mistake. Statistics show that
most car accidents happen within 5km of home. Make ⑤
them a habit to buckle up as soon as you get in the car.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적
절한 것은? [3점]
Adaptation, the most common practice in the exchange
between literature and film, is the (A) preservation /
transformation of a novel, play, or other literary work to
film. Although this term can sometimes (B) accuse / remind
you of an inferior creative process, it is useful to keep in
mind that even the most original works of literature might
be considered adaptations of materials drawn from one
source or another.
Many famous literary works, like the plays of Shakespeare
or James Joyce’s Ulysses, are drawn from other existing
texts. And almost every film requires an original script. Thus,
in the (C) broadest / narrowest sense, all movies may be
seen as “adaptations” from original written texts.
① preservation
--- accuse --- broadest
② preservation
--- remind --- narrowest
③ preservation
--- remind --- broadest
④ transformation --- accuse --- narrowest
⑤ transformation --- remind --- broadest
밑줄 친 them[they]이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
From time to time efforts have been made to “purify” our
national language, and some nationalist language authorities
have led ① them. They have attempted to expel foreign
words from the vocabulary and to replace ② them with
“pure French” words that have become neglected and in
some cases even forgotten. Some language theorists are
even of the view that when a native word of the same
meaning exists, no word of foreign origin should be used.
However, any effort to make rules to ban the use of
③ them in French would be doomed to failure. Foreign
words that have long been in common use in French are
just as much part of the language as if ④ they had been
invented by Voltaire. There is no sound reason for which
⑤ they should be considered inferior or abandoned.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
A new _____________ camera being developed may be used
to scan crowds at airports in order to catch anyone, for
example a terrorist, preparing to commit a crime. It’s also
claimed that the camera can catch a person in the act of lying
or preparing to lie. This is because we are afraid of being
caught telling a lie, and the fear triggers a primitive urge to
run away. Consequently, blood rushes to our eyes so that we
can rapidly map out an escape route.
The camera records this subtle flushing of the face that
automatically occurs when one is preparing to do wrong. The
extra blood warms the skin and shows up on the camera as a
bright zone colored red, orange, and yellow. [3점]
① waterproof
② super speed
③ heat detecting
④ high resolution
⑤ three-dimensional
The themes of nightmares _____________________. In the
few studies that have been done across different cultures,
the most common scenario involves the dreamer being
pursued, attacked or facing imminent death. Other different
scenarios may involve the thought of being in a shameful
situation — being paralyzed during a school presentation or
even being naked in public — or finding themselves in not
in the right place — being late for an important meeting or
an exam. While the storylines show immense similarities
across cultures, the people that appear in our nightmares
are nevertheless as varied as we are.
Police officers, school teachers, friends, family members,
and unknown scary and faceless authority figures can pop
in and out of our communities, neighborhoods, and houses.
But in the end while a nightmare’s characters, settings, and
plot twists can vary infinitely, people all over the world
seem to possess the same unconscious metaphors for fear,
shame, loss, mortality, and so on. [3점]
① seem to be surprisingly universal
② show how powerful people scare us
③ explain each person’s specific needs
④ deal with very scary subject matter
⑤ present both great simplicity and complexity
32 You’re at a convention where everyone is asking
“Where are you from?” When you reply “Oh, I’m from
Muscatine, Iowa” or anywhere else they haven’t heard of,
what can you expect except a blank stare? Even if you’re a
cosmopolitan and urbane big city dweller from Miami or
Los Angeles, you’ll receive a panicked look from all but
someone from your hometown. Others will be rapidly
racking their brains thinking “What do I say next?” When I
tell people I’m from New York City, what are they expected
to say? ___________________________,
“Where are you from?” It’s a matter of conversational
politeness to give the asker some fuel for his tank so that
he, so obviously a hungry communicator, can keep the
conversation going by commenting about or replying to
something you have said or asked. All it takes is an extra
sentence or two about your city that your conversational
partner can comment on. [3점]
① Be a better communicator by never asking
② Do not answer impolitely when you are asked
③ Learn how to make proper small talk such as asking
④ Take a guess about someone’s hometown before asking
⑤ Never give just a one-sentence response to the question
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Finding the right means for pursuing your goals is an
important part of bringing your dreams into reality.
Naturally, individuals with similar objectives may pursue
them in different ways.
, out of three people
who wish to help the homeless, one might train to become
a social worker, another might volunteer at a shelter, and
the third might become politically active. All three would
say they have the same aim, but they express it in different
, many individuals would find running their
own business stressful, but some thrive when working for
themselves. Many do not enjoy working for large
organizations, but others make their greatest contribution
this way. Some are leaders; others are followers. Some
prefer to go it alone; others are more comfortable working
as part of a team. Consider this when determining how to
pursue your goals, and ask yourself: “What is the right
means for me?”
① Likewise
--- Indeed
② Likewise
--- Thus
③ In other words --- Finally
④ For instance
--- Yet
⑤ For instance
--- Similarly
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 알맞은 것은?
The noisy alarm clock buzzed and buzzed. I reached a hand
out from under the warm covers, switched off the buzzer,
and snuggled back down. Outside the window was a cold,
wet, grey day — just the right kind for lazing about in bed
and dozing. Almost every Monday morning for the past
forty-four years, I had leapt out of bed and busied myself
getting ready for work. Not today. I listened for noises in
the house but then remembered that my wife plays golf
early every Monday morning.
Lazily I stretched, yawned, and thought about breakfast.
Coffee would be nice. I swung my legs slowly out of bed,
put on my slippers, and reached for my bathrobe. Today
was the beginning of my retirement.
① lively and festive
② relaxing and leisurely
③ boring and gloomy
④ busy and noisy
⑤ urgent and frightening
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
35 A social phobia is a very strong shyness with regard to
social interactions, particularly those involving strangers and
those in which the phobic person may be appraised. ① As a
matter of fact, social phobias cause sufferers to believe they
are being negatively evaluated in almost every social
interaction. ② Job interviews, parties, and first dates are
living nightmares for the socially phobic. ③ They cannot
stop feeling that others think that they are weird, weak, or
④ A phobia of elevators would have a very disrupting effect
on a person’s ability to function well, if he or she worked in
a skyscraper. ⑤ Because this phobia reduces a person’s
ability to interact socially, it can significantly interfere with
work, relationships, and daily life.
36 With the increasing popularity of online social
networking communities, more and more people are seeing
the numbers of their so-called “friends” growing daily. ①
Online places like My Space, Facebook, and Cyworld allow
people to stay home alone yet still feel as though they are
part of a wider community or social network. ② It’s clear
that this kind of social networking paradoxically brings a
new kind of social isolation. ③ We can too easily dismiss
situations in which we have to be face-to-face with
④ At social networking sites, some people use fake profile
pictures and personal information to meet new friends. ⑤
By supplying us with a wide circle of contacts that we never
have to meet, the Internet may in fact be reducing our
opportunities for greater social fulfillment and stopping us
from forming and nurturing the real support networks we
all need as human beings.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
Alabama newlyweds, Jason and Kerry Hess, are suing an
Orange Beach florist for US $600,000, saying the florist
supplied flowers for their wedding which were not fresh
and were the wrong color.
(A) But the most serious of Mrs Hess’s complaints is her
claim that the florist “deliberately and maliciously”
substituted blue flowers for the pink hydrangeas the bride
had ordered, saying “That ruined my wedding.”
(B) Among the numerous complaints for which the couple is
seeking damages is the alleged inclusion of daisies in the
bridal bouquet, which the bride had requested to be made
only of lilies.
(C) “Worse than the daisies,” said Mrs Hess, “were the
arrangements of brown-spotted roses in vases that were
dirty and cracked.” The florist charged $155 for the
*hydrangea ((꽃)) 수국
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
④ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
“Purple snowflakes” is a metaphor for standing out in a
crowd. In business, it’s more important than ever that
people notice you, your products, or the services you offer.
(A) To get this attention when nearly everything is equal
among you and your competitors, you need to do
something unique. When I want a busy magazine editor to
open an invitation from me, for example, I use the finest
stationery, my very best pen, and elegant handwriting.
(B) Obviously, not every purple snowflake is going to get
you the attention you want. But instead of giving up, see if
you can create another purple snowflake. As the old saying
goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
(C) Of course, there are cheaper and less time-consuming
ways to do it. But a magazine editor is far less likely to
open an ordinary business envelope than a lovely hand
written one, which in this case is my purple snowflake!
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
A lot of this land has been made available by clearing vast
areas of forest, yet forests are absolutely vital in removing
CO2 from the atmosphere.
Our growing appetite for meat and dairy products is a
recipe for environmental disaster, especially in the area of
climate change. (①) Livestock farming now takes up a full
30 percent of the entire land surface on Earth, and most of
it is permanent pasture for grazing sheep and cattle.
(②) This includes 33 percent of the world's fertile
agricultural land, which is used to grow grain to feed the
livestock. (③) CO2 emissions from livestock farming
represent nine percent of the world's total human-related
CO2 emissions. (④) But nitrous oxide and methane are far
more powerful in their warming of the atmosphere than
CO2 is. (⑤) And 65 percent of the world's nitrous oxide
emissions and 37 percent of its methane emissions come
from livestock.
*nitrous oxide 이산화질소
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
A surprising new study has found that we lie less when
we're chatting online than when we're talking in person.
This directly contradicts the general perception of
cyberspace as a dark zone where nobody can be trusted;
where, since anyone can conceal their true identity, people
are more likely to be dishonest. But it seems that isn't the
case. So, what is it about online life that makes us tell
fewer lies?
Well, if you lie to someone in person, you can later claim
that you said no such thing. On the other hand, whatever
you say on the Internet can come back to haunt you. We
know that our words live forever in cyberspace because
computers don't forget.
The fact that everything can be
makes it difficult for us to
on the Internet
① found
--- be truthful
② shared
--- break the law
③ corrupted --- restore programs
④ done
--- meet other people
⑤ recorded
--- deceive others
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
The idea that our normal perceptions have a direct, one-toone correspondence to external reality (that they are like
photographs of the outer world) is widely believed.
However, what we perceive is determined not only by what
our senses detect, but also by what we know, what we
believe, and what our psychological state is. This means
that seeing is often not believing. Consider what
psychologists call "perceptual constancies":
We humans are inclined to have certain perceptual
experiences regardless of the relevant input from our
senses. Research has demonstrated constancies are real
and not a matter of debate. One is color constancy. People
often perceive an object as a certain color because they
know it should be that color -- even if it is not that color
at all. In one experiment, people were shown cutouts of
trees and donkeys.
Most people reported the trees were green and the
donkeys gray -- even though the cutouts were both made
from the same green paper and lit by a red light to make
them appear gray. Such findings help to explain why we
can be __________________ when remembering colors.
위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 누구나 색이 상징하는 바를 해석하는 능력이 있다.
② 인간은 자신이 선호하는 것을 보는 경향이 있다.
③ 색을 구별하는 능력은 인간 고유의 것이다.
④ 인간은 기대하는 것을 보는 경향이 있다.
⑤ 색은 인간의 감성에 영향을 미친다.
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
① wrong
② calm
③ sensitive
④ normal
⑤ negative
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) The West Australian Opera's choice is the beautiful
public garden next to the Supreme Court, where on
summer evenings this year anyone can come along and
watch Puccini's Madama Butterfly. It's only semi-staged,
there are English subtitles and, best of all, it's free. By
performing smaller versions of large productions,
producers can get their costs right down while raising
public interest higher than ever.
The San Francisco Opera, which celebrates its 75th
anniversary this year, has kept its costs low by employing
students from its Young Artists' Training Program. Its next
opera is not only being staged free of charge, but it's one
that the very young are sure to want to see -- Cinderella.
(B) In order to reach this kind of crowd, however, the new
breed of opera companies have to work extra hard. Most
people under the age of 35 simply don't go to the opera.
Offer any young person a choice between a free ticket to
an outdoor rock music festival and a free ticket to the
opera, and you can bet they'll take the former. Therefore,
since young people either don't go or won't go to the
opera, the companies are taking the opera to them.
, the companies are setting up performances in
such unusual places as parks, libraries, and public schools -
- anywhere that's accessible and non-threatening for
ordinary people, and especially ordinary young people.
(C) Opera is more than 400 years old and performed by
overweight singers in ridiculous costumes usually singing
in Italian, French, or German. And with tickets costing $400
a performance at the Royal Opera, it's no wonder the art
form has a reputation for being inaccessible, elitist, and
even boring.
, that is all about to change, if the
new breed of opera companies are to have their way.
These opera companies are throwing away the furs and
pearls and kicking off their shoes in an attempt to inject
the opera with new life and energy and open it up to a
younger, not-so-highbrow audience.
(A), (B), (C)를 이어 하나의 글로 구성할 때 가장 적절한 순서
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Furthermore
--- Therefore
② Furthermore
--- However
③ In other words --- However
④ In other words
--- Likewise
⑤ On the contrary --- Therefore
신종 오페라의 특징으로 위 글에 언급되지 않은 것은?
① 공원, 도서관 등에서도 공연된다.
② 큰 작품을 축약시킨 것이다.
③ 오페라 회사의 비용 부담이 크다.
④ 일반 대중에게 어필하려는 목적이다.
⑤ 공연 관람은 무료이다.
파워업 독해
12회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Thank you for offering me the position. The interview process
was incredibly challenging, and I am very proud to be your
first choice. I also appreciate your having given me time to
consider the offer and your frank discussion of the details. As
you may recall, I made it quite clear that I was exploring
several other employment opportunities. This week the
Ministry of Environment made an offer that provides the
ideal match for my goals at this stage of my career. After
careful consideration, I have decided to accept the offer.
I want to thank you sincerely for your confidence in me;
meeting you and learning about the innovative community
programs being implemented by the school this year was
most enjoyable. I wish you and your staff all the very best.
① 취업 제의를 수락하려고
② 일자리에 맞는 취업자를 주선하려고
③ 다른 일자리를 구했음을 알리려고
④ 면접 기회를 준 것에 대해 감사하려고
⑤ 직원 채용방식에 대한 아이디어를 제공하려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Plants, like animals, are subject to many diseases. It has
been estimated that 30,000 different diseases attack our
plants. Forty diseases are known to attack corn, for example,
and about as many attack wheat. Since people all over the
world depend on these crops for food, the results of
unchecked plant diseases could be disastrous. If just one of
the major crops were attacked and destroyed by disease,
the resulting famines could kill millions of people.
Presently, common diseases that lead to infections in major
crops cannot be completely eradicated, and the plants
cannot be completely physically isolated from the
diseases. Therefore, many plant scientists are working
on genetic modifications to help the plants develop
built-in immunity. In order to maintain a sufficient
food supply for the world’s population, it is necessary
for those involved in plant growth and management
to find ways to combat plant diseases.
① 곡물에만 의존하는 식량 정책을 개선해야 한다.
② 병충해에 강한 유전자 변형 식물을 재배해야 한다.
③ 식물 질병의 확산을 막기 위해 검역을 강화해야 한다.
④ 채식 식단으로 세계 식량 부족 문제를 해결할 수 있다.
⑤ 식물 질병의 피해가 예상되므로 해결책을 강구해야 한다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Too many people who feel unfulfilled think it’s because their
ship hasn’t yet come in. What they fail to see is that they
themselves are ships that have never left their dry dock! If
you always stay safe and sound at home, you’ll miss the
best and most exciting adventures that are out there. How
sad it is that so many die without ever having ventured
more than 500 miles from where they were born. How will
you ever know what it feels like to experience new
adventures if you don’t try out what’s available to you
Why not just choose somewhere near you and go and
explore all it has to offer? Whether you go by boat, train,
car, or plane, it doesn’t matter ─ just go. Don’t stay where
things are always the same.
① 모든 사람은 자신만의 문제가 있다.
② 불평을 늘어놓기보다 해결책을 찾자.
③ 두려워하지 말고 새로운 모험을 해라.
④ 자신이 선택한 일이라면 끝까지 책임지자.
⑤ 여행할 때는 교통수단을 잘 선택해야 한다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Our faces betray our strongest feelings ─ turning scarlet
with rage, pink with arousal, red with embarrassment. Now,
Caltech neurobiologist Mark Changizi claims that our ability
to see colors may have evolved to better interpret these
emotional signals. He also claims that the trait could explain
why we became “the naked ape.” Changizi found that
barefaced and bare-bottomed primates (a group that
includes baboons, gorillas, and humans) have vision that’s
highly sensitive to increased redness in the skin, whereas
completely fur-covered primates do not.
This visual sensitivity increases the ability to read the moods
of friend and foe, a highly advantageous social skill, but
useless if skin is totally covered in fur. Thus, we may have
lost our hairy covering over the ages because less hair
makes the body more useful at signaling emotions.
① How Human Vision Differs from Monkeys’
② Benefits of Sophisticated Human Vision
③ How Humans and Other Primates Evolved
④ How to Read the Moods of Primates
⑤ How Humankind Came to Lose Its Fur
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Attached to the large intestine like a little worm, the
appendix seems to have no effect on digestion. In fact, for
many years, scientists couldn’t say what the appendix was
built for. But Dr. Parker and his team at Duke University
claim that the appendix is a “safe house” for important
beneficial bacteria that produce films to protect our organs.
According to him, the human appendix acts as a back-up
storage area for good bacteria. The shape of the appendix is
perfectly suited as a safe place for bacteria.
Thus, in the event of a bacteria-killing sickness, which
causes severe pain in the intestine, a great concentration of
the bacteria shelters in the appendix and later refills the
intestine. “Where this kind of disease is common,” Dr. Parker
says, “without the appendix to harbor safe bacteria,
you have less of a survival advantage.”
*appendix 맹장
① controversy about the function of the appendix
② a new discovery about the appendix
③ proper and adverse functions of the appendix
④ the accurate shape and location of the appendix
⑤ bacteria’s roles in the appendix
지역 농산물 판매에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것은?
Harvest Box
Fresh Farmers Goods
It’s like having a farmers’ market located right outside your
classroom. Harvest Box is a monthly program for students
who want to purchase high quality produce at affordable
prices. The Harvest Box saves money and stretches your
food budget, while supporting local farms.
This year we are happy to offer two boxes to staff and
students: the Value Box costs just $8.50 for about 12
pounds of seasonal fruits and vegetables, and the Local Box
costs $16.50!
The Harvest Box is available twice in September and
October, then once per month for the remainder of the
school year. It is first-come-first-serve with a limited number
of boxes, so get your order in early.
For a listing of all purchase and pick-up dates check out our
Events Calendar posted around campus.
① 학생들을 위한 과일 및 채소 판매 행사이다.
② Value Box는 무게가 12 파운드 정도이다.
③ Local Box는 Value Box보다 비싸다.
④ 9월과 10월에는 Harvest Box가 판매된다.
⑤ 판매는 주문한 선착순대로 이루어진다.
Artisans Asylum에 관한 다음 광고의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Rock Climbing Gym Partnership
Artisans Asylum is a non-profit community craft studio
located in Somerville, Massachusetts. We’re thrilled to
announce our partnership with our new neighbor, Brooklyn
Boulders (BKB)!
More than just a rock climbing gym, Brooklyn Boulders
offers a new type of community space. In honor of their
grand opening and our partnership, BKB is extending the
following limited-time-only offers to the Artisans Asylum
•Free climbing for all current Artisans Asylum members and
volunteers this week, July 29 — August 4.
•10% off annual membership for current members when
you sign up through December 31st.
•15% off annual membership for dedicated Artisans Asylum
volunteers signing up through December 31st.
Join us at the grand opening later this week!
① 영리기관으로서 최근BKB를 인수하였다.
② 암벽 등반을 전문으로 할 수 있는 체육관이다.
③ 회원은 한 달간 무료 암벽 등반을 할 수 있게 되었다.
④ 기존 회원이 연간회원권을 연말까지 취득하면 10% 할인된다.
⑤ 자원봉사자들이 연간회원권을 연말까지 취득하면 10% 할인된
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This chart compares changes in percentages of
Korean students and adults claiming they had read at
least one book within the year.
① Overall, the percentage of students and adults reading a
book declined, but ② the percentage of students who read
a minimum of one book yearly was always higher than that
of adults. ③ The student book reading rate decreased every
year from 1996 to 2002, but ④ it increased very gently from
2002 to 2007. Regrettably, ⑤ adults read more books in
1994 than in 2007, and the overall rate of adult book
reading dropped steadily from 1994 onwards. Given the
stark decrease in the overall amount of reading done by
students and adults alike, it appears that something ought
to be done to promote more book reading.
James Hubert Blake에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것은?
James Hubert Blake was born in Baltimore in 1883 to exslaves, their eighth child and the only one who survived
infancy. When Blake began music lessons at age five, his
deeply religious mother insisted he would never play
“ungodly music,” but he broke the pledge the minute he
discovered ragtime. At age 15, without his mother’s
knowledge, he began playing the piano for money at a
Baltimore bordello. It was known that he first composed the
melody to his famous Charleston Rag when he was just 12,
but didn’t put it down on paper for another 16 years.
At 32, he met the singer Noble Sissle and together, they
wrote It’s All Your Fault. When Sophie Tucker, a famous
singer and comedienne, incorporated the song into her
show, Blake and Sissle were instantly transformed into
major songwriters.
* ragtime 래그타임(빠른 박자의 재즈 음악)
① 노예였던 부모의 여덟째로 태어났다.
② 어머니의 희망과는 달리 대중 음악가가 되었다.
③ 15세 때 피아노를 연주하여 돈을 벌었다.
④ 12세 때 처음으로 작곡을 했다고 알려져 있다.
⑤ Sophie Tucker와 함께 부른 노래로 유명해졌다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지
은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
In the USA, “Fordism” is an economic theory which considers
that widespread prosperity and high profits for corporations
can be achieved through high wages that enable workers (A)
purchasing / to purchase the products of their labor, such as
automobiles. Fordism was coined in about 1910, as a result of
Henry Ford’s successes in the automobile industry. Ford
pioneered the development of mass production methods, (B)
introducing / introduced
the assembly line by 1913.
He sold 10 million relatively inexpensive Model T automobiles
and made a vast fortune, while his employees became the
highest paid factory workers in the world. From a wider
perspective, Fordism was part of the Efficiency Movement,
which characterized the American Progressive Era. When the
Great Depression began, U.S. policy was to keep wages high
in the hope (C) what / that Fordism would reverse the
① purchasing --- introducing --- what
② purchasing --- introduced --- that
③ to purchase --- introducing --- that
④ to purchase --- introducing --- what
⑤ to purchase --- introduced --- what
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
It seems like a good idea that non-English speaking golfers
on U.S. tours have a good command of English. New rules
to this effect could have a ① positive effect on both the
LPGA and its members. But if they don’t learn English,
should they be sent back home? It is absurd to suspend
golfers due to their ② competence in English. It goes
without saying that athletic performance has little to do
with ③ verbal ability.
Many soccer, baseball, and basketball players play for teams
in foreign countries, but they are not suspended or kicked
out because they are ④ incapable of speaking their host
country’s language. In this respect, the LPGA’s English
requirement could be interpreted as ⑤ discrimination
against international players.
밑줄 친 It[it]이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Among vacations, there is one in particular that has a
special meaning: honeymoon. ① It may have had its origins
in the idea that the first month of married life is the
sweetest. It is also believed that it was an ancient custom
for the newly married couple to drink a potion containing
honey on each of the first thirty days of marriage. However,
it is not certain why ② it was consumed at the beginning of
the couple’s new life. There are many other stories that
hint at the origins of ③ it.
Whatever the genuine origin may be, ④ it is not a typical
vacation because sightseeing is not the main objective. For
most newlyweds, ⑤ it is a time to focus only on each other.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Eye contact seems to be particularly important in white
Anglo-Saxon cultures. It is part of traditional British culture,
for example, that others should be kept at a distance, and
that contact with another person’s body should be avoided
in all but the most intimate situations. Because of this social
convention of dealing with others at a distance, the English
and other white Anglo-Saxon cultures rely very much on
their eyes for personal communication.
In many other cultures, however, people come closer
together and intimate physical interaction in social situations
is as _______________ as eye contact is in England. In
Mediterranean cultures, for example, both the touch
and the smell of others are expected while interacting. [3점]
① exciting
② routine
④ intense
⑤ impolite
③ cold
The opossum has a few methods of defense to use
when threatened by a predator. The best known among
them is ____________________________. An opossum using this
defense can be dropped, kicked, and even cut, yet it will not
respond in any way. This may appear to be a particularly
stupid method of defense, for it leaves the animal open to
attack. But many predators will only eat what they
themselves have killed, and others only attack animals that
run away from them. However, opossums rarely ever resort
to this unusual method of defense.
Instead, most of them simply run away from any threat.
Other methods used by opossums to scare attackers away
include hissing, spitting, showing the teeth, biting,
urinating, and releasing a disgusting odor. [3점]
*opossum 주머니쥐
① screaming loudly
② enlarging its body
③ releasing a foul odor
④ attacking viciously
⑤ playing dead
Ecological disaster has been unfolding in the icy waters
off Alaska. Since the 1970s, populations of seals, sea lions,
and sea otters have plummeted. Some scientists have
blamed changes in ocean currents, while others have
pointed their finger at human overfishing of the marine
mammals’ food supplies. But a paper published last week
has attributed the devastation to ______________________.
In the aftermath of World War II, commercial whaling
expanded rapidly, and the great whales of the North Pacific
Ocean were almost entirely wiped out.
