Transcript Document

Word Tutorial 9
Creating On-Screen
Forms Using Advanced
Table Techniques
Design an on-screen form
Merge and split cells
Move gridlines
Draw and erase borders
Align and rotate text
Format text and shade cells
Learn about content controls
Insert content controls
Modify placeholder text in a content control
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Protect a form with the Group command
Test content controls
Insert legacy check box form fields
Use formulas in a table
Use legacy form fields to perform calculations
Protect a document with a password
Fill in an on-screen form
Learn how to fax and e-mail a form
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Creating and Using
On-Screen Forms
• An on-screen form is a Word template that
contains places where the user enters
information at a computer
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Merging Cells
• When you merge cells, you join two or more
adjacent cells into one cell
• Select two or more adjacent cells in the same
row, the same column, or in a rectangular block
• Click the Table Tools Layout tab, and then, in the
Merge group, click the Merge Cells button. Or
click the Table Tools Design tab, then in the Draw
Borders group, click the Eraser button, and then
click or drag the Eraser pointer across the
appropriate gridlines
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Merging Cells
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Splitting Cells
• Select the cell or cells that you want to split
• Click the Table Tools Layout tab, and then, in the Merge group, click the Split
Cells button
• In the Split Cells dialog box, set the number of columns and rows into which
you want to split the current cell or cells
• If you selected multiple cells, check the Merge cells before split check box if
you want the cell contents to merge into one cell before they split into more
columns or rows; or uncheck the Merge cells before split check box if you want
the cell contents to split into columns and rows without merging first
• Click the OK button
• Click the Table Tools Design tab. In the Draw Borders group, click the Draw
Table button, and then drag the Draw Table pointer to draw a new vertical or
horizontal gridline
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Splitting Cells
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Creating Reverse (Light on Dark)
Type in Table Cells
• Select the table cell or the text you want to set in
reverse type
• On the Home tab in the Paragraph group or on the Mini
toolbar, click the Shading button arrow. Or, on the Table
Tools Design tab, click the Shading button arrow
• Click a dark-colored tile in the color palette.
• If the text is not automatically reformatted as white
text, select it, and then, in the Font group on the Home
tab or on the Mini toolbar, click the Font Color arrow,
and then click the White (or any light color) tile
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Creating Reverse (Light on Dark)
Type in Table Cells
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Inserting a Text or a Rich Text
Content Control
• Click the Developer tab, and then in the Controls group,
click the Design Mode button
• In the Controls group, click the Text button
• In the Controls group, click the Properties button
• In the Title text box, type the control title
• If you want the text to be formatted differently than the
default format, click the Use a style to format contents
check box, and then click the Style arrow and select a
style, or click New Style to define a new style
• Click the Content control cannot be deleted check box
to prevent users from deleting the content control
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Inserting a Text or a Rich Text
Content Control
• Click the Contents cannot be edited check box to
prevent the user from changing the placeholder text
• For a Text content control, click the Allow carriage
returns (multiple paragraphs) check box to allow the
user to insert more than one paragraph
• Click the Remove content control when contents are
edited check box to delete the content control and
leave only the text the user inserts
• Click the OK button
• If desired, replace the default placeholder text with
specific instructions to the user
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Inserting a Text or a Rich Text
Content Control
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Protecting and Testing a Form
• Protecting a form means that any changes to the
text or structure of the form are prohibited
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Inserting a Date Picker
Content Control
• Switch to Design mode, then in the Controls group, click
the Date Picker button, and then click the Properties
• In the Title text box, type the control title
• If you want the text to be formatted differently than the
default format, click the Use a style to format contents
check box, and then click the Style arrow and select a
style, or click New Style to define a new style
• Click the Content control cannot be deleted check box
to prevent the user from deleting the content control
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Inserting a Date Picker
Content Control
• Click the Contents cannot be edited check box to
prevent the user from changing the placeholder
• In the Display the date like this list, click a format
in the list for the date, or replace the text in the
text box with a date-time picture
• Click the OK button
• If desired, replace the default placeholder text
with specific instructions to the user
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Inserting a Date Picker
Content Control
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Inserting a Drop-Down List or
Combo Box Content Control
• Switch to Design mode, then in the Controls group, click the
Drop-Down List button or the Combo Box button, then click the
Properties button
• In the Title text box, type the control title
• If you want the text to be formatted differently than the default
