Reasons That the Colonies Went to War With England VS 5a

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Transcript Reasons That the Colonies Went to War With England VS 5a

Reasons That the Colonies Went to War
With England
VS 5a
The English Viewpoint
• The King ran England’s
• Parliament:
The legislative branch of
England’s government.
• Parliament believed that they
should run the government in
the colonies, and that the
colonists should have to pay
The Colonist Viewpoint
• There were 13 colonies at the
time of the Revolution.
• The Committees of
Correspondence allowed
communication between them.
• Colonists believed that they
should get to run their own
government, and that they
should not have to pay taxes to
Taxation in the Colonies
• Taxation
Money that people have to pay
to the government.
• The Stamp Act was put on the
colonies by Parliament and
taxed anything made on paper.
• Colonists boycotted, or
refused to buy, paper goods
from England.
• Colonists wanted to have a
say in the way the government
was run, or representation, if
they had to pay taxes.
Declaration of Independence
• Written by Thomas Jefferson.
• Said people should run their
own government, not the king.
• Said people should be able to
find “Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness”.
• Liberty:
Synonym for Freedom
Other Vocabulary to Know
An army made up of
volunteers that usually have
little or no military training.