Transcript Slide 1

Nationalism, Revolution, and
Africa, Asia, and Latin America
from 1919 to 1939
Chapter 23
The Rise of Nationalism
Modern Nationalism
New class of Westernized intellectuals
Admired Western culture
Resented foreigners and their contempt
for colonial people
Equality in economic opportunity and
social class lacking for western educated
New urban class
The Rise of Nationalism
Religion and Nationalism
Independence or modernization? The
Nationalist Quandary
Gradualist approach if the colonial
regime was a source of reform
If an impediment to change,
independence a priority
Incorporation of traditional way of life
Gandhi and the Indian National
First Indian nationalists were upper-class
and educated
Preferred reform to revolution
Efforts won some measure of selfgovernment
Indian National Congress, 1885
Sought self-determination for all Indians
Religion will be a problem
Gandhi and the Indian National
Congress cont.
 Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
Returned from South Africa in 1915
Satyagraha, non-violent resistance- ahimsa
Mahatma, Great Soul
Government of India Act, 1921
Salt March
 New Leaders and New Problems
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)
The Muslim League
Nationalist Revolt in the Middle East
 Mustapha Kemal and the Modernization of Turkey
Movement toward reform in Turkey
Young Turks
T.E. Lawrence
Encouraged Arab nationalists during World War I
Colonel Mustapha Kemal (1881-1938), Atatürk
Create a secular republic
Modernize the economy, written language, and
Broke the political power of the Islamic religion in
“I will execute the law”
Modernization in Iran
 Qajar dynasty (1794-1925)
Problems with Russian advances to the
Constitution granted in 1906
Influence of Russia and Great Britain
Oil discovered, 1908
 Reza Khan (1878-1944) seizes power in 1921
Wanted western style republic
Pahlavi dynasty
Changed the name of Persia to Iran
Western-style education
Rugs and oil
Nation-Building in Iraq
 Iraq emerged in aftermath
of Ottoman collapse
 Sunnis, Shi’ites, and Kurds
 Placed under British
control as a mandate of
the League of Nations in
 Resistance to British rule
 Discovery of oil
 Granted formal
independence in 1932
The Rise of Arab Nationalism and
the Problem of Palestine
 Wahhabi revolt
 Arabs declared their independence from
Ottoman rule in 1916
 Mandates of the League of Nations
Iraq and Jordan assigned to Britain
Syria and Lebanon assigned to France
 Palestine was a separate mandate
 Balfour Declaration, 1917
 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, created 1932
Ibn Saud
Discovery of oil
 Jewish immigration into Palestine
Nationalism and Revolution in Asia
and Africa
Marxism Outside of Europe
Marxism initially seen as irrelevant in
Asia and Africa
Marxist view of the colonial world
Lenin and anti-colonialism
Nationalist leaders did not want
egalitarian society
Nationalism and Revolution in Asia
and Africa cont.
 Lenin’s strategy:
Agents to spread out beyond Soviet Union;
Comintern, 1919
Train agents from around the world in Moscow
Rank and file of parties should be alienated
Adapt to local values and ally with other parties
Most colonial communist parties in 1930s
Appeal of Communism
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The Northern Expedition
Revolution in China
• Revolution in China
– Chinese Communist party (CCP), 1921
– General Yuan Shikai
•Wanted to return to traditional ways
– Guomindang (Nationalists) and revolution
• Mr. Science and Mr. Democracy: The New Culture
– New Culture Movement
– Aimed at abolishing the remnants of the old
system and introducing Western values and
institutions into China
Revolution in China cont.
– Introduce a mix of new ideas
– Protest against Japanese efforts to expand its
influence into the mainland
– Twenty-one demands by Japan in 1915
– China accepted the Versailles Peace Conference
• The Nationalist-Communist Alliance
– By 1920, central authority had collapsed in China
– Northern Expedition, 1926-1928
– Shanghai massacre, April 1927
– Mao Zedong
Nanjing Republic, 1928
 Chiang Kai-Shek formed new republic at Nanjing
 Attempt to put an end to the communists
 The Long March
 Chiang and political and economic reforms
 Poverty in the countryside
 Nanjing government preoccupied with bourgeois
values with few links with the peasants
 New Life movement
 Repressive government
 Little success in land reform or in industrial
“Down with Confucius and Sons”:
Economic, Social, and Cultural Change in
Republican China
Slow growth in the industrial sector
Assault on the old system by 1915,
especially the Confucian concepts of
the family and filial piety
Adoption of western culture
Does not penetrate villages and rural
Challenges in culture
Japan Between the Wars
 Experiment in Democracy
Introduction of democratic ideas
Genro (ruling oligarchy)
Expanded suffrage
Marxist labor movements and ultranationalists
 A Zaibatsu Economy
Manufacturing processes concentrated in a
single enterprise
Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda
Japan Between the Wars cont.
Shidehara Diplomacy
Need for raw materials and markets for
Washington Conference, 1922
Diplomatic and economic means to
achieve objectives
Need for resources for heavy industry
Growing feeling that the diplomacy of
the1920s had failed
Latin America in the First Half of
the Twentieth Century
The Latin America Economy and the
United States
Export of foodstuffs and raw materials
European investments declined due to
World War I
The United States’ investments and political
power grew
Feelings of hostility
Good Neighbor Policy
Impact of the Great Depression
The Move to Authoritarianism
Domination by an elite minority
Hipólito Irigoyen (1852-1933)
Military overthrows the monarchy
Getulio Vargas (1883-1954)
The Move to Authoritarianism cont.
Institutional Revolutionary Party
Lázaro Cárdenas (1895-1970)
Land redistribution
Seizes oil industry
Latin American Culture
Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
Famous Paintings by Diego
Discussion Questions
 What segments of colonial society led the
challenge to European imperialism? Why?
 What were the key elements of Gandhi’s strategy
of non-violent resistance to British rule?
 Compare and contrast the approaches of Chinese
Nationalists and Communists to the country’s
problems after World War I.
 What contributed to the entrenchment of
authoritarian governments throughout Latin
America in the 1930s?