The Commission's Initiative on MSD Recent Developments in

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Current and Future Developments of the EU Health and Safety Policy

EBC Closing Conference “Improving health and safety in construction crafts and SMEs” London, 13 November 2009

Antonio Cammarota European Commission, DG EMPL/F4 - Luxembourg "Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work"



Considerable reduction of work-related accidents and diseases in the last 20 years in the EU OSH – one the most developed areas of the EU social policy – one of the pillars of the "European social model" 2


Short term priority: exit from the crisis

European Economic Recovery Programme: 6% of GDP injected into EU economy in 2009-2010 3.6 trillion EUR in state aid for the financial sector SF ESF EGF 3


Long term priority: post-2010 EU strategy

Financial and economic aspects to be considered along with social aspects

Stronger focus on the social dimension

EU is needed of the

OSH has an important role to play


The future of OSH in the EU

Main challenges for the future:

Demographic change (ageing of the work population)

New employment trends (increase in self-employment and SMEs; outsourcing/subcontracting; fragmentation of working life)

Migrant workers

New risk factors


The future of OSH in the EU

To nurtur human capital we need high OSH standards and better-quality jobs To be promoted also at international level (EU committed to the implementation of the decent work agenda)


The current picture

Number of accidents and work accident related absences in the EU still unacceptably high: – 5,720 fatal accidents per year in the EU-27 – 500 million days lost (EU-15) 7

The current picture

Economic costs of work-related accidents – 0.64% of GDP in 2000 (EU-15) Cost of accidents & occupational diseases – may range from 2.6 to 3.8% of GDP (EU-15) 8

The currernt Community strategy Improving quality and productivity at work: Community strategy 2007 2012 on health and safety at work

COM(2007) 62 final

An integrated framework for OSH policy in the EU: We need mobilisation of all actors as a basis for the development of a genuine OSH culture


Mid-term review of the Community strategy 2007-2012

Launching event: Barcelona conference (22-23 April 2010) Possible Communication from the Commission in the second half of 2010 Start reflecting on a post-2012 strategic framework 10

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