Transcript March 23-27

March 23-27
Revising, Editing, and other fun activities!
Monday: Homophones - words that are pronounced the
same as another word, but differ in meaning and spelling.
Copy the following letter correctly on your own paper.
Deer Students,
Win you are righting something four my class, bee shore that you are using
the write homophones. Eye cannot tale you enough how unintelligent you
look win you use the wrong word. Their are know excuses four using the
wrong words cause you have the education too no better. Your smart
enough to no the differences butt you rush threw you’re work and mess up.
You’re concerned Teachers
Tuesday – Using yesterday’s corrected letter,
follow the directions below.
• Once the letter has been corrected, show the proof
of why you used their, there, or they’re.
• Underline the word, and then in parentheses show
your proof.
Their (our), There (here), They’re (they are)
Too (So, also) Two (3) To (not So or Also, not a number)
Wednesday: Fragments (play video)
After determining which part of the sentence is the
fragment, revise the sentence on your own paper so that it is
Thursday: Parallel Structure
Please click video
In sentences with Parallel Structure, one pair or series of words has the same
kind of pattern as another pair or series. Parallel Structure is used to show that
two or more ideas have equal importance.
Parallel Structure Examples
Correct structure:
● The goal of the survey was to determine how many people have dogs, what breeds they
have, and how often they visit dog parks.
● Alaysia likes horseback riding, ice skating, and journaling.
● We not only went to the museum but also played in the park.
Incorrect Structure:
● Yesterday we went to the museum, playing in the pool, and to the store.
● I like to ride my scooter, playing soccer, and watching movies with my friends.
● Someday I want to be a famous artist and running an animal shelter.
Parallel Structure
Friday: Idioms
Practice: Follow directions below and write what it asks for on your own