This removed a major source of food for killer whales, who
then began to fish down the food web, beginning with
harbor seals (populations collapsed in the early ’70s), then
moving on to fur seals (mid ’80s), then sea lions (mid ’90s),
and finally, sea otters (today), collapsing these populations
one after another. [3점]
*killer whale 범고래
① international armed conflict
② an ecological domino effect
③ ignorance about ocean currents
④ a natural predator of killer whales
⑤ the hunting of small marine mammals
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Traditionally, we have judged mathematical ability based on
the percentage of correct answers on a page full of
computational problems. Therefore, the memorization of
facts was fundamental to instruction in mathematics.
, recently, many teachers have started placing a
greater emphasis on mathematical understanding, problem
solving, hands-on experience, and collaborative work. This
change in how mathematics is being taught can be
attributed to well-informed teachers and the work of
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Students will be using mathematics in a world where
calculators, computers, and other forms of technology
are readily available.
, the application of
mathematical principles, rather than mere fact acquisition, is
what students will be required to have in the workplace,
and consequently mathematics instruction should mirror
this real life application.
① In addition
--- In short
② In addition
--- Also
③ For example --- Hence
④ However
--- Accordingly
⑤ However
--- By contrast
다음 글에 드러난 필자의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Every morning, I open my eyes to see the adoring face of
my dog on the pillow beside me. No matter how horrible I
look or how bad my breath smells, he always seems ecstatic
to see me awake again. Next, I swing my feet out of bed
and into my soft slippers. I wander into the bathroom, still
half-asleep, to splash water luxuriously over my face, feeling
wakefulness, warmth, and life beginning to return. From the
bathroom, I head to the kitchen, where I greet the beautiful
queen of my mornings.
I refer to coffee, of course, and the making of the first cup
of the day — the measuring, the rich aroma, the sounds the
coffee machine makes, the anticipation, the taste. All these
little but wonderful things make me feel blessed.
① calm and relieved
② overjoyed and thrilled
③ grateful and contented
④ anxious and concerned
⑤ bored and indifferent
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
You may think an adorable puppy makes for a
wonderful gift ― until you contemplate the cost of its
feeding, grooming, cleaning, and healthcare. ① According
to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (ASPCA), the expenditure incurred in the first year
of dog ownership amounts to around $1,500. ② So, the
maltreatment of animals at the hands of pet owners is
becoming a serious problem, the organization added.
③ While costs can vary in accordance with factors such as
breed, gender, and size, the cute little bundle of fur can end
up as quite a financial burden. ④ It’s wise to have a serious
discussion about the costs involved in dog rearing and who
will cover them before gifting a puppy to anyone. ⑤ Don’t
forget to factor in any potential expenses, such as renting a
bigger house or hiring pet-sitters during vacations.
As we leave the Industrial Age behind and enter the
Information Age, the value of one’s education continues to
increase. So you have to ask yourself if the education your
child is receiving in school is adequate to meet the
challenges of this brave new world we are entering. ① In
the Industrial Age you usually did not need additional
education after graduating because things did not change
that fast. ② As millions of baby boomers get ready to retire
today, however, the next generation is faced with the
realization that they will constantly have to receive job
③ Job retraining focuses on acquiring the skills for a
certain kind of job, but career retraining prepares you for a
career — multiple jobs — in a field of work. ④ For the first
time in history, many young but well-educated people are
facing the same economic difficulties that the less educated
are facing. ⑤ They repeatedly find themselves having
to upgrade their skills to satisfy current fast-changing
job requirements.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
While nobody is a genuine mind reader, and telepathy is
the stuff of fantasy, most of us are able to step inside other
people’s minds in a limited way.
(A) Similarly, we can put ourselves in another person’s
shoes to imagine what his or her thoughts, intentions, and
possible actions might be.
(B) We can do this because our brains are excellent
simulators. For instance, our brains can predict the path an
object will take through space, and the steps we should take
now to cause a future event to occur.
(C) Therefore, it might be said that our ability to function
successfully as social animals is helped by our being able to
tell what others are thinking or feeling.
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
④ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
Intelligent drivers understand that traffic lights are a fact of
life, and that they will encounter roughly equal numbers of
red lights and green ones over time. They don’t take it
personally if a light ahead starts to turn red; they simply
stop and put up with the short interruption to their trip.
(A) So they drive stupidly, speeding through yellow lights
and blocking up intersections so that other vehicles and
pedestrians cannot pass, or even worse, they cause a
(B) These drivers should change their perception and see a
red traffic light as a welcome sight. If they saw red lights as
a signal to relax and let go of responsibility for a moment,
driving would be a more pleasant experience and the roads
more safe for everyone.
(C) Other drivers, however, have a decidedly unhealthy
attitude; they see red lights as enemies that have to be
beaten, and getting stopped by one as a sign of weakness.
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
This signals to the other person that you need to talk but
you’re finding it a bit difficult to start the discussion.
When you need to have a discussion with someone about a
sensitive matter, your fears about approaching the person
are invariably worse than the discussion itself. ( ① ) You
probably find yourself postponing bringing up the tough
subject, telling yourself that you’re waiting for the “perfect
( ② ) But in real life, the right time rarely comes along, so
you have to make the conversation happen regardless.
( ③ ) In these circumstances, it’s best to start with an
indirect approach, such as a text message asking for time to
chat about something “delicate.” ( ④ ) Once you’ve sent
your text, you’ll find the conversation has been put in
motion already, with the recipient preparing to talk with you.
( ⑤ ) Sure, you may still feel anxious before you actually sit
down together, but that’s okay; you’ve initiated the
conversation you needed to have.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
We are constantly brainwashed to think that the more
money and possessions we have, the happier we will be.
We do need some money to survive and, as Woody Allen
once said, "Money is better than poverty," but we can
never be fully contented with our purchases. As soon as we
own something, we want something else. We need to take
a step back and escape the trap of anxiety and addiction to
The economist Adam Smith said that the best way to
improve our lives is not to make more money, but to spend
less. He said "A workman, even of the lowest and poorest
order, if he is frugal and industrious, may enjoy a greater
share of the necessaries and conveniences of life."
To reduce materialism's power over us and get more
, we could try to be more
① money
--- happy
② possessions --- confident
③ necessities --- competitive
④ satisfaction --- thrifty
⑤ freedom
--- calm
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
There are many stories in science and literature of
breakthrough ideas being revealed in dreams. Robert Louis
Stevenson said that (a) certain parts of the plot of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde came to him in a dream. The modern sewing
machine was invented and patented by Elias Howe after a
dream showed him (b) how the needle would work. And the
great golfer Jack Nicklaus, in a 1964 interview, told a story
about a time he was playing badly and couldn't improve no
matter how hard he tried.
He said that in a dream one night, he held his club
differently and played perfectly. The next day, he tried
holding his club as he had in the dream, and (c) was
amazed by the result. His game improved out of sight. Each
of these dreams came not out of the blue, but during
intense periods of struggling with a problem. It suggests
that while we consciously struggle with a difficult problem,
our unconscious mind is ____________________. In dreams, the
unconscious mind searches for memory-information that
relates in some way to present worries.
(d) Creative insights and answers to problems come from
the unconscious mind making helpful connections between
(e) things that otherwise seem unrelated.
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중 breakthrough ideas being revealed in
dreams와 관련 없는 것은? [3점]
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① blank
② resting
④ helping
⑤ important
③ revealed
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) Thomas Alva Edison was an inventor and social engineer
who had a profound influence on the life patterns of
modern people. He believed that sleep was merely a bad
habit and could be done away with quite easily. "For myself
I never found need of more than four or five hours sleep in
the 24," he claimed.
(B) This would improve productivity, bring prosperity to all,
and speed the progress of civilization.
The key to his plan was an invention he had worked on for
many years -- the electric light bulb. This gift to society
would banish the darkness and thus make it possible for
people to work throughout the night. After the invention,
productivity increased dramatically.
(C) We do sleep less now, and his invention is at least partly
responsible for that. In the days before electric light, the
average person slept nine hours a night. We sleep on
average one and a half hours less than that.
So, although his dream was never fully realized, we can say
that Edison has added more than 500 hours of waking time
to every year we live.
(D) He was also convinced that sleep was bad for you and
made you lazy and stupid. That's why Edison wanted to be
known as the man who finally eradicated the waste of
human potential represented by all those hours spent in
"unproductive sleep." His reasoning was simple: if sleep
could be eliminated, it would add more work hours to the
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (D) ─ (C)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
위 글의 밑줄 친 his dream의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 실용적인 물건을 만드는 것
② 잠을 줄여 생산력을 높이는 것
③ 사람들의 생활 방식을 바꾸는 것
④ 자신이 태어난 나라가 강대국이 되는 것
⑤ 많은 사람들에게 일자리를 제공해주는 것
위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 에디슨은 평소 필요 이상의 수면을 취하지 않았다.
② 에디슨은 우연한 기회에 전구를 발명하게 되었다.
③ 전구가 별명된 후 평균 수면시간이 줄어들었다.
④ 전구의 발명은 사회에 큰 이득을 가져다주었다.
⑤ 에디슨은 잠이 인간의 잠재력을 억누른다고 생각했다.
파워업 독해
13회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many families are using student drivers to chauffeur their
children to and from school and extracurricular activities.
You cannot guarantee that these students have the right
insurance or enough experience, and most have not
undertaken advanced driver training. Nor can you be sure
that they do not have a criminal background. All these
factors have an influence on the safety of your children. You
may ask what the benefits of our service are, compared to
finding a student driver on your own.
We only recruit drivers who are guaranteed to safely get
your children where they need to be. Therefore, all drivers
have completed advanced driving courses, and have full
insurance and criminal background clearances. We provide
you with a complete solution to your child’s transport and
safety needs.
① 통학 방법을 조언해 주려고
② 통학 차량 서비스를 홍보하려고
③ 운전자 교육의 중요성을 알리려고
④ 보험 가입의 필요성을 강조하려고
⑤ 학생 운전자의 불법 행위를 고발하려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Science is more than just a collection of facts. A balanced
science education requires teaching its history as well.
Teaching the history of science is essential in science
education because one cannot understand it well enough
without knowing how it has developed and who contributed
to its progress. History is a record of the most important
subject of all: human behavior. What motivated people to
discover and explore new things, and the purposes for
which they used their knowledge, are just as important
as the discoveries and inventions themselves.
While science reveals the laws and mysteries of the physical
universe, its history increases our understanding of all
that is human.
① 과학사 연구를 위해 정부의 지원이 시급하다.
② 역사와 과학 교육은 반드시 사실을 근간으로 해야 한다.
③ 과학적 성과는 역사적 관점에서 재평가되어야 한다.
④ 인간 행동 발달의 연구에는 과학적 접근이 필요하다.
⑤ 올바른 과학 교육을 위해서 과학사 교육이 필요하다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Listen to football announcers during a game, and you’ll hear
them talking about risks, especially those associated with
trying to score ─ like throwing the ball too far or going for
a big play. But they never talk about the risk of not trying
risky things. In the attempt to avoid a loss or a setback in
play, teams can be so conservative that they will lose
anyway because they didn’t take the risks needed. The same
applies to your career. It’s easy to see risks associated with
aiming high, such as when you go for a challenging
new job.
But if you don’t take the risk, you won’t get anywhere.
Failing to take risks is the biggest risk of all ─ that’s the
way to lose all your opportunities for success.
① 원하는 것이 커지면 그만큼 책임감도 커진다.
② 큰 위험을 감수할수록 큰 이익을 얻을 수 있다.
③ 실패의 확률이 크다면 위험을 감수하지 말아야 한다.
④ 실패가 두려워서 어떤 시도도 하지 않는 것이 가장 위험하다.
⑤ 큰 위험은 쉽게 알아채지만 작은 위험은 쉽게 인식하지 못한다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
More and more people around the world are building earthsheltered or earth-bermed homes. These styles of houses
are built either partially or almost entirely underground.
They are more expensive to build than conventional houses,
as much money must be spent on well-placed windows,
skylights, and ventilation systems that ensure bright light
and fresh air. Also, sophisticated waterproofing is required
to keep moisture out, and this new technology is still quite
However, in the long term, underground houses save
owners a great deal of money because they require very
little electricity or gas for heating and cooling. This is
because the temperature of the earth is relatively stable
and mild, and concrete walls can store the sun’s heat and
radiate it into the rooms during winter and at night.
① Why Most People Prefer Conventional Houses
② Increasing Popularity of Underground Buildings
③ Merits and Demerits of an Underground House
④ Methods of Building an Earth-Sheltered Building
⑤ Latest Technology Used in Underground Building
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
The idea that alcohol destroys brain cells dates back
at least as far as the temperance campaigns of the early
nineteenth century, which aimed to ban alcohol
completely. However, the idea has no basis in scientific
fact. Samples from alcoholics and non-alcoholics show
no significant difference between the two groups in
either the overall number of neurons or their density.
Many other studies have shown that moderate drinking
can in fact help cognition, including a Swedish study
that showed mice that were given alcohol grew more
brain cells than other mice. Alcohol abuse does cause
serious problems, not least in the brain, but there is no
evidence that these problems are to do with the death of
cells ─ it’s more likely that alcohol interferes with the
working processes of the brain.
① the characteristics of alcoholics
② major causes and symptoms of alcoholism
③ fact and fiction about alcohol and the brain
④ the influence of early anti-alcohol campaigns
⑤ brain reactions to varying amounts of alcohol
폭풍 대처요령에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는
Emergency Incident Response
If a storm is raging outside, this basic information will help
you get through the emergency.
•Remain in the building (if it is safe and secure) and keep
clear of windows.
•In multi-story buildings, move to the lower floors.
•In all buildings, shelter under desks or similar structures
that offer protection.
•Evacuate the building only if instructed to do so by
emergency services personnel or campus emergency control
personnel, and assist with the evacuation of disabled
•If evacuation is ordered, move to the nominated
evacuation assembly area, and do not leave the evacuation
assembly area until advised to do so.
① 안전한 건물 내에서 대기하며 창문에서 떨어져 있는다.
② 다층 건물에서는 아래층으로 이동하도록 한다.
③ 몸을 보호할 수 있는 책상 등의 밑에 몸을 대피한다.
④ 폭풍이 잦아들면 건물 밖으로 나와 넓은 공터로 대피한다.
⑤ 대피소로 이동한 경우에는 지시받을 때까지 떠나지 말아야 한다.
학생회 임원 선출에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것
Junior High Student Council
— Election Information
Elected Positions — Eligibility and Responsibilities
President (8th grader who previously served in the Junior
High Student Council)
•Plans the weekly agenda for Student Council meetings
•Presides over Student Council meetings
Vice-President (7th grader)
•Assumes the duties of president in case of his absence or
•Submits updates to the school newsletter
Treasurer (7th or 8th grader)
•Keeps an accurate record of monthly balances
•Reports on Student Council accounts at least monthly
Secretary (7th or 8th grader)
•Keeps a written record of all meetings of the Student
Homeroom Representative (one representative from each
•Attends all meetings of the Student Council
and Student Council activities
① 회장은 주간 의제를 학생들로부터 수집한다.
② 부회장은 교내신문에 학생회 관련 기사를 쓴다.
③ 회계 담당자는 회계 장부를 주별로 보고해야 한다.
④ 서기는 주요 회의를 기록하여 학생들에게 공유한다.
⑤ 반장은 모든 학생회 회의와 활동에 참가해야 한다.
25 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This graph, which compares estimates of the oil production
capacity of six Middle East countries, has several notable
① The most significant is that oil production was estimated
to increase year by year in all countries. ② Both Kuwait and
Iraq were expected roughly to double their output between
1990 and 2010. ③ After remaining steady at 2.5 million
barrels per day from 1990 to 2000, the UAE’s output was
expected to approach 4.0 million in 2010. ④ Saudi Arabia’s
1990 output was expected to exceed that of Iran, Iraq and
Kuwait combined. ⑤ The graph also predicts that Saudi
Arabia would maintain and strengthen its position as leader
in production capacity, with 14.5 million barrels per day
expected in 2010.
John Nash에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
John Nash, a genius American mathematician, was
diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when he was 28 and
spent the next 30 years in and out of mental hospitals. In
1970, however, he stopped taking antipsychotic medication,
and gradually began to recover. He was awarded the 1994
Memorial Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in recognition
of the work he did in game theory as a graduate student at
Princeton. He had theorized that an individual’s success in a
game depends on the choices of the other players.
In Princeton legend, Nash was “The Phantom of Fine Hall,” a
ghost-like figure who would scribble equations on
blackboards in the middle of the night in Fine Hall, the
center of mathematics at Princeton. Nash was the subject of
the Oscar winning Hollywood movie, A Beautiful Mind.
*paranoid schizophrenia 편집성 정신 분열증
① 미국의 수학자로 30년간 정신분열증에 시달렸다.
② 약을 끊고 난 후, 정신분열증이 더욱 악화되었다.
③ 대학원 시절 발표한 이론으로 노벨상을 받았다.
④ 학교 다닐 때 한밤중에 칠판에 수학공식을 갈겨쓰곤 했다.
⑤ 그의 이야기는 영화로 만들어져 오스카상을 수상했다.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Eight of the 10 largest cities in the United States have inner
city areas ① where were developed in the 19th century.
These cities were all settled ② before automobiles and
buses became widespread, and businesses and houses had
to be close together to permit people ③ to travel on foot
between them. The rivers on which they are located often
divided the cities and ④ created barriers to land
Newer cities, such as Dallas, Los Angeles, and Phoenix,
were designed with automobile transportation uppermost
in mind and have fewer water barriers, although
they still have traffic jams due to population growth
beyond ⑤ what was expected when the road systems
were designed.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절
한 것은? [3점]
The invention of air conditioning had a radical impact on
the southern manner of living. Perhaps most notably, and
especially visually, it altered southern architecture. Prior to
this invention, southerners constructed homes with covered
verandas, but with the increasing use of air conditioning in
the domestic context, verandas became increasingly (A)
scarce / abundant . Second, air conditioning decreased
casual opportunities for social interaction.
Once it arrived on the scene, people tended to remain
inside their houses, thus becoming more (B) outgoing /
withdrawn from their communities. Third, it virtually
revolutionized summertime leisure activities. Before air
conditioning, people gathered at beaches and pools and
avoided hot, (C) confined / wide-open spaces. However,
with the arrival of air conditioning, people were at liberty to
attend concerts, films, and plays without the concern of
stifling heat.
① scarce
--- outgoing --- confined
② scarce
--- outgoing --- wide-open
③ scarce
--- withdrawn --- confined
④ abundant --- withdrawn --- wide-open
⑤ abundant --- outgoing --- wide-open
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
In 1822, an English bookseller and freethinker named
Richard Carlile designed a vending machine ① he hoped
would provide protection from censors and the police. At
the time, Carlile and a handful of other booksellers and
publishers were struggling to establish freedom for the
English press. Carlile and some of his employees had been
jailed for selling items such as Thomas Paine’s The Age of
Reason. To prevent any more such arrests, ② he decided to
sell books by machine, believing that by doing so the
bookseller could not be legally identified.
Describing ③ his device, Carlile wrote: “In the shop is a dial
on which is written every publication for sale. The purchaser
enters and turns the hand of the dial to the publication he
wants, when, on depositing the price, the publication drops
down before ④ him.” However, the court still held him
responsible and convicted one of ⑤ his employees of selling
offensive literature through the device.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Every good writer knows that readers will
misunderstand anything that is not clearly stated in plain
words. When you write, never assume that your reader
knows where you are going with your ideas. It can help to
imagine your readers as shy visitors to your garden of
creative ideas. To the visitors, your garden probably looks
more like an overgrown wood, if not a wild and wet jungle.
This being so, your task is to _______________________ to make
their visit pleasant and memorable.
Imagine that you are walking ahead of the visitors in your
garden so that you can anticipate the points at which they
could get lost, and make sure they stay on the right path.
The writer’s golden rule is the same as the classic moral
golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you. [3점]
① stick to the facts
② make sure you know the rules
③ describe everything in great detail
④ present evidence to back your assertions
⑤ guide your readers through, step by step
Modern English is the dominant international language
in diplomacy, communications, aviation, radio, business,
science, tourism, and entertainment, and is spoken by as
many as 1.8 billion people around the world. So, it takes
quite an effort of the imagination to understand
_____________________________. Just four centuries ago, for
example, when William Shakespeare was writing and
producing plays, the language was almost completely
confined to England and southern Scotland, and virtually
unknown to everyone else in the world.
It had not yet even penetrated far into neighboring Ireland
or Wales. Back then, the total number of people who could
have been expected to understand the language of a
Shakespeare play was, at most, around five million. [3점]
① that it hasn’t always been like this
② that this is not good news for Scotland
③ how old English changed to modern English
④ that Shakespeare is responsible for its success
⑤ why other European languages aren’t as widespread
Mistakes can play a critical role in personal and
professional development. If the error was a result of a poor
decision, explain to your boss and other interested parties
how you will avoid making the same or a similar misstep in
the future, but remember that you have to act quickly
before people make judgments about your competence or
expertise. By demonstrating that you’ve changed as a result
of your mistake, you can reassure your superiors or peers
that you can be trusted with equally important tasks or
decisions in the future.
Perhaps your boss or co-workers will make you pay a
price for making the mistake, a higher workload or less
responsibility, but whatever the consequences you need to
get the learning. This is far easier in a learning-focused
culture than in a performance-focused culture, in which
mistakes are often judged more harshly. But regardless of
the office environment, you need to figure out how you can
________________________. [3점]
① adapt yourself to a different company’s culture
② accept the mistake you made and boldly admit it
③ translate the mistake from a liability into an asset
④ stop yourself from making the same mistake again
⑤ avoid situations in which you might make a mistake
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In the past, many public-sector recreation providers allowed
people free access to public lands, or required the purchase
of permits to control the season for different activities such
as fishing or horse-riding.
, governments and
other public agencies are finding that funding to maintain
sites and facilities is becoming difficult to come by.
Charging visitors for appropriate services to help offset
these costs is being considered as one solution.
This is a sensitive matter, as in many European countries,
free access for all people to the outdoors is a much
cherished tradition or right. There is also an additional
dilemma for public agencies where recreation facilities are
already provided from public money, and it could be argued
that the taxpayer is paying twice.
, care is
needed by public bodies to ensure that expenses are only
made for services that are clearly additional to the provision
of free access.
① On the contrary --- Likewise
② However
--- Thus
③ However
--- In addition
④ On the contrary --- For instance
⑤ Furthermore
--- Consequently
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
The January rains brought floods. The bare, burnt, naked
mountains cannot hold the rains, and vast amounts of water
slide down bringing rocks and mud. John, a national park
ranger, has to take pictures of the floods. He asks me to
help him, and we drive a little way up the road, but at the
third curve the road is impassable. A river has broken its
banks and is flooding across the road ahead of us. We get
out of the car to take pictures.
It is incredible to see the muddied waters and rocks moving
so fast as parts of the mountain collapse. John stops
shooting and says, “Let’s get out of here, now!” I turn to
see the edges of the road behind the car being carried away.
① sad and gloomy
② bright and cheerful
③ noisy and festive
④ magical and adventurous
⑤ dangerous and urgent
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
According to many zoologists, cats not only share a
sophisticated language, but each individual cat speaks with
its own unique tone, pitch, and volume. It’s even said that
different cats make different vowel sounds! Still, a cat’s tail
is the primary signal in feline communication. ① If worried,
cats keep their tails between their legs and if annoyed, their
tails move back and forth. ② A confident cat holds his tail
up high, but a fearful cat makes all the hair on his tail stick
up and holds it low.
③ Feline feelings are also conveyed in movements of the
ears: up means relaxed, back means angry, flat means pain
or fear. ④ Cats’ ears move independently of each other but
are often both turned back during play. ⑤ Cats may also
communicate in other individual and interesting ways, but
we will probably never know them until we try carefully to
understand their language.
*feline 고양이의
Objectivity is authority in disguise: “objective” facts
always support particular points of view, and their
“objectivity” can exist only as part of a display of power.
① More importantly, objective facts cannot be challenged:
objectivity discourages audience activity and participation.
② Objectivity cannot exist when some individuals insist on
arguing over facts that have long been established. ③
Rather than being “objective,” therefore, TV news should
present multiple perspectives that, like those of a soap
opera, have as unclear a hierarchy as possible.
④ The more complex the events it describes, the more the
contradictions among the different social positions from
which to make sense of them should be left open and raw.
⑤ The anchors and reporters should be less concerned
about telling the final truth of what has happened and
should present, instead, different ways of understanding it
and the different points of view inscribed in those different
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
By the 1910s in the USA, many foods were available frozen,
and much advertising claimed that the typical housewife no
longer had to shop every day for fresh food.
(A) He noticed that the fish he caught froze instantly and,
after thawing, tasted as good as fresh fish. He experimented
further and found that the faster the freeze, the better the
flavor of the food when thawed.
(B) Birdseye established his own company in 1925 and
applied his fast-freezing process to meat, fruit, and
vegetables. Soon, Americans were eating seasonal produce
throughout the year.
(C) Instead, she could shop infrequently, and store the food
in the icebox. But the flavor and texture of early frozen
foods was poor. Then, in 1918, Clarence Birdseye made a
discovery while ice fishing in the Arctic.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (B) ─(A) ─(C)
③ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
④ (C) ─(A) ─(B)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
A study of three decades of the phenomenon of “brain
drain” and its relationship to Korean scientists and
engineers (KSEs) who earned a PhD in the USA, shows
economic factors were central to return-or-stay decisions
by these professionals.
(A) It emphasizes loyalty and duty to one’s country, and was
found to be key to KSEs’ decisions to opt for employment
at home rather than in the USA. Clearly, a cultural analysis is
necessary for understanding the brain drain phenomenon in
(B) In the brain drain phenomenon, intellectual capital flows
towards the country offering the highest salaries. However,
the study found that when economic differences between
the alternatives narrowed, other factors became more
important in KSEs’ decisions.
