Transcript MGNREGA

Government of Rajasthan
•Governance Reforms,
Transparency & Accountability
Scope of Presentation
Streamlining of processes
 Work Execution at Site
 Wage Payment
 Material Procurement
Technical and Accounts manual
ICT enabled processes
Streamlining of Processes
Streamlining Work Execution at Site
Empanelment, Training, I- card, Rotation, Mate
Dairy clubbed with worksite booklet.
Deployment of Labour in Groups (Max. 5
people) & Group Measurement System
Staggering of Muster Roll – Issuance of MR on
different dates.
Mate Identity Card
Mate Identity Card
Mate Diary
Group Card
Streamlining of Wage Payment
Revolving fund for Payment Agency - Advance
payment to Post Offices/ Cooperative Banks by
DPC - A decentralized solution for timely payments
Separation of backend process of Payment
Agency for Payments.
Close Co-ordination with Authorities of Postal,
Co-operative Banks & Other Banks.
Streamlining of Material Procurement
 Rate fixation for cluster of Panchayats
 NREGA Standing Committee –
 Involvement of Stakeholders : Sarpancha, Ward
Panchas, etc.
 Transparency and
Accountability, Financial
Discipline, Accountability of Government officials
Guidelines/Manuals at State level
Accounts Manual: akin to GF & AR for Panchayats
Technical Manual (MGNREGA Karya Nirdeshika):
Guidelines of technical specifications for execution
of works
Guidelines for Administrative Expenditure
Guidelines for e-MR implementation
Grievance Redressal Manual & Rules
Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra
Special Computer Lab with
proper sitting arrangement,
now developed at BNRGSK
Solar Power Back-up for 12
hours for 4 computers at
block and 2 at GP
Muster Roll Movement
Chart fixed on its wall
Daily Monitoring System
Computer Lab
BNRGSK – Progress so far
S.No Milestone/Description
Block Level
GP level
Total No. of Center
Work Sanctioned
Work in Progress
Works to be Completed
Up to 02/10/2010
Up to 31/12/2010
Up to 31/03/2011
ICT Initiative
e-Muster Roll & Muster Roll tracking –
Track MRs in real time, fix accountability, simple & efficient
record keeping, timely wage payments, eliminate discretion of
Mates & maintain 100 days limit.
 Wage list, Fortnightly Reports, UCs & Expenditure status are
prepared by the system
 End-to-End ICT Enablement of NREGS
 MoU between GoR & NIC/NICSI
 EoI floated by NIC, 27 Companies participated.
 Statewide Call Centre of NREGS –
 Helpdesk cum Information and Monitoring System and
Implementation through a Call Centre using Voice, IVRS,
Internet, Email, WAP Enabled Mobile phones
Old v/s New Muster Roll
Old v/s New Wage List
Pre - populated e-Muster Roll
e MR at the Stage of Payment
e-MR feeding after work
System generated Wage List
5 important questions pertaining to overall improvement
in NREGA implementation narrowed down :
 How to track MRs in real time?
 How to fix accountability of JTAs?
 How to make record keeping simpler & more efficient?
 How to ensure timely wage payments?
 How to eliminate discretion enjoyed by Mates?
A thorough study of the existing system revealed the
value of e-MRs in addressing all five questions.
Master Data created of all job cards, postal/bank accounts
& sanctioned works
Names of workers pre-populated in the MR
 Ended Mates’ discretion in entering names
 No more allegations against Mates of discrimination
 No more problem of unfilled MRs
Completed MRs fed into the computer
100 days limit maintained by the system
Wage list prepared by the system
All records mandated by the Act & Rules maintained by the system
Fortnightly Reports prepared by the system
UCs prepared by the system
Expenditure status maintained by the system
Control Registers created for pre & post e-MR issue
MR proforma in the website improved to suit local
 Mate signature space added
 Measurement space added
 Pass Order space added
 Inspection entries space created
 Age of labourers & registration no. added
Control Registers, pre-issue of MRs & at the end of the fortnight,
evolved & partly populated by the system
 MR Pendency Alert created
 System of interest calculation for delay by concerned JTAs
 System of Fund Utilisation Certificate generation created
 Formats with timeline of each step prepared at 2 levels :
▪ Field level: maintained by GRS
▪ Panchayat Samiti level: maintained by Acctts.Asstt/Data Entry
 Inbuilt Accountability of government servants at all levels
 When clubbed with e-MR system
▪ calculation of interest payable by erring official
▪ allows for generation of Exception Report
 Ensures strict supervision and monitoring
Registration of workers
 Demand & allotment of work
 Attendance (Biometric & GPS enabled)
 Measurement of Work (GPS & Photo)
 Wage list finalization & uploading
 Accessibility of information to stakeholders
 Grievance Redressal
 Stores & Inventory Management
 Real time & online GIS based MIS
 Technical assistance to Payment Agency for ensuring
the timely payment of wages