Transcript Document

Creating Web Pages
Microsoft Office 2007
Learn how to share Office files online
Create Web pages in Word
Insert a hyperlink
Preview a Web page in a browser
Create Web pages in Excel
Create Web pages in Access
Create Web pages in PowerPoint
Publish Web pages to the Internet
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Sharing Office Files Online
• Many Web pages are created using the HTML
programming language
• Web page editors are software programs
designed to generate HTML code
• A single file Web page is one file that contains
the HTML document along with all the
supporting files
• A filtered Web page is an HTML document with
the Office-related tags removed
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Sharing Office Files Online
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Word
• Create a new document or open an existing document
• Click the Office Button, and then click Save As to open
the Save As dialog box
• Navigate to the location where you want to save the
Web page
• Type a new filename in the File name box
• Click the Save as type arrow, and then click Single File
Web Page or Web Page
• Click the Change Title button to open the Set Page Title
dialog box, type a page title, and then click the OK
• Click the Save button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
The Save As Dialog Box
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Typing the Text of the Home Page
• In the Microsoft Word window, design your Web
page just as you would a normal Word document
• You can manually transform the look of any
aspect of the Web page, or you can apply a
• A theme is a designed collection of formatting
options that include colors, graphics, and
background images
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Typing the Text of the Home Page
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Inserting Hyperlinks
• Hyperlinks, or links, provide an easy way to
navigate within and between Web pages
• You can link to:
– An existing file or Web page
– A place in the same document
– An e-mail address
• Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, and then, in
the Links group, click the Hyperlink button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Insert Hyperlink Dialog Box
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Previewing Web Pages in a Browser
• Before you publish Web pages for others to
view, you should preview them in a Web
browser to ensure that the pages look like you
expect them to
• Not all browsers display Web pages in the same
• Use the Open command from the File menu in
your browser
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Previewing Web Pages in a Browser
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Excel
• Open an existing workbook that you want to save as a
Web page
• Click the Office Button, and then click Save As to open
the Save As dialog box
• Navigate to the location where you want to save the
Web page
• Type a new filename in the File name box
• Click the Save as type arrow, and then click Single File
Web Page or Web Page
• Click the Change Title button to open the Set Page Title
dialog box, type a page title, and then click the OK
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Excel
• Click the Publish button to open the Publish as
Web Page dialog box, click the Choose arrow,
and then click what you want to include in the
Web page
• Check the AutoRepublish every time this
workbook is saved check box
• Check the Open published web page in browser
check box to preview the Web page in a browser
• Click the Publish button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Excel
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Access
• Open an existing database, and then display the
object in the Navigation Pane that you want to
save as a Web page
• Right-click the object in the Navigation Pane,
point to Export, and then click HTML Document
(or click the External Data tab on the Ribbon,
click the More button in the Export group, and
then click HTML Document)
• Click the Browse button, set the location where
you want to save the Web page, enter a
filename, and then click the Save button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Access
• If desired, check the Export data with formatting
and layout check box and the Open the
destination file after the export operations is
complete check box
• Click the OK button
• Click the Default encoding option button, and
then click the OK button
• Review the Web page in your browser, and then
close it
• Check the Save export steps check box, if
desired, and then click the Close button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Access
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in Access
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in PowerPoint
• Open an existing presentation that you want to save as a Web
• Click the Office Button, and then click Save As to open the Save
As dialog box
• Navigate to the location where you want to save the Web page
• Type a new filename in the File name box
• Click the Save as type arrow, and then click Single File Web Page
or Web Page
• Click the Publish button
• In the Publish what group, click the Complete presentation option
button or click the Slide number option button and enter the
slide numbers
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in PowerPoint
• In the Browser support group, select an option
• In the Publish a copy as group, click the Change
button, type a page title, and then click the OK
• Check the Open published Web page in browser
check box to preview the Web page in a browser
• Click the Publish button
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in PowerPoint
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Creating Web Pages in PowerPoint
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition
Publishing Web Pages
• Contact your ISP or network administrator for
the exact file structure, process, and location for
publishing Web pages
• Copy all the files and folders associated with the
Web pages to the location specified by the
• View the published pages in different Web
browsers and on several computer setups to test
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows Vista Edition