(C) In particular, the study suggests that Confucian values
were a major influence. Confucianism is the ancient system
of thought that underpins Korean society.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
④ (C) ─(A) ─(B)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
One involves pouring oil onto the ocean to create a giant
oil slick in the path of a hurricane.
In the 1960s, scientists proposed some extraordinary ways
to combat hurricanes. (①) Those ideas were abandoned
when the estimated cost of implementing them proved too
high. (②) But after the $200-billion-plus damage caused by
Katrina and Rita, scientists are again proposing
extraordinary measures.
(③) The idea is to seal the ocean's surface to prevent water
being sucked up into the hurricane, which increases its
might. (④) Another concept involves planes dropping
thousands of tons of absorbent powder onto a hurricane to
reduce its water content. (⑤) But plenty of scientists
consider hurricanes far too powerful to be affected by such
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
Men and women seldom mean the same thing even when
they use the same words to say it. For example, when a
woman says, "I feel like you never listen," she doesn't mean
the word never to be taken literally. Using the word never is
just a way of expressing the frustration she is feeling. To
express their feelings in a way that satisfies them, women
tend to use dramatic language filled with superlatives,
metaphors, and generalizations.
Men, on the other hand, prefer matter-of-fact words to
convey only essential information, and mistakenly assume
that women do the same. And because men tend to
interpret women's words according to standard dictionary
definitions, they do not recognize the underlying feelings,
and as a consequence, react insensitively.
Men and women use words differently. Women tend to
express themselves in
will interpret their words in a
ways and a typical man
① poetic
--- sensitive
② distinctive
--- literary
③ indirect
--- distorted
④ exaggerated
--- literal
⑤ straightforward --- factual
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
"If anything can go wrong, it will." This well-known
expression, called Murphy's Law, is the humorous yet
pessimistic explanation for why everything seems to go
wrong sometimes. It explains why, when you're running
late for work, you can't find a matching pair of socks. It
also explains why the line you choose at the supermarket is
so slow. And it explains why, whenever you drop a piece of
toast, it lands on the buttered side. But should you take
Murphy's Law seriously? Robert Matthews says yes.
A respected British physicist, Matthews claims that
Murphy's Law is not ____________________. He says it doesn't
just seem to happen, it does happen -- and reliably so. He
uses mathematical principles to explain how it works. His
theory of Murphy's Law as it applies to supermarket
queues is the easiest to understand. Only one line at the
supermarket can be the fastest one when you are waiting
with your groceries. Therefore, if there are 10 lines, you
have only a 1 in 10 chance of choosing the right one -- and
even if there are just three lines to choose from, the law of
probability still says that you will choose the wrong one!
위 글의 밑줄 친 the right one의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 계산을 가장 빨리 할 수 있는 줄
② 기다리는 사람이 가장 적은 줄
③ 계산대가 많이 있는 슈퍼마켓
④ 쇼핑하는 사람이 적은 슈퍼마켓
⑤ 쇼핑 품목이 적은 사람들이 있는 줄
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
① studied seriously
② easy to explain
③ planned or expected
④ true for certain situations
⑤ nonsense or coincidence
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) Nicole and Joe, my mother and father, first met in New
York. Nicole was sitting alone in a cafe reading Charles
Dickens' Great Expectations. The cafe was full, so Joe asked
if he could share her table. They were instantly attracted to
one another, and talked for hours. When she had to leave,
Nicole wrote her phone number in the book and gave it to
(B) She took a new copy of Great Expectations with her.
After a long day of sightseeing, she found a table in a cafe,
opened her book to the first page, and started thinking
once again about the man she had met in New York. She
was interrupted by (a) a young man carrying a tray of
dishes and asking in French if she would share her table.
She nodded and returned to her reading. Then, she heard
his voice. It said, "I should never have lost that book."
Looking up again, she saw Joe, smiling back at her.
(C) Joe had forgotten to ask for my mother's last name.
The phone number in the book was his only link to her.
The call Nicole longed for never came from (b) the young
man she met in New York. Joe kept returning to the cafe,
but (c) he never found Nicole. Three summers later, my
mother went to England to take a literature course. During
a three-day break in her studies, she flew to Paris to spend
72 hours sightseeing.
(D) After she left, Joe couldn't stop thinking about her. The
next day, after a sleepless night, (d) my father went to visit
his parents in Brooklyn, and brought the book to read on
the subway.
He was tired, so he slipped the book into the pocket of his
coat, laid it on the seat next to (e) him, and closed his eyes.
When my father opened his eyes, he had already passed
Brooklyn, and his coat was gone. Someone had stolen it,
and with it, the book. My mother's telephone number was
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (D) ─ (C)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① Nicole과 Joe는 뉴욕의 서점에서 처음 만났다.
② Nicole은 Great Expectations라는 책을 선물 받았다.
③ Nicole은 Joe와의 첫 만남 후 학업을 중단했다.
④ Nicole과 Joe는 공부를 위해 파리에 머물러 있었다.
⑤ Joe는 지하철을 이용하던 중 물건을 분실했다.
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
파워업 독해
14회 실전 모의고사
다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
I was delighted at having the opportunity to meet you in
person during your visit to our college for the second
Presidential Public Leadership Program. As Chair of the
Committee for the Restoration of Roosevelt House, I wish to
express our great pleasure at the success of the Program
and the recognition it has brought to “Hunters and the
Campaign,” another organization involved in the restoration
of Roosevelt House.
The Program was an experience, I am sure, that the
students will reflect upon as they make their career and life
choices. On behalf of all of the staff and students of our
college, I want to express to you our tremendous
① 대학을 방문해 준 것에 대해 감사하려고
② 대학의 재정 지원을 요청하려고
③ 루스벨트의 업적에 대해 설명하려고
④ 루스벨트 생가 복원 프로그램의 성공을 알리려고
⑤ 루스벨트 추모 단체를 홍보하려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
It seems that punctuation, diction, and grammar are of little
importance to many people these days. At supermarket
express checkout aisles, for example, the signs always say
“12 items or less,” when “12 items or fewer” is correct.
Indifference and a general decline in education standards
have made Standard English go downhill. Some people are
terribly bothered by this. They believe everybody should
respect Standard English as much as they do, and are very
angry whenever they see English abused.
Sadly, these people are setting themselves up for a lifetime
of stress. They should just accept the fact that standards
have declined. Poor English is everywhere ─ in menus,
street signs, ads, newspapers, and even academic papers.
Don’t let yourself be obsessed with it or upset by it.
① Don’t always expect good grammar.
② Don’t get frustrated with your English skills.
③ Pay attention to what everyone is saying.
④ Make a greater effort to use correct grammar.
⑤ Understand the importance of a wide vocabulary.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many people believe that problems can be solved only by
deliberate effort. When they have a problem, they strain
their brains trying to find an acceptable solution through
rational thought and willpower. They try to force a solution
to appear. Instead, we should learn to trust in our natural
creativity and intuition. The best thing to do is to clearly
define your problem, then think intensely about it for a
while, and then confirm in your mind your sincere desire to
have a solution.
After that, relax. Further worry and conscious effort won’t
help. Let your unconscious mind take over. Forget about the
problem and move on to something else for a while. Then
at some unguarded moment ─ perhaps even while you’re
drifting off to sleep ─ a solution will come to you.
① 무슨 일이든 적극적인 자세와 의욕이 중요하다.
② 예측 불가능한 상황에 항상 대비해야 한다.
③ 문제 해결에는 논리적이고 합리적인 사고가 필수적이다.
④ 창의력은 의식적이고 반복적인 훈련을 통해 길러질 수 있다.
⑤ 지나친 고민보다는 편안한 마음가짐이 문제 해결에 도움이 된다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many people think of deserts as oceans of sand in which
nothing can grow. In reality, though, deserts can support a
range of animals and plants that have adapted to the harsh
conditions. Most desert plants are drought-tolerant or salttolerant or both. Some store water in their leaves, roots,
and stems. Others have extraordinarily long roots that can
seek out water far below the ground, while others spread
their roots wide, to absorb water from a greater area of the
ground. Others have small, spiny leaves, which shed
less moisture than broad leaves.
And the stems and leaves of some plants lower the surface
speed of sand-carrying winds, an adaptation that protects
their home from erosion.
① The Benefits of Desert Plants
② Varieties of Desert Plant Roots
③ Misconceptions about the Desert
④ Understanding the Desert Environment
⑤ Survival Skills of Desert Plants
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
The more women go out to work, it has been said, the
lower the birthrate will be. The idea is that it’s so much
more difficult for parents to raise children when both
parents work full-time. Yet, in some countries, the facts
suggest otherwise. Countries with high female labor
participation rates, such as Sweden, tend to have higher
fertility rates than Italy and Japan, where fewer women
work. Indeed, the decline in fertility has been greatest in
countries where female employment is low.
It seems that if female labor participation is supported by
the right policies, it need not reduce fertility. In general,
countries in which more women have stayed at home offer
less support for working mothers, which causes lower birth
rates. In countries where women and men participate fairly
equally in the workforce and childcare services are
affordable and widely available, birthrates do not tend to be
lower than average.
① changing perspectives regarding working mothers
② advantages of countries with higher birthrates
③ working women, lower birthrates: a misconception
④ why fewer women are choosing to be mothers
⑤ national approaches to childcare services
학교 방문 발레 공연에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지
않는 것은?
A Unique Experience Where
Professional Dancers Visit Your School...
For An Exciting And Educational Look Into The World Of
Dance. Each year, the professional dancers of Richmond
Ballet present lecture demonstrations in elementary schools.
These demonstrations feature a theme based on classic
ballet stories and provide a unique opportunity to see
professional dancers. The theme for this season is
CINDERELLA, which will introduce the full length story ballet
performed by the professional company in February 2014 at
the Carpenter Theatre.
Our 45-minute performances consist of several dance pieces,
dialogue relating to the theme, and a student
interaction/participation section, all presented by five
dancers of the professional company.
Q&A Session
Following the presentation, the dancers answer student
questions in a Q&A session.
For more information on this special opportunity, please call
Tanya Dolphin, Education Coordinator at (802) 310-0900 or
[email protected]
① 전문 무용수들이 초등학교에서 시범공연을 펼친다.
② 금년도 주제는 신데렐라이며 극장에서 2월에 공연된다.
③ 5명의 전문 무용수들이 45분간 공연을 펼친다.
④ 공연에 학생들이 직접 참여하지는 않는다.
⑤ 공연 이후에 학생들과 질의 응답 시간이 있다.
Sunburn Treatment에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는
Sunburn Treatment
Call a health care provider if:
•The burn has blisters or the skin is white-appearing or
numb. These are symptoms of a more-serious sunburn.
•The sunburned person is a child under one year old.
1. Rehydrate
•Replace body fluids with water, juice, or sports drinks.
2. Treat Symptoms
•Apply aloe or over-the-counter moisturizing lotion to skin
as directed.
•To soothe and cool skin, bathe in lukewarm water or apply
cool compresses to the area.
Call 911 if the person:
•Does not seem to be responding to treatment appropriately
•Has a seizure, visual changes, or any other neurologic
① 피부가 하얗게 되면 회복되고 있는 것이다.
② 물로 체내 수분을 보충하되, 주스는 좋지 않다.
③ 환부에는 아무것도 바르지 않아야 한다.
④ 열을 식히기 위해 차가운 물로 씻어야 한다.
⑤ 치료 반응이 보이지 않으면 911에 전화한다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This chart shows the top five nations in terms of their
numbers of people who usually go to bed late at night. ①
Portugal had the highest percentage of people who go to
bed between 12 a.m. and 1 a.m., followed closely by Spain
and then Korea. ② There was quite a difference, of 8%,
between Korea and the next country in the 12-1 a.m.
bedtime category, Hong Kong. ③ As for people who go to
bed after 1 a.m., Hong Kong had the highest percentage
and Taiwan had the second highest.
④ Overall, 75% of Portuguese reported having a postmidnight bedtime, followed by the Taiwanese and the
Koreans. ⑤ The difference between the countries with the
greatest and the least number of people with a 12-1 a.m.
bedtime was 12%, while the difference in the after midnight
category was only 6%.
The United States Military Academy에 관한 다음 글의 내
용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The United States Military Academy, also known as West
Point, is located approximately 50 miles north of New York
City in the scenic Hudson Valley. Established by Thomas
Jefferson in 1802, it is the oldest military academy in the
United States. During the American War of Independence,
George Washington realized an academy to train army
officers was urgently needed, which led to the
establishment of the academy.
Jefferson Finis Davis, the leader of the Confederate side,
and Ulysses S. Grant, the leading general on the Union side
of the American Civil War, were both graduates of West
Point. To be accepted into the academy, candidates
must be aged between 17 and 23, score highly on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and be of good moral
*the Confederate side (남북전쟁 때의) 남부 연합 측
**the Union side (남북전쟁 때의) 북부 연합 측
① West Point라 불리기도 한다.
② 미국에서 가장 오래된 사관학교이다.
③ Thomas Jefferson이 설립했다.
④ 졸업생들이 미국 독립전쟁에서 큰 업적을 남겼다.
⑤ 남북전쟁 시 양측 지휘관이 이 학교 졸업생이었다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적
절한 것은? [3점]
Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone Ritchie was 20 when she
left the University of Michigan and went to New York with
just $35 in her pocket to pursue her dreams of fame. Her
first album was a huge hit and she soon became a world
famous star, (A) redefined / redefining herself and her
music with each new album. Always outspoken, often
shocking, she is known as a woman who does whatever she
wants, no matter (B) how / what the public reaction is.
A few years ago, she spoke out against music piracy and
illegal downloading from peer-to-peer(P2P) file-sharing
sites. This led to a major campaign (C) which / in which
many artists united to condemn illegal downloading and
piracy of music and movies.
① redefined --- what --- in which
② redefined --- how --- which
③ redefining --- what --- which
④ redefining --- what --- in which
⑤ redefining --- how --- which
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
Don’t expect too much from your future trip to space. You
might be disappointed to find lots of trash ① floating
around you, instead of beautiful stars. More than 4,000
satellites have been launched into space since 1957 and all
that activity has led to large amounts of space trash. Space
trash, also called space debris, is any man-made object,
such as a satellite or anything that assisted a satellite in any
stage of its ② productive life, that is now no longer serving
a useful purpose.
Understanding its seriousness, the United Nations is
working on guidelines to ③ limit the creation of debris. In
addition, a space shuttle has been picking up ④ functioning
spacecraft orbiting the Earth for nearly six years. Without
continuous efforts like this, space will turn into a big ⑤
dumping place.
밑줄 친 She[she]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever.
① She began producing milk for the gray kitten after
hearing its cries. The hungry kitten, found in an old tire at a
concrete plant, refused to drink from a bottle and her
rescuers feared ② she would die. That was when Honey, the
family dog who hadn’t given birth in 18 months, stepped in
with her motherly instincts. ③ She started licking the kitten
and loving her. Within a couple of days, Honey started
producing milk naturally.
Initially, the family worried that ④ she would be too rough
for the tiny cat. But Honey showed her delight at the cat’s
presence, wagging her tail and running all over the house.
⑤ She lets the kitten suckle on her like a puppy.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
In the quest for solutions to the problem of rising
electricity costs, some modern building designers are taking
inspiration from an ancient tradition. The tradition, which is
still practiced in some parts of the world, sees farming
families sharing their houses with their livestock. During
cold weather, cows and goats and other animals are
brought indoors. The animals are not only protected from
the cold, but they also add warmth to the upper level of the
house, where the family lives.
The new building designers have placed large rocks inside
houses instead of livestock. As the lower levels of the
houses are open to the sun’s rays during cold weather, the
rocks absorb heat. They also give off the heat, and, of
course, the warm air rises into the living areas of the houses.
So those houses are ____________________. [3점]
① temporary
② well-preserved
③ time-consuming
④ well-lighted
⑤ energy-saving
With long-distance travel becoming ever faster and
easier, people and cargo are logging increasing numbers of
intercontinental miles every year. But on those trips to new
lands, they are often accompanied by tiny, unwanted
stowaways: insects. Hidden in baggage and cargo containers,
these bugs can cause a lot of trouble if they escape and
multiply. Consider, for example, the Asian longhorned beetle.
The larvae of this pest tunnel through trees, killing them.
The beetles, brought to America from China in crates,
pallets, and other wooden packing materials used to
protect cargo, have been detected in warehouses
Currently, there is ___________________, so New York City and
Chicago had to cut down more than 5,500 trees in an effort
to stop the insect spreading to other areas. [3점]
① a great diversity of insects in American forests
② no known chemical or biological defense against them
③ not enough old wood or roots for insects to eat
④ a growing sense of guilt over the destruction of species
⑤ a demand for the least toxic methods for protecting crops
Daylight saving time around the world has long been
promoted as a way to save energy. Whether it does is still a
matter of debate, but it does seem clear from studies that a
one-hour time adjustment _________________________. It seems
that when the clock is moved forward or back one hour, the
body’s internal clock — its circadian rhythm, which uses
daylight to stay in tune with its environment — does not
adjust. In a study of 55,000 people, for example, scientists
found that on days off from work, subjects tended to sleep
on standard time, not daylight time: their waking hour
followed the seasonal progression of dawn.
In other studies, scientists found that in spring, people’s
peak activity levels were more in tune with their body clock
than with the actual clock. Studies suggest that this
disconnect between body time and clock time can result in
restlessness, sleep disruption, and shorter sleep duration. [3
① can have unintended health consequences
② involves resetting our internal body clocks
③ is obviously a healthier way to start our day
④ has a beneficial effect on people with sleep disorders
⑤ can more easily be made in the spring than in the summer
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Although the United States and the United Kingdom share
strong historical ties and are both great democracies, each
has its own distinct political culture. The U.S. constitution
was drafted by people who hated and feared the British
monarchy and the strong central government, which is why
they divided their government into three distinct branches.
, the U.S. political system is dominated
by two political parties ― the Republican Party, whose
platform tends to espouse conservative values, and the
Democratic Party, which tends to espouse
progressive, or liberal, values.
, a long and proud history of monarchy and
the fact that it has never had a written constitution are two
of the most distinguishing features of the political culture in
Britain. The British monarchy still has an official head of
state ― currently, Queen Elizabeth II holds the post.
① In addition --- Similarly
② In addition --- In contrast
③ That is
--- Similarly
④ Nevertheless --- In conclusion
⑤ That is
--- In contrast
다음 글에 드러난 ‘she’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
She was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister
on the bank, and of having nothing to do. Once or twice
she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it
had no pictures or conversations in it. “What is the use of a
book without pictures or conversations?” Suddenly a white
rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so
very remarkable in that. But when the rabbit actually took
a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and
then hurried on, she started to her feet, for it flashed across
her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with
either a waistcoat-pocket or a watch to take out of it. So
she ran across the field after it.
① sad → pleased
② sympathetic → terrified
③ lonely → jealous
④ annoyed → embarrassed
⑤ bored → surprised
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
How fast would you have to travel to stay in sunlight
while circling the globe? Assuming for argument’s sake that
you want to try this trick at the Equator, we use the
following calculations. Earth’s diameter is 12,756 km and its
circumference is 40,074 km. ① The whole circumference of
Earth passes under the sun in one day. ② If the sun were an
empty sphere, about one million Earths could fit inside it. ③
One day consists of almost exactly twenty-four hours.
④ Thus, the speed you would have to travel over the
surface of Earth at the Equator is the circumference divided
by the number of hours in the day. ⑤ That comes to 1,670
km/h, which is about 1.33 times the speed of sound, or
more than five times faster than the top speed of a Formula
One race car.
*circumference 원주, 원둘레
We worry about and try to improve our performance
all the time. But improving our performance doesn’t do us
much good if people fail to even realize we exist and what
we are capable of. ① There is a good reason why companies
spend more money on advertising than on many other
components of their business. ② The interesting fact about
advertising is that more dollars spent does not necessarily
translate into more dollars brought in. ③ Lots of companies
make good products, but ultimately they may be able to sell
more of their products when their products are the ones we
know of and that catch our eye in a store.
④ Therefore, packaging is also very important for your
successful performance. ⑤ Don’t forget that in getting what
you want, outward appearance has to complement reality.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
Any school child will tell you that Tyrannosaurus rex,
otherwise known as T. rex, was the biggest and most
terrifying predator in his north-western American
environment 68~65 million years ago, during the Age of
(A) But recently, some scientists have claimed that this
awesome creature was not superior in all aspects. Actually,
they say, T. rex was physically disadvantaged ─ he couldn’t
(B) Whenever a hungry T. rex appeared, with his huge jaws,
powerful claws, and sharp teeth, no other dinosaur was safe.
(C) T. rex, these paleontologists argue, simply didn’t have
the muscles required in his legs to run at all, let alone reach
speeds of 70km/h, as once was thought.
*paleontologist 고생물학자
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
There are a couple of ways of interpreting a situation in
which someone is isolated socially. On one hand, it’s
healthy for people to seek to be by themselves from time
to time.
(A) For example, a homebound elderly man whose daughter
visits every day may still feel isolated and depressed. A
satisfying social life is determined by the quality and shared
sense of give-and-take, not by the number and frequency,
of one’s social interactions.
(B) That’s why the isolated person’s perception of the
situation is key in understanding social isolation. Simply
counting the number and frequency of someone’s social
interactions is not enough to decide whether he or she is
(C) On the other hand, it becomes a real problem when
people feel trapped, unhappy, and distressed because of
their lack of social and emotional interactions. Isolation by
choice is pleasant solitude; without choice it is depressing
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
The interesting thing is that although the upsurge in
obesity has a number of causes, genetics doesn't appear to
be among them.
A recent study found that the rate of obesity is increasing in
every American state, regardless of gender, age, race, or
educational level. (①) In 1991, only four states had obesity
rates of 15 percent or higher; today at least 37 states do.
(②) The makeup and structure of American genes has not
changed in the past few decades. (③) What has changed is
the nation's diet and way of life: when people eat more and
do less, they get fat. (④) In America, people drive
everywhere rather than walk; they even drive to places
within easy walking distance. (⑤) When this addiction to
the car is combined with a daily diet that is exceptionally
high in fat and calories, widespread obesity is sure to occur.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
The effect of different colored rooms was tested on two
groups of visitors to an art exhibition. One room was
painted white; the other, dark brown. Movement sensors
were placed under the carpet and showed that those in the
brown room walked faster and covered more area, but
spent less time looking at the exhibits than those in the
white room.
Another experiment had two groups of subjects look at
photographs of faces and rate them for energy and wellbeing. The groups were shown the same photos, but one
group was in an ugly, messy, smelly storeroom, while the
other group was in a beautiful, spacious, tastefully
furnished room. The group in the beautiful room gave
higher ratings for energy and well-being than those in the
ugly room gave to exactly the same faces.
Not only the color but also the
seems to influence human activity and
of a room
① light
--- mood
② structure
--- thought
③ appearance --- perception
④ decoration --- energy
⑤ atmosphere --- health
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
More and more, all cities and towns seem to look and feel
____________________. Everywhere you go you see Starbucks,
KFC, McDonald's, and Baskin Robbins. And everyone's
always busy, driving to the mall and back again in copycat
clothes. It's like every city and town was designed and
prepackaged at the head office of "Me Too, Inc." To fight
this trend, a group of Italians formed the "Slow City"
movement in 1999. The movement has spread to more
than 10 countries and 100 towns, and works to keep the
towns living happily and productively outside the box.
The Slow City program creates more parks and gardens,
bans car alarms and loud advertising, gets rid of ugly signs
and cables, and promotes recycling, alternative energy, and
bicycles. These are direct improvements to a city's quality
of life. Encouraging citizens to socialize in public spaces,
buy local produce, and live a happy life are some of the
underlying aims of the Slow City movement. Any town or
city can apply to join, but must have a population under
50,000. Anything bigger than that is thought to have
already passed beyond the point of ever being able to slow
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① better
② foreign
③ like home
④ dangerous
⑤ the same
위 글의 밑줄 친 outside the box의 의미로 가장 적절한 것
① 획일화된 삶을 벗어나자.
② 전통적 편견을 거부하자.
③ 공동체의 목표를 우선 생각하자.
④ 중앙 정부의 통제에서 벗어나자.
⑤ 도시의 규모가 점점 커지는 것을 막자.
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) Bob's father, a car salesman, owned a 1958 Cadillac that
was his pride and joy. It was the kind of car that looked
more like a boat; it was huge and had tail fins on it that
curved right up high. (a) It was cared for like a baby, never
left outside overnight, and faithfully washed and waxed
every Saturday. It was a shining example of a man's
treasured wheels.
(B) After carefully parking the car, he went in with his head
bowed, and spoke to his father.
They came back out together to survey the damage -- and
(b) it was considerable. They stood there for what seemed
like an eternity, his father saying nothing. Finally, Bob said
in a trembling voice, "Dad, what do you want me to do?"
Slowly his father took out two dollars from his pocket.
Handing it to Bob and looking him straight in the eye, he
said, "Son, I think you'd better go back and fill (c) it with
some more gas."
(C) Then, the unthinkable happened.
As he pulled out of the station, Bob cut the corner too
sharply and scraped the side of (d) the car along a concrete
pillar. He felt sick. For a moment, he thought of running
away. The idea of facing his father, who would be angry
and disappointed, was awful. Slowly, he turned the car
toward home.
(D) Bob was sixteen, had just gotten his driver's license,
and was practically bursting with desire to get behind the
wheel of (e) that Cadillac, so his kind father gave him three
dollars and sent him to get gasoline.
