The HBGI Program Recipients Network

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The HBGI Program
Recipients Network
National Association of HBCU Title III
Administrators, Inc.
Annual Conference
June 21-24, 2010
Orlando, FL
Historically Black Graduate
Institutions Program
 The purpose of the Title III-B HBGI Program is to fund
postgraduate institutions making substantial
contributions to the legal, medical, dental, veterinary,
or other graduate education opportunities in
mathematics, engineering, or the physical or natural
sciences for Black Americans.
FY 2010 Appropriation and
Distribution of Awards
 FY
2010 Appropriation - $61,425,000
 First 18 grantees received same amount in 2010 as they
received in 2009.
 The remaining balance was divided equally among the
six “newer” grantees
FY 2010 Grantees
 In addition to the original 18 grantees the HEOA
authorized an additional six grantees in 2009. They
Alabama State University
Prairie View A&M University
Delaware State University
Langston University
Bowie State University
University of the District of Columbia
5 Elements of HBGI Formula
NOTE: Because the FY 2009 and 2010 appropriations were both less
than $62 million, we were not required to use the formula for
calculating award amounts.
 Formula Element A: The ability of the institution to
match Federal funds with non-Federal funds (20%)
 Formula Element B: The number of students enrolled in
the programs for which the eligible institution received
HBGI funding in the previous year (20%)
 Formula Element C: The average cost of education per
student, for all full time graduate or professional students
HBGI Formula (cont)
 Formula Element D: The number of students in the
previous year who received their first professional or
doctoral degree (20%)
 Formula Element E: The contribution, on a percent basis,
of the programs eligible to receive HBGI funds to the total
number of African Americans receiving graduate or
professional degrees (20%)
Phase II Deadline Was:
June 1, 2010
Has the Department received your
Next STEPS: Communicating
with ED Program Officers
 Post Award Discussions – Sept 2010
 Expanded Authority
 Pre-Award Costs
 Time Extensions
 Budget Transfers
 Carry Over
 Requests for Changes to Approved Activities
 Reporting Requirements – APR
 Pre-Award Costs: Incurred more than 90 days BEFORE
approved budget period begins REQUIRES prior approval!
 Time Extensions: Final year and haven’t spent all of your
money? You may have up to one-year, no-cost extension
(without prior approval). Be sure to contact your ED
Program Officer 10 days before end of project period and
providing details of reason for extension and proposed
new end date.
NOTE: Time extensions are NOT just for unexpended funds
 Just for spending unexpended funds;
 To incur additional costs to the Government;
 To change the scope or objective of your approved
 Budget Transfers: No prior approval required for
 Exceptions: Funds approved for training and
contracting out.
 Carry Over: Years 1 through 4 happens automatically.
Funds carried over are to be used for approved
activities only. If need for change, must be approved
by ED program officer.
Reference: EDGAR and OMB Cost Principles for additional
exceptions. When in doubt, check your ED Program Officer out.
Legislative Allowable Activities
Include but are not limited to:
• Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory
equipment for educational purposes, including
instructional and research purposes;
• Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement
in classroom, library, laboratory, and other instructional
facilities, including purchase or rental of
telecommunications technology equipment or services;
• Purchase of library books, periodicals, technical and other
scientific journals, microfilm, microfiche, and other
educational materials, including telecommunications
program materials;
Additional LAAs
 Scholarships, fellowships, and other financial assistance for
needy graduate and professional students to permit the
enrollment of the students in and completion of the
doctoral degree in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy,
veterinary medicine, law, and the doctorate degree in the
physical or natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, or
other scientific disciplines in which African Americans are
 Establishing or improving a development office to
strengthen and increase contributions from alumni
and the private sector;
Additional LAAs
 Assisting in the establishment or maintenance of an
institutional endowment to facilitate financial
independence pursuant to Section 331;
 Funds and administrative management, and the
acquisition of equipment, including software, for use in
strengthening funds management and management
information systems;
 Acquisition of real property that is adjacent to the campus
in connection with the construction, renovation, or
addition to or improvement of campus facilities;
Additional LAAs
 Education or financial information designed to improve
the financial literacy and economic literacy of students or
the students’ families, especially with regard to student
indebtedness and student assistance programs under Title
 Services necessary for the implementation of projects or
activities that are described in the grant application and
that are improved, in advance, by the Secretary, except that
not more than two percent of the grant amount may be
used for this purpose;
Additional LAAs
 Tutoring, counseling, and student services programs
designed to improve academic success; and
 Other activities proposed in the application submitted
under subsection (d) that –
 (A) contribute to carrying out the purposes of this part;
 (B) are approved by the Secretary as part of the review
and acceptance of such application.
Q: What documentation do the Title III Offices require
and/or receive from student participants in the programs,
especially those receiving scholarships and fellowships?
A: The Department does not collect any documentation
from students participating in these programs. As the
administrator of these Federal grants, however, the
grantee’s records should be accurate and up to date.
Q: Are matching funds still required for amounts received
over one million dollars? If yes, are there any restrictions on
the type of funds that can be used for a match?
A: Yes, 50 percent. A grantee may NOT use Federal dollars
as a match. You MAY use in-kind to meet the required
match. Matching in-kind meaning an allowable cost.
Q: Can the HBGI funds be used for Master Degree
A: Yes.
Q: Are there limitations in dispersing the carryover funds?
A: Yes. Carryover of funds for years 1 through 4 happens
automatically. Funds carried over are to be used for
approved activities only. If there is a need for a change,
it must be approved by ED program officer in advance.
Q: Are there limitations in funding student travel with
A: Yes. Student travel is only for those students who are
employed by the grantee. There are situations when
one of the approved activities includes a program (that
requires travel) for students and those are addressed
on an individual basis.
Q: If the state cuts an HBCU’s budget, can the HBGI funds
be used to offset this cut without supplanting?
A: No.
Q: Academic instruction is not one of the LAA’s for the
HBG. Is it possible to use HBGI funds for personnel.
A: Yes.