Transcript Document

Dr. Afxendiou
Sachem North High School
 Political turmoil followed the fall of the Han during
the "period of the Six Dynasties" (220-589 C.E.) and
the empire's bureaucratic apparatus collapsed.
 a foreign religion, Buddhism, replaced Confucianism
as a primary force in cultural life
Wendi founder. Won popularity by lowering taxes and
establishing granaries to ensure a stable, cheap food
Greatest accomplishment: the completion of the Grand
The Grand Canal connected the Huang He and the
Chang Jiang : was vital for trade.
Connected the northern cities to the southern riceproducing region
 Due to the endless labor of peasants on state projects
like the Grand Canal and the Great Wall, peasants
revolted and killed the second Sui Emperor in 618
 Tang Dynasty, 618-907
 Song Dynasty, 960-1127
 Both had major achievements which diffused along
trade routes
 Both effected Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Europe…..
 extended the empire's reach to the borders of
Afghanistan, stretched into Tibet, Vietnam,
Manchuria, and Korea.
 A restored scholar-gentry elite and reworked
Confucian ideology helped the Tang to maintain
imperial unity
 extended the examination system, and civil service
advancement patterns were regularized
 Confucian revival threatened Buddhism’s place in Chinese
Many previous rulers had been strong Buddhist supporters
Mahayana Buddhism won wide mass acceptance during
the era of war and turmoil
Elite Chinese accepted Chan Buddhism, or Zen, which
stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and
artistic beauty
Early Tang rulers continued to patronize Buddhism,
especially Empress Wu (690-705). She endowed
monasteries, commissioned colossal statues of Buddha,
and sought to make Buddhism the state religion
 Confucians and Daoists opposed Buddhist growth,
castigating it as an alien faith
 Confucian scholar-administrators worked to convince
the Tang that untaxed Buddhist monasteries posed an
economic threat to the empire
 persecution under Emperor Wuzong (841-847).
Thousands of monasteries and shrines were destroyed;
hundreds of thousands of monks and nuns had to
return to secular life
 Confucianism emerged as the enduring central
ideology of Chinese civilization
Block Printing
Letters carved on wooden boards, covered with ink, &
printed on paper
Replaced word of mouth and handwritten books
868- first printed book was made in China - (Buddhist
Effect: ideas spread quickly because books were
printed quickly
 Printing technology spread to Japan, Korea,
2. Gunpowder
 Used for fireworks/ celebrations/ parades
 Effect: potential for new weapons of war
 Trade flourished along the Silk Road
 Tang Dynasty revived and expanded civil service
 Those who pass became part of an elite group of
 Much smaller territory and militarily weaker than the
Tang. Could not defeat northern nomads.
 Confucian ideas and values dominated intellectual life
 Song paid many northern peoples tribute, and
maintained a large army to protect against invasion,
thus draining state resources and burdening the
 emphasis on scholar-gentry concerns contributed to
military decline
 neo-Confucianism- produced differing interpretations of
Confucianism and Daoism, and aim was to prove the
superiority of indigenous thought - cultivation of personal
morality was the highest human goal
 Hostility to foreign thought prevented the entry of
innovations from other societies, while the stress on
tradition stifled critical thinking within China.
 emphasis on rank, obligation, deference, and performance
of rituals reinforced class, gender, and age distinctions
 authority of the patriarchal family head was strengthened
 The Song fled south after nomadic invasions and
established a capital at Hangzhou in the Yangtze River
 The small southern Song dynasty ruled from 1127 to
Moveable type
Separate letters carved into clay blocks and baked
covered with ink, & printed on paper
Effect: quicker way to print books
printing technology diffused to Japan, Korea,
and Vietnam
Paper and printing reached Europe by 1100
Used for warfare in Song Dynasty
New weapons: grenades, bombs, canons, flame
 China dominated Japan, Korea, and Vietnam with
superior weapons
 nature of warfare changed: “whoever has guns
Pottery that is almost unbreakable
Rose to high art form in Song
Effect: expensive art that was highly prized in Asia
and Europe
- became a symbol of wealth, especially in
Western Europe
Improved Agricultural Production
New type or rice can offer two harvests per year
Increased food, increased population, increased trade
Effect: more trade with Northern China
increased population
Increased Ocean trade - Advances in sailing
Chinese merchants went directly to foreign ports;
Chinese junks were among the best ships in the world
Effect: more trade with Korea, Japan and even as far
as the Middle East and East Africa
first paper money system
Credit vouchers, called flying money, assisted
transactions in distant markets
Effect: easier to conduct business
 status of women was improving under the Tang and early
Song, but steadily declined during the late Song –
empresses Wu and Wei, and royal concubine Yang Guifei,
exercised considerable power
independence and legal rights of elite minority of women
worsened under the influence of Neo-Confucian thinkers
New laws favored males in inheritance and divorce, and
females were excluded from the educational system.
The painful, mobility-restricting practice of foot binding
exemplifies the lowly position imposed upon women in late
Song times
 Chinese achievements & belief systems spread to
Japan, Korea, and Vietnam along established trade
 For centuries, China was the dominant culture in East
 Chinese achievements spread to European culture
during the Middle Ages
 Technological innovations: moveable type and
Advances in mathematics-arithmetic and algebra
Agriculture improvements: cultivation of rice (faster
ripening rice) produced more food
Trade Flourished: Silk Road (until end of Tang
Increased Ocean Trade-advances in sailing technology
Golden Age of Poetry and Art
Both: Prospered through
trade, improved agriculture,
created great art and
Tang Only
Expanded the
Empire, had
Song Only
Ruled smaller
developed into a
great sea power,
created paper
money and
movable type