Full of pride and youthful enthusiasm, Bob drove to the
station and sat in the car with a great big smile on his face
as the station attendant filled the car with gas and washed
the windows.
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (C) ─ (D)
② (B) ─ (D) ─ (C)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
것은? [3점]
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Bob에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 아버지의 직업은 자동차 판매원이었다.
② 운전이 미숙하여 사고를 일으켰다.
③ 용돈을 자동차 수리비에 보태기로 했다.
④ 운전면허를 취득한 지 얼마 되지 않았다.
⑤ 아버지의 자동차를 운전해보고 싶었다.
파워업 독해
15회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Let’s say you’re in London on business, you have an
afternoon all to yourself, and you’ve got four people to
buy presents for. What do you do? The most important
thing to remember is that you need to put some thought
into your gifts — a little thought will make a big difference.
Don’t buy something at the airport at the last minute
before your plane takes off. Try asking your business
associates or the staff at your hotel for suggestions as to
where to go for interesting gifts.
Look for distinctive individual shops instead of chains, and
local artisans who make unique things. Try to find
something that you can’t buy at home, something that
seems somehow exotic or unusual.
① 관광산업의 수익성을 홍보하려고
② 토속적인 기념품 판매를 촉구하려고
③ 출장 중 선물 구매 요령을 알려주려고
④ 외국여행 시 지켜야 할 예절을 설명하려고
⑤ 받을 사람이 원하는 선물을 사도록 충고하려고
19-20 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
It’s a good thing to set goals. After all, we can only be
satisfied that we’ve arrived if we knew where we were going
in the first place. We all dream from time to time ─
whether about love, fame, riches, or anything else. Our
mind determines whether we turn our dream into a
practical goal. Most people don’t set big goals because they
fear big obstacles stand in their way. But the journey gives
you everything you need. Obstacles are just opportunities
to grow, learn, explore, find love, be creative.
If you take advantage of those opportunities, you surely will
move toward your goal ─ though not always in a predictable
way, and not without sacrifice or setbacks. It’s the
commitment to the process that prepares you for success.
① 처음에 세운 목표를 끝까지 고수해야 한다.
② 꿈과 현실적인 목표를 구분해야 한다.
③ 목표는 가능한 한 구체적인 게 좋다.
④ 자신의 능력에 맞는 목표를 세워야 한다.
⑤ 장애물을 목표 달성을 위한 기회로 삼아야 한다.
The media constantly report the results of opinion polls,
and many people pay attention. They are impressed because
the polls have an air of scientific authority, and the results
are reported with what seems like super precision. Also,
people tend to believe that the newspaper or radio or TV
station or whatever is unbiased, authoritative, and intelligent.
However, we all need to learn to be more critical.
Understand that, because of their nature, polls can be
When you read the results of a poll, ask “What if the poll
questions were written in such a way that the respondents
were fooled into giving certain answers?” and “What if the
sample of people polled is not a fair representation of the
general population?” and “What if the author of the poll
and the media reporting the results have a private aim?”
The answers should help you see opinion polls in a very
different light.
① 객관적이고 정확한 여론조사는 쉽지 않다.
② 여론조사 결과의 신뢰성이 점차 낮아지고 있다.
③ 여론조사 결과를 너무 믿어서는 안 된다.
④ 다양한 여론조사 기법이 개발되어야 한다.
⑤ 여론조사 결과는 전체의 의견을 대변하지 못한다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Prior to the invention of streetcars, a city was limited in size
by the distances people can comfortably walk from city
outskirts to city center. The “walking city” could not extend
more than two and a half miles from its center without
causing great inconvenience to residents and workers.
Streetcars increased this radius to six miles or more. As a
result, the area occupied by a city expanded enormously,
and eventually, those who were better off moved away
from the center in search of air and space, leaving the
overcrowded and polluted inner neighborhoods to the poor.
This flight of the middle class from urban centers led to the
growth of inner city ghettos.
① The History of Streetcars
② The Popularity of Early Streetcars
③ The Social Benefits of Streetcars
④ The Inequality of Access to Streetcar Travel
⑤ The Impact of Streetcars on Urban Living
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cooking certain kinds of meat at high temperatures creates
cancer-causing compounds that are not present in the
uncooked meat. The compounds, called heterocyclic amines
(HCAs), are created when heat acts on the “muscle” meats
(fish, beef, pork, and poultry). The longer the cooking time
and the higher the heat, the more HCAs. Therefore,
barbecuing produces the most HCAs. The National Cancer
Institute advises that cooking meat for two minutes in a
microwave oven and then throwing out the juices before
barbecuing can reduce HCA production by 90 percent.
You should also flip the meat often to keep the temperature
down, and eat barbecued meat as rare-cooked as possible.
Overcooked or “blackened” meat contains a great many
*heterocyclic amine 헤테로-고리 아민(발암물질의 일종)
① health risks in undercooked meat
② which kinds of meat are best for you
③ identifying cancer-causing substances
④ reducing the cancer risk of the barbecue
⑤ the correct way to use a microwave oven
현장 학습에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
February 26, 2014
Dear Parents,
The 5th graders will be taking a field trip to the Museum of
Natural Science at Sugarland Tuesday, April 15th. Attached
is a permission slip for your 5th grader. Please fill out both
the top and bottom sections of the field trip permission slip
and return it along with $7.00 cash for the trip. The cost of
the trip itself is $5.00 plus $2 to help cover the cost of
buses. The permission slip and money are due on or before
March 12.
We would also like to invite parents to chaperone the field
trip. You would need to meet us at the science museum
around 9:00 a.m. The directions to the museum are below.
Please complete the information and return it to us with
$5.00 by Friday, March 12th if you would like to attend.
BHE 5th Grade Teachers
① 5학년 학생들이 자연 과학 박물관에 4월 15일에 간다.
② 학생의 참가비 7달러 중 2달러는 버스비 부담금이다.
③ 현장학습 허가서와 비용 제출은 3월 12일까지 해야 한다.
④ 참가하려는 학부모는 9시경 학교에서 대기해야 한다.
⑤ 보호자로 참가하는 학부모는 5달러를 내야 한다.
Cranberry Harvest Day 행사에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과
일치하는 것은?
Cranberry Harvest Day 2014
Held annually on the first Saturday of October, the event
is sponsored by the Cranberry Discovery Center (CDC) and
the Warrens Area Business Association.
Be sure to bring your camera as we’ll have several pairs of
hip boots available so you can walk out into a pool of
floating cranberries to have your picture taken. Free tours of
the marsh will be offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
After touring the marsh, visitors can learn more about our
No.1 fruit crop at the CDC.
The nonprofit center is dedicated to educating the public
about the state’s cranberry growing heritage. As part of the
festivities, the CDC will offer free cranberry wine tasting and
gourmet cranberry food sampling, children’s activities and
reduced admission to the center’s exhibit hall.
Start: October 4, 2014 12:00 a.m.
Venue: Cranberry Discovery Center
Phone: 608-300-2800
Address: 202 Main Street, Warrens, WI
*marsh 습지
① 매년 10월 마지막 주 주말에 열린다.
② 체험 행사를 위해 카메라와 장화를 가져와야 한다.
③ 습지 투어는 유료로 오전 시간에 진행된다.
④ CDC는 일반인 교육을 시행하고 전시관을 갖춘 곳이다.
⑤ 크랜베리 와인과 음식을 저렴한 가격으로 맛볼 수 있다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This graph compares the proportions of men and women in
executive positions in an oil company in 2007.
Approximately 72% of employees in the lowest executive
position, Officer Grade E, were women. ① This was the
highest percentage of women in any executive job category
in the company. ② In contrast, the lowest portion of men
was found in this category. ③ As the executive positions
shift from Officer Grade E to Officer Grade A, the
percentage of women increased while that of men
④ The least difference between the percentage of men and
women was in Officer Grade C. ⑤ In conclusion, men
occupied the greatest percentage of the higher
executive positions in the company.
Jack Kilby에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
With his invention of the integrated circuit in 1958, Jack
Kilby kick-started a technological revolution. Even though
the microchip is ubiquitous today, Kilby never made a
fortune from his invention, but that never bothered him. He
was an engineer and problem-solver, and took on
universally important problems right up until his death in
2005. While working at Texas Instruments, he co-invented
one of the major consumer applications of microchip
technology, the hand-held calculator, which earned
him the nickname, “the Texas Edison.”
He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2000, but
most Americans have never heard of Jack Kilby ─ the man
who, with a good idea, helped to bring about the
information age.
① 그의 발명품이 과학기술 혁명을 일으켰다.
② 돈을 버는 것에 연연하지 않았다.
③ 휴대용 계산기를 공동 발명했다.
④ 텍사스의 에디슨으로 불렸다.
⑤ 천재 과학자로 대중에게 인정받았다.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
Cancer is among the top killer diseases today. ① It is thought
that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider,
therefore, ② that are the causes of stress in our life, and
whether we can do anything about them. Are we ③
overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we have the
right balance of work and leisure in our lives? Are our
relationships with family, friends, and fellow workers in a
good state?
If we have any problems in any of these areas, it is ④ best
to face them honestly, and to bring them into the open.
People who have rows and forget about them soon
afterward are doing their health more ⑤ good than those
who bottle up their feelings.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절
한 것은? [3점]
The famous mountaineer Edmund Hillary possessed a
strange mix of extreme confidence and genuine modesty. In
a moment of aggressive openness, he said he was drawn to
conquer Mt. Everest by the idea of smashing his rivals into
the ground. Yet, after accomplishing this, one of the
greatest (A) conquests / consequences of all time, he
devoted much of his life to the poor Nepalese Sherpas who
had so often helped him.
Raising funds through his Himalayan Trust, Hillary helped (B)
inspire / install water pipes and built thirty schools, two
hospitals, twelve medical clinics, several bridges, and more.
The amount of work he (C) undertook / underestimated
could have kept 10 men busy, but Hillary never slackened.
In 1996, at the age of 87, he said, “I would like to see
myself not going to Nepal quite so often. But at the
moment, the responsibility is there. It has to be done.”
① conquests
--- inspire --- undertook
② conquests
--- install --- underestimated
③ conquests
--- install --- undertook
④ consequences --- inspire --- undertook
⑤ consequences --- install --- underestimated
밑줄 친 It[it]이 가리키는 대상이 다른 것은?
I used to use printed road maps, but now I hardly use them
at all. Since installing a navigation system in my car, I just
get in, enter a destination, and let ① it show me the way to
go. It knows where I am and where I’m headed. If I were
using a printed map, as in the old days, I would have to pull
over and stop the car to consult ② it. Instead, ③ it guides
me as I drive, warning me aloud about each coming turn
and instantly recalculating the route if I make a wrong
My navigation system is smart, but ④ it is short on “insider”
knowledge. ⑤ It can’t tell you local secrets about, say,
taking a certain road for a more scenic view.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
According to a survey conducted annually over a period
of 17 years, and which gathered responses from more than
188,000 students, today’s college freshmen are ______________
than at any other time in the 17 years of the poll. Given
that the economy is in such bad shape today, it’s hardly
surprising that the stated major objective of most students
was “to make as much money as possible.” Fewer students
than ever indicated that it was important for them to
develop a meaningful philosophy of life.
It follows then that the most popular course these days is
not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching
and social service fields is at an all-time low while, also
unsurprisingly, enrollment in business courses, engineering,
and computer science is way up. [3점]
① more introspective and less ambitious
② more impartial and less dependent
③ more instinctive and less confident
④ more materialistic and less impractical
⑤ more stingy and less wasteful
Researchers from Scotland’s University of St. Andrews
have discovered that when chimpanzees are being
threatened or attacked, they ___________________ to get help
from other chimps who are higher in rank. It was already
understood that chimpanzees produce high-pitched and
prolonged screams when they are being subjected to severe
aggression, such as a beating. But what the study found was
that the primates magnify their cries when there is a higherranking chimp or human in the area who could challenge
the aggressor.
Dr. Katie Slocombe, leader of the study, said, “The screams
are normal when no higher-status animals are around, but
when there are, the chimpanzee being attacked makes it
sound far worse than the attack actually is.” [3점]
① fight far more aggressively
② remain as quiet as possible
③ transmit scream-like signals
④ pretend to be badly injured
⑤ exaggerate their signs of fear
As the economy weakens _________________________. The
other day I saw shoppers leaving a high-end luxury brand
store with their purchases in plain white paper bags, no
logo, no marking of their exclusive choices. Others want
their posh clothes and jewelry to be delivered home so
they can walk out of the store without any bags at all.
“My company’s profits are booming and I have expendable
income, but still I’m trying to be more secret about my
fashion and leisure choices,” said successful businessman
Edward Douglas.
One of his bonuses as a successful businessman is
vacationing with his family in the Bahamas, and although he
still intends to go this year, he’s planning on flying by
commercial airline instead of by private jet. [3점]
① the unemployment rate increases correspondingly
② the wealthy tend to hide their affluent lifestyle
③ shopping malls for luxury brands continue to close
④ the wealthy boast their excesses without concern
⑤ businesses have a more difficult time generating revenue
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
How do archaeologists know that different social classes
existed in ancient civilizations? Laws and other written
documents, as well as archaeological features including
dwelling size and location, can suggest social stratification.
, burial customs provide other significant
indications that obvious social hierarchies existed in
primitive times. Graves excavated at early Neolithic sites
consist mostly of simple pits containing few personal goods.
The uniformity of these gravesites indicates basically
classless societies.
, graves excavated in more
advanced civilizations vary widely in size, mode of burial,
and the number and variety of grave goods, which reflects a
stratified society, divided into social classes. The graves of
important people contain a wide variety of artifacts and
even the remains of servants.
*Neolithic 신석기 시대의
① That is
--- However
② That is
--- Therefore
③ Moreover --- Likewise
④ In addition --- In contrast
⑤ In addition --- In this sense
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
I went to the beach in San Diego and it was genuinely
stunning. There was a gentle breeze and plenty of room on
the beach. I opened up my giant parasol and just lay on the
sand in the shade, listening to the crash of the waves, the
crowing of the seagulls, and the laughter of the nearby
children. Then I decided to jump into the crashing surf and
wash away all my frustration and tension. It was my first
time back into the water since my burns finally healed.
It was incredible; the taste of the salt water, and the
weightless floating, rocked by gentle currents. I played
in the surf and swam into deeper waters, letting the ocean
cradle me and rock me.
① gloomy and depressing
② refreshing and peaceful
③ monotonous and boring
④ festive and startling
⑤ tense and suspenseful
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
Why are barbers’ poles striped red, white, and blue?
Actually, the colors on the pole come from the days when
barbers in Europe not only cut hair but also performed
surgery and bloodletting. ① In those days, people believed
that bloodletting could prevent or cure many kinds of
illnesses and diseases. ② Generally, bloodletting is defined
as extreme violence or killing among groups of people,
especially between rival armies. ③ The barber-surgeons of
the time advertised their trade by hanging their bandages
and bloodletting bowl from a pole in front of their shops.
④ Bloodied bandages became the red stripes of today’s
pole and clean bandages the white stripes. ⑤ The blue
stripes found on most American poles are probably just a
patriotic touch, but it’s also possible that they represent
veins seen through skin.
Market research is too often focused on the average
users. We, as business people, tend to rely on this paradigm
in order to simplify matters, but it means that we lose the
essence of what is relevant for each consumer. ① On too
many occasions, products are designed with a user type in
mind which is believed to represent the whole of a chosen
segment. ② It is easy to miss the key point: each individual
consumer wants a satisfying experience while consuming a
product or service. ③ The study of average consumers helps
firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies.
④ Pause for a moment and consider whether your company
fully satisfies its consumers, regardless of their build, age,
intellectual abilities, visual abilities, religious beliefs, type of
family, gender, and so on. ⑤ If it does not, your company
has fewer consumers than it could have.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
In primitive societies that rely on hunting and gathering,
physical strength and good health are important.
(A) Conversely, in preindustrial societies that rely on farming,
physical possessions, especially land, are regarded as more
important than health or strength. In such societies, the
elderly, who are the most likely to possess the most
property, may be held in higher esteem than anyone else.
(B) For example, among the Berbers of Morocco, elderly
tribesmen are accorded the highest status because they
generally own more land, larger herds, and more material
possessions than younger members of the tribe.
(C) Consequently, the elderly may be viewed as burdens to
the family and society. In desperate circumstances, where
the survival of the group is at stake, the elderly may be
literally abandoned, as was the case in Canadian Aboriginal
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
How many times have you set a goal only to realize later
that you’ve lost all your energy for it and have to give it
(A) It’s a very common experience, because many people
don’t pause to weigh up sacrifices they’ll have to make to
achieve their goals. Let’s say that your school awards an
annual English prize.
(B) Before you set it as your goal, figure out how much you
will have to pay. For instance, you may have to spend many
more hours writing essays and practicing speeches, which
means you won’t have as much time to hang out with
friends, play on the computer, or watch TV.
(C) After adding up your potential losses, calculate the
benefits that the prize will bring, and decide whether the
benefits outweigh the losses. If they don’t, then don’t make
the commitment. Counting the costs and benefits always
adds a healthy dose of realism when you’re considering
setting a goal.
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
Researchers complain, however, that boys are still very
seldom shown doing nontraditional things like caring for
younger children or doing housework.
Gender-studies scholars examined children's picture books
in the 1970s, and found that it was rare for girls to be
leading characters. (①) When pictured at all, girls tended to
be represented as passive and doll-like, whereas boys were
active and adventurous.
(②) They were shown doing things that required
independence and self-confidence, while girls were shown
as helpers. (③) Feminists protested these stereotypes and
began publishing children's books with strong girl
characters, to fix the imbalance. (④) As a result, children's
books today have roughly equal numbers of boys and girls
as the main characters. (⑤) As gender roles continue to
evolve, it's fair to assume that this, too, will change.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
To explore the link between secrecy and mental illness,
psychologist Anita Kelly and her colleague Jonathan Yip
asked about 100 healthy people whether or not they were
hiding an important secret. Incredibly, three out of four
confessed that they were, and that they had been keeping
the secret for at least six months.
All participants were given a personality test to see if they
were naturally secretive or not, so as to test the theory that
naturally secretive people tend to suffer more stress and
illness than those who don't keep secrets. After nine weeks,
the participants were examined for typical symptoms of
mental distress, including chest pain, dizziness, and
insomnia. The findings were interesting. Those who had
kept their secrets to themselves actually had fewer
symptoms than did those who had nothing to hide.
A study has found that
secrets could be
for your mental health.
① hiding
--- beneficial
② hiding
--- harmful
③ revealing --- irrelevant
④ revealing --- advantageous
⑤ telling
--- insignificant
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Andrew Carnegie was one of the world's richest men in
1889, when (a) he publicly proclaimed that he firmly
believed that the rich should live modestly and use their
wealth to improve the lives of common people. Born into a
very poor working family in Scotland, Carnegie had never
forgotten the generosity of a wealthy man who opened (b)
his library to poor working boys on Saturday nights. True
to (c) his belief, Carnegie spent the rest of his life and all
his income building public libraries.
He published advertisements saying that any town in any
English-speaking country could apply to (d) him for
funding for a library. The town only had to write and
demonstrate a need for the library, promise to pay for its
annual upkeep, and have land available. When these
conditions were met, Carnegie provided the capital. When
he died at the age of 84 in 1919, (e) he had paid for the
construction of around 3,000 new public libraries
worldwide. The architectural styles varied, but each library
had in common two features.
One was a grand staircase leading up to the book
collection to symbolize the uplifting effect of education.
The other, symbolizing enlightenment, was the four words
carved above each library's entrance: "Let There Be Light."
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Two Major Features of Carnegie's Library
② The First Publicly Funded Library
③ Carnegie, a Man Who Became Light
④ A Memory of Carnegie's Childhood
⑤ Duties of the Rich in the 1880s
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) A mouse looked through a crack in the wall of a
farmhouse and saw the farmer's wife open a package.
"Mmm. I wonder what kind of delicious cheese that might
be?" thought the mouse. He crept a little closer for a better
look, but then suddenly jumped back in fright. Running all
the way back to the farmyard, he called out to all the
animals, "Mousetrap! Mousetrap! There's a mousetrap in
the house!"
(B) In the darkness, she didn't see the poisonous snake
with his tail caught in the trap, and it bit her on the hand.
In the morning, she fell into a fever. The farmer thought
soup would help, so he killed the chicken and made soup.
Neighbors came to care for the farmer's wife, so the farmer
butchered the pig for them. But the farmer's wife didn't
improve, and soon died. Finally, before the funeral, the
farmer slaughtered the cow to feed all the mourners. The
mouse watched it all from his crack in the wall, and wept.
(C) Hurt by these responses, the mouse turned to the cow.
"Mousetrap! Mousetrap! There's a mousetrap in the
house!" The cow sighed, "That's terrible. I'm so glad I'm
not a mouse." And with this, the mouse realized that he
would have to face the mousetrap all alone. Later that
night, a great "CRACK!" was heard in the farmhouse -- the
sound of a mousetrap snapping shut on its prey. The
farmer's wife woke up and went to see what was in the
(D) The chicken shook her head and said "Mr. Mouse, a
mousetrap is of no consequence to me. Do not bother me
with it." So the mouse turned to the pig and repeated,
"Mousetrap! Mousetrap! There's a mousetrap in the
house!" The pig pretended to be more sympathetic than
the chicken, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mouse, but I can do
nothing for you but pray. Be assured you are in my
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (C) ─ (D)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① 쥐가 쥐덫에 걸려 도움을 청했다.
② 농부의 아내가 마당에 쥐덫을 놓았다.
③ 농부의 아내는 뱀에 물려 죽었다.
④ 닭은 쥐를 위해 기도해 주었다.
⑤ 농부는 아내를 위해 돼지를 잡았다.
위 글의 밑줄 친 these responses의 의미로 가장 적절한 것
은? [3점]
① 모르면서 아는 척하는 것
② 나만 아니면 된다는 생각
③ 은혜를 원수로 갚는 상황
④ 앞일을 예측하지 못하는 무지
⑤ 하나의 일에 너무 많은 의견을 제시하는 것
파워업 독해
16회 실전 모의고사
다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
An Oscar is one of the world’s most desired prizes. But what
does it really mean? It is the magic gift that brings instant
fame and sells millions of DVDs and box-office tickets. It’s
widely accepted as the film industry’s highest award and is
perhaps even more famous than the Nobel Prize. Win an
Oscar, and your name will go down in the history books and
you will make the headlines when you die. On Sunday,
Hollywood’s greatest and most glamorous will come to the
Kodak Theater in Los Angeles for the 80th Academy Awards.
Millions around the world will be watching. Stay tuned, be
one of them, and see movie history as it’s being made.
① 방영 프로그램을 홍보하려고
② 아카데미 시상식에 초대하려고
③ 아카데미 수상작을 발표하려고
④ 아카데미 시상식의 역사를 소개하려고
⑤ 아카데미 시상식의 중요성을 강조하려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Millions of us enjoy competitive events of every kind
without ever leaving the comfort of our sofas. What’s the
attraction? For me, the fun comes from cheering on my
team and cursing at the opposition. But some people
actually watch a game without rooting for anyone. They
won’t risk being on the losing side. They sit in their greycolored neutral zone, never tasting the joy that comes from
picking a winner. Don’t be like them. Pick a side to pull for.
Cheer and boo. Laugh and sigh.
Enjoy not only the color and action, but also the intense
fight. Sure, your team might lose. But then again, they
might win. Either way your experience as a spectator will
have been rich and alive, not pale and passive and poor.
① 운동경기는 직접 경기장에 가서 관람해야 한다.
② 성숙한 운동 경기 관람 태도를 가져야 한다.
③ 경기장에 관람객을 위한 지붕을 만들어야 한다.
④ 한쪽 팀을 응원하는 능동적인 관중이 되어야 한다.
⑤ 운동경기를 내기의 수단으로 사용하지 말아야 한다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Everyone wants loving human relationships. Some of us,
however, think relationships can complete us ─ fill up the
empty spaces in our lives. But if you are not happy with
who you are, a relationship won’t change that. People who
imagine there is an “ideal partner” out there waiting to
rescue them tend to have unhealthy relationships. The same
goes for those who try too hard to control their
relationships ─ people change, they move into new phases
of their lives without you ─ so you have to be secure in
If you think you are unworthy of affection, others can’t
help but agree with you. But when you truly value yourself,
you begin to value others. Only then can they really value
① 자신에 대해 긍정적인 생각을 가져야 한다.
② 인간관계는 신뢰에 바탕을 둔다.
③ 다른 사람의 단점보다는 장점을 보도록 하자.
④ 타인과 좋은 관계를 유지하려면 노력이 필요하다.
⑤ 사람들은 인간관계에서 많은 도움을 얻는다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
There is a popular idea that lemmings, small mouse-like
animals that live in Arctic regions, deliberately commit
suicide, en masse. Normally, lemmings live quietly in
underground nests and feed on roots and moss. But every
few years, the lemming population grows so large that the
season’s food supply is used up. Then, all the lemmings
leave their nests and travel in search of food, eating
everything in their path. After traveling for weeks, they
reach the shore ─ but they don’t stop there.
Still searching for food, the tiny rodents jump into the
ocean and begin swimming. In a short time, the little
creatures become exhausted, drown, and end their lives by
*lemming 나그네쥐(쥐의 일종)
① Decline in Lemming Populations
② How Do Lemmings Search for Food?
③ The Truth about Mass Lemming Deaths
④ Problems Arising from Lemming Extinctions
⑤ Changes in Habitat of Lemming Populations
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
“Silent” earthquakes occur far below the earth’s surface, so
they produce no shaking that we can physically feel.
