Employment is everyone’s business

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Transcript Employment is everyone’s business

Ellen Atkinson
28th June 2011
Working together to reduce barriers to employment
• How can we ensure that for someone with a
learning disability that employment is part of their
• We know that paid work is often not an
expectation for people with learning disabilities
• Challenge negative stereotypes
• Learning at school and college will help them get a
job and a meaningful life
What works to get people with
learning disabilities jobs
• Start at the beginning
• Raise the aspirations and
expectations of children and young
people with learning disabilities with
a particular focus on employment.
• Help people see that getting a job is
possible and a good thing
• Key outcomes of the campaign
• Raised awareness about employment from a
much earlier age
• What are you going to be when you grow up?
• Positive role models of people with learning
disabilities in work and planning for work
• Increased partnership working to share learning
and influence practice
• Toolkit of free resources
Getting a Life
• Person centred transition planning
with an employment focus from 14
• Pathway to employment
• More young people got real work
experience and paid jobs
• Saturday jobs and holiday jobs
• More people believed people with
learning disabilities can and should
• Help young people to think about
what they can do after school or
college to help them get a job and
full life
Jobs First
Test the use of an individual
budget to support someone to
get a job and keep it
– Cost of supported employment
• Personal and Individual
budgets - to give people
greater choice and control
• Community activities and
leisure as part of someone’s
Jobs First
• Jobs First evaluation will report in
September 2012
• Different funding streams
• Co-funding
• The learning from Jobs First will be
taken forward in collaboration with
Remploy to support their
personalisation agenda.
What is a good job ?
• Paid – same rate as anyone else
doing that job
• Over 16 hours a week
• Builds on a person’s strengths and
• Could be self employment
What needs to be in place?
• Raising employment as an option
instead of day services
• Everyone should be supported to
understand what a job is and the
difference it can make to their life, both
financially and socially
• Early intervention
• Data sharing from Children’s to Adult
• Strategic commissioning
What needs to be in place?
• Practitioners involved with people with
learning disabilities should believe that
work is possible
• Person centred planning should
include employment as an outcome
• Individuals should have an
employment focused review, where
employment is the priority goal and
funding is allocated to support this
What needs to be in place?
• Agreement across agencies that they
will work together to make the funds
• Agreement to ensure there is a
process for funding to flow from one
organisation to another, to create an
Individual Budget
Individuals should be supported to
understand what funding sources are
available such as Access to Work
What works to get people with
disabilities jobs
• The support to help the individual get a
job could be available either by an ‘in
house’ supported employment service
Bespoke supported employment service
A freelance job coach
Via Jobcentre Plus
Consistent quality and meet the
Government’s best practice guidelines
for job coaching and supported
Good supported Employment
• Discovery - get to know the clients
Work development plan - takes time
Job search and analysis
Work with employers - raise awareness
Risk assessment & Health and Safety
Working Interview or work trials
Independent travel
Ongoing support and monitoring - client
and employer
What works ?
• Good Supported Employment
• Project Search
• Support to set up your own business
• College with job coaches
• Apprenticeships
SEN and Disability Green Paper
• Some of the ideas in the Green Paper include,
• Testing out a new single multi-agency
Education, Health and Care Plan that
focuses on outcomes (including
• More families and young people being
offered the choice of a personal budget
• More help in schools to help young people
plan for employment
• Better choices after 16 – things that really
help young people go into employment,
have independent living and be part of
their community
• Pathfinder sites
• Sharing good practice
Reducing Barriers to
• Valuing Employment Now
resources are now
available on the BASE
Useful web links
• Valuing People Now Employment Resources:
• www.valuingpeoplenow.dh.gov.uk/content
employability hub
• BASE: base-uk.org
• Getting a Life website: www.gettingalife.org.uk
• Aspirations for Life: www.aspirationsforlife.org
• SEN Green Paper: Support and aspiration:
• A new approach to special educational needs and disability
• www.education.gov.uk/consultations/