Transcript EQ:

EQ: How did the French and Indian
War lead to the American
What is a natural law?
What is a representative government?
What event put Great Britain in Debt and made them tax the
The American Revolution
After the French and Indian War, American
colonies prospered, but tension grew under
British rule
 Mercantile system allowed trade only with
Great Britain, Americans wanted to grow/sell
what they wished
 Many ignored laws and smuggled (illegal trade)
with French, Dutch and Spanish merchants.
• Taxes created conflict between
Britain and American colonistsParliament passed series of tax
laws to pay off debt from
French and Indian War
• Sugar Act,1764 Townsend Act,
1767 placed duties (taxes on
imports) on products coming
into the colonies
• Goods included sugar, coffee,
tea, wine, paper, glass and paint
• Stamp Act (1765) required all
printed paper used in colonies
bear a tax stamp purchased from
• Colonists strongly protested to
Parliament/ began to show discontent
• Sons of Liberty formed: boycotted
(refused to buy) taxed goods/
smuggled non-British goods to
• Parliament finally repealed unpopular
taxes/ anti-British attitude had already
British and American Ideas Clash
Many ideas of Americans were brought from Britain
Concept of consent of the governed -government should rule as long as
citizens consent (agree) to being governed
If people unhappy, or government can no longer protect them,
government looses right to govern. If it does not step down, people have
right to rebel
Related is representative government- people have right to elect persons
to represent them and make political decisions affect lives. They must
assemble in legislative bodies to make laws and set taxes.
Third idea is concept of limited government- power of government is
limited by “natural law”. Natural Law says people have natural rightsfrom God or nature- that government can’t take away. The most
basic are life, liberty, and property.
 American colonists had developed own ideas about self-government.
Meetings for local problems (building roads)-colonial legislature to
make laws on taxes and maintaining a militia (unit of citizen
 Americans came to believe that their own elected representatives
should pass laws and set taxes in the colonies
Resentment and Conflict
Americans opposed new laws
and taxes on the colonies
First, taxes violated colonists
rights to be taxed by own
Second, Americans lived as
British citizens, but often their
rights as British citizens were
ignoredPublic protests and violence
grew/ Britain sent troops to
enforce unpopular laws
Anger was greatest in
Northern colonies
attacked by a
crowd, as his troops
saved him, many of
the soldiers
panicked and
opened fire on the
crowd killing five
people. This added
to the anger of the
colonists and
became known as
the “Boston
The Final Straw
• Tea Act (1773)- gave one
British company a monopoly
(exclusive right) to sell tea to
• Tea popular drink-priced
cheaply, but colonists refused
to buy it. Colonists illegally
importing Dutch tea felt it would
threaten their business
• Night of December 16, 1773members of the Sons of Liberty
dumped several shiploads of
tea into the Boston harbor/other
ports tea was also dumped
• Parliament punished the colonies
and Massachusetts by
implementing harsh laws that
included: closing the port of
Boston harbor until the tea was
paid for/ not allowing people of
Massachusetts to elect their own
officials or hold town meetings/
required the people in all the
colonies to feed and house British
• Colonists called these “Intolerable
• Continental Congress with
delegates from all colonies but
Georgia meet and agree to boycott
all British goods
• British goods were burned, government
officials attacked or ran out of town,
persons loyal to Britain were openly
tarred and feathered
• Britain sent troops to control the
• April 19, 1775 Massachusetts
“minutemen” and British troops battled at
Lexington and Concord. It was “the shot
heard around the world”.
• New spread throughout the coloniesassemblies met and voted to raise
militias to defend themselves against the
• The war for American independence had