However, even though we cannot feel them, they may help
scientists to predict when the earthquakes that do cause
damage will occur. At the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii,
researchers studied a three-day period when many
earthquakes occurred that were felt at earth’s surface. The
testing equipment showed that these earthquakes followed
a silent earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7.
The researchers now believe that the silent earthquake
played a major role in causing the surface earthquakes and
that monitoring silent earthquakes will give clues about
big surface earthquakes to come.
*magnitude 진도, 지진 규모
① new earthquake-testing equipment
② measuring earthquake magnitudes
③ the effects of earthquakes on Kilauea
④ the destruction caused by big earthquakes
⑤ using earthquakes to predict earthquakes
College Access Days에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하
지 않는 것은?
High School College Access Days
What It Is
College Access Days provides the opportunity for high school
students to visit the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus
on a day designed to accommodate groups of all sizes.
Instead of a traditional campus visit, we developed an
interactive day for students to learn what it’s like to be a
college student.
Session Topics Cover
The academics session is a hands-on learning experience.
They’ll spend time in a classroom with UNL faculty and
students. It’s their chance to see how a UNL education can
be exciting, without feeling like work.
Student Life:
We setup the student life session to be an engaging and
interactive activity that will give you a chance to learn about:
•student government
•residence halls: take a tour of a typical room
•dining halls: experience the cuisine and atmosphere
① 고등학생들의 대학생활 체험 프로그램이다.
② 상호 대화를 통한 방식으로 하루 간 진행된다.
③ 강의실에서 대학생들과 함께 강의를 들을 수 있다.
④ 흥미보다는 과제 수행 중심으로 진행된다.
⑤ 동아리, 기숙사, 식당 등을 둘러볼 수 있다.
Valley Music Festival에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하
는 것은?
Valley Music Festival
Valley Music Festival takes place at Centennial Field,
located approximately 45 minutes north of Vancouver
and 30 minutes south of Whistler.
Festival passes are non-refundable and the full price,
including taxes and fees, will be displayed before you go to
Camping is sold by sites and one camping ticket gets you
one 10' x 12' plot and 4 camping wristbands.
Friday August 8th 2:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.
Saturday August 9th 12:00 p.m. (noon) — 10:00 p.m.
Sunday August 10th 12:00 p.m. (noon) — 10:00 p.m.
Friday 5:00 p.m.
The music will begin a few hours after the gates open each
day. Exact set times will be posted in the weeks prior to the
① 개최지는 밴쿠버 남쪽과 휘슬러 북쪽 사이에 있다.
② 뮤직 페스티벌 입장권은 환불이 가능하다.
③ 캠핑 티켓을 구입하면 네 명까지 들어갈 수 있다.
④ 매표소는 금요일이 주말보다 두 시간 빨리 연다.
⑤ 음악회는 금요일 오후 5시 정각에 시작된다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This chart shows the value, in millions of Canadian dollars,
of annual trade between Canada and Mexico over a five-
year period from 2002 to 2006.
① Within the five years, 2005 was the biggest for exports
to Mexico, setting a record 6.9 million Canadian dollars. ②
In 2004, the volume of imports slightly outdid that of
exports. ③ After that, Canada’s total imports decreased year
by year. ④ The value of imports was far less than that of
exports in 2006, but four years prior, the gap between
exports and imports was only about 0.7 million Canadian
dollars. ⑤ Compared to the beginning of the five-year
period, Canada’s exports in 2006 had increased in value by
more than two million Canadian dollars.
T.S. Eliot에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Widely recognized as one of the greatest poets of the last
century, T. S. Eliot also made significant contributions to the
field of literary criticism, especially in the branch called
“New Criticism.” Although Eliot was modest about his work
as a critic ─ he once said his criticism was merely a “byproduct of his private poetry workshop” ─ some place him
among the most important literary critics of the 20th
In Tradition and the Individual Talent, a deeply influential
critical essay, Eliot argued that in order to understand art,
one must view it not in a vacuum but in the context of the
art that came before it. Specifically, Eliot argued that a poet
must be understood in the context of the literary tradition
preceding him or her.
① 시인보다는 문학 비평가로 더 잘 알려져 있다.
② 비평 분야에서 새로운 학파를 창조했다.
③ 비평가로서의 그의 글은 혹독한 평가를 받았다.
④ 그의 비평 에세이는 매우 영향력 있다고 평가된다.
⑤ 시는 그 작품만으로 평가를 해야 한다고 주장했다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적
절한 것은? [3점]
Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched? Well,
you probably are. Surveillance systems are becoming more
sophisticated and wider reaching. One city council in
England hired a spy plane to fly over the city to discover (A)
that / which homes were losing the most heat. The
resulting map was posted online, so that residents could see
how their homes rated for energy efficiency. And in the
United States, a futuristic urban map project to chart the
movements of its inhabitants (B) has / have been
developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
By collecting data from mobile phones and global positioning
systems, a map can (C) produce / be produced that shows
the changing locations of a city’s people, buses, taxis, trains,
and cars.
① that
--- has --- produce
② that
--- have --- be produced
③ which --- has --- be produced
④ which --- has --- produce
⑤ which --- have --- be produced
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
Emotions play a critical function: they provide ① fuel for
action. While they can sweep over us, leading us into
temptation, they can also impel us to take appropriate
action, giving us courage and resolve. No one demonstrated
this ② latter process of transformation better than
Mahatma Gandhi, who, without a single weapon, succeeded
in putting an end to the centuries-long colonial domination
of India by the British Empire.
He explained his secret as follows: “I had learned through
bitter experience the one supreme lesson to ③ conserve my
anger. And as heat is transmitted into energy, even so our
anger controlled can be transformed into a power which
can move the world.” As Gandhi suggested, refrain from
④ impulsive reaction, which is only a reckless waste of
your precious energy. Finally, at the right moment,
purposively ⑤ conceal your emotional energy as resolve.
밑줄 친 It[it]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Does a dog’s saliva really have the ability to kill bacteria? ①
It has been shown to promote wound healing. A complex
fluid, ② it has properties that can reduce inflammation and
fight bacteria and other infections. These beneficial
properties are not unique to ③ it; they’re found in the
saliva of most mammals. However, veterinarians do not
recommend you allow a dog to lick a wound. ④ It may have
some beneficial factors, but a dog’s mouth also harbors
bacteria that cause infections in humans.
One particular bacterium has been shown to cause
infections in people following dog bites. You risk ⑤ it
infecting your body if you let a dog lick a wound.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
In the 20th century, architects in major cities in Europe
designed structures in a way that reduced noise and yet
made living as comfortable as possible. They used such
techniques as making walls hollow and filling this wall space
with materials that absorb noise. Thick carpets and heavy
curtains were used to cover floors and windows. Air
conditioners and fireplaces were designed to filter air
through soundproofing materials.
However, after much time and effort had been spent in
making buildings less noisy, it was discovered that people
also reacted negatively to __________________. Now architects
are designing structures that reduce undesirable noise but
retain the kind of noise that people seem to need. [3점]
① poor designs
② extreme noise
③ low-quality materials
④ lack of sound
⑤ excessive furnishings
The best way to cook vegetables is in the microwave,
despite the recent study that said this method destroys
valuable antioxidants. Other experts say ___________________. In
the abovementioned study, researchers in Spain cooked
broccoli in a microwave and found that it lost up to 97% of
three key antioxidants. But the broccoli was cooked for five
minutes ─ far too long ─ and with too much water.
The researchers cooked it to death! The more time and
water you use in cooking vegetables, the more nutrients are
Even for frozen vegetables, microwaving is best since it’s
fast and requires little water. The right way to cook broccoli:
place pieces loosely in a container, add a tablespoon or so
of water, cover, and cook for just two or three minutes. [3점]
① the study was flawed
② it leads to lack of nutrients
③ it’s time to replace microwaving
④ it’s better to eat broccoli uncooked
⑤ they have doubts about the antioxidants
Older adults often have trouble understanding what
someone is saying when surrounded by background noise,
such as at a restaurant or party, so many people think the
ears of senior citizen’s deteriorate with age, but according to
a research study, ________________________. Using magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), the researchers performed brain
scans on 36 older and younger adults as they tested their
ability to identify certain words, some of which had been
filtered to make them difficult to understand.
They found that, in general, older adults were significantly
worse at identifying words than younger adults in
challenging listening conditions. The findings could help us
better understand presbycusis, a type of hearing loss
brought on by aging that also involves the brain’s inability
to process what the ears hear. [3점]
① their ears may not be the only problem
② their ears only have trouble with certain sounds
③ young people’s ears can naturally deteriorate, too
④ there are many ways to treat this type of hearing loss
⑤ the level of the background noise is the main problem
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Inventor Elwood Norris has developed a technology called
Hyper Sonic Sound (HSS), which can direct sound waves in a
precise, laser-like beam for almost 150 meters. It enables
sound to hit a single target.
, you could be
listening to music coming from across the room, while
someone standing next to you can’t hear a thing. And if you
step just slightly to the side of the beam’s direct path, you
won’t hear the music, either.
HSS works by generating high-frequency waves that, unlike
low-frequency waves, don’t spread out as they travel
through the air, but instead stay focused like a laser.
, when this column of ultrasound hits any object
directly in its path, it recreates the original sound.
① In addition
--- For instance
② In addition
--- Consequently
③ For example --- Consequently
④ For example --- In contrast
⑤ However
--- For instance
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
On a cold and rainy February morning, Mom and my four
brothers and I cleaned out Dad’s apartment. Each one of us
worked quickly but quietly, wishing we were anywhere else
but there. With our final farewell to Dad scheduled for the
next day, it was all I could do to take my mind off the
reality of his having gone. Everything he owned was there
in his apartment. He wasn’t materialistic, yet every
belonging seemed priceless. His countless drawings filled
every room.
His note pads full of his sketches were too real, too much of
a reminder of how much his presence meant, what we had
lost, and how much we would miss him.
① sad and depressed
② tense and urgent
③ calm and peaceful
④ mysterious and scary
⑤ noisy and excited
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
That stuff that sometimes runs from that nose of yours
is actually a helpful friend, called mucus. Slippery mucus
coats the inside of your nose to trap dirt, germs and
bacteria from the air you inhale. ① The mucus flows to the
back of your nose and down your throat to carry the bad
stuff away. ② Excess mucus also runs out your nose
whenever you’re outdoors in subzero temperatures or cold
winds. Why? ③ The air around you is a lot colder than the
warm air in your nose.
④ Sudden changes in temperature and air pressure are
especially likely to occur when climbing mountains. ⑤ The
water vapor in the air that you inhale condenses inside your
warm nose and combines with the mucus, and the waterbased mixture then runs down and out your nose, thanks to
*mucus 점액
If a frog is dropped into hot water, it will react very
quickly to the sudden change of heat and jump out,
unharmed. But if it is put into cold water, which is then
warmed up very slowly, it will stay there until it boils to
death. ① It’s useful to bear the frog in mind when
considering problems. ② Many of the most challenging and
important problems in our own lives sneak up on us
gradually. ③ Before we even recognize that they are there,
we are deeply immersed in them.
④ A lack of motivation or patience is an especially difficult
problem to deal with because it limits your ability to solve
other problems as well. ⑤ Being aware of problems is
essential to finding solutions to them, and dealing with
small problems as they arise is better than ignoring them
until they build up into a problem too big to fix.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
Epidemiology, the study of the origin and transmission of
disease in a given population, emerged in 1854, when John
Snow discovered the source of one of London’s periodic
cholera outbreaks.
(A) Specifically, he had visited the cholera-affected
neighborhoods and asked residents about their daily
activities, their jobs, their diets, and many other questions.
(B) Snow promptly shut down the pump and, with that
simple act, stopped the epidemic disease. Many years later,
with the discovery of germs, we could finally explain why
shutting down the pump was effective. Dr. Snow had
removed the source of the cholera bacterium.
(C) Analyzing the huge pile of information he had gathered,
Snow noticed that the cholera households all had one thing
in common: their water came from a particular pump.
① (A) ─(B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(A) ─(C)
④ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
Appetite is instinctive in humans. So is motivation for
achievement. We don’t have to make an effort to create
them; they exist already. Because we are born with appetite
and motivation and because they are instinctive, they
predate our knowledge of their existence.
(A) In the same way, we can dull or sharpen our motivation
to succeed. If you constantly worry and wait for an easy life,
you will reduce your motivation for success.
(B) But that doesn’t mean we cannot control them. We
already know how to regulate appetite: we can drink lots of
water to reduce an appetite before a meal, or eat a handful
of salty crisps to increase it.
(C) If, on the other hand, you fill your time with activities
you care about and make you feel stimulated, your
motivation will grow. Cultivate your motivation towards
your goals, and your growing motivation will make the
pursuit of success easier.
① (A) ─(B) ─ (C)
② (B) ─(A) ─(C)
③ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
④ (C) ─(A) ─(B)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
Unfortunately, people and nature united to take precious
water away from the Everglades.
The Everglades region is a subtropical wetland featuring
vast sawgrass marshlands found only in southern Florida.
Water is vital to this unique environment. (①) The region
was formed over thousands of years of flooding from Lake
(②) These annual floods always provided the marsh with
the fresh water needed to support its wide variety of plants
and animals. (③) For example, the Miami, Little, and New
rivers all remove a lot of water from the area. (④) But
worse are the dams and canals that were built last century,
as they prevent annual flooding. Without this flooding, the
Everglades cannot survive. (⑤) Reclamation and restoration
projects have begun in the hope of saving this unique
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
In 1985, psychologists at Cleveland State University made
an interesting discovery that can be applied to sales and
marketing. The psychologists invented two fictitious job
candidates, "David Smith" and "John Brown," and gave
them identical résumés and letters of reference, except for
one difference: John's letter of reference included the
sentence, "John can be difficult to get along with
The resumes were sent to a number of personnel directors
in answer to their job ads. Who got the most job offers? -Difficult to get along with, John. The researchers surmised
that exposing a weakness of John's made him more
attractive to potential "buyers," and that criticism of him
made praise of him more believable.
When attempting to sell a product, it's a good strategy to
admit to
, as this creates
① flaws
--- credibility
② history
--- interest
③ secrets
--- desirability
④ difficulties --- sympathy
⑤ mistakes
--- trustworthiness
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Many people feel disgusted when they think of rats, but
Bart Weetjens feels great. A Belgian product designer,
Weetjens is training these unloved rodents to do
something about one of the world's worst problems:
unexploded landmines -- some 60 million of them buried
throughout 69 countries. Dogs have been used to sniff (a)
them out, but Weetjens knew rats were easier than dogs to
train because he kept (b) them when he was a boy and
taught them many skills.
Rats also have other advantages over dogs. (c) They are so
light they can walk on landmines with no danger of
exploding them; they stay healthy in tropical climates,
where many landmines are buried; and it's cheap to breed
them and take care of (d) them. In the 1990s, Weetjens
selected the African giant pouched rat, for its very sensitive
nose, and began training: if a rat scratched the ground
when it smelled TNT, it got a reward. Now, more than 30 of
Weetjen's trained sniffer rats, called "HeroRATS," are
clearing mines from fields in Mozambique and Tanzania.
(e) They have much work ahead of them: there are more
mines in Africa than anywhere else in the world.
밑줄 친 (a) ~ (e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Potential Dangers: Landmines
② Big Difference between Rats and Dogs
③ Most Unloved Animals Turned into Heroes
④ Remaining Missions to Remove Landmines
⑤ Mr. Weetjens's Unusual Hobbies
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) What cause us to react are our negative emotions. Fear
and guilt drive us to give up or avoid, while anger drives us
to attack. Acting out our emotions interferes with our
purposes, but suppressing our emotions is equally
damaging. Fortunately, there is a way to handle our
emotions, far less dramatic than acting them out and far
less stressful than suppressing them. The most effective
way to deal with negative emotions is not to act them out.
It is to be aware of them and hear them out.
(B) With this fresh awareness, my friend was ready for
success. The next morning she simply said "No. You are
going to school today," when her daughter insisted on
staying at home. No hesitation, no hedging, just a matterof-fact announcement. To her delight, there was no fresh
scene. Instead, her daughter went to school quietly.
__________________________________________, and a transformation
can take place, as it did for my friend.
(C) The experience of Maria, a friend of mine, is a good
case in point.
Maria was having great difficulties persuading her fiveyear-old daughter to go to preschool. Every morning, the
daughter would throw a fit and make a scene, insisting on
staying home. The mother did not know how to say "No"
effectively. Feeling guilty, angry, and frustrated all at once,
she would seesaw between hard-edged insistence and
giving in to her daughter.
(D) My friend decided that she had to try another
approach. She worked on her "No" by talking with a close
friend about her feelings.
The friend helped Maria to realize that she felt conflicted
and anxious about sending her daughter to school because
of her own childhood feelings of abandonment by her
mother. Reminding herself that she loved her daughter and
that sending her to school was not abandonment, she was
able to release the anxiety she was feeling.
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (C) ─ (D)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① Maria의 딸은 학교 다니기를 좋아한다.
② 필자의 친구가 Maria에게 도움을 주었다.
③ Maria는 딸의 소심한 성격을 걱정하고 있다.
④ Maria는 어릴 적 어머니에 대한 기억이 안 좋다.
⑤ Maria의 친구는 딸에 대한 죄책감에 시달리고 있다.
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
① Tell your family that you love them
② Stay away from your loved ones
③ Say 'No' when you feel stressed
④ Keep the memory of your childhood
⑤ Trace your emotions back to your underlying needs
파워업 독해
17회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
An individual who feels he or she has been attacked verbally
and whose ego is bruised is likely to become defensive. The
natural response in such a situation is to strike back, to
establish a position. If what you are hearing upsets you,
remain calm and keep listening — and then reflect on your
interpretations and check them for accuracy. Too often, we
become defensive and strike back, even though the
speaker is making a valid point or offering constructive
The practice of counting to ten before you react in anger
can reduce stress by giving you time to think about what is
being said. When you feel yourself reacting defensively,
restrain yourself and continue to listen. Once you hear the
speaker out, you will be in a better position to respond.
① 비판의 중요성을 강조하려고
② 방어적 태도의 문제점을 지적하려고
③ 적절한 스트레스 해소법을 알려주려고
④ 좋은 관계를 유지하는 법을 설명하려고
⑤ 비판에 대처하는 방법을 조언하려고
19-20 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
If there is a lesson for us in the history of discovery, it
is that the huge growth in our knowledge of and reverence
for science may trick us into thinking we are less ignorant
than we really are. We like to think that discoveries give
final answers but what we usually get instead is more
questions. Every great discovery discloses unimagined
realms of ignorance. It is clear that the great obstacle to
progress is not ignorance but the illusion of certainty.
Discoverers have always been the ones to say that we do
not know as much as we think we do.
The courage to believe that we don’t know something is the
first stage in discovery. This was (and is) the
courageousness of such giants as Charles Darwin, Albert
Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.
① 역사상 새로운 발견은 무지를 깨닫는 데서 비롯되었다.
② 인간의 무지는 새로운 발견을 통해 점점 줄어들고 있다.
③ 위대한 발견은 지식의 힘을 믿는 용기가 있어야 한다.
④ 사회 발전에 가장 큰 장애는 지식의 단절이다.
⑤ 위대한 발견자들이 존중받는 분위기가 형성되었다.
I have yet to meet a perfectionist who is also filled with
inner peace. That’s because the need for perfection and the
ability to be contented are in conflict with each other.
Whether the imperfections are yours or those you perceive
in another person, the very act of focusing on them pulls
you away from the possibility of being kind and contented.
Constantly fixing things has nothing to do with being a
better person but much to do with being overly attached to
and focused on negatives.
If you have this problem, then what you need to do is to
start catching yourself in the act of insisting that a thing
should be other than it is. Then immediately replace your
insistent thoughts with this one: “Life is OK the way it is,
right now.” As you learn to let more things just be as they
are, you’ll discover more perfection in life itself.
① 외면의 완벽함보다는 내면의 안정이 중요하다.
② 다른 사람의 결점을 비판하는 것을 자제해야 한다.
③ 무엇이든 시작했으면 끝낼 때까지 완벽을 기할 필요가 있다.
④ 완벽을 버리고 있는 그대로를 인정하면 평안을 찾을 수 있다.
⑤ 모든 일에 온 힘을 기울이기보다는 선택과 집중을 하는 것
이 바람직하다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The calls of two groups of Japanese macaques native to the
southern Japanese island of Yakushima were recorded and
analyzed by Japanese researchers. One group of macaques
had been transported more than 400 miles from Yakushima
island to Ohirayama in central Japan in 1956, and had lived
there, partially wild, ever since. The researchers discovered
that the transported macaques’ calls averaged a third of an
octave lower than those of the group left behind on
Since the two groups are identical genetically, the new
“accent” developed by the transported group is presumably
an adaptation to their changed environment. Yakushima is
forested, while Ohirayama is gravelly and open. The
transported macaques may have developed deeper calls
because bass sounds travel better in the open. [3점]
*macaque ((동물)) 머카크(아시아·아프리카산(産)의 짧은꼬리원숭이)
① Vocal Variations among Macaques
② Macaque Communication Systems
③ Identical Language of Macaques
④ Secret of Unique Macaque Call
⑤ Migration History of Japanese Macaque
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
The United States saw 4.3 million babies born in 2006, a
number so high that the phenomenon has been dubbed a
“baby boomlet.” The last time this many babies were born
in one year was during the post-WWII baby boom, some
50-60 years ago, and the fertility rate of 2.1 children per
woman in 2006 has not been this high since 1971. It is even
higher than it was in the early 1990s, when there was
another “baby boomlet.” The recent spike has been
attributed to a number of influences.
One is the large influx of Hispanic migrants, who have
higher fertility rates than other Americans, and another is a
notable decline in the use of contraception. Furthermore, in
the 15 years from 1990 to 2005, the rate of abortions
in the United States declined by 25%.
① ways to increase fertility rate
② fertility rate versus abortion rate
③ changes in American population
④ factors of rising fertility rate in America
⑤ reasons for increased immigrants in America
화재시 대피 요령에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것은?
Emergency evacuation procedures - Fire
On becoming aware of a fire
•Activate the nearest alarm and contact your campus
emergency number.
•If a break glass alarm is not installed, telephone your
campus emergency number or emergency services on 911.
•On hearing an evacuation alarm, or on instruction of
emergency control personnel, immediately cease all activity
and secure personal valuables.
•Assist any person in immediate danger, but only if safe to
do so.
•Where appropriate and safe to do so, close any doors and
windows to minimize spread of the fire.
•Evacuate the building immediately, and assist with the
evacuation of disabled occupants.
•In a fire, do not use a lift to evacuate a building.
•Move calmly to the nominated evacuation assembly area
and do not leave the evacuation assembly area until the all
clear has been given.
① 경보기를 작동시키고 비상전화로 연락해야 한다.
② 모든 활동을 중단하고 개인 귀중품을 챙긴다.
③ 위험에 처한 사람을 보는 즉시 무조건 돕는다.
④ 안전한 대피 장소에서는 창문과 문을 모두 닫아야 한다.
⑤ 경보가 해제될 때까지 대피 구역에 머물러야 한다.
동창회 파티에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
You are invited to the annual Franklin Alumni & Faculty.
December 29 — 6pm till 10pm — at Chiba on 8312 Oak Street
Come celebrate our stellar past & present faculty while
talking with fellow alumni! Enjoy traditional holiday fare as
well as Chiba’s cuisine, specialty cocktails, and live jazz music
by The Courtyard Kings.
Party is free for all Alumni Association members plus one
guest. Pay your annual member fees at the door or online at
All members receive one complimentary Franklin-inspired
specialty cocktail, “The Big Ben,” created especially for
us by Chiba. Suggested fees are $30, but don’t let anything
stop you from attending. Fees, at any level, are welcome
and appreciated. We hope to see you at this special
opportunity to celebrate some of our nation’s finest eachers.
① 파티는 12월 29일에 6시간 동안 열린다.
② 파티에 참석하는 교수들은 모두 현직 교수들이다.
③ 파티는 회원에게는 무료, 손님은 유료이다.
④ 동창회비는 온라인과 현장납부 모두 가능하다.
⑤ 동창회비는 최소 30달러 이상의 자율회비이다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This graph shows the violent crime rate per thousand
students aged 12 to 18 in U.S. schools from 1997 to 2007.
① From 1997 to 1999 the violent crime rate increased
steadily, from 10 to 13 students per thousand. ② However,
contrary to popular belief, violent crime in schools has
declined dramatically overall since 1999, despite two minor
increases. ③ The lowered crime rate remained at the same
level for four consecutive years after 1999. ④ The rate went
on to drop to its lowest point in 2005, but rose a little again
in 2006. ⑤ The rate of violent crime in 2007 (six per
thousand students) did not even reach half that of 1999.
로봇 파리에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Top secret agents are likely to be challenged soon ─ by the
world’s smallest spy. According to Harvard University, the
world’s first robotic fly took flight earlier this month. The
life-size fly is made with ultrathin carbon fiber, weighs
around 60 milligrams and can flap its wings at a rate of 110
beats per second. Thanks to its striking similarity to a real fly,
the robot can pass unnoticed in enemy territory while
collecting secret intelligence.
Robert Wood, the head of the project, says the team wants
to develop an internal power source to replace the fly’s
existing external battery pack, and diversify the fly’s single
direction of flight.
① 세계 최초로 등장했다.
② 크기가 실제 파리와 같다.
③ 스파이 기능을 할 수 있다.
④ 내장된 전류로 작동한다.