format, click the Use a style to format contents check box, and
then click the Style arrow and select a style, or click New Style to
define a new style
• Click the Content control cannot be deleted check box to prevent
the user from deleting the content control
• Click the Contents cannot be edited check box to prevent the
user from changing the placeholder text
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Inserting a Drop-Down List or
Combo Box Content Control
• Click the Add button, then in the Display Name text box of the Add
Choice dialog box, type an entry for the list, and then click the OK
button. Repeat for each entry you want to include in the list
• To change the wording of an entry, click the entry in the list, click the
Modify button, replace the text in the Display Name text box in the
Modify Choice dialog box with specific instructions to the user, then
click the OK button
• To move an entry up or down in the list, click it, and then click the
Move Up or Move Down buttons
• To remove an entry from the list, click it, and then click the Remove
• Click the OK button
• Replace the default placeholder text with specific instructions to the
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Inserting a Drop-Down List or
Combo Box Content Control
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Inserting a Building Block Gallery
Content Control
• Switch to Design mode, then in the Controls group, click
the Building Block Gallery button, and then click the
Properties button
• In the Title text box, type the control title
• If you want the text to be formatted differently than the
default format, click the Use a style to format contents
check box, and then click the Style arrow and select a
style, or click New Style to define a new style
• Click the Content control cannot be deleted check box
to prevent the user from deleting the content control
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Inserting a Building Block Gallery
Content Control
• Click the Contents cannot be edited check box to
prevent the user from changing the placeholder text
• Click the Gallery arrow, and then select the Building
Block gallery from which you want the user to be able to
select building blocks
• Click the Category arrow, and then click the category
from which you want the user to select building blocks,
or leave the default choice (All Categories)
• Click the OK button
• Replace the default placeholder text with specific
instructions to the user
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Inserting a Picture Content Control
• Switch to Design mode, then in the Controls group, click the Picture
Content Control button, and then click the Properties button
• In the Title text box, type the control title
• Click the Content control cannot be deleted check box to prevent the
user from deleting the content control
• Click the Contents cannot be edited check box to prevent the user from
changing the placeholder text
• Click the OK button
• If you want to include instruction text for the user, position the
insertion point to the right or left of the content control, then type the
instruction text; use the Format Painter or format the instruction text
directly to match the color and font of the placeholder text in other
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Inserting a Picture Content Control
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Inserting a Check Box Form Field
• Switch to Design mode, and then, in the Controls
group, click the Legacy Tools button
• On the submenu, click the Check Box Form Field
• In the Controls group, click the Properties button
• Specify whether the check box should be
checked by default
• Click the OK button
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Inserting a Check Box Form Field
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Protecting and
Unprotecting a Form
• Click the Developer tab, and then in the Protect
group, click the Protect Document button
• In the Restrict Formatting and Editing task pane,
click the Allow only this type of editing in the
document check box to select it, click the arrow,
and then click Filling in forms
• Click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button.
If the button is grayed out (not available), then in
the Controls group on the Developer tab, click
the Design Mode button to turn off Design mode
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007
Protecting and
Unprotecting a Form
• If you want to use a password, in the Start Enforcing
Protection dialog box, type a password in the Enter new
password (optional) text box, type the same password
in the Reenter password to confirm text box, and then
click the OK button; or, if you do not want to use a
password, just click the OK button
• To turn off protection, click the Stop Protection button
at the bottom of the task pane
• If you used a password, type the password in the
Password text box in the Unprotect Document dialog
box, and then click the OK button
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Protecting and
Unprotecting a Form
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Using Formulas in a Table
• A formula is a mathematical statement that
calculates a value
– Variable
– Function
– Argument
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Using Formulas in a Table
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Inserting a Numeric Text Form Field XP
• Switch to Design mode, and then, in the Controls group, click the
Legacy Tools button
• On the menu, click the Text Form Field button
• In the Controls group, click the Properties button
• Click the Type arrow, and then click Number
• Click the Number format arrow, and then select the desired
numeric picture
• If desired, set the Maximum length of the input and the Default
• If the number will be used in a calculation, click the Calculate on
exit check box to select it
• Click the OK button
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Inserting a Numeric Text Form Field XP
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