Transcript Document

Worklists, Events,
and Codes
Associated With
CSENet Transactions
The following codes will be found in
case and participant events, worklists,
and on the CSENet screens.
All codes are not included in this
presentation. More can be found in the
KASES Handbook, Valid Codes for
KASES dated 8/16/03, and the worklist
matrix. A link is provided under Links.
State to State
Communication Codes
LO1 . . . Quick Locate
CSI . . . Case Information
MSC . . . Managing State Cases
ENF . . . Enforcement of Obligation
EST . . . Establish Obligation Amount*
PAT . . . Establish Paternity*
COLL . . . Collection of Money
*Not functioning at this time for Kentucky system. Watch for Updates.
Worklist/Event Codes:
CMSR…CSENet Miscellaneous Request
CMSP…CSENet Miscellaneous Provide
CERR…CSENet Error (Worklist)
CQLR…Quick Locate Request
CQLP…Quick Locate Provide
CSIR…Case Information Request
CSIP…Case Information Provide
Reason Codes
FRINF . . . Request all IV-D Case Date Due
To FCR Notification
FRNNF . . . Request all Non-IV-D Case Data
Due to FCR Notification
(FCR = Federal Case Registry)
Reason Codes
FSINF . . . Provide All Available Case
FUINF . . . No Case Information Available
For Case Number Provided
(The type of Worklist/Events is in parenthesis)
Quick Locate Reason Codes
LRCAD – Request Address Confirmation
LRCAN – Cancel Locate Request
LSADR – AP address Located
LSALL – AP Locate Successful
LSCEM – Employer Confirmed Response
LSEMP – AP Employer Located
LSOTH – Other Information Found
LSOUT – AP Out of State Address Verified
LICAD – Address Found But Not Confirmed
LICEM – Employer Found But Not Confirmed
LUALL – No Information Found
LUAPD – AP Found Deceased
Kentucky workers can create:
LO1R - KY worker requests location from other state
Do not use additional information text lines.
LO1P - SPLS worker provides on LO1R
Additional information text lines can be used.
CSIR - KY worker requests case information
Do not use additional information text lines.
ENFR - KY worker requests enforcement action
Additional information text lines can be used.
ENFP - KY worker provides enforcement information
Additional information text lines can be used.
MSCR - KY worker requests information from other state
Additional information text lines can be used.
MSCP - KY worker provides information to other state
Additional information text lines can be used.
Kentucky Workers Can Receive
CQLR - Quick Locate Request from Out of State
CQLP – Received as response from a LO1R
CSIP – Received in response to KY CSIR
CSIR – KASES will respond with CSIP
ENFP – Received in response to KY ENFR
ENFR – New cases to 301x workers
Existing cases to responsible worker
MSCP – Received in response to KY MSCR
Unsolicited to KY based on *FCR matches
MSCR – Informational request to KY worker
*Federal Case Registry
More information will be
provided in the next
segments about what to
do with the worklists.
Much of the CSENet
program is automated.
Workers do not have to
Once a case is in the Federal Case Registry
(FCR), updates are sent and received as the
case is updated. Additional information can be
added to or received with MSC (Managing
State Cases) and ENF (Enforcement)
This is the end of this segment on Worklists/Events.