Transcript TasWater

2014/15 TasWater
Works Program
Presented by: Stuart McFadzean
Date: April 2014
Presentation outline
Intro & TasWater structure
Procurement strategy / objectives
Contract types (standard documentation)
Contract roles (Super, Sup Rep, Principals Rep)
Tender assessments
Performance feedback
Safety expectations
Probity and integrity expectations
Taswater’s Works Program for 2014/15
What is TasWater?
Brand new statewide water & sewerage utility
Established under the Corporations Act with Council owners
Services 200,000 residential & business customer connections
Employs 800+ people statewide
Revenue $264m (FY13).
Expenditure $232m (FY13).
Vital statistics
Service area – 68,000 sq km
Population serviced – 470,000
Water connections – 201,800
Sewer connections – 179,100
Water supplied – 77,400 million litres pa
Sewage volume – 50,000 million litres pa
Total asset value - $1.7B
Vital statistics
• Water mains – 6,380km
• Water Treatment Plants & Dosing Stations
- 60
• Pump stations – 716
• Dams – 121
• Water catchments – 75
• Length of sewer mains – 4,774km
• Sewage Treatment Plants - 110
Key priorities
Key priorities in FY 2014 are:
Improving our safety performance
Price & Services Plan 2015-18 development
Capital program, $80 million
Completing our restructure and moving to the new
operating model
• Consolidating statewide services, systems & processes
• Enhancing & improving our stakeholder relationships
• Delivery on efficiency gains from merger ($2.5 m FY 14,
$5m FY15)
Procurement objectives & strategy
• Open, honest, ethical
• Maximise value for TasWater
– Encourage competition
– Leveraging purchasing power
– Effective ‘bundling’ of work
• Tasmanian contractors are valued
Procurement (cont.)
• Threshold for mandatory tendering is
• All tenders run through Tenderlink which is
accessible via the TasWater website.
Contract types
• Currently in use: AS 4000, 4902, 4300,
4906, 2124 and various purchase order
• We will standardise general conditions
• We aim to minimise the number of ‘markups’ or departures from the AS documents
but some changes will be necessary
Contract roles
• Superintendent – always a TasWater
Department Manager (Stuart McFadzean or
Nigel Vivian)
• Supers Reps – consultants likely to be used
on larger contracts only. TasWater Project
Managers may be used on smaller contracts
• Principals Rep – Project Managers under
Tender assessments
• Procurement Plan
• EOI & shortlist
– Weighted qualitative
criteria assessed
– Shortlist (optional)
– Price assessed
• Procurement Plan
• EOI & shortlist
– Weighted qualitative
& quantitative criteria
– Best value assessed
Tender assessments (cont…)
• Value for money includes assessment of:
– Capital costs
Tender price
Likely variations
Timely completion of the works
Management overheads
– Through life costs
– Asset performance
– It may also include intangibles like potential
reputational damage.
Tender assessments (cont…)
• Bid prices
– It is important that you complete the pricing schedule as these are
used for both qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria
– We may adjust your bid price for the purpose of making a
comparative assessment
• Conformance
– We generally include a schedule of departures so that the
contractor is to identify all non-conformances
– Non-conforming tenders may be rejected by TasWater
– Usually, alternative tenders will only be accepted from contractors
also submitting a conforming tender
Tender assessments (cont…)
• Past performance & references
– We may discuss your performance with other utilities
• Confidentiality
– If you win a tender, your tender price and the final contract price
may be made public
– Unsuccessful tender prices will not be disclosed
– On request, we will provide you relevant information from our
tender assessment report that relates to your bid
Performance feedback
• We value an open dialogue on each others performance
during the course of the contract
• You will be asked to participate in a project review at the
end of most contracts
• We will provide you with a written performance
evaluation at the end of large contracts or if your
performance was exceptional. You will have an
opportunity to submit a response to this evaluation
• These evaluations will form a database that will be used
as a reference for future tender assessment panels
Safety expectations
Safety is our number 1 priority – it should be yours too
Generally, contractors will be appointed as a ‘Principal Contractor’ under the Workplace
Health & Safety Act if the TasWater site can be handed over to the contractor
Contractors are responsible for their worksite as a PCBU under the Act.
We are responsible for informing the contractor of all known safety hazards associated with
the project
We have a due diligence responsibility to ensure that the Principal Contractor is managing
safety appropriately. We will:
review the WHS Management Plan and Safe Work Method Statement prepared by the contractor
before granting possession of the site.
undertake surveillance of the site to ensure these plans are effective.
If we believe that the WHS is not being managed effectively, then we have a duty of care
obligation to step in to take control of the activity. This may include stopping the work.
Safety concerns
Safety Issues (my hot issues):
– Consultation, coordination & communication between parties
– Treating likelihood and also consequences, eg response
– Discipline on site
– Confined spaces
– Trenching
Other policies
You should be aware of the following
policies at TasWater:
– Fitness for Work (Alcohol & Other Drugs,
– Environmental Policy
– Equity & Diversity
– Code of Conduct
– Media Communications Policy
Probity & integrity expectations
• Understand TasWater delegations (if in doubt, ask)
• All correspondence during tender is through
• All pre-award and post-award correspondence is via
email or letter
• Avoid and report anti-competitive behaviour
• Tender in good faith
• No-surprises approach to variations
– early formal notification and claims
2014/15 works program
• $80 million planned for 2014/15
• Highlights include:
– Over $40 million of new water projects
– Over $20 million of new sewerage projects
– Dams program (Ridgeway, Tolosa &
2014/15 works program
• Projects may be subject to approval of
business cases
• Awarded and ongoing projects are included
in the $80 million
• The project timing and detail are indicative
• Project cost are indicative only and represent
the project in its entirety