⑤ 한 방향으로만 날아간다.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
It was a day when, upon opening my eyes at dawn, I had no
desire to do anything but ① take a good rest. It was my
third day in Melbourne, Australia. The day’s schedule ─ a
trip to the Dandenong Ranges National Park ─ didn’t hold
much appeal at ② that early hour. Interestingly enough,
however, it was the time I spent in the Dandenong Ranges ③
that was still hovering in my memory on the day I flew back
The Dandenong Ranges are densely forested hills ④ located
to the east of Melbourne, where sky-high eucalyptus trees
create a majestic atmosphere. The area is also home to
Puffing Billy, a century-old steam locomotive ⑤ whom
engineers, with long white beards, transport tourists from
all over the world.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절
한 것은? [3점]
For decades now, thousands of mainly white, privileged
families have been raising children who typically come from
underprivileged birth mothers in the poorer countries of the
world. Those in favor of the controversial practice of
international (A) adaptation / adoption say the families
demonstrate our human capacity to love and care for those
who are very much “alien” from ourselves. They say that
this is important in a world that is regularly torn apart
by racial and religious hatred and ignorance.
There is no (B) substance / substitute for giving a child all
the support, security, and material needs that loving parents
can provide. Every child has a fundamental need for family
that comes before the formation of his or her racial or
cultural (C) identification / identity .
① adaptation --- substance --- identification
② adaptation --- substitute --- identification
③ adoption
--- substance --- identity
④ adoption
--- substitute --- identity
⑤ adoption
--- substitute --- identification
밑줄 친 He[he]가 가리키는 대상이 다른 것은?
Fred Marzocchi grew up with dreams of drawing for a living.
When ① he couldn’t find a job as a commercial artist, Fred
became desperate for experience. ② He found a large
drugstore chain with an in-house advertising team and
offered to work for literally nothing. The owner took him up
on the offer. Within weeks not only had ③ he provided
professional experience, but he also decided to pay him for
his efforts. After working for a number of advertising
agencies, ④ he went on to open his own business.
He often looks back on the offer to work without pay and
says that ⑤ he just needed a chance to start in that
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Imagine walking on the surface of Mars. You follow
channels where water once may have flowed, and hike
across flat plains covered with rocks of all sizes. Seem
impossible? Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows
you to look at, listen to, and move around inside a
computer world every bit as fantastic as the wildest reality.
Unlike a video game or computer art, virtual reality
eliminates the computer screen and lets you step into a
three-dimensional artificial world.
All you have to do is put on the special video goggles and a
wired glove, and _________________. You can climb mountains
or fly above them, explore distant planets or play with
molecules, paint in three dimensions or design a house as
you’re walking through it. [3점]
① you can feel your past life
② it’s the Earth in full miniature
③ the impossible becomes probable
④ the measurement will be accurate
⑤ it is the real world, not a virtual one
It’s easy to become involved in the minutiae of a job ─
the tedious annoyances and struggles that are minor
inconveniences in reality but feel like unclimbable mountains.
While studies have shown that those who perform
knowledge work often experience stress throughout the
body, it’s the people who focus on the why of their jobs
(instead of the what and the how) who ___________________. In
other words, if you can define the purpose of your career or
identify strongly with the mission of your company, you can
much more easily handle the occasional server maintenance
that disrupts your inbox.
On the other hand, if you’re working in any area (or
company) that isn’t consistent with your own values, all the
little things compound into one giant disaster. [3점]
*minutiae 상세, 사소한 점
① are in the best position to help a company improve
② have the most difficulty accepting inconveniences
③ can manage the day-to-day problems more easily
④ create the annoyances their colleagues face
⑤ understand best how to improve their career
Retail, advertising, and marketing strategies rely a
great deal on ______________________. It’s one of the reasons
why pop-up ads and infomercials, to name but a few
strategies, work so effectively on us. Merchandisers have
complete power all over us and they know the psychology
of shoppers, and willpower stands no chance. To this end,
tempting snacks are placed within easy reach at checkout
counters; websites instantly suggest other products at
discounted prices as soon as you place a single product in
your shopping cart; mannequins are styled in clothes and
accessories that look so good together you simply have to
buy the whole look.
Retailers know that you’re not likely to think twice about
buying items which are complementary to the ones you are
already buying when you have your wallet in hand at the
checkout stand, so it is here that you are given “special
offers” by sales clerks and asked if you also want this or
that. [3점]
① our weakness for spending on impulse
② our desire to make shopping convenient
③ research to understand the needs of consumers
④ our appetite to compare shops for better prices
⑤ the timing of placing the right ads in the right media
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Whether praise helps or hurts a performance depends on
the task. The performance of tasks requiring a high level of
skill has been shown to be hurt by praise.
, the
performance of tasks that depend mainly on effort is
improved by praise. Thus, for example, it might be wise to
withhold praise from a pole vaulter for succeeding at
greater and greater heights. Praise heightens the athlete’s
state of self-consciousness.
, our pole vaulter
begins to notice aspects of his or her performance that
were previously automatic.
The outcome can be a disruption of a finely-tuned,
coordinated performance. That same praise would be better
directed at members of a tug-of-war team whose success in
competition depends entirely upon effort.
*pole vaulter 장대높이뛰기 선수
**tug-of-war 줄다리기
① However --- In addition
② Rather --- In addition
③ In other words --- As a consequence
④ In contrast --- As a consequence
⑤ Likewise --- Nevertheless
다음 글에 드러난 ‘she’의 심경을 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?
Lily’s thoughts drifted. Suddenly, she was back to a warm
summer day of her childhood, lying on the grass on a
gentle hill, looking at little fluffy clouds drifting in the sky.
She smiled. The memory warmed her and took her mind off
the cold for a moment, but she could no longer deny reality.
She tried to start her car again. Nothing. She pushed with
all her might on the car door, cursing black ice and
speeding drivers. All her windows were covered in snow, no
way of knowing how thick.
Lily took a deep breath and forced herself not to think
about the cold, or the too-slim chance that anyone would
find her in her buried car. If only I wasn’t so tired, she
thought. If only I wasn’t so tired.
① tranquil
② confused
③ thrilled
④ reckless
⑤ distressed
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
Events experienced in a state of high emotion are
easier to remember. ① A girl involved in a fire may have a
vivid memory of something small, such as the pattern on a
dress she was wearing at the time. ② Heightened memory
is not caused by the emotion of the event itself but by the
fact that the brain goes through chemical changes when the
shocking event occurs. ③ The relaxation technique helps the
brain neutralize the extreme emotions and treat the fearful
stimulus just like details at the scene.
④ While people are in a state of extremely high emotion,
the brain releases special hormones, which make the nerves
exceptionally receptive, enabling the most insignificant
details to be recorded. ⑤ The unusual amount of detail
included in memories of emotionally intense experiences
may account for the feeling that time passes slowly every
time the experiences are recalled.
When you meet someone for the first time, he or she
is wondering whether or not you will be easy to talk to. The
first things you say provide the answer for him and create
the impression which sets the tone of the relationship. ①
Not every conversation you have needs to be deeply
meaningful or dazzling. ② When you meet a stranger it’s
much better to start with light, everyday subjects such as
the weather, or sports, or how you like the food at the party
or whatever. ③ Try to genuinely understand what the other
person is trying to communicate.
④ If you initiate a conversation with a question about
someone’s philosophy of life, they will be caught off guard
and back off immediately. ⑤ But if you start by chatting
easily about nothing much in particular, they will relax and
the conversation will flow naturally.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
Insomnia is a problem for many people. However, people
who stay healthy and get regular exercise generally do not
suffer from insomnia. Also, people who go to bed at the
same time every night usually find it easier to fall asleep.
(A) For example, drinks containing caffeine, sugar, or
alcohol can keep you up at night, or cause poor, interrupted
sleep. Avoiding these drinks at bedtime should make it
easier for you to get a good night’s sleep.
(B) So a regular bedtime is very important. In addition, the
bedroom environment itself can affect the quality of sleep.
(C) This is because most people sleep best in a dark, quiet,
and cool bedroom. It’s also worth paying attention to what
you eat and drink, especially before bedtime.
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
There seem to be some elements involved in our readiness
to feel guilty. One of them is the notion that we are the
cause of bad things that happen.
(A) A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his
needs, and that he makes everything happen in it. He wakes
up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to its
(B) He cries, and someone comes to attend to him. When
he is hungry, someone feeds him, and when he is wet,
someone changes him. Very often, we do not completely
abandon that infantile notion that our wishes should make
things happen.
(C) That is, we believe that every disaster is our fault.
The roots of this feeling may lie in childhood. Psychologists
speak of the infantile myth of omnipotence.
*omnipotence 전능, 무한한 힘
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
However, contrary to popular belief, pirates did not
routinely compel large numbers of prisoners to join them.
During the classical period of piracy, sailors from captured
ships sometimes voluntarily joined pirate crews. (①) If the
pirates needed extra hands, the volunteers might be
accepted and allowed to sign the Articles of Agreement, or
the Pirate's Code.
(②) In cases where the pirates were in great need of men,
they might force unwilling sailors into piracy. (③)
Carpenters, navigators, and other men with valuable skills
were especially likely to be forced to join a pirate crew. (④)
This is because adding too many new crew members would
overburden the pirates' existing supplies and decrease the
value of each man's share of plunder. (⑤) Therefore, even
willing men might be turned away when not needed.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
Some of the most convincing neuroscience data for the
benefits of getting just scared enough comes from studies
of squirrel monkeys. When they were but 17 weeks old,
monkeys were taken from their cozy cage once a week for
10 weeks. They were put for an hour in another cage with
adult monkeys they did not know ― terrifying for squirrel
monkey youngsters. Then, when they had just been
weaned, the same monkeys were placed with their mothers
in a strange cage. Those monkeys who had earlier been
exposed to the stressful cages were able to meet the
challenge of their new circumstances and proved far braver
and more curious than others their age who had never left
their mothers’ side. The regular visits to a scary place acted
as a vaccination against stress. Neuroscientists conclude
that if humans as well as monkeys are exposed to stress
they learn to handle, this mastery becomes imprinted in
their neural circuitry, acting as a vaccination against stress.
*wean (아기의) 젖을 떼다
Studies suggest that if people are
they can handle, they will become more
exposed to stress
when facing
stress later.
① repeatedly --- reluctant
② repeatedly --- adaptable
③ accidentally --- resistant
④ accidentally --- adjustable
⑤ regularly --- vulnerable
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
____________________________. Who doesn't like being paid a
compliment? Everybody does. Receiving one makes you
feel good about not only yourself but the person who gave
it to you. (a) A win-win situation! Life at school and in the
workplace is better when people go out of their way (b) to
tell another person something good about that person. I
don't mean that you should say, for example, (c) "Wow. I
love your new hairstyle," when you don't really mean it.
Neither do I mean that you should try to win friends and
favors through flattery. Rather, I mean that (d) whenever
you see others do good things, you should simply tell them
so. They will get a happy feeling inside, even if you can't
see it. My favorite way to do this is with the "six coins in
the pocket" rule. Each morning, I put six coins in my
pocket. (e) When I see someone who deserves praise, I tell
her or him my kind thoughts, and then transfer one coin to
another pocket. The goal is to have all six coins in the
second pocket by the end of the day. Try it!
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중 “six coins in the pocket” rule과 관련
없는 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Easier said than done
② A wise man listens not to flattery
③ Think today and speak tomorrow
④ Good words are worth much and cost little
⑤ He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) I have a friend who has two daughters. When the older
girl entered adolescence, my friend and his wife
experienced the usual parent-versus-adolescent struggles
for control. Often, the battles with their daughter were
about buying clothes. Their daughter was style-conscious
and had expensive taste, and her ideas about what (a) she
"needed" differed from her parents'.
(B) This wasn't so easy for the youngest.
Each shopping trip was accompanied by anguish about
whether purchasing this or that item was really the best
thing to do. Would she regret a purchase two months later,
when the fashions had changed? This was too much for the
younger sister. Giving (b) her all this freedom was not
doing her a genuine favor. Her "clothing liberation" gave
her much worry and little joy.
(C) Then my friend and his wife had an idea. They
negotiated a clothing allowance with their daughter,
allocating funds for a number of reasonably priced items.
They gave her a lump sum, and (c) she could then decide
how to spend it. It worked like a charm. Arguments about
clothing stopped, and my friend and his wife could spend
the rest of their daughter's adolescence fighting with (d)
her about more important things.
(D) The couple were so pleased with their success they
decided to do the same with their younger daughter.
However, the two girls are very different. The older one is
(e) a satisfier, while the younger one is a maximizer -- at
least with regard to clothing.
What this meant was that the eldest took her clothing
allowance, bought things she liked, and never worried
about alternatives that she was passing up.
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (C) ─ (D)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글이 시사하는 바를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은? [3점]
① One man's meat is another man's poison.
② A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
③ One cannot eat one's cake and have it too.
④ After a storm comes the calm.
⑤ Spare the rod and spoil the child.
파워업 독해
18회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Just last week, I received an e-mail asking me to become
part of an online group for people sharing “Seirian” as their
first name. Could I resist? Of course not! I’ll probably never
meet the seventeen other Seirians, but I am now a node
connected to a virtual network of Seirians. Why did I join?
Because I had nothing to lose, there were no real
consequences, and I was curious to tap into a group of
people wholly unconnected with my current social network.
The more friendly connections I engage in, the greater the
rewards I can potentially reap. If the online Seirians had
knocked on my real front door instead of my virtual one,
would I have signed up? No, of course not — too invasive,
personal, and potentially costly. As opposed to our reactions
in the real world, we tolerate the invasion of privacy online
and the success of the Internet relies on this.
*node (연결망의) 교점, 접속점
① 온라인에서의 사생활 침해를 경고하려고
② 바람직한 온라인 인맥 형성에 관해 조언하려고
③ 온라인 그룹에 쉽게 가입한 이유를 설명하려고
④ 온라인과 오프라인 그룹의 장단점을 비교하려고
⑤ 온라인상에서의 교류가 주는 문제점을 알리려고
다음 글에서 필자의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Marathon runners usually race well for only a few years
before they burn out and retire from competition.
Surprisingly enough, these athletes have life spans that are
among the shortest of any group of healthy adults. Running
a marathon is very hard for the human heart to endure.
Risk of heart attack is always present, but increases with
lack of preparation and training in the lead-up to the race.
It also increases whenever inexperienced runners try to
push themselves too hard to win.
If you are running, listen carefully to your body and make
sure that your heart rate is not too high. Go at your own
pace. Do as much exercise as you need to keep yourself fit
for your lifestyle. The logic that states “Since a little is good,
more must be better,” can be deadly when applied to
① 운동을 할 때는 전문가의 의견에 잘 따라야 한다.
② 마라톤 선수는 사전 준비와 훈련을 많이 해야 한다.
③ 지나친 운동은 해로우므로 운동의 강도를 조절해야 한다.
④ 생활 방식에 맞는 운동을 개발하여 건강을 유지해야 한다.
⑤ 연습량 조절로 마라톤 선수들의 선수 수명을 연장해야 한다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
In England in the early 20th century, many infants died from
a condition that was then called marasmus, which means
“wasting away” in Greek. Some orphanages in very poor
districts had infant mortality rates as high as 100 percent,
but even the most advanced homes and institutions also
had babies suffering from marasmus. Eventually, it was
found that the infants were actually suffering from lack of
physical contact. They hadn’t been held or stroked,
and as a result, they weakened and died.
After this discovery, nurses in one hospital ensured that
they picked babies up, carried them around, and otherwise
physically interacted with them throughout the day. Soon,
the infant mortality rate at this hospital fell from 65 percent
to below 10 percent, confirming that what the nurses were
doing is vital for babies.
*marasmus (유아의) 쇠약(증)
① 신체 접촉으로 인한 감염을 주의해야 한다.
② 아이들의 건강을 위해 아동 보호시설의 환경을 개선해야 한다.
③ 의료 기술의 발달이 신생아 사망률 감소에 영향을 주었다.
④ 20세기 초반까지 위생상의 문제로 많은 아이가 사망했다.
⑤ 신체 접촉을 하는 것이 아이들의 건강에 좋다
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A few years ago, a series of dry years occurred in the
northeastern part of the United States. Water became scarce.
Water levels in the reservoirs of New York City sank lower
and lower. The stored water supplies were being used up,
and many people realized for the first time how important
water was to them. Yet, at the same time, the Hudson River
was carrying billions of gallons of water out to sea. It was
so heavily polluted that it could not be used to solve
the shortage.
There is no shortage of water in the world, except in desert
areas, or during heavy drought, but there is a serious
shortage of clean water. Man is chiefly responsible for the
① Water Shortage and Ecology
② New Sources of Clean Water
③ Global Scarcity of Clean Water
④ Ongoing Battle Against Drought
⑤ Problems in Sewage Disposal
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
If a child is given half an hour to clean their room, the
parent is obligated to check thirty minutes later. If the job is
not done and the parent orders the child to return and
finish the job, what does that teach the child about the
meaning of a deadline (or the meaning of thirty minutes,
for that matter)? The child soon realizes that there was no
real deadline, no ultimatum. Ordering a child to “Get back
in there and do it!” after the deadline has expired fails to
teach a child about time management.
It teaches the child there are further opportunities to
practice arguing. Nobody needs that kind of practice. Too
many second chances teach kids they can disobey, fail
inspection, irritate people, and do tasks when they feel like
doing them, and still reap the benefits.
*ultimatum 최후통첩
① ways to teach time management skills
② methods of motivating kids to do their chores
③ consequences of rewarding a child’s bad behavior
④ the importance of enforcing deadlines with children
⑤ common misunderstandings between children and parents
학생회 선거 운동 준수사항에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일
치하지 않는 것은?
Rules for Campaigning
1. Students can only campaign using posters. All posters
must be approved by Mr. Little.
2. Middle School Students can have a total of eight campaign
a. One on student’s locker
b. Seven in general spaces (commons, hallway)
3. Posters will be positive and cannot mention other
4. Students cannot hand anything out (candy, prizes, cards ...).
5. Students running for office will need to prepare a speech.
a. Speeches will be recorded before school on Wednesday,
October 9.
b. Speeches will need to be at least one minute long but
not longer than three minutes.
6. Parents are not permitted to participate in any part of the
① 포스터를 여덟 개까지 게시할 수 있다.
② 포스터에 다른 후보를 언급할 수 없다.
③ 후보자 연설은 수요일 수업 후에 녹음 예정이다.
④ 후보자 연설은 1~3분 동안 이루어져야 한다.
⑤ 캠페인에 학부모의 도움을 받을 수 없다.
벼룩시장에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
The Flea Market
Gate Opens: 6:00 a.m. (the main gate)
Gate Closes: 3:00 p.m (all gates)
The HBS Flea Market is open year round (rain or shine) on
the third Saturday of the month from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sellers must be out of parking lot by 3:00 p.m. or additional
fees will be charged to sellers.
•two (2) stalls side-by-side is $15.00
•three (3) stalls in a row is $25.00
Additional Information
Stalls are available on a first come, first serve basis and are
not available for reservation.
If you are over the stall size after paying for your space, you
will be charged an additional $15.00.
For more information, please contact us at (400) 620-3400.
① 우천 시에는 열리지 않는다.
② 오후 2시부터 주차장 요금이 부과된다.
③ 판매대를 세 개 사용하면 총 75달러가 든다.
④ 판매대 사용은 선착순이며 예약을 받지 않는다.
⑤ 판매대 사용료를 내지 않고 사용하면 추가요금이 15달러이다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This graph compares all-white ethnic groups attendance
levels to those of all-minority ethnic groups at various
cultural events in 2007.
① The percentage of people from white groups attending
the theater was more than twice that of people from
minority ethnic groups. ② Those from white groups
attended roughly equal numbers of music events and visual
arts events. ③ Visual arts events were the second most
popular among minority groups, but the fourth most
popular among white groups. ④ Dance events were the
least attended by both groups, and showed the smallest
percentage gap between the two groups. ⑤ Minority ethnic
groups were more likely to attend the cinema than white
ethnic groups were.
Parkour에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Parkour, invented by Frenchman David Belle, is an art or
discipline whose practitioners aim to move from one point to
another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using the best
abilities of the human body. Practitioners run, turn, jump,
tumble, and climb to overcome any obstacles in their path,
from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls. As one
of the most important characteristics of Parkour is efficiency,
you must move in the least energy-consuming and most
direct way possible.
Another notable aspect of Parkour is the freedom it entails
─ it can be enjoyed by anyone, at anytime, anywhere in
the world. This freedom has made it a powerful
phenomenon in Europe, and its influence is spreading
all around the world.
① 주로 인간의 신체 능력을 사용하는 활동이다.
② 길에 있는 장애물들을 뛰어넘는 활동이다.
③ 한 번에 많은 에너지를 사용하여 움직여야 한다.
④ 누구든지 언제 어디서나 할 수 있다.
⑤ 유럽 지역에서 시작되어 세계 곳곳에 퍼지고 있다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적
절한 것은? [3점]
According to a study, forgiveness reduces your level of stress,
(A) it / which is a major risk factor for heart disease and
other illnesses. When asked to imagine forgiving a person
who has done them wrong, people showed immediate
improvements in blood pressure, muscle tension, and
immune response. Even people who have suffered
devastating harm (B) report / to report feeling better after
forgiving their attackers. On the other hand, refusing to
forgive seems to increase your risk of developing illnesses
such as heart disease and cancer.
When people were asked to imagine not forgiving someone
who has wronged (C) him / them , their blood pressure,
muscle tension, and immune response all worsened.
① it
--- report
--- him
② it
--- to report --- them
③ which --- report
--- him
④ which --- report
--- them
⑤ which --- to report --- him
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
It is important for native English teachers to gain some
knowledge of Hangeul. If they did, then they could ① better
understand why Koreans speak English the way that they do.
You want to know why it is hard for Koreans to put together
a single, correct English sentence? Well, it could be because
Korean sentences are not ② arranged in the subject, verb,
object sequence, but rather in the subject, object, verb
sequence. You want to know why Korean people cannot ③
pronounce some English words properly?
Well, it could be because Hangeul does not have ④
characters for certain English sounds such as “f” or “v.” The
more one learns about Korean, the more one can
understand that the gap between the two languages is ⑤
밑줄 친 She(she)가 가리키는 대상이 다른 것은?
Winnie is a fourteen-year-old Doberman Pinscher, and she
has been my faithful companion since she was a little puppy.
① She is reddish-brown in color and weighs about ninety
pounds. Last year ② she hurt her back and lost the use of
her back legs for a few months. Fortunately, the veterinary
surgeon was able to restore partial movement in Winnie’s
legs, but ③ she failed to make her jump up on anything
higher than a few inches off the ground.
Apart from her legs, Winnie has no other health problems
and continues to enjoy her life. ④ She has a good appetite
and loves chewing up the special dog treats I buy her at the
pet store. I’m hoping that ⑤ she will continue to be my
faithful companion for many more years.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Jumbo jets have enabled Korean computer consultants
to fly to Silicon Valley as if popping next door, and
Singaporean entrepreneurs now reach Seattle in a day. The
borders of the world’s greatest ocean have been joined as
never before. But what about the people on the islands that
the jumbos fly over five miles above? Has the mighty jumbo
brought them greater communion with those whose shores
are washed by the same water? It hasn’t, of course.
Air travel may have enabled travellers to buzz across the
ocean, but the concurrent decline in ocean travel has only
increased the __________________ of many island communities.
Pitcairn, like many other Pacific islands, has never felt so far
from its neighbors. [3점]
① identity
② strength
④ unity
⑤ competition
③ isolation
A cell phone company is now offering a service called
Escape-A-Date. If you’re going out on a date with someone
new, you can arrange to have your cell phone ring at a
specified time. The call guides you through a script that
makes it sound, to the party across the table that you don’t
like, as if you’ve got to rush off. If the date is going well,
just don’t answer. The usefulness of Escape-A-Date is
__________________________. With Escape-A-Date, you don’t
have to make it so obvious to someone on a date that
you think he or she is a loser.
But you might also argue that its usefulness is simply for
those who lack the talent to lie for themselves. [3점]
① avoiding hurt feelings
② saving on cell phone bills
③ recommending a good restaurant
④ not mixing business and pleasure
⑤ balancing work and dating arrangements
If you spent hours learning a musical instrument as a
child only to lose interest when you reached your teens,
_________________________, according to a leading scientist.
Learning to play an instrument has major advantages for a
child’s growing brain and should be a stable part of school
education, says neuroscientist Professor Nina Kraus, who
points out that there is strong evidence to show that music
lessons help children improve their language skills.
Prof. Kraus conducted research which demonstrated that
playing a musical instrument significantly improves not only
the sensitivity of a normal child’s brain to speech sounds,
but also that of children with developmental problems such
as dyslexia and autism. [3점]
① it may not have been a complete waste of your time
② your family has wasted a lot of money to no avail
③ your left brain but not your right will have developed
④ it may have hindered the development of your language
⑤ it may have been because you became interested in
other subjects
빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은?
As the Earth’s population of people and animals gets bigger,
does the weight of the planet increase? No, nothing can be
added to this mass by an increase in population because
living things are made entirely up of materials that come
from the Earth.
, two mice might produce 20
offspring. These 20 mice eat 20 times as much food and
drink 20 times as much water, which means they have
consumed food and water equal to their own weight,
therefore adding nothing overall!
, the planet’s mass does increase whenever
a meteorite, an asteroid, or meteoric dust enters Earth’s
atmosphere. Our planet gains weight by this method at an
average of 150 million kilograms a year.
