Transcript Slide 1

Magenta Living Claire Mann – Procurement Manager Cliff Stanley – Head of Capital Investment

Supplier Pre-tender briefing

• Welcome – Facilities – Fire alarms • Introductions • Purpose of the Meeting • Questions

Pre –tender briefing

BACKGROUND TO THE PROCUREMENT Magenta Living are seeking to: •Set up a Framework of between 6-10 ‘Approved’ Suppliers for the provision of high quality maintenance, repairs and improvements to its Void Properties on a call-off basis; •Ensure consistent quality • to a common specification; • pre–determined Terms and conditions; and • pricing; •Appoint appropriately skilled and competent Suppliers who are trustworthy and reliable, and able to meet Magenta’s specified requirements within the timescales set.

The Framework Agreement

• Framework period – 4 year period • anticipated circa 250 void properties per year requiring refurbishment works; • Typical value of each ‘works’ circa £4,000 (including materials) however this may vary dependant on the level of refurbishment and structural works required; •

No guarantee

of any levels or future business; • FA is not a contract, each ‘call-off’ (order) is a Contract; • Each call–off order (Contract) will be let on an “all inclusive” basis incorporating the National Housing Federation Schedule of Rates V6.1, minus 15%.

The Framework Agreement

• ‘Call-off’ orders under the framework will be at Magenta’s discretion; • Based primarily on whom Magenta deem best able to deliver the works by consideration of the • Skills; • Trades; • Capacity needed for the types of works required for a particular void/ series of voids, and where applicable • satisfactory levels of performance;

The Requirement

4 categories of repairs / refurbishment works required: 1.

Major voids -

General refurbishment works. These may

on occasion

, include fitting new kitchen(s) and or bathroom(s)

2. Investment voids-

General refurbishment works. These will always including fitting new kitchen(s) and bathroom(s).

3. Structural works -

Works could include sulphated floors and underpinning.

4. Insurance works

-May contain fire damage, vandalism and accidental damage or ranging from minor works right through to full property refurbishment Note: There are different timescales for each ‘type’ of void works, that


be adhered to.

The Requirement A

pproved Suppliers

appointed by Magenta Living must possess the relevant skills, competencies and experience and have proven capability and capacity, in the full range of disciplines required for the works to be called off under the framework including: • Painting and decorating works; • Electrical works; • General building works including all aspect of building works such as but not limited to: brickwork, carpentry, glazing, and roofing

The Requirement Specialist Structural Works

Such as- underpinning/tanking for which this is no ‘NHF’ Rate Quotes will be sought from suitably qualified Appointed Providers prior to Magenta Living placing any orders for such specialist works


The Requirement - Materials


• During the first (approx 3 months) of the Framework Agreement, appointed suppliers will be expected to provide all materials with the exception of Kitchens and Bathrooms including wall tiles and floor coverings which will be provided by Magenta Living.

• Following that period, materials for the repair and refurbishment of the void properties will be supplied via Magenta’s appointed Merchant from their Dedicated Store at St Mary’s Gate. Each call off will thereafter be charged/ paid on a ‘labour only’ basis .

The Requirement

• Nat Fed Specification of Workmanship & materials/ Prelims • Working hours – Mon–Fri 08:00 -17:00hrs; • Properties primarily unoccupied; • Gas and electrical safety checks already undertaken; • Contractors Code of Conduct • Health and Safety; • Equality and Diversity • Handover packs • Resident satisfaction/ liaison; • Community Benefits; • Performance inc KPI’s

The Procurement Process

• An ‘Open’ tender process, advertised via our website services/SupplierInformation.aspx

and via Wirral Business Forum; • Magenta wishes to encourage a wide range of suppliers inc small and medium sized enterprises to apply; • Must meet mandatory minimum requirements – Financial viability, Health and Safety, Insurance cover, Professional and business standing; agreement to the Magenta Living Framework Agreement, no/ declare potential conflicts of interest

The tender process

• • • • • .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Invitation to tender comprises the following (16) documents: Section 1 – ITT Section 2 – Tender Response Questionnaire Section 3 - Preliminaries Appendix A – Framework Agreement.

Appendix B – M3NHF Schedule of Rates – Specification of Workmanship and materials.

Appendix C – C1 – an example of a specific Schedule of Works relating to a ‘Major’ Void project C2 – an example of a specific Schedule of Works relating to an ‘Investment’ Void project C3 – CAT 1A Kitchen Floor plan C4 – An example survey sheet showing the scope of works of a ‘typical’ void Appendix D – M3 NHF Schedule of Rates Version 6.1 – comprising Long Descriptions Appendix E – Instruction flow Charts from instruction of Provider E1 – Investment Void E2 – Major Void Appendix F – Form of Tender Appendix G – M3NHF Schedule of Rates showing breakdown of materials and labour costs Annex 1 – Tender Response checklist Annex 2 – Tender label –

You must complete the documentation provided, in the format provided i.e. do not try to amend the documentation, it is produced in such a way to enable ease of evaluation.

The Tender process

The documents you need to complete are: • Section 2 - Tender Response Questionnaire • Appendix F - Form of Tender Advice Even if you have worked for Magenta before, you must structure your response as if Magenta knows nothing about your Organisation; • Evaluation will be based on the information you have provided in your written response to this Invitation to tender. • Prior knowledge of your Organisation will NOT be taken into consideration

The Tender Response Questionnaire

How to complete the tender response questionnaire:-

Section 1

– Organisational Identity

Section 2

– Consortia and Subcontracting

Section 3

– Professional and business standing (grounds for rejection) (PASS/FAIL)

Section 4

– Financial Information (PASS/FAIL)

Section 5

– Insurance

The Tender Response Questionnaire

How to complete the tender response questionnaire:-

Section 6

– Experience and Contract Examples

Section 7

– Technical capability and capacity

Section 8

– Sustainability (5%)

Section 9

– Health and Safety (Pass/Fail)

Section 10

– Programme of Work – Major void/ Investment Void (25%)

The Tender Response Questionnaire

How to complete the tender response questionnaire:-

Section 11

– Service Delivery – Method Statements (40%)

Section 12

– Management of Variations (15%)

Section 13

– Quality Assurance (15%)

Section 14

– Conflicts of Interest (PASS/FAIL)

Section 15

– Agreement to the Framework Terms and Conditions (PASS/FAIL)

Section 16

– Confirmation of understanding and hence Agreement to the Pricing Framework (see note attached)

Section 17

– Declaration - Confirmation of Understanding of Requirements

Form of Tender (PASS/FAIL)

• You


read and sign the Form of Tender confirming your understanding and Agreement to the clauses within it. • Failure to do so will result in your Organisation not being considered any further in the tendering process

Closing date for receipt of tenders

Closing date and time for receipt of tenders •

Friday 23rd January 2015 at 1pm

• Tenders received after this date and time will NOT be considered Do not leave it until the last minute to submit your response!


• Any questions regarding the requirement, tender process or documentation must be received no later than



16 th January 2015.

• All questions should be directed to the tender board via [email protected]

• All questions & answers, where not deemed commercially sensitive will be anonymised and published on our website at services/SupplierInformation.aspx

• ML will have the final decision on whether or not the information is commercially sensitive • There is a ‘top tips’ for Suppliers document posted on our website at services/SupplierInformation.aspx

- it is worth reading BEFORE you complete your tender response


• Any questions?

• All questions and answers given at this meeting, along with a copy of this presentation will be posted on our website alongside the opportunity details at services/SupplierInformation/WPH2014014VoidFramework.aspx