Installing GSAS-II

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Installing GSAS-II

You must be connected to the internet!!

You must have Administrator privilege on your computer!!

This is for Windows!!

Finding GSAS-II – Google it!

Pick ZipInstall - GSAS-II - Crystallography Data Analysis Software - Trac

Important point here: Install EPD Free first before installing GSAS-II!

Do one of these (I also have this file on a stick) - put it where you want (say C:\GSASII)


EPD Free Installation

Get file from Enthought (I have on a stick)

(full academic version from

.) 

Install file – epd_free-7.2-2-win-x86.msi

(you must have Administrative privilege on your computer)

Open a console window & type python – get something like:

Enter exit() to quit python


Install GSAS-II

   

Open in the Windows Explorer you should see a single folder named GSAS-II . Drag this folder to where you would like to install the software (say the C:\ drive, but could be anywhere). Open this folder in its new location Double-click on the bootstrap.bat


A console window will open and you should see...

Press Enter and the transfer of files starts. After it completes


GSAS-II installation cont..

you should see something like: Revision will be different!!

• • • •

GSAS-II will start & then immediately install pyOpenGL and stop Go to GSASII directory & find GSASII.BAT

You can create shortcut & put on desktop

Double click it!!


GSAS-II runs!

GSAS-II plot window console Tutorials under Help Data Tree window Data Window