① For instance
--- Therefore
② On the contrary --- In conclusion
③ However
--- On the other hand
④ In addition
--- As a result
⑤ For example
--- However
다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
The network news images of the storm’s damage troubled
me: catastrophic flooding, crowds desperately seeking
shelter. It was just days after Hurricane Katrina tore through
the Gulf Coast, and I hadn’t heard from my great-aunt Iva
and great-uncle Bob, who lived in River Ridge, a New
Orleans suburb. I searched the Internet. Then I saw a link
for a real-estate office. They’ll know the area, I thought. I
clicked on the page. Their number was listed. I dialed it.
Finally, a man picked up.
“I hope you can help me,” I started. “How bad is it in River
Ridge?” “Minor flooding and some downed trees,” the man
answered. “Thank God,” I said. “Are you looking for
someone?” the man asked curiously. “My great-aunt and
uncle,” I said. “I don’t suppose you know anything about
the condition of Rural Street?” “I sure do,” he said. “I live
there.” Two hours later Aunt Iva called. “The man
down the street said you were looking for us.” She and
Uncle Bob were fine; their house suffered only minor
① comfortable → frightened
② excited → disappointed
③ curious → bored
④ ashamed → proud
⑤ worried → relieved
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오..
Facebook has added a new security feature to increase
levels of privacy and security on the website for its millions
of users worldwide. ① The change came after mass
complaints and negative public opinion about the lack of
privacy protection on the world’s biggest social networking
site. ② With the addition of this new feature, users now
have the option of security that’s of a similar level to that of
online banking websites.
③ Furthermore, online banking is an easy and safe way to
manage your money and provides fast and easy access to
all your accounts. ④ Using this feature, a user can make
their account accessible only through specific computers
and mobile phones they’ve personally authorized. ⑤ If
access is attempted through an unauthorized device, the
user is notified by email or SMS, and can block the attempt
before it has a chance to succeed.
In an argument, the ability to see the situation as the
other side sees it, as difficult as it may be, is one of the
most important skills you can possess. ① It is not enough
to know that the other sees something differently. ② If you
want to influence people, you also need to feel real
empathy for their point of view and the emotional force
with which they believe in it. ③ It will not do to study them
like bugs under a microscope; you need to know what it
feels like to be that bug.
④ To accomplish this you must be prepared to withhold
your judgement for a while as you try on their views. ⑤ An
argument is not won by the person with the loudest voice;
it is won by the person with the most compelling
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
In the 1960s in America, the possibility of space travel was
a highly popular topic of interest and discussion. At this
time, Pan American World Airways began to get some
rather unusual inquiries regarding flights.
(A) People had started to inquire about the possibility of
booking a seat on Pan Am’s first flight to the moon. So, as
a courtesy, Pan Am opened a waiting list for the imagined
flight of the future.
(B) Incredibly, by that time, their waiting list had
accumulated more than 90,000 names of people who hoped
to be on Pan Am’s first lunar flight.
(C) Over the years, the list grew longer and longer as Pan
Am received more requests for seats, but the airline went
out of business in 1991, never having gotten to the moon.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(A) ─(C)
④ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
When we really want something from someone, many of us
take predictable steps, each one making us more upset
than the last. We may start by waiting, not saying anything.
(A) This can happen with a boss, a colleague, a family
member, or a friend. We may think those steps are
a more polite approach, but they are not effective.
(B) We should focus on solving the problem we have, rather
than on our desire to seem polite. When we are focused on
finding solutions, it’s clear that a simple request is the most
productive approach to take, whereas a winding path of
steps is not.
(C) Next, we may talk “around” the need we have, but never
directly mention it. Later, we may start asking in an irritated
manner, or even making angry demands.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
④ (C) ─(A) ─(B)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
Actually, some pollutants are reduced, but some are
increased and others are added.
Thanks to our advanced agricultural techniques, we can
produce a vast surplus of corn, which can be used to
produce ethanol, otherwise known simply as alcohol. (①) A
mixture of ethanol and gasoline, called "gasohol," can be
used to run cars. (②)
Ethanol has been advertised as reducing air pollution when
mixed and burned with gasoline, compared to burning pure
gasoline. (③) Also, there is the disposal of waste byproducts from ethanol production to consider. (④) And,
unfortunately, twice as much energy is used in ethanol
production than the ethanol can itself produce. (⑤)
Therefore, ethanol is not the ideal form of energy many
think it is.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
In a psychology experiment, researchers asked an actor to
dress in dirty old clothes and repeatedly disobey the "Wait"
signal on street corners in London. The actor was then
asked to dress as a wealthy banker, and do the same thing.
The researchers noted that when the actor was dressed
poorly, most pedestrians continued to wait for the "Walk"
signal. However, many followed him, jaywalking across the
street, when he was dressed as a banker.
A separate experiment in Melbourne, Australia, had similar
results. Passers-by there readily gave money to a welldressed actor who told them she had lost her purse and
needed some change to make a phone call, but were highly
likely to refuse the request from the same actor when she
was poorly dressed.
Studies have shown that people who are perceived as
having higher
are more likely to influence the
of others.
① morals --- thoughts
② ideals --- decisions
③ status --- actions
④ anxiety --- plans
⑤ weight --- ethics
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Ben Bachelor of Boston makes brightly-colored paintings
that feature his unique cartoon characters and sell for up to
$5,000 each. The strange thing is, Bachelor has deliberately
around a hundred of the paintings. Why? Well,
it all started when he was fired in the late 1990s. He
couldn't find another job, and so started painting to avoid
becoming depressed. When a friend saw the paintings, he
swore they would sell for lots of money. Bachelor just
laughed. The idea had never entered his mind.
But the friend kept encouraging him to sell them until
Bachelor finally agreed to try. He took 37 paintings to an
art fair -- and quickly sold each one. As he became more
and more successful, he decided to do something to show
his gratitude. So, on the back of a painting, Bachelor wrote
his website address and a note. Then he took the painting
to a park -- and left it there. The note read, "Do you like
this painting? It's yours. Please smile at strangers more
often." Most people who find the paintings visit the
website to say thanks.
Because the feedback has been so heartwarming, Bachelor
leaves paintings everywhere. To date, the freebies have
been picked up in over 20 states of the USA, and in 20
위 글의 밑줄 친 decided to do something의 의미로 가장
적절한 것은?
① 자선 전시회를 여는 것
② 웹사이트를 공개하는 것
③ 그림을 무료로 나눠주는 것
④ 초상화를 무료로 그려주는 것
⑤ 친구에게 그림 선물을 주는 것
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
① bought
② destroyed
③ hidden
④ repainted
⑤ lost
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) Soon, the town of Ketchikan in northern Alaska
(population 8,000) will have a new bridge connecting it to
the island of Gravina (pop. 50). The cost? $315 million. If
this seems strange to you, then you are most likely
unfamiliar with the term "pork barrel project."
(B) You can find them in almost any democracy. Japan is
famous for its pork barrel projects, including its bullet
trains. Originally, Japan's bullet trains only linked major
Now, however, bullet trains are being built to remote
locations with relatively small (a) populations, at great
expense to Japanese taxpayers. While this practice is more
widespread in America and in Japan than in some countries,
if you look closely you can probably find a little pork in
your government.
(C) A pork barrel project is a building project that benefits
a small number of (b) people but is paid for with
taxpayers' money, which means that every citizen pays for
the project, whether they benefit from it or not.
Here's how it works. First, pork barrel projects need the
support of powerful politicians. In the case of the
Ketchikan-Gravina bridge, it's Alaska's congressmen. These
politicians support pork barrel projects because in return,
(c) the residents contribute cash for election campaigns
and votes in elections.
(D) Next, (d) the politicians have to secure money from the
government's budget to pay for the project. This is usually
done at the last minute, so that (e) citizens who dissent
from the project do not have enough time to stop it.
Once the government has approved the budget, the pork
barrel project is safely on its way. Pork barrel projects are
not unique to American politics.
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (C) ─ (D)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
“pork barrel project”에 대한 설명으로 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 전 세계 민주국가에서 흔하게 볼 수 있다.
② 일반 대중이 혜택을 받는 건설계획이다.
③ 강력한 정치인의 후원이 중요한 역할을 한다.
④ 선거와 같은 정치적인 이유로 시행되는 계획이다.
⑤ 정부의 예산 확보가 중요한 문제이다.
(a)~(e) 중에서 pork barrel project의 혜택을 받는 사람이
아닌 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
파워업 독해
19회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Say the word “collector,” and a number of images come to
mind — children collecting Pokemon cards and obsessive
sports fans stockpiling hats, balls, tickets, signed
photographs, uniforms, and other items associated with
their favorite team. In the past, collecting may have been
strictly for kids, diehard sports fans, and eccentric hobbyists,
but these days it is an increasingly mainstream investment
strategy. What are people collecting as investment pieces?
Almost anything that accumulates value over time is
popular including wine, rare stamps and coins, artwork,
antiques, and sports memorabilia. You don’t even have to
be particularly interested in what it is that you’re collecting,
but it will help, and if you’re smart, you really can make a
nice profit out of it in the end.
① 수집가와 투자자의 특징을 비교하려고
② 성공적인 투자 방법에 대해 조언하려고
③ 취미로 하는 수집의 필요성을 강조하려고
④ 가장 인기 있는 수집 품목들을 소개하려고
⑤ 수집이 투자가 될 수도 있음을 알려주려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
No one will fit in perfectly in every situation. Personality
traits that are merits in one circumstance may be
considered shortcomings in another circumstance, and vice
versa. Those who are admired for their deliberate and
careful handling of things in one workplace, for example,
may find themselves criticized as boring and unadventurous
in another workplace. Or a friend who is considered too
aggressive in many ordinary situations may be a hero
in an emergency. Everyone has both their strong points and
weak points, and these are not absolutes; instead, they are
relative to situations.
So it is important to see the other side of everyone’s
drawbacks and assets. Those who are always digging out
and focusing on the weak points of others are
likely to have few friends or admirers.
① 잘못을 겸허히 시인할 줄 아는 용기가 필요하다.
② 사람을 단정 짓지 말고 그 이면을 보도록 해야 한다.
③ 사람의 진가는 평상시보다 위급한 상황에서 드러난다.
④ 상대방의 잘못된 행동을 통해서 자신을 반성해야 한다.
⑤ 모든 일을 완벽하게 해야 한다는 강박관념을 버려야 한다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Your consumption habits connect you directly to a great
many people’s lives. Have you ever heard of the terms “fair
trade” and “ethical consumption?” Do you ever consider
where your coffee came from? Most of the world’s coffee is
produced by multinational corporations who can keep their
prices down by paying low wages to farm workers. To
compete with the corporations, traditional farmers are
forced to sell their produce at unfair prices, and thus they
become trapped in poverty. But coffee labeled “fair trade” is
produced by farmers who have been paid fair prices.
Buying and drinking fair trade coffee is just one example of
ethical consumption. It gives money to a wider range of
people who deserve it. Now, before buying a product, read
the label and see if you are making an ethical purchase.
① 계획적인 쇼핑 습관이 충동 구매를 줄일 수 있다.
② 가난 퇴치와 경제 발전은 밀접한 관계가 있다.
③ 활발한 구매 활동은 침체된 경제에 활력소가 된다.
④ 지나친 가격 경쟁은 공정한 거래를 저해할 수 있다.
⑤ 소비 습관이 부의 재분배를 이루는 데 기여할 수 있다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
David C. Thomas and Kerr Inkson introduce the term CQ, for
cultural intelligence, in their book Cultural Intelligence:
People Skills for Global Business. Written mainly for
business people, the book may also be useful for anyone
who seeks success. The authors remind us that in the global
village, events 10,000 miles away can affect us as much as
events happening next door, and write, “Globalization
creates major challenges for everyone in business.”
Although we easily cross national borders when we travel, it
isn’t so easy to cross cultural boundaries, unless we become
more culturally aware and mature. According to the authors,
“Potential problems are enormous. Even among people
from the same culture, interpersonal skills are often poor,
and this weakness is costly to business.”
① Cultural Values in the Era of Globalization
② Qualifications of Businessmen
③ Components of Cultural Intelligence
④ Globalization: Necessary or Optional?
⑤ Globalization Makes CQ Important
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
These days, girls are doing just as well as boys, and
sometimes even better in most subjects at school. Many
explanations have been advanced to account for this closing
up of the gender gap. One factor that must be taken into
account is the influence of the women’s movement on girls’
self-esteem and expectations. Girls today are growing up
surrounded by women working in traditional male roles ─
indeed many of their own mothers work outside the home.
Exposure to these positive role models increases girls’
awareness of career opportunities and challenges the
traditional stereotype of the woman as housewife. Another
result of feminism is that teachers have become more aware
of gender discrimination in education. Many schools have
taken steps to avoid gender stereotyping in the classroom,
to encourage girls to explore traditionally male-dominated
subjects, and to use educational materials that are free of
gender bias.
① consequences of gender discrimination
② reasons for narrowing of the gender gap
③ avoiding occupational gender inequalities
④ why girls are outperforming boys in education
⑤ eradicating gender bias in educational materials
23 공항 분실물 센터 이용에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하
지 않는 것은?
Lost and Found
The Tucson International Airport Lost and Found office is
located in the Main Terminal on the baggage claim level.
•Items found in the airport terminal, parking garage or
airport parking lots are stored securely for 30 days before
•For items lost or left on an airplane, please contact your
How Are Found Items Claimed and Returned?
You may arrange for the return of items by:
•On-site pickup: If you properly identify items, you may pick
them up during normal business hours, Monday through
Friday, 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. You may pre-arrange afterhours pick up by calling (520) 573-8156 during business
hours of the day.
•U.S. Mail: The Lost and Found Office can return small items
via U.S. Mail, if you forward a self-stamped mailing
container to the Lost and Found Office.
① 공항 터미널에서 발견된 분실물은 30일간 보관된다.
② 기내에서 분실한 물품은 해당 항공사에 연락해야 한다.
③ 분실물은 평일 오전 9시부터 오후 4시까지 찾아갈 수 있다.
④ 근무시간이 아니면 직접 찾아갈 수 있는 방법이 없다.
⑤ 우송받으려면 반송 우표를 붙인 우편 용기를 보관소로 보낸다.
Biofin에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
How to Use Biofin
Wash your hands before applying this medication. Gently
clean the affected skin with a mild or soapless cleanser and
pat dry. Apply a thin layer of this medication usually once
daily or as directed by your doctor.
•Do not apply to the inner lip area, inside the nose/mouth.
•Do not apply to cut, scraped, or sunburned skin.
•Avoid getting this medication in your eyes.
If this medication gets into your eyes, flush with large
amounts of water.
•Do not share this medication with others.
Tell your doctor if your condition does not improve or if it
① 감염 부위를 따로 씻지 않아도 된다.
② 가능하면 수시로 얇게 펴발라야 한다.
③ 볕에 탄 화상 치료에 사용할 수 있다.
④ 눈에 닿는 것을 피해야 한다.
⑤ 다른 사람과 같이 사용할 수 있다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
These pie charts compare water usage in Britain, the USA,
and Australia in the year 2005. ① In both the USA and
Britain almost 50% of total water was consumed by the
industrial sector, the biggest consumer of water by a
substantial margin over other sectors in those countries. ②
In Australia, on the other hand, the biggest water consumer
was agriculture, which took more than 50% of the total
share. ③ Agriculture was the second biggest consumer in
the USA, taking two fifths of the total, while in Britain the
same sector took just about a third.
④ In Australia, just about a third was consumed by industry.
⑤ Households consumed the least water in all three
countries; 16% in Britain was 4% less than that in the
USA and 7% more than in Australia.
Susan에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Pursuing her love of animals and the wilderness, Susan
Butcher moved to Alaska when she was 20 and began
training to compete in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
Incredibly tough, the Iditarod tests the endurance of
mushers and their dogs over the course of one to two
weeks and 1,100 miles of Alaskan wilderness. She was
forced to pull out of the 1985 Iditarod after an accident,
and that year Libby Riddles survived a blizzard to become
the first woman ever to win the race.
Later that same year Susan married fellow dog racer David
Monson and the pair went on to compete successfully in
almost every major sled dog race in the world. Susan won
the Iditarod in 1986, ’87, ’88, and ’90, missing the race
of ’89 only because she was pregnant with her first
*musher (개가 끄는 썰매를 이용한) 크로스컨트리 경주참가자
① 20세 때 이미 여러 번의 개썰매 경주에 참가했다.
② 1985년 심한 눈보라 속에서 살아남아 우승을 했다.
③ 개썰매 경주의 첫 번째 여성 우승자였다.
④ 결혼 이후 경기에 출전해서 우승을 했다.
⑤ 1986년부터 1990년까지 연속으로 우승했다.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
My friend Martin always ① used to complain about the city
of Los Angeles, where he lived for three years while getting
his doctorate. He complained incessantly about the smog,
the traffic, and the expensive lifestyle. Martin was convinced
life would be far rosier if he ② were able to move to
another city. Within a few weeks of finishing his program
and ③ earning his degree, Martin packed his belongings
and moved to Boulder.
Within months of his arrival there, he began to complain
about the cold weather, the slow pace, and how much
difficulty he was having ④ to find a house that was up to
his standards. Suddenly, he regretted not ⑤ appreciating
the sunny weather and the exciting lifestyle of Los Angeles.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절
한 것은? [3점]
Our lives are saturated by media, along with all their ads,
images, and conflicting messages. Therefore, it’s crucial that
children learn to be aware of, and (A) resist / assist the
influence of media, especially advertising that emphasizes
appearance over substance and even makes fun of those
who are different. Ads for everything from alcohol to
cosmetic surgery emphasize unrealistic standards of physical
attractiveness over one’s inner character, and urge us to risk
our health and even our lives in a (B) quest / question for
an unattainable ideal of beauty.
We should attack the prevailing notion in our society that
it’s okay to spend thousands of dollars and undergo surgery
in the vain attempt to (C) transform / transplant ourselves
into the media’s fantasy of perfection.
① resist --- question --- transplant
② assist --- question --- transplant
③ resist --- question --- transform
④ assist --- quest
--- transform
⑤ resist --- quest
--- transform
밑줄 친 It(it)이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
A library is a collection of information, resources, and
services. Books are not the only means of storing and
distributing information, therefore ① it is also a repository
of maps, prints, videotape, audiotape, newspapers,
magazines, and other documents and artworks stored on a
wide variety of media. Thus, ② it is known as a place
offering citizens free access to information in many formats
and from many sources.
③ It is organized and categorized by librarians, who present
it well, and help library visitors to find what they need.
More recently, ④ it is understood as extending beyond the
physical walls of a building. ⑤ It makes materials available
over the Internet, and helps users navigate and analyze
tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
If you’ve ever felt stress ─ and who hasn’t? ─ chances
are excellent that it’s because you felt you just didn’t have
enough time to do what you needed to at the level of
quality to which you were committed. You could be
experiencing this frustration, for example, because you’re
exclusively bound to the demands of the moment:
immediate requests, current challenges, and urgent events.
In this stressed and overloaded state, your effectiveness
rapidly declines. The solution is simple: ______________________.
If the present is stressful, then become more resourceful in
dealing with your challenges by shifting your focus to
the future and the successful completion or resolution
of the tasks before you. This will instantly change your
state and give you the very resources you need to turn
things around in the present. [3점]
① don’t hesitate to ask others to share your work
② spend your spare minutes doing joyful activities
③ place your to-do list in a visible spot and stick to it
④ take control of the time frame you’re focusing upon
⑤ commit to achieving quality instead of quantity
I sometimes try to explain to people who don’t use a
computer how a computer could make their job easier.
Often enough, their attitude is a perfect expression of the
words, “Thanks, but no thanks.” Why do some people resist
learning something that could make their job better or
easier? In most cases, the reason is fear. People who don’t
know much about technology may worry that computers
will replace them, or that a computer will make them
look incompetent. That’s why it’s a good idea to see
teaching as like asking someone to go on a trip.
Just as nobody would accept an invitation to go to a place
that they’ve heard is dangerous or unpleasant, people
are reluctant to learn things that they think will make
them worse off. When you try to teach anyone something
new, you have to make it clear from the start that
____________________. [3점]
① enjoyable trips can be an energy in life
② every job will be changed by computers
③ you promise to make his or her job easier
④ change is the obligation in the information age
⑤ the destination is a place we’d all like to go to
Compared to the MBA students I taught two decades
ago, my present MBA students clearly behave differently.
More and more, they open the meetings they request with
me by talking about themselves, sometimes at length, which
I find odd, especially since the academic topics they want to
discuss don’t require me to know a great deal about them. I
think I am witnessing an unhealthy trend, but I don’t know
how much weight to give my own observations. I might be
misinterpreting their behavior, or I might just be getting
moodier and more short-tempered as I age.
But I don’t think so! I’ve been told by others that young
people today _______________________. A great book I’ve been
reading presents a lot of evidence that “overconfidence
backfires,” and that the young generation’s belief in their
own self-importance does not equip them to succeed in
today’s competitive world. [3점]
① greet people in a rude manner
② tend to speak without hesitation
③ suffer from a huge generation gap
④ are clearly becoming more narcissistic
⑤ are leading a free and unrestrained life
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고
In many societies there is often greater acceptance of light
skin than dark skin. Light skin may be seen as a mark of
beauty, intelligence, and success. Many people think they
would look prettier with light skin than with dark skin.
That’s why more and more people are using skin-lightening
products. At first, bleaching products make the skin color
lighter. Long-term use,
, can cause problems.
The chemicals in the products can block and break down
the natural process that gives color to skin, and the skin can
lose its natural protection against ultraviolet damage from
the sun.
, some of the chemicals in the products
have been linked to kidney damage and certain kinds of
① in fact
--- As a result
② however
--- Furthermore
③ for example --- As a result
④ in fact
--- Furthermore
⑤ however
--- In other words
다음 글에 나타난 ‘I’의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
My children put me here for my own good. They said they
would be able to visit me frequently. But they have their
own lives to lead. Something else I’ve learned to accept is
loss of privacy. Quite often I’ll close my door when my
roommate — imagine having a roommate at my age — is in
the TV room. I do appreciate some time to myself and
believe that I have earned at least that courtesy. As I sit
thinking or writing, one of the aides invariably opens the
door unannounced and walks in as if I’m not there.
Sometimes she even opens my drawers and begins
rummaging around. Am I invisible? Have I lost my right to
respect and dignity? What would happen if the roles were
reversed? I am still a human being. I would like to be
treated as one.
① bored
② scared
③ irritated
④ regretful
⑤ excited
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
The essential characteristic of the blind person, as he
or she appeared to the ancient Greek mind, was
ambiguousness. ① To the ancient Greek, the blind person
was neither good nor bad, trustworthy nor suspicious,
unfortunate nor blessed; but he or she was all those things
at the same time. ② On the one hand, the blind were
pathetic, pitiable, deprived of light. ③ On the other hand,
they were endowed with a mysterious, supernatural ability
to see things that ordinary people cannot.
④ In ancient Greek playwright Sophocles’ play Oedipus the
King, blindness is recurring theme. ⑤ This ambiguity
surrounding the blind may explain how it was
possible for the ancients to pity them but at the same
time to feel awe and fear in their presence.
These days, more and more low-cost airlines have been
gaining popularity throughout the world with, if you think
about it, their remarkable sales strategy which involves
saying a daring No to their customers. ① They don’t have
any first class cabins, so everyone is squished into small
economy class seats; neither do they have reserved seats, so
you’d better check in on time; nor do they serve food, so
you’d better bring your own snacks or meals. ② And a
further previously taken-for-granted service allowing
international airline baggage transfers for free has been
taken away.
③ Credit cards tied to the airlines now offer perks that were
once standard, such as free checked bags, priority boarding,
and seat selection. ④ Not providing these services,
previously considered essential passenger benefits, enables
low-cost airlines to organize their planes for an incredibly
quick turnaround at airports. ⑤ This in turn allows a
convenient schedule with reliable frequent flights —
the qualities most valued by customers.
*perk 특전, 혜택
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
Before videos, DVDs, and the Internet, seeing a movie
meant spending a few hours out of the house. Now, we
have a choice.
(A) That’s because nothing beats the experience of seeing a
movie on the big screen. Sitting in a theater with your
friends and popcorn, and with all your senses excited by
sound, visual effects, and drama, will always be a special
(B) Instead of going to a theater to see a new release, you
can watch it in the privacy of your own home. Many think
it’s more relaxing and enjoyable, and it’s usually much
cheaper, to see a movie like this.
(C) Does this mean that the movie theater experience is
becoming outdated? Definitely not. Going out to see a
movie at the cinema is as popular as ever.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(A) ─(C)
④ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
When trying to influence opinion and persuade listeners or
readers to agree with a certain way of thinking, people
often use words that are carefully selected for their ability
to stir up emotions instead of logic.
(A) This is called using loaded language. For example, a
liberal journalist might write about government spending on
“the military” where a conservative would use the
expression “national defense” instead.
(B) However, if she were anti-abortion, she would call
those who share her views “pro-life,” for the same
reason. Thus, recognizing loaded language reveals
important clues about the user’s point of view.
(C) Similarly, if a writer favors abortion, she will call
those who share her views “pro-choice,” since the
expression has strong positive connotations, and
the people such expressions are associated with
will be seen in a positive light.
① (A) ─(B) ─(C)
② (A) ─(C) ─(B)
③ (B) ─(C) ─(A)
④ (C) ─(A) ─(B)
⑤ (C) ─(B) ─(A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
곳은? [3점]
Therefore, a respondent may not feel that consumer
researchers are asking merely about a simple preference.
