Transcript memory

A huge problem
Eye witness testimony
 Witnesses are not always
right, even if they are certain
 Picking the wrong “rapist”
 How could this happen?
Memory Overview
Receives information from senses
 Puts that information into a usable form
 Organizes it as it is stored away
 Retrieves it when needed
Three Processes
Encoding – getting the info and
then transforming it into a form
that the brain can retain
 Storage – holding the info
 Retrieval – pulling it out
Three Models
Information-processing- way that information is
Levels of processing – how long and how intensely
we work with a memory determines how well we
retain and retrieve it
Parallel distributed processing – we remember
things in many different forms all at once, in
processing view
Short-term memory
Temporary storage of information you have just
Lasts for about 20-30 seconds, unless rehearsed
Holds 7 (plus or minus 2) items, like a crowded
elevator holds passengers
Can be effectively extended by memorizing
information in chunks – meaningful units
Maintenance rehearsal – repeating the same thing
over and over
Long-term memory
Unlimited capacity
Lasts (usually) as long as you do
Weakened by interference
Also vulnerable to loss of retrieval cues
Usually located in the frontal lobes
Meaningful, distinctive material goes in quickly
Sensory memory
The first stage of memory
A very brief representation of all stimuli present to
This is what we see briefly around us, we need to
put into short or long term to retain it
Selective attention will transfer this information into
short term memory
Echoic memory
Brief memory that someone said something
This helps us have meaningful conversations
Helps us remember what a person said to be able
to continue the discussion
Retroactive interference
Retroactive interference – work with new material
makes old material harder to remember
Final exams. Going back to an old phone, previous
The crucial focus
“How does this information apply to
some experience in my own life?”
 Make it your own and it will be yours
 Also known as elaborative rehearsal
Long-term memory
To improve our memory we must improve the way
we store information
Just repeating things, over and over again, will not
help us remember them
We must process (work with) them deeply, by
focusing on meaning
Procedural memories
Memory of skills, procedures, habits, even
conditioned responses
There are plenty of things that we can easily do,
but have great difficulty describing
Very hard to “forget”
Riding a bike, typing, tying a tie, etc.
Tested patients with Alzheimer's showed no loss of
memory of these skills
Declarative memory
General facts and personal information
Long term memory
Conscious and known
More memory types
Semantic – memory of general principles
 Information
learned through education
Episodic – memory of specific events
 Specific
to you, events of your day..
Encoding specificity
Associations formed while learning are the most
effective retrieval cues
This classroom
This time of day
Same chair
Same people
Where were you?
President Kennedy’s
The Challenger explosion
But research conducted
in the wake 9/11, show that
even these memories decay