This will effect food security and the ability to feed

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Transcript This will effect food security and the ability to feed

1. The Committee on World Food Security serves as a forum in the
United Nations System for review and follow-up of policies concerning
World Food Security (and Nutrition) , including food production and
physical and economic access to food
2. At the 35th Session of the CFS, held in Rome in October 2009,
members of the CFS agreed on a wide-ranging reform with the aim of
making the CFS the foremost inclusive international and
intergovernmental platform( ( MULTI ACTOR POLICY
SPACE)dealing with food security and nutrition
3. The full and active participation of civil society in the reform process
ensured our right to be self organised,autonomous and equal
participation with governments in policy debates and CFS sessions
The rise in food prices in 2007-08 and financial and economic
crisis in 2009 highlighted the unacceptable levels of structural
poverty and hunger around the world
It threatened global food security and nutrition and the
achievement of the 1996 World Food Summit target(WFSt)
and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for reducing
hunger and malnutrition
2008 Madrid Meeting,World Food Summit,CFS
reform(2009),G20,UN General Assembly
Reform was the result of Deliberations between the CFS
Bureau and an open Contact Group
What is new in the reform
Redefined vision and role to focus on the key challenges of eradicating
Expanding participation in CFS to ensure that voices of all relevant
stakeholders are heard in the policy debate on food and agriculture
To become the central United Nations political platform dealing with food
security and nutrition
Strengthening linkages with regional, national and local levels
Structured expertise through High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) to
support the work of CFS based on hard evidence and knowledge
Three guiding principles- Inclusiveness, strong linkages to the field to
ensure the process is based on the reality on the ground and flexibility
in implementation so that CFS can respond to a changing external
Role of CFS -Phases
Phase 1- Global coordination , policy convergence, facilitating support
and advice to countries and regions
Phase II- Coordination at national and regional levels, promoting
accountability and sharing best practices at all levels and developing a
global strategic framework for food security and nutrition etc
CFS will strive for the implementation of VG on Rt to Food and support
country led processes to eradicate hunger and malnutrition
Promote accountability and share best practices at all levels. One of the
main functions of the CFS has been to “monitor actively the
implementation of the 1996 World Food Summit Plan of Action” (WFSPoA)
Develop a Global Strategic Framework for food security and nutrition in
order to improve coordination and guide synchronized action by a wide
range of stakeholders(Based on existing CFA,CAADP,Rt Food etc)
Players in this game
A.MEMBERS- The membership of the Committee shall be open to all Members of FAO,
WFP or IFAD, or non-member States of FAO that are member States of the United
1.Representatives of UN agencies - FAO, IFAD, WFP, the HLTF etc , Special Rapporteur on
the Right to Food, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP,
Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN).
2.Civil society and non-governmental organizations and their networks with particular
attention to organizations representing smallholder family farmers, artisanal fisherfolk,
herders/pastoralists, landless, urban poor, agricultural and food workers, women, youth,
consumers, Indigenous Peoples, and International NGOs ( gender and geographic
balance in their representation.)
3)International agricultural research systems such as Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and others.
4)International and regional Financial Institutions including WB, I MF, regional development
banks and WTO
5)Private sector associations and private philanthropic foundations
CFS componenets
i)The Annual Plenary
ii)The CFS Bureau and its Advisory Group
iii)The High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) - a multidisciplinary scientific advisory body to the CFS
iv)The Secretariat (FAO,WFP and IFAD)
What is CSM ?
The purpose of the CSM is to facilitate civil society
participation in agriculture, food security and nutrition
policy development at national, regional and global
levels in the context of the Committee on World
Food Security (CFS)
Approved by CFS 36th session in 2010
FUNCTIONS and Activities
Autonomously established global mechanism to facilitate
CSO/NGOs consultation and participation in the CFS.
To serve inter-sessional global, regional and national actions in
which organizations of the population most affected by food
insecurity, would be accorded priority representation.
Communicating to the CFS and its Bureau through CSO Advisory
Group members
Convening a civil society forum as a preparatory event before CFS
To promote collaboration, coordination and coherence between
CSO's from a wide range of constituencies and sub-regions
Functions and activities
To support CSO's to influence policy processes and outcomes at the
global level by facilitating civil society participation in CFS Plenary
Sessions, Open Ended Working Groups, Task Teams, the CFS Advisory
Group and other CFS mechanisms
To enable CSO's to influence policy processes at regional and national
levels by facilitating civil society participation in regional intergovernmental events and processes and facilitating participation in
national, multi-stakeholder food security governance structures and
To facilitates the broad and regular exchange of information, analysis and
experience between CSO's from around the world. It also enables the
development of common CSO positions where possible and helps
communicate divergent positions where there is no consensus
How it works
Facilitation of face to face and virtual meetings, trainings,
consultations, reports and papers, the CSM website and an annual
CSM Forum.
Coordination Committee-11 constituencies and 17 Sub regionsWorking groups on CFS topics
Activities of the CSM in 2010/11
1.Development of policy messages and contribution to the agenda
of CFS
2.Facilitated participation in the Session of the CFS , Advisory
Group ,CFS Open Ended Working Groups(VG on land and GSF
,rai) CFS Task Teams on agricultural investment, gender and food
price volatility ,Negotiation on Voluntary Guidelines ,Training on
Organising Principles
The CSM is an inclusive space open to all civil society organizations, with
priority given to the organisations and movements of the people most
affected by food insecurity and malnutrition, i.e. smallholder producers,
fisherfolk, pastoralists,indegeneous,women,rural youth etc etc
The CSM is founded on the fact that the people most affected by food
insecurity and malnutrition must be the agents of their own
development, are best placed to represent their own interests and
views and are not only victims but also bearers of solutions.
The CSM respects pluralism, autonomy and self-organization and tries to
ensure a balance of gender, regions, constituencies and sectors.
The CSM presents common positions to policy makers where they
emerge and the range of different positions where there is no