People may misrepresent themselves to interviewers when
questioned about their opinions or surveyed about the
products they prefer. ( ① ) Because of this potential source
of distortion, some consumer psychologists believe that it is
not productive to ask persons directly for their opinions or
( ② ) They contend that the direct question being asked
may differ from what the respondents actually heard. ( ③ )
For example, by asking what brand of beverage a person
prefers, we are, essentially, asking what kind of person he or
she is. ( ④ ) Rather, he or she hears the question asking:
“Do you drink the cheap stuff or the expensive, high-status
brand?” ( ⑤ ) Critics of the survey method argue that we
cannot uncover true human motivations and feelings
through direct questions that allow the respondents to
distort their feelings.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most damaging myths that we are taught to
believe is that the world cannot produce enough food to
feed everyone. The truth is that the quantity of rice, wheat,
and other grains being produced globally could supply
every man, woman, and child on Earth with 3,500 calories
per day, right now. That isn't even counting the nuts, fruit,
milk, eggs, meat, and vegetables that are available. There is
enough food in the world to make everyone fat!
The real problem is that too many people cannot afford to
pay for what is readily available. Purchasing power is tightly
concentrated in the hands of the wealthy few who are never
hungry. Only when economic power is more fairly
distributed will we begin to see an end to world hunger.
There's enough food in the world for everyone, but few can
afford to buy it, so world hunger and malnutrition are not
matters of
but of
① quantity
--- quality
② conflict
--- indifference
③ agriculture --- wealth
④ scarcity
--- poverty
⑤ politics
--- calories
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
People who get the chance to swim with dolphins often
report feelings of almost supernatural joy and euphoria.
Skeptics complain that this kind of talk is just
psychobabble. But some experts believe that
____________________ is a basic need of humans, and actually
reduces depression. Among them is sociobiologist Edward
Wilson. He claims that human health and well-being
absolutely depend on our interactions with nature.
He says certain animals and certain natural scenery make
us feel good because our brains are programmed to
respond that way. Professor Wilson made his point strongly
in a paper published in the American Journal of Preventive
Medicine in 2001. The paper analyzed evidence for the
effects on human health of four kinds of interaction with
nature: contact with animals, plants, or wilderness, and
viewing landscapes. Each interaction was shown to produce
the same physical response, but interaction with animals
produced the strongest.
When people interacted with animals, as when they
interacted with plants and wilderness or viewed nature, the
areas of the brain related to relaxation showed increased
electrical activity. But with animals, the increase in activity
was highest.
*euphoria 행복감
**psychobabble 근거 없이 심리학 용어를 사용하는 것
위 글의 밑줄 친 the same physical response의 의미로 가
장 적절한 것은?
① 마음이 편안해진다.
② 호르몬의 활동이 활발해진다.
③ 질병 치유에 도움이 된다.
④ 식물과의 교감능력이 향상된다.
⑤ 특정한 알레르기 반응을 보인다.
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① living healthfully
② thinking positively
③ having a happy family
④ keeping pets at home
⑤ having close contact with animals
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) By the time they finally reach the point where they are
appointed to positions of power and can actually begin to
use their abilities, they may be feeling burned out and
cynical, and may have given up on the dreams and ideals
they once cherished. (a) These disappointed ones are likely
to pass the debt they received from their parents to their
own children. They'll invest their hopes in their sons and
daughters. With a bit of luck, (b) they will enjoy a less rigid
and more open society and not be frustrated like their
(B) In this modern society, (c) young men and women
expect to have more opportunities than their parents had.
Their parents may have lived through war and poverty and
abandoned their own dreams and desires to work for their
children's future. Thanks to the sacrifices made by their
parents, most live comfortably, and many of (d) them enjoy
the benefits of higher education. In addition, they are
generally stronger, taller, and healthier than their parents
were, and have democratic rights and stable government.
Thus, it's natural for them to be eager for self-fulfillment
and achievement.
(C) In spite of their considerable advantages, however, (e)
young school-leavers and graduates often find themselves
stuck at the bottom rung of labor and industry. In the
current labor market, they have to struggle to occupy even
the lowest ranks of companies and institutions. They make
the fewest decisions, and the least money.
They have little power and little say in most things that
really matter, frequently because they feel they must
submit to traditional hierarchies. They can remain like this
for years, unable to put their education or their energy
towards making a difference in their world.
위 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
③ (B) ─ (C) ─ (A)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Harsh Reality for Modern Youth
② Features of Modern Life
③ Advantages of Getting Old
④ Healthy Spirits and Education
⑤ Pleasures of New Challenges
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
것은? [3점]
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
파워업 독해
20회 실전 모의고사
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
One characteristic of genius is the capacity for extremes,
which is often expressed in cycles. That is, the personality of
the genius sometimes seems to involve opposites: When
inspired, he may work 20 hours a day to realize a solution
while it’s still fresh in his mind; these periods of intense
activity tend to be broken up by periods of inactivity that
are actually times of deep thought, which is a necessary
part of the creative process. Geniuses understand the need
to make space for ideas to form, for creativity occurs
under appropriate inner, not outer, circumstances.
The stage is often set by complete distraction — we all
know stories of people who have gotten the answers to
complex problems while sitting in traffic on the
① 집중력을 높이는 방법을 소개하려고
② 적절한 휴식의 중요성을 강조하려고
③ 환경이 독창성에 미치는 영향을 알려주려고
④ 창조적 과정에 필요한 요소들을 제시하려고
⑤ 천재들이 창조성을 드러내는 방법을 설명하려고
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
The average desktop computer and monitor burn about the
same amount of electricity as two 100-watt light bulbs.
Perhaps that doesn’t sound like much, but over a year, that
generates about 2,000 kg of CO2 and, depending on the
cost of electricity in your area, about $200 in bills. Twenty
years ago, we were told that if we kept turning our
computer on and off it put stress on the hard drive. Today,
however, all computer manufacturers recommend that you
turn off your machine when you’re not using it.
Manufacturers are known to test-run their hard drives to
cope with 40,000 on/off cycles ─ the equivalent of
switching on and switching off your computer 30 times
every working day for five years. Obviously, if you’re doing
that with your computer, you really should change your
work practices!
① 컴퓨터 사용자들의 활용 능력을 높여야 한다.
② 컴퓨터를 사용하지 않을 때는 꺼 두어야 한다.
③ 컴퓨터로 인한 환경오염을 줄여야 한다.
④ 절전용 컴퓨터를 사용해야 한다.
⑤ 정기적인 컴퓨터 안전 검사가 필요하다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Buddhist meditation instructor Kathleen Thurston says that
our lives are filled with too much stress caused by our
addiction to activities. She says we shouldn’t pride ourselves
on our multi-tasking abilities because they are just other
means of creating distractions for ourselves. She quotes
recent studies that show our performance is actually
reduced, not boosted, when we do more than one complex
task at a time. Thurston also says we are allowing ourselves
to be overwhelmed by the distracting thoughts that fill
our heads like so much mental clutter.
Buddhists aptly call this phenomenon “monkey-mind” ─
the tendency for our minds to be undisciplined and jump
between thoughts, like chattering monkeys swinging
from tree to tree.
① 현대인들은 많은 업무 스트레스를 받고 있다.
② 동시다발적 업무 수행을 해야 능력이 향상된다.
③ 한 가지 일에 주의를 집중하는 것이 좋다.
④ 명상은 현대인의 스트레스 해소에 도움이 된다.
⑤ 어느 정도의 스트레스는 업무 수행력을 높인다.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Early Islamic architects and artists strove to create a grand
physical backdrop to provide material support and evidence
for the claims of their religion. Claiming God to be the
source of all understanding, Islam particularly emphasized
mathematical laws as divine qualities. Elegant and
complicated geometries were thought to intimate the
infinite wisdom of God, so Muslim artisans covered the
walls of mosques and houses with repeating sequences of
these patterns.
This ornamentation, so pleasingly intricate on a rug or a
glass, produces an almost hallucinatory experience when it
completely covers the interior of a hall. Eyes accustomed to
looking at nothing but the dull and practical objects of daily
life could, inside such a hall, imagine a world with
absolutely no associations with the everyday. Such delicate
yet extraordinarily complex decoration seemed like the
product of a mind without earthly limitations, of a
higher being uncorrupted by human failings, and
therefore of a God worth surrendering to completely.
*hallucinatory 환각의
① Psychological Effects of Mosque Architecture
② Delicate Ornamentation in Domestic Muslim Design
③ Pure Mathematics and Geometry in Muslim History
④ Divinity Driving Design in Early Islamic Art
⑤ The Earthly and the Heavenly in Muslim Art
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many people feel that power should be withheld from those
who most actively seek it. Because of this general antipathy
toward power and power seekers, writes Rosabeth Moss
Kanter, “People who have it deny it; people who want it do
not want to appear to hunger for it; people who engage in
its machinations do so secretly.” Given our feeling toward
power and those who hold it, it is no surprise that
democratic political systems contain checks on power. These
systems also specify measures to distribute power in ways
that prevent it from becoming absolute or concentrated in
too few hands.
The founders of the United States grappled with this issue.
Their constitutional solution? Establish mechanisms that
prevent the concentration of power in one branch of
government and that protect the interests of minorities
against the power of the majority. The U.S. Constitution’s
Bill of Rights checks power by specifying individual rights
that government cannot abridge, no matter how powerful it
is. [3점]
*machination 음모, 모략
**abridge 축소하다
① why people in every society hunger for power
② the history of political efforts to solve power struggles
③ why and how democracies prevent power abuse
④ how political power should be exercised in a democracy
⑤ the importance of peaceful and democratic power shifts
Akron Marathon에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것은?
Akron Marathon
The Akron Marathon is known for its great giveaways and
this year’s Official Race Jacket given to all full marathoners
(those participating in the full 26.2 mile race) is no
exception! Offered in men’s and women’s sizes, this
lightweight track jacket is a $65 value and will be your go
to jacket for those cool morning runs.
Event Details
•Start Time: 7:00 a.m.
•Course Open: 6-hours, the course will close on a
continuous pace of 13:44 minutes per mile (course closes at
1:00 p.m.)
•Minimum Age: 16-years on Race Day
Packet Pick-Up
Runners must pick up their race packet at the Expo on
Friday, September 26, 2014 between 11:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m.
This is the only place to get your race bib, jacket and
goodie bag. Runners must pick up their own packet. There
will be no pick up the day of the race.
① 풀코스 참가자에게 마라톤용 재킷이 제공된다.
② 마라톤 코스는 6시간 동안 개방된다.
③ 마라톤 코스는 오후 1시에 폐쇄하게 된다.
④ 참가자는 경주 당일에 16세 이상이어야 한다.
⑤ 마라톤용 용품은 개최일에 지급받을 수 있다.
인턴 모집에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Internship for Project-E
Project-E provides market-oriented vocational education
for orphans in Ethiopia.
Ⅰ. Offer
•Inspiring work atmosphere in a young and motivated team
•Financial support for travel and accommodation
Ⅱ. Tasks
•Networking with Ethiopian and international businesses,
governments and NGOs
•Selection of new students, negotiating business
partnerships, and organizing workshops
Ⅲ. Requirements
•Students need to have completed 2 years of study at
•Excellent English speaking and writing skills, good IT
•Experience in developing countries
•High level of communication skills and ability to work in a
Ⅳ. Application
Please send an e-mail with your CV and cover letter to
[email protected]
① 고아들을 위한 교사 모집이다.
② 교육 훈련비가 지급된다.
③ 사업 제휴 협상도 진행해야 한다.
④ 지원자는 대학교 1년 이상 수료자여야 한다.
⑤ 선진국에서의 자원봉사 경험이 있어야 한다.
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
This chart shows the life expectancies of Korean men and
women in 1973, 1983, 1993, 2002, and 2003. The chart
clearly indicates that the life expectancy of both Korean
men and women increased steadily and dramatically over
the period. ① As for Korean men, life expectancy increased
by 14.3 years over the 30-year period. ② At the same time,
Korean women gained 13.8 years in life expectancy. ③ It’s
interesting to note that the expected life span of Korean
women has been more than 80 years since 2002.
④ Meanwhile, the gap between male and female life
expectancies averaged around six to eight years. ⑤
However, the gap between male and female has been
steadily increasing since 1983, when it reached 8.3 years.
Currentissues.org에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Anyone can contribute to Currentissues.org, which publishes
an encyclopedic range of reference articles written
cooperatively for a worldwide audience. We have thousands
of active contributors working on tens of thousands of
articles that are constantly updated. Our policy is to adhere
strictly to a neutral point of view, ensuring our reporting is
as fair as possible. Furthermore, everything we publish is
cited, to maintain the highest standards of credibility. We
aim to exclude opinion and commentary from our
If you want to tell the world what you think, try blogging.
Currentissues.org has no commercial advertising, and is run
and funded entirely by volunteers and donations. Everything
done on Currentissues.org can be undone, so it’s very
friendly to new users.
① 기고하는 사람은 전문가들로 구성된다.
② 매일 수만 건의 기사가 사이트에 올라온다.
③ 의견이나 논평을 실은 기사를 장려하고 있다.
④ 상업광고와 기부금으로 운영되고 있다.
⑤ 게시한 내용은 삭제가 가능하다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적
절한 것은? [3점]
Speech is one of the few things that (A) set / sets us apart
from other animals and is closely connected with our ability
to think abstractly. Nevertheless, it’s fair to think that
writing is a more important means of communication than
speech. This is because the written word and the output of
printing presses appear to be more efficient and durable
ways of transmitting information. Yet, no matter how many
books and newspapers are printed, and how much written
matter is produced online, the amount of information (B)
exchanged / is exchanged by speech is still greater.
The exchange of information via the Internet, books, and
other print media has expanded greatly, but (C) so / neither
has spoken communication via telephone, radio, and
① set --- is exchanged --- so
② set --- exchanged
--- so
③ set --- is exchanged --- neither
④ sets --- is exchanged --- neither
⑤ sets --- exchanged
--- so
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]
These days children feel anxious and overwhelmed by
homework that makes up a ① large percentage of their
grade. They often stay up late to finish off assignments, but
they should avoid habitually burning the midnight oil. ②
Chronic sleep loss causes depression, impaired motor
function, and obesity. Too much emphasis on students’
grades results from the current trend for more ③ generous
academic standards. Some experts argue that homework
should never be graded.
They want schools to focus on whether or not students
master the material rather than grades, thereby ④ reducing
an unhealthy amount of stress placed on students.
Burdensome homework can also be harmful to family
relationships when it interferes with the time parents have
to spend with their children or ⑤ imposes stress on family
members who are called upon to help with an extremely
difficult assignment.
밑줄 친 them[they]이 가리키는 대상이 다른 것은?
Strangely enough, some parents become upset when their
children praise the homes of friends. They take the praise as
a complaint about their own home or furniture or whatever,
and may even be foolish enough to let the children see that
they are upset. They may even accuse ① them of being too
easily impressed, or speak ill of the friends’ parents. Such
childish behavior and lack of dignity shocks the children,
and makes ② them resolve not to talk to their parents
about the places or people ③ they visit in future.
Before long, they will be complaining that ④ they are too
secretive and difficult to trust. Unfortunately, the parents
will probably fail to realize that ⑤ they have brought this
on themselves.
30-32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Education researchers at the University of Sussex have
found major ____________________ in the British Prime Minister’s
education policy, which aims to have ability groupings as the
norm in key subjects. Two new independent studies have
shown that organizing schoolchildren into sets is unfair, and
not an accurate means of assessing ability. Research by Jo
Boaler, Marie Curie Professor of Education at Sussex, revealed
that children in mixed ability mathematics classes
outperformed those grouped by ability.
The other new study by Sussex researchers has revealed
that children are being assigned to a group according
to their social background, with middle-class pupils more
likely to be placed in higher-ability sets, irrespective of their
prior scholastic achievements. [3점]
① benefits
② flaws
④ changes
⑤ surprises
③ insights
The first step toward more effective reading is to look
quickly at the entirety of the written information before you
actually read it. This prepares your mind to take in the
information and to think about the particular topic. This is
similar to taking a step back and looking at a mountain
before you begin to climb it, so that you can choose the
best path available. It is also like looking at a map before
you get on the highway or start out on your trip.
Understanding the whole purpose and flow of the material
helps you to piece together and correctly understand each
part as you come to it.
Naturally, a piece of a jigsaw puzzle makes more sense and
fits more easily into place when _____________________. [3점]
① you have already seen the whole picture
② you finally finish the outline of the puzzle
③ you sort each piece according to its color
④ you face each difficulty with more confidence
⑤ you see that it has a very distinctive shape
Once, if you wanted to know what flavor or filling lay
inside a chocolate, you had to poke and press it with a
finger until its contents were revealed. Now, those days of
guesswork and sticky fingers are gone. With a box of
Caroline’s Chocolates, you can identify a chocolate’s contents
before you take a bite. Look for the letter written in
chocolate on top of each piece. A “V” represents vanilla; a
large “C,” chocolate butter cream; a small “c,” cherry liqueur;
an “O,” orange; a “P,” pineapple; and an “R,” raspberry
cream. Besides the letter clue, the structure of a
chocolate is also an indication of its contents.
Creams are round, caramels square, and nougats oblong.
Thus, chocolate lovers only need to _____________________ to
select their favorites with confidence. [3점]
① recognize certain markings and shapes
② develop a taste for special ingredients
③ understand how their tastes can change
④ read the list of ingredients on the package
⑤ learn the traditional chocolate making process
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
On a basic level, there seems no difference between
interpreters and translators.
, the way the
jobs are done, the pressures involved, and the requisite
skills are quite distinct from each other. Translators need to
be good writers in the target language, because when they
work, they translate in just one direction ─ from the source
language to the target language. Also, they have time and
freedom to use reference materials and to revise their work.
Interpreters, on the other hand, must be good listeners and
speakers in both the source language and the target
language. Furthermore, their only reference material is
what’s in their heads, since they have to produce their work
on the spot.
, the pressure they feel is usually
far more intense than that felt by translators.
① However --- Therefore
② Similarly --- However
③ However --- Otherwise
④ Similarly --- Therefore
⑤ Therefore --- However
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
It’s always difficult to turn a car around. I live in a remote
area up in the hills outside San Rafael, California,
surrounded by forests full of giant trees. You have to drive
up the mountain in low gear to get to our driveway, which
is barely wide enough for one car and ends at a steep drop-
off. I twisted around and backed up slowly. Just then, a
flash of sunlight blinded me. I put my hand up to cover my
eyes. I felt a shock as the left rear section of the SUV
dropped. The car slipped in the soft soil, and rolled.
I hadn’t put on my seat belt yet; I was waiting to finish
turning around. Now I tumbled inside the car as it rolled
down the mountainside.
① festive
② peaceful
③ dreary
④ urgent
⑤ hopeful
35-36 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
It’s a fact of human behavior that some people lie in
interviews or aren’t perfectly truthful in their answers on
questionnaires. Psychologists call this “dissimulation,” and
say it comes in two distinct varieties. ① The first is called
impression management, which is all about presenting
yourself in a positive light by “forgetting” certain facts or
telling little lies about yourself. ② The second is called self-
deception, which is believing something about yourself that
isn’t true, for instance that you’re fashionable even though
everyone who knows how you dress can tell you are not.
③ Researchers have found that the more well-dressed
you are, the more likely strangers are to give you money if
you ask them for it. ④ Self-deception can also be based on
negative false ideas, as when a girl believes she is ugly
when she obviously is not. ⑤ In any case, self-deceptive
thinking is harmful, but it can be reduced or even cured
with professional help.
*dissimulation (감정의) 위장; 위선
Our environment affects every aspect of life on Earth
— including the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the
food we eat. ① While you might think environmental
protection would top all other priorities, the reality is that
conservation efforts are often made secondary to other
pressures like economic development. ② For example, a
government or company might decide that building up
industry is more important than maintaining air and
water quality or protecting other natural resources.
③ Some companies are trying to construct ‘green buildings’
designed to reduce the overall impact on the natural
environment. ④ Generally speaking, people are not
educated about the impact their actions can have on the
planet, and many of those who are aware of problems
simply avoid changing their behavior. ⑤ When it comes to
protecting the environment, the challenge isn’t that some
people are against conservation, but that they are unwilling
or unable to make more Earth-friendly choices.
37-38 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고
With its grinning face illuminated from within by
candlelight, the Halloween pumpkin may strike you as a
happy symbol of the festival. But actually, the story behind
the “jack-o’-lantern” is far from cheerful.
(A) Of course, there were no battery-powered
flashlights back in those days. Thus, naturally
enough, the Devil’s final gift to Jack was a lantern.
(B) In revenge for his defeat, he condemns Jack to wander
the Earth alone at night for all eternity. However, in an
uncharacteristic gesture of kindness, he decides to give Jack
something to light his way.
(C) In the story, which comes from Irish folklore, a young
man called Jack beats the Devil in a game of wits. The Devil,
humiliated by the young man, is furious.
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
The 20th-century Canadian author Hugh MacLennan wrote
that when he was young he often heard people say,
“Canada is the Scotland of North America.” It’s interesting
because if you think about the two countries, there are
certainly some obvious parallels.
(A) But it also blessed them with spectacular beauty,
unspoiled by crowded cities. And of this beauty,
Canadians and Scots are equally inclined to boast.
(B) Scotland and Canada both were deeply carved by the
retreating of glaciers after the last ice age. This may have
reduced their share of good farming land compared to
England and the USA.
(C) For example, as Scotland is to England — a cold, harsh
northern neighbor looking down enviously upon the richer
farmlands and cities to the south — so Canada is to
① (A) ─ (B) ─ (C)
② (A) ─ (C) ─ (B)
③ (B) ─ (A) ─ (C)
④ (C) ─ (A) ─ (B)
⑤ (C) ─ (B) ─ (A)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
That's why noise penetrates against one's will.
Noise that is loud, unexpected, or undesired is a serious
environmental pollutant. (①) Especially in congested cities,
excessive noise causes physical and psychological harm to
those constantly exposed to it. (②) Unlike the eye, which
has a lid, the ear has no protective covering.
(③) All animals with hearing, including humans, respond to
loud noise instinctively, with fear. (④) The heart rate goes
up, breathing becomes shallow, blood vessels contract, the
skin pales, and muscles tense. (⑤) These physical changes
are caused by an increased flow of adrenaline, which
prepares us for fighting or running away. But the changes
persist as long as 30 minutes after the noise has ceased,
and lead to stress-related illness over time.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Suppose someone asked you to wear a silly hat in public
for a day, and promised you a reward for doing it. And
suppose that at the end of the day, you get your reward -and it's a candy bar. What are the chances that you will do
the silly hat thing again? Probably zero, unless you were
starving to death, or candy was suddenly worth more than
The candy bar, although certainly a reward, is not enough
of a positive reinforcement to encourage more of the same
behavior. What would it take to get you to go out all day
wearing the silly hat again? Perhaps if the reinforcement
were to influence you, it would have to be more generous - perhaps a new computer, a pile of cash, or a trip to some
exotic destination.
To make positive reinforcement
be desirable enough to
, a reward must
repetition of the
rewarded behavior.
① necessary --- enforce
② constant --- include
③ specific
--- inspect
④ available --- undergo
⑤ effective --- induce
41-42 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Last year I left a job I hated as a manager for a job I love
as an executive assistant. That's a secretary, in other words.
The only bad thing about my job is its __________________. In
movies and books, most secretaries have always been
either stern older women or attractive younger women
who screen phone calls and (a) fetch things for their male
bosses but do very little else. It's really no wonder that
most people think secretaries are not particularly smart or
important. But (b) I have a master's degree in politics.
So why am I working as a secretary? Because it fits me
perfectly. I get to do what I love and I excel at what I do,
which is organizing things. I like the challenge of (c)
managing my boss's crazy schedule, and untangling his
finances. I find filing restful. It's only at parties that (d) I
wish I were a surgeon or someone equally well respected.
If I were, I might feel more confident and cool. But we only
have to talk about ourselves for a few minutes at parties -while we have to do our jobs for a big portion of our lives.
That's why, if you have a choice, it's better to do what you
truly enjoy, and disregard (e) what the majority esteems.
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중 do what you truly enjoy와 관련이 있는
것은? [3점]
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① uncertain role
② lack of rewards
③ challenging nature
④ traditional stereotype
⑤ gender discrimination
43-45 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(A) I have been "green" all my life. I love the planet Earth
and its natural environment, and have devoted my
scientific career to understanding how (a) it works. I was
raised in the country, far from any major cities. Now, my
wife and I live in rural England, on 12 hectares of woodland
which has been designated a nature reserve.
(B) I realized that (b) it behaves as if it were a living being,
adjusting itself to make conditions comfortable for life. We
humans are part of this system.
Everything we do affects (c) it. The theory, now widely
accepted, is known as Earth System Science.
(C) It was an invention of mine that kick-started the
environmental movement. As a young scientist in the 1950s,
I devised a simple instrument, the Electron Capture
Detector, to help medical research into air cleanliness. The
detector awoke us to the extent of global pollution
(D) (d) It showed, for instance, that DDT had spread
everywhere in the world, and later that chemicals called
CFCs were accumulating and damaging ozone in the
atmosphere. Working with the U.S. space program in the
1960s to discover whether life existed on Mars, I learned
much more about (e) our own planet.
위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) ─ (D) ─ (C)
② (C) ─ (B) ─ (D)
③ (C) ─ (D) ─ (B)
④ (D) ─ (B) ─ (C)
⑤ (D) ─ (C) ─ (B)
위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 필자는 시골에서 자랐고 지금도 시골에서 살고 있다.
② 인간은 지구 환경의 일부로 우리의 모든 것이 지구에 영향을
③ 필자는 공기 정화에 대한 연구를 할 수 있는 장치를
④ 필자가 고안한 기계는 지구의 오염 정도를 알 수 있게 해주는
⑤ 필자는 화성에 사는 생물의 존재 여부를 알 수 있는 기계를
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)