Transcript Slide 1

Surrey Libraries Computer Learning Centres Totally New to Computers Microsoft Word: The Basics

August 2011 Teaching Script

What is Microsoft Word?

 A program that allows the user to create, edit, save and print documents such as letters, resumes, essays and more!

The Office Button  • • • • • The Office button, located in the top-left corner of the screen, displays several useful commands New Open Save Save As • Print Print Preview

The Ribbon  The Ribbon is used for issuing commands  Divided into tabs:  Home  Insert  Page Layout, etc.

 Many basic commands are found under the Home tab

Text Area and Scroll Bars    The blank ‘page’ is the text area where you type your document To the right of the page is the vertical scroll bar At the bottom of the page is the horizontal scroll bar

Creating a New Document  To start using Word, double-click on the Microsoft Word icon on the desktop  Or you can click on the Start button > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word 2007  Once Word is running, you will see a blank page titled Document1

Opening an Existing Document  Using the Office Button, open QuickFox.docx

 .docx is the file extension  Previous versions of Word use .doc (pre- 2007)

Basic Formatting Commands  Things you can do to the text: 



Bold Italics

 Underline  Different font typeface and size  Change the alignment  Create bulleted lists

Save and Save As    Save As will name or re-name your document Save will save your changes to the current document Make sure to save your work regularly!

Print and Print Preview    Clicking the Print icon will send your document to the printer Print Preview allows you to review how your document will look on the page before you actually print it You can print using either Quick Access Toolbar or Office Button

Renaming a Document and Closing  Save the current document using Save As – rename it to LazyDog.docx

 You can Close a document using X or the Office